high school under different c...

By martpep27

8.2K 198 30

Previously High School Never Got So Hard (Agents of SHIELD) The two siblings, Lance Hunter and Jemma Simmons... More

1- First day for the new ones
2- the first week
3- the club
4- the good morning
5- the ruining party
6- the school of jealousy
7-better in some ways
8- the secrets of our lives
9- a beach house a step up
10- a fixing storm
11- The light in our past
12- Bad things happen in bad weather
13-Our moments of happiness
Autor's note (SORRY☹️)
15- Part 1: Even in the darkess nights
16- Part 2: We can see the clouds
17- Smiling Morning confrontations
18-the wrong of the rights

14- Surprise of the come back

230 5 0
By martpep27

It had now been a full week since the car accident. Lincoln and Bobbi's parents had heard about it and decided to take a flight in. Given, both of the kids had alot to explain, but at least they were seeing their parents again. The two teens went to get them at the airport bringning them back to the house. The parents flight landed around noon, so the teenagers could go back to school, after getting their parents settled. Their first class in the afternoon was science which they all had together. Along with the six friends, there was also Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Grant Ward, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff. After the whole dating/fake-dating thing, th8e four involved hadn't talked much, but they still kept in touch, a little. Like every detention including Tony Stark, it was going to get interesting. Five minutes after the teacher walked in, Stark had already prepared something, all that was left was the perfect moment. They needed something, or someone, to distract the man in the front while Tony set the last thing up. Of course, Romanoff was first to take the job. She walked to the front of the class, taking her place in front of Stark, shielding him from the teacher's view. She was talking his ears off, and strangