From Beta's Sister to Alpha's...

By WritingMyPassion

2.3M 31.5K 2.6K

***This is an R-rated story, there are sexual situations and if you are not comfortable with that please proc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

173K 3K 812
By WritingMyPassion


I was standing over the graves of my father and the Beta. The two holes were dug and the caskets set beside them. My hands were clenched into fists and my jaw tight. I wanted to run away from here and go kick some vampire ass. That's all that was running through my mind. I couldn't take this sorrow and morning anymore. I didn't want to be sad anymore . . . I just wanted to be angry. Fuck my Dad and the Beta for leaving like this. Fuck them for throwing this responsibility on me. I wasn't ready for all of this bull shit.

No one was for sure, though, this is not what my father or Dean, the Beta, would have wanted. No, they would have wanted action . . . revenge, but instead we were holding a funeral and wasting precious time. The vampires wouldn't expect an attack so quickly. We needed to act now!

I heard the engine of a truck pull up.

Finally, the Bitch decides to grace us with her presence! Who the fuck does she think she is making me wait . . . make us all wait.

Tristan must have read me like a book because he squeezed my shoulder and I turned and glared at him, "Don't be so harsh. She's morning too."

"Whatever," I growled harshly, but I knew he was right. All I could feel right now was anger. It wasn't directed at anyone in particular. Just when I decided to tear my eyes from the graves the truck engine cut off.

I looked over to the vehicle to distract myself. Elena walked away from the truck joining the crowd, but I wasn't watching her.

Tristan had been talking about the Beta female like she was a precious jewel. Apparently in the half of the pack that she came from – over in North Carolina – she was like the acting Luna as the Beta had been the acting Alpha. So maybe he was a little biased in judging her. Either way, I wanted to see her for myself.

The wolf that drove opened the door and she stepped out.

I had to seriously struggle to keep my jaw from dropping. I will admit that it loosened quite a bit but did not drop. Under any other circumstances, it would have.

She was beautiful. Tristan had moved from my side and was now standing next to her. She was standing on the other side of the graves from me looking down at them.

People were whispering about her. Some males made some rude comments and I slightly growled, but I couldn't help myself. Even though it pissed me off that they were voicing their thoughts at a fucking funeral, I couldn't blame them. I was thinking the same things.

She had legs a mile long, curves in all the right places and healthy long dark brown slightly curly hair. Her dress did nothing to help either. It fit her so tight . . . my mind was racing with different scenarios where I was ripping it off. I tried to rein in the shutter of pleasure that shot through me. What is going on with me? I never have issues controlling myself!

Looking like that and being the highest ranking female in her pack . . . there was no way she didn't already have a mate.

Oh God, I was considering mating with a girl I was checking out over her father's grave . . . and my father's! This is definitely a new low!

I tore my eyes from her and glared back at the graves as they began to fill them in. I felt sick. My mind was racing and I couldn't sort out all the emotions rushing through my body. Rage, pleasure, hate, longing, revenge, passion . . . I felt so conflicted. I couldn't choose between wanting to comfort the Beta and wanting to wipe vampires off the face of this earth.

I watched them set the headstones wanting nothing put to pick them up and chuck them into the water. Fuck formalities and this whole process. Funerals were for the dead. They were for closure for the living . . . the only closure I wanted was fucking revenge

"No," The single whimper ripped through the silent air.

My head snapped up in time to see the Beta female start to collapse. I took a step forward, but Tristan already had his arms around her.

I instantly became jealous and another growl rumbled through my chest.

"He's gone," She gripped his waist.

This sent my body into a frenzy. I was seriously more wolf than human right now. My inability to control myself was seriously pissing me off. She didn't need Tristan to comfort her . . . I could take care of her . . . I would take care of her . . . What the fuck!

"I'm so sorry, baby girl," He mumbled into her hair holding her tightly. I fought my wolf off. I was going to drive myself crazy. Get your shit together, Dumbass!

She sniffled and turned her head looking at the grave. All I wanted was to comfort her and hold her. It was stronger now that I had actually met her . . . well now that I've seen her.

She slightly stepped back from Tristan and my body relaxed a great measure. She looked up at him and I was hoping it was in a brotherly-sisterly kind of way because it sure as hell looked intimate.

She sighed and wiped my tears from her cheeks. I wanted to wipe away her tears. Touch her soft cheeks. Press my lips to her smooth skin, "I am going to say goodbye and then can we leave?" She sighed to Tristan.

He nodded silently and she turned away from him and walked up in-between the heads stones and slowly kneeled between them. I watched her intently restraining myself from going up to her. The way she looked at my father's headstone it was almost like she'd known him. How? I had never met her before. I had met her brother, but not her. I was sure of it.

She placed a single black rose on each headstone. I was shocked. Where did she get a black rose? They are rare and only grew on a Lycan's grave. I instantly knew this wasn't the first close relative she lost, but it was the one that hurt the most.

Tristan stepped up behind her as she kissed her fingertips and traced her father's name. I growled and he looked up at me shocked. When he saw me turn my glare from him to her and my face soften his expression changed. He looked down at her sad. She looked so broken and hurt. He closed his eyes and slightly shook his head.

She stood and stepped up to him placing her hands on his chest. He didn't react. He stayed still. I wondered if he realized how I was feeling towards her. He always could read me like a book. He was the only one.

"Are you okay?" Her voice sounded weak from the crying. It almost made me cringe. I could only imagine how beautiful her real voice was. Probably sounded like angels singing.

He sighed and nodded and then opened his eyes and kissed her forehead and then wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her to his truck. He helped her in and they drove off back to the house.

My body finally relaxed. I needed to get to her. I needed to hold her. I needed her to be mine and mine alone.

I growled. What the hell is wrong with me?

I shook my head and took one last look at the graves and then I got on my motorcycle and sped back to the house.

About 15 minutes after being back I had lost my patience. I needed to see her again. I forgot what room she was in, though. I wasn't really listening when Tristan told me the first time.

Maybe if I just went to see Tristan and asked how she was . . . no, that wouldn't help. Seeing the longing in his eyes as he talked about her so lovingly . . . no that would send me off the edge.

"Dude, did you see the Beta's daughter at the funeral?" I heard a male – who I recognized as the 17-year-old Jack - say as I passed the lounge. I stopped, out of site, to listen.

"Jack, that's just wrong," Riley replied. He was 23.

"Still," Jack pushed.

"Okay, I'll admit she probably could have worn something a little less . . . flattering," Ethan – 18 - said huskily.

I slightly growled and stepped into the doorway.

"Derek," Jack said shocked his face turning guilty.

"Where is Tristan?" I growled.

"Umm, I think he was last seen on the east side of the third floor," Riley replied.

"Stop talking about the Beta female like she is a fucking piece of meat. She's just lost her father," I growled at them and then I turned and walked out of the lounge and up to the third floor. I was walking down to the east side of the third floor when I realized I still had no idea what room she could be in . . . They could be in. I caught her scent, but it wasn't strong enough to figure out the exact room.

Most of the doors were open and the once that weren't I knew whose room it was.

What the hell was he doing all the way down here?

I sighed when I got to the last door in the hall. I opened it without knocking.

God damn it I wish I had, though.

"Kendra, please," Tristan said somewhere between a growl and a moan. I looked and saw him standing there with the Beta female. She was only in lacy underwear and her hands were on her hips.

"Tristan," she complained.

"What the fuck?" I growled when really I wanted to go in there, rip Tristan's head off and take the Beta for myself.

"Shit, Derek," He said shocked and pulled out of the Beta's grasp.

"What the hell?" She snapped grabbing a blanket from the bed and covering herself with it. It pissed me off to see her cover herself from me, but I was glad she was hidden from Tristan's eyes

"Derek, listen . . ." Tristan stepped up to me.

"What the hell is going on?" I growled.

The Beta looked from Tristan to me shocked and confused.

Tristan shook his head, "Derek, I was just . . ."

"Wait, Derek?" The Beta looked from Tristan back to me, "You're the Alpha?"

"Kendra," Tristan warned.

Her tone was almost mocking. Sadly, it turned me on that she was feisty, not pissed me off like it should have. No one should disrespect their Alpha like that . . . I would have to punish her.

"Derek," Tristan called my attention back to him, "I'm sorry . . . I . . ."

"Why are you apologizing?" The Beta female – Kendra as Tristan had called her – huffed looking at Tristan, "We were doing nothing wrong. He has no reason to be mad."

Why can't I just take her here and now? I wanted her so bad.

"You're mated," I stated trying not to let the disappointment show in my voice too much.

"No," Tristan stepped towards me, "No, were not, Derek."

"No, of course not! " Kendra sighed running her hand through her hair. "I don't see why that's your business?"

"Kendra," Tristan complained.

"I'm guessing you are fine then?" I said trying not to let my smirk appear on my face.

"Not exactly," She let out a breath and saw how bloodshot her eyes were. I was right, though . . . Her real voice was beautiful. Her sorrow filled eyes looked to Tristan in a pleading way.

This pissed me off again. Tristan was running his hands through his hair and glaring at the ground.

"Tristan, do you mind giving me and the Beta some privacy," I said between clenched teeth.

Did I come here looking for Tristan or Kendra? I didn't remember anymore, but I was here for the Beta now.

"Her name is Kendra," He said nervously, hesitating.

"Fine, can you give me and Kendra some privacy?" I looked over to her to see a shiver run through her body. Did I scare her? I met her eyes . . . no, no that wasn't fear . . . that was . . . Lust?

Tristan nodded to me and walked out into the hallway.

I watched him walk out and close the door and then turned to the Beta . . . Kendra.

She was standing in the middle of the room clutching the blanket to her chest.

"Alpha," She breathed refusing to meet my eyes.

I took a few steps closing the far space in between us. I was only about a foot away now and her breath hitched at my movements. Her eyes snapped up to meet mine.

"Call me Derek," I offered, but in my mind, I was pleading. I wanted to hear my name in her sweet tone . . . to see her full lips form my name.

"Derek," She breathed her breathing uneven.

I let out a slow breath as my eyes went to her lips. "You . . ." I tried to speak but my thoughts were incomprehensible so I took another deep breath take in her sweet earthy scent. "Is there anything I can get for you, Kendra?" I asked. I had to clench my fist to stop from reaching out and cupping her cheek or touching her arm or taking her in my arms. I wanted so badly to comfort her, but I knew even the smallest physical touch would set me off.

"I don't know . . ." She breathed and then shook her head stepping away from me. "Maybe I should just be alone for a while." Her breathing caught and I could tell she was crying again.

I took another step towards her, "Don't . . ." She turned to face me, "don't worry, I'll be fine . . . I just need time . . ." Something registered in her eyes and she shook her head again.

"Of course . . . If you need anything you can come to me," I assured her.

"Tristan can take care of me," She tried to assure me.

I bit into my cheek, but a low growl still rolled through my chest. She looked up at me shocked, "Come to me for anything you need," I said more of as a demand this time. "Anything."

"O-okay," She nodded shock filling her tear soaked eyes.

I huffed out a breath and nodded to her and then turned and walked out.

I didn't really breath until I was back in the hallway and closed the door behind me. Some tension left my muscles until I saw my right-hand man leaning against the wall next to the door. I still wanted to punish him for having his hands on her, but I knew I had no real reason to so I took a few deep breaths and started walking down the hallway.

"Derek, what is up with you?" Tristan quickly pushed off the wall and followed me, "The way you keep looking at her . . . It's almost as if . . ."

"As if she's my mate," I growled not looking back at him.

"You're not serious," Tristan gasped.

"And why would I joke around with this?" I turned on him.

"Derek, I am not questioning you I just . . . You can't just mark her. She is stubborn as hell sure, but much worse is her brother . . . your Beta! The guy is exactly like his father . . . every bit as invested in family values. If you mark her without him . . ."

"You were going to fuck her in there . . . Were you going to tell her brother about that?" I snapped.

"Derek, I was not going to fuck her," Tristan rolled his eyes, the blatant disrespect caused my muscles to clench and my fists to tighten. Tristan noticed, "Sorry," He looked away not meeting my eyes.

"If you weren't going to fuck her then why in the hell was she just in her underwear?" I demanded. Damn, that underwear . . . Shit! Focus!

"She . . ." He took a deep breath, "She was throwing herself at me . . . she wanted a distraction . . . I tried to tell her it wasn't a good idea but she wouldn't listen. I just wanted to comfort her. She's like family . . ."

I scoffed cutting him off, "Some kind of family . . ."

"Seriously, Derek, she not just some ordinary girl. There is no hit it and quit it with her. If you think she is your mate you better damn well be sure before you mark her . . . She is going to give you one hell of a time too."

"You think I am not sure about who is my mate?" I growled and he flinched.

"Derek," Tristan sighed.

"She is my mate and she will be mine . . . mine and no one else's," I threatened him and then turned and continued to walk down the hall and downstairs.


"Tristan, please," I begged when he pushed me away again.

"Kendra, please," He groaned and pushed my hips. I could tell his resolve was breaking.

"Tristan," I continued my hands going to my hips annoyed.

"What the fuck?" a growl tore through the room.

I gasped and grabbed a blanket to cover myself with.

"Shit, Derek," Tristan turned to the man standing in the doorway.

Derek . . . why is that name so familiar?! I looked at the man standing in the doorway and my body instantly began to heat up. It was him! The guy from the funeral. He looked even angrier than before . . . If that was even possible. He was looking at Tristan like he would kill him in a second.

I wasn't sure if I was scared or turned on . . . These conflicting feelings were going to drive me insane. I looked to Tristan and to the man . . . is there something between them I am missing.

Tristan shook his head looking so nervous, "Derek, I was just . . ."

Derek . . . shit! The Alpha! "Wait, Derek?" this incredibly hot asshole was the Alpha? The one who just lost his father today? "You're the Alpha?" I nearly scoffed . . . why was he acting like such a dick? Why was that turning me on?

"Kendra," Tristan scolded looking back at me. The disrespect in my tone was completely unacceptable. So why was the only thing in the Alpha's eyes amusement? His eyes shockingly enough stay on my face taking in my shocked and annoyed expression.

"Derek," His eyes turned back to Tristan, "I'm sorry . . . I . . ." He stumbled over his words.

I turned to him shocked, "Why are you apologizing?" What the hell did he owe the Alpha that he could control who he did and did not sleep with? "We were doing nothing wrong. He has no reason to be mad," I turned my slight glare at him. Why was I trying to push him to anger? My attitude would get to him soon . . . It had to. An Alpha did not take this kind of disrespect.

But again his eyes filled with amusement and he smirked as his eyes began to wander down my body. I tried to ignore the heat this caused on my skin or the wetness it caused between my thighs, but I couldn't. I held my stance refusing to squirm.

Suddenly realization crossed his face and his amusement faded to disappointment, "You're mated." He stated. Not a question.

"No, no we're not, Derek," Tristan instantly responded.

"No, of course not!" I gasped. I don't know why I was so disgusted with the idea . . . It's not like Tristan is a bad guy . . . Wait, why does he even care? "I don't see why that's your business," I sneered . . . damn, I am asking to get my ass kicked, but this actually felt kind of good . . . like my old self.

"Kendra," Tristan warned again looking at me like I was insane. Maybe I was . . . I felt like I was going insane recently, with all these . . . feelings.

"I'm guessing you are fine then?" The Alpha clearly tried to fight the smirk off his face but failed.

And with that the weight of what happened today returned to my shoulders crushing me "Not exactly," I turned and looked at Tristan, hoping . . . pleading he understood my action from earlier and hoping he did not think low of me because I came on to him.

There was a low rumbled and my head snapped back to the Alpha, but he was glaring at Tristan. Tristan was glaring at the floor, probably hoping it would give out so he could get out of this situation.

"Tristan, do you mind giving me and the Beta some privacy," He slightly growled. The Beta . . . I am not the Beta, my brother is . . . My father was . . . not me.

"Her name is Kendra," Tristan hesitantly corrected his Alpha hardly looking at him.

"Fine, can you give me and Kendra some privacy?" He sighed.

Fuck . . . The way my name rolled off his tongue, his smooth deep voice washed over me. It sent shivers through my body. Holy hell . . .

Without another word Tristan nodded and walked out into the hallway closing the door.

I held tighter to the thin blanket that was my only cover from the intimidating, sexy man in front of me.

"Alpha," I tried to calmly acknowledge him, but my voice hitched and I could have cursed myself for being so weak under his stare.

He quickly took a few steps closing the far space in between us and I sucked in a breath shocked when he was suddenly standing right in front of me.

I refused to give in and step back away from him so I held my ground.

"Call me Derek," He said calmly, but there was something in his eyes . . . a craving almost as he watched my lips.

