The Dark World (book 2)

By the_a_initiative

33.1K 1.4K 990

ONGOING (book #2) Tessa Stark has defeated S.H.I.E.L.D. after their attempt to murder her. She's left everyo... More

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1.4K 71 92
By the_a_initiative

QOTC: What is your zodiac sign? I'm a Scorpio

* * * * *

Unknown P.O.V.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW what really happened?

The beginning was a lie.

Someone, something, was missing.

Or someone failed to mention it.

Something has been a lie.

Or, in their defense, the truth has been withheld.

They don't know if someone knows they were lying, but they could honestly care less: it's not a big deal.

Only one person isn't allowed to know.

Her name is Tessa Stark.

The beginning of time, is important: remember.

Time and nature.

Now...would you like to know the truth?

Here's how the war actually went:

* * *

"How is everything going on Asgard, Bor? The wife treating you well, I suppose?"

Bor viciously glared at her.

"You know full well why I'm here, Edna. You promised me something."

Edna jumped down from her spot on the ceiling before standing directly in front of Bor.

"Maybe if you unbanished me, I could help."

"You know I can't do that. I don't need you; I need your army."

Edna smirked before levitating back into the air, leaning her head on her folded arms. She laid on her stomach before raising an eyebrow at him.

She groaned. "Ugh, difficult choices... Now, explain to me, again, why did your family banish me?" Edna sweetly asked.

Bor glared at her.

"My father told me the same thing his father had: Mother Nature is never allowed out of Natemheim-"

"Are you scared of what I can do?" She flipped over onto her back as she stared through the giant glass windows the ceiling held.

She watched as leaves brushed against them and the sound of wind was hitting against the windows.

Might be a tornado.


"You are scared that I can rule Asgard. You're scared that I'm more powerful than you. But, come on, I get it. I'm way cooler than you. The sacrifice took a lot for me to be banished here, but may I say that your grandfather was definitely charming, and that it is quite a shame that he has passed. I can't quite remember why or how he died... would you tell me again?"

"My father and grandfather died keeping you here on this realm! I will make sure of it that you stay here, and that this place will NEVER be heard of!" Bor yelled.

Edna flipped back over on her stomach. "Ooh, I must've hit a nerve."

Bor immediately reached out and caught her by the throat.

Edna's body immediately stopped levitating as she was pulled down to be pushed up against a pillar.

"Are you going to lend me your army or not?!"

Edna pursed her lips together before waving her hand.

Bor was immediately thrown away from her and was smashed against the pillar directly in front of Edna.

"Don't touch me. Please. I have this thing against germs." Edna giggled.

She really didn't.

Bor struggled to his feet.

"Do you even know what we're fighting for?"

Edna shrugged. "No but I could care less-"

"We're fighting against Malekith. He's one of the Dark Elves-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know who Malekith is, get on with it."

Bor rolled his eyes.

"You know that the Convergence approaches?"

Edna stared at him. "I am well aware."

"He has the Aether. He plans to unleash it, but I fear his army may be stronger. I need your help. Please. This is all I ask of you."

She bit the inside of her lip.

"On one condition."

"It will depend on your condition, but go ahead."

"I want to leave this realm. I don't care if it is right now, or thousands of years from now. I am sick and tired of this place already. I also want to know why your forefathers put people here with me. I don't like people, they know that. Maybe they did it just to spite m-"

Bor interrupted, "If we win the war, and when Malekith is destroyed, then I have no problem."

Edna smirked.

"Are we doing the blood bond?"

"I suppose we can."

Edna reached out her hand and a small knife appeared.

She reached for Bor's hand before slicing his palm open. Edna sliced her own open as well.

"I swear that once this war is over, and Malekith is dead, then you will be able to leave this wretched world. You will be free of your banishment. Forever."

Edna smiled.

"I swear that I will lend you my army for this war tonight. We will destroy the Dark Elves. They will perish tonight by the hands of us."

Edna gripped Bor's hand and they shook once.

* * *

Bor did let Edna go to the Dark World for the war. He had left immediately to make sure his army was ready.

Once they were, Bor sent a few rows of soldiers to the BiFrost to be sent to the Dark World.

After a few moments, Bor saw red clouds moving across the sky quickly.

"Proceed!" He yelled.

The BiFrost opened and the soldiers were sent away. Bor waited a few moments before he turned around to be greated with Edna in her full body armor.

"It's been a while since I've worn this," Edna whined, "It's too big."

Bor stared at her young face before rolling his eyes.

"I personally think you are too young to be coming along in this war-"

"Hey, okay, I'm like... seven thousand years old, so... screw off..."

"But you look like you're fifeteen."

Edna shrugged. "Whatever. When are we leaving?"


* * *

Malekith watched above him as his ship opened up to reveal the ten realms converging above him.

"Malekith," a Dark Elf greeted as Malekith approached him. "Asgard and Natenheim's forces are now upon us."

Both of the Dark Elves watched as the BiFrost, holding Bor and Edna, smashed against the ground, throwing a few Dark Elves to the ground.

Dozens of guards, both from Natemheim and Asgard, ran out of the BiFrost, attacking the elves around them.

Bor came out first.

He held his staff in both of his hands before killing a few Dark Elves.

Then Edna came out.