"Derek," I breathed slowly willing it to not catch in my throat. Without Tristan in the room, there was an apparent tension in between the Alpha . . . Derek and I and I couldn't figure out what it was. But I was not going to allow him to dominate the space. I am more than some girl he could dominate and push around.

It was hard to fight the power that he was radiating . . . I could tell though he had relaxed . . . significantly since Tristan left the room. Was he threatened by Tristan? Jealous?

Why do I want that to be true?

"You . . ." He started and then stopped looking back up to my eyes. So I was affecting him just as much. Good. "Is there anything I can get for you, Kendra?" He finally sighed.

I fought wanting to close my eyes at the sound of my name on his tongue. God, I wanted more than just my name on his tongue . . . Wow, what the fuck is going on?!

I mentally shook myself and replied "I don't know . . . Maybe is should just be alone for a while." The irony was not lost on me that I was now taking Tristan's advice after the Alpha stepped in. Tristan was right . . . It still hadn't registered fully that my Dad was gone . . . My Dad is gone.

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes and I quickly turned away from the Alpha . . . God, I am so weak!

He took another step towards me, but I stopped him by turning back to face him.

"Don't . . ." I wanted to say don't leave me, but I stopped myself and finished more appropriately, "don't worry, I'll be fine . . . I just need time . . ." with you!

Then it hit me . . . This man could be my mate . . . No, he would have marked me by now. I shook my head at myself.

"Of course . . . If you need anything you can come to me," Derek offered kindly . . . God, how badly I wanted him to reach out and take me into his arms. I never felt this way before . . . I never wanted to be comforted by anyone, but my dad

"Tristan can take care of me," I shot back trying to brush his offer of as nothing more than a courtesy.

A low growl rumbled off of him. I gasped and looked up at him. "Come to me for anything you need," This was a demand, plain and simple. He really did not want me around Tristan, "Anything." He emphasized

Shocked by the sincerity of it I breathed out "O-okay," and met his eyes.

He nodded, let out a puff of breath, and then turned and walked out the door quietly closing it behind him.

I stumbled over and sat at the end of the bed.

My whole body was on edge. My head hurt from crying, my heart continued to pump pain through my veins and my body was sore from the tension of not only my sorrow but from being in the same room as the Alpha . . . God, I just wanted to be home . . .

I sighed and shook my head and then walked off to the bathroom attached to the bedroom. I got in and took a hot shower hoping it would warm the tension from my body.

I didn't know exactly what was going on, but I knew next time I was in the same room as that man I would no longer be able to contain myself . . . the longing to touch him was absolutely ridiculous, but still, it was there. And it would not go away until satisfied.

After taking a shower and getting dressed in comfy shorts and my favorite gray hoodie I curled up back on the bed.

Wolves don't mourn for extended periods of time. It's not their style. They spent a day to morn and then their next step is to retaliate and get vengeance for the lost pack member. That meant more to the wolves than just sitting around and crying.

And that is why I couldn't leave my room in the pathetic, miserable state I was in.

I hugged the pillow close to my body using it as the only form of comfort I could find.

The females will mourn their mates, but that's about it. We were expected to go back to normal; attack . . . not sit back. I hated that I had to hide all of my emotion, but there was no way people were still morning. Even if their Alpha did die . . . and their Beta.

They had a new Beta . . . a new Alpha. An amazingly hot, pissed off Alpha, but an Alpha at that.

And when I say amazingly hot I am not kidding around. I should have figured the man standing across the graves from me was the Alpha. No one standing around him and the revenge that was in his eyes . . .

A shiver went through my body . . . a shiver of pleasure. What was it about him?

I am still not sure if he was mad at Tristan for fooling around with me or mad at me for taking his best friend away from him for any extended amount of time.

When I thought about it being the first one I got chills down my spine. Again. Tristan had said that Derek would be pissed at him. Did he mean that Derek wanted me himself?

Okay, he is really hot and he's Alpha – and that definitely comes with perks – but do I honestly want a mate now. I was only 18 . . . and still grieving for my father.

But he was too.

He didn't seem like it, though! He just seemed pissed . . . and amused.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Why didn't he get pissed when I snapped at him? He should have gone off on me, but he didn't. In fact, my feistiness seemed to turn him on . . .