She jumped high in the air, with a giant smile on her face, before smashing her hands on the ground.

Immediately, dozens and dozens of Dark Elves fell, and the guards took this as their chance to kill them.

Bor kept his balance as he quickly turned around to be met with an ecstatic Edna.

"I haven't been able to do that in years," she breathed out.

Bor just rolled his eyes.

"Send in the Kursed!" Malekith seethed before walking towards the Aether.

Up on a hill, a Dark Elf crushed something into his hand before his blood began to boil and turn a bright red.

Edna was the only one who saw.

The whole world seemed to stop around her as she tilted her head and slightly gaped in confusion.

The man began to run down the hill, ready to attack the guards, but Edna reached out her hand and her own staff had appeared.

Hers was black and was radiating with power.

She jumped high in the air once more before she landed directly in front of the Kursed.

He growled at her before she wiped at her dirty and grimy face.
"I'm going to have fun killing you."

The Kursed roared before stampeding towards her, but she side stepped out of the way.

She twirled her staff in her hand before stabbing the Kursed in the back.

A small part of his back began to disintegrate before Edna, and she smiled.

This one will be easy.

The Kursed roared again before quickly spinning and hitting Edna, making her fly a few hundred feet away from the commencing war.

She caught herself before she fell, her hands and feet scratching the ground so she could find a grip.

Once she did, she noticed the Kursed was running towards her.

Edna reached out her hand again and her staff appeared.

She jumped to her feet before sprinting towards the Kursed, her staff outstreched in front of her.

Before he knew what she was doing, she plunged the blade through his heart. The staff broke through the armor and through its skin, immediately burning both his armor and skin.

She pushed until she noticed it was sticking out of his back.

Edna yanked it out as she watched him fall to the ground, turning into nothing but a pile of ashes.

Malekith watched as the Kursed crumbled to the ground.

Suddenly, Malekith shook his head and looked up at the worlds converging above his head.

He quickly turned around and sped toward the Aether. The two rocks immeditely spreading apart to reveal it.

Malekith outstretched his hand towards it, but before he could touch it, a bright flash blinded his eyes for a few moments and threw him back against a rock.

He watched three Natenheim guards run out of the BiFrost.

Malekith pulled out two knives as he ran towards the guards.

He quickly killed them both before returning his attention towards the Aether.

Malekith ran towards it, but the BiFrost was gone.

Asgard and Natenheim had ripped the weapon from his grasp.

Malekith shook in anger as he looked at to the sky. He heard the shouts and screams of the enemies before watching the war commence below.

He watched the a few Dark Elves die before he looked over at his flying ships.

The brightly lit core of the ships turned off, and the ships started to fall and crumble against the ground.

"Their deaths will mean our survival." Malekith said before stalking towards one last ship behind him.

The Dark Elf next to him nodded as he followed Malekith onto the ship.

"This war is far from over." Malekith seethed.

Bor stood in the middle of the rubble of bodies, looking at the different contrast of armor the guards wore.

He heard Edna walk up behind him as she twirled her staff. "So, I will be taking my time on Earth. I will be eating what people know of as 'omelettes'-"

Bor glared behind him at her.

"What? You said after this war and Malekith's death, I can leave!"

"Malekith did not die and there are still Dark Elves that remain alive. That was not my part of my promise." Bor told her.

Edna shook with anger.

"You promised that I could leave! You said that! You promised me!"

Bor shook his head.

"You lent me your soldiers tonight and I thank you for that. That was your part of the deal. The Dark Elves were destroyed. But, Malekith is alive, and I do not know when he will return, so therefore I cannot fulfill my side of the oath."

Edna started to cry. "Please don't send me b-back! Please, I beg of you!"

She fell to the ground and cried.

Bor pityed her, but knew he couldn't change his forefathers

They died making sure Edna would stay on Natenheim for the rest of her time.

So he couldn't let her leave easily.

"I'm sorry I have to do this. Know that," Bor told her before holding his staff right in front of her shaking head.

Edna stopped shaking as she slowly looked up at Bor.

Streams of tears had washed off parts of her grimy cheeks and her eyes were bloodshot.

"I will destroy you one day." Edna promised through her tears.

Her lip was quivering as Bor's staff started to shine brightly, and in an instant, Edna was gone.

* * *

That was what really happened.

I thought you'd like to know.

I know I'm happy I know.


You want to know who I am?

That's not important.

All you need to know is that I exist. I am a being.

I am not inside your mind, telling you this right now.

Or am I?

Nah, I'm just kidding.

I will tell you something though.

I do know Tessa.

I know Tessa Stark.

I have not spoken with her before, but I know that when, if, I do, the time will still not be right.

She's not far along in her new journey.

Besides, I just don't feel like telling her.

I'm too lazy.

There really isn't a reason because it wouldn't matter if she knew or not, she just can't know right now.

You may want to know something though.

I can look into the past. I have tried looking into the future.

And the future is not pretty for Tessa Stark.

* * * * *

So, this is a lot shorter than I intended it to be.

But, like I said in the first chapter, that needed to be there for this to happen.

But tbh I really love young Edna like seriously. I don't think I wrote her as well as I would've liked to, but just know that she isn't the bad guy. XD

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know I enjoyed writing this.

WRITTEN: 2-19-16, 2-20-16



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