But still, when Tristan left the room I saw the pain return to his eyes. Pain and concern. I wanted to go to him. Tell him that it would be okay . . . that we would get those vampires for what they did to our fathers. That was just weird, though. I hardly knew him. And of course, he was attracted to me. Most male wolves were . . . I was used to that. But I still had this nagging feeling it was more than that.

And I think that is because I was not so used to being attracted to them. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted another wolf before and it was making me angry. I had to get my mind off him.

For now, the past days finally caught up with me. Exhaustion took over me and my eyes slowly drooped low and my mind faded away as I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I could feel my face was swollen for crying. That annoyed me. It felt like it had been forever since that morning I woke up and heard the terrible news. It was only a day ago . . . how?

I just wanted to stay in my bed. I wanted to laying under the covers and stay hidden from the world for just a little while longer, or maybe a month . . . but that is not why I am here. I am here to represent my father's part of the pack. I am here to be a part of the pack, to mourn with the pack and to enact revenge with the pack.

But I didn't want to.

I rolled out of bed slowly and stumbled over to the bathroom. I was thankful for the in-suit so I could clean myself up and look presentable before going out a facing the pack. I didn't want to go face these strangers. They didn't know me and I didn't know them. But I did know that I was bound to deal with guys, which was promising. I could use them in the way Tristan refused to allow me to use him.

I mean, use is such a terrible word, but all of those guys use girls all the time just to get off. My reason is much more justified than that. I just need a distraction from all this. I do not want to cry again. I am over crying.

Well, not really. I decided as my eyes began to shine with tears again as I tried to wash my face. I used the washcloth to wipe away the tears and then continued to wash my face. I brushed out my hair and then pulled it back into a nice up high bun. I put on a little bit of make-up, just to cover the redness of my face. I then grabbed shorts and a simple tank-top as I could feel the heat coming in from my open window.

I put on some flip-flops and then looked at myself in the mirror. I really could just stay in here.

Who would notice really?

The Alpha might notice. "Derek," I sighed. I like the way his name sounded rolling off my tongue. I was confused as I saw my reflection give a small smile back to me. Apparently, I liked his name more than I realized.

As I was pondering this, there was a small knock on my door.

I sighed one last time before walking over to the door and opening it.

"Tristan," I gasped. "I am so sorry . . ."

"No, don't apologize. I fully understand where you were coming from yesterday. I just want you to understand why I couldn't do what you wanted me to," He responded, pulling me into a hug. "I knew you would regret it in the long run, plus. I'm not exactly single."

"What?" I pulled away smiling up at him.

"There is this girl. I really like her but . . . she, well, she is kind of into this other guy too. It's complicated," He shrugged.

"She sounds like a bitch," I sneered.

"Don't judge, Kendra, it's nothing you haven't done before," He rolled his eyes.

I shrugged, "True, but still. You're too sweet to deal with that."

"Thanks, baby girl, maybe you should tell her that," He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I could . . ."

"I'm kidding," He laughed pulling me out of the door and closing it behind me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Well," He pulled his arm back from around me. "Umm . . . Derek wanted to speak with you," He looked at me out of the corner of my eye.

"Derek?" I said his name, not because I was questioning who he was, but because I just wanted to say it again.

"Yeah, I am not quite sure what it is about but . . ."

"What if I don't want to talk to him, Tristan?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Did you think of that?" I asked as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Well, Kendra, he's your Alpha," Tristan spoke as if he was speaking to a child. Maybe I did need to be treated like a child right now . . . I don't know, but I was not ready to face the Alpha and these feelings I got when I thought about him.

"Was it a command?" I pushed as we walked through the house, I am assuming towards the Alpha's office.

"Uhh . . . well . . . I don't think so, but Kendra . . ."

"Well, then I don't have to do shit," I snapped, not meaning to snap at Tristan, but at the situation in general. When we turned a corner, I saw an open door to the back of the house. I turned away from Tristan without a word.

"Kendra, wait . . ."

"No, I need air. Leave me alone," I growled and continued down the hallway and out to the backyard. There were some people out in the yard. Some looked at me with somber expressions. Some smiled and welcomed me. I didn't want to deal with any of them. I just needed to do something like . . . like punch something or go for a run or . . .

Then suddenly someone whistled at me. I turned around shocked.

A young attractive male wolf was jogging towards me. I gave him my best dazzling smile. This is exactly what I needed. A distraction.

"Hey, you're the Beta, right?" He looked me over, slowly.

"My brother's the Beta . . . I go by Kendra. Eyes up here, pup," I smirked gently pushing up on the bottom of his chin so his eyes met mine. He wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but he would do maybe.

"I'm no pup," He seemed quite offended by the statement.

I looked him over slowly. He was at least a year younger than me. When I got back to his eyes he was grinning like a fool. Okay maybe he is too young, "Whatever you say, Pup," I patted his chest and then turned and walked away.

I continued towards the orchard. Since that was a bust I guess I will have to go with the next best thing. A nice good run with my wolf.

I was getting ready to shift, and suddenly I was trapped against a tree.

"Let me apologize for my little brother," The tall wolf whispered seductively in my ear.

I shivered, "Who?"

"The pup," He chuckled.

I smirked. Okay now, this is promising.

"He seems to have gotten it in his head that he can have you," He chuckled and shook his head.

"Well, apparently so do you," I said moving my hands up his chest, "What makes you think you can handle me?" I tried not to think about the fact that I didn't even know his name or about the fact that he wasn't the Alpha . . . Wait, why am I thinking about the Alpha? Where is this coming from? I tried to just block out my mind and my emotions and the pain and focus on the moment.

I kissed up his neck and nibbled on his ear. He shivered.

"I'm sure I can handle you just fine, Kendra," He said huskily.

"I don't know. I'm told I pack quite a punch. Just go ask, Tristan," I teased pulling away so I could see his reaction.

His brows furrowed, "Tristan?" He said with a slight growl, "You're not . . ."

"Mated? No . . . not with anyone," I smirked.

"Good," He slowly started leaning into my lips.

"Julian," It was a dangerous growl and it came from right over the male wolf's shoulder.

The Alpha.

God, damn it! Just when I got him out of my fucking head! Why did just the sight of him cause a shiver to run down my spine?

"Alpha," Julian stepped away from me, lowering his eyes.

"Hey, you," I stepped forward crossing my arms over my chest.

The Alpha looked down at me shocked, yet still amused . . . and still no anger. What the hell?

"Yeah, you, buzz kill," I said glaring up at him. Okay, now I am just pushing it.

"Buzz kill?" He raised an eyebrow at me looking as if he was attempting not to laugh.

"Yes, why can't you just leave me alone?" I growled.

"I haven't done anything to you," He said confused.

"Oh really?" I raised my eyebrow at him annoyed, "Well you either have an issue with me being with guys or these guys being with me."

"I have to disagree with you," He crossed his arms sounding defensive. Oh, really?

"Fine," I huffed and turned to Julian grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss.

Our lips touched and he hesitantly kissed me back before he was ripped away from me by none other than Derek.

"Stop it," He growled.

"Whatever," I growled back turning toward the trees.

"Where are you going?" He demanded.

"Why do you have to know?" I kept walking away. I couldn't tell if I wanted him to follow me, but for some reason, it felt good when he did.

"Because I am your Alpha and I want to know," He grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop.

Big mistake! Who the hell does he think he is?

I turned and growled at him, pulling my arm out of his grasp.

"You think because you're the Alpha I am just instantly going to fall for you? Sorry, I am sure you're not used to being shut down . . . but back the fuck off before I make you, you son of a bitch," I growled.

"Why do you hate me?" He demanded, glaring at me.

"You really wanna know? Because you got to spend the last month of my father's life with him. After a month of not seeing him or hearing from him, I got a call this morning . . . or yesterday morning . . . I don't even know anymore, saying that I would never be able to see him again! I am sure you didn't even appreciate my father or your father as much as you should have!" I poked a finger at his chest, "I loved them and I cared about them, but you got to see them last! It's complete bull shit and I will not fall for you just because you're hot. If I wanted that without substance I could get it back home in North Carolina!" I poked him one last time and then turned and walked back towards the trees. God, now I am fuming! I didn't even know that was how I truly felt, but now that it was out in the open I realized how true it was . . . and I hated him for it.

"Then why don't you go back there," He growled something I said pissed him off, and I was glad. At least someone here was feeling half the emotion I was feeling.

I stopped and smirked turning on my heel, "That's probably the smartest thing you'll ever say. I will go back." I turned back to the trees. I knew somewhere in the back of my mind I was walking further away from the house, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get away from him.

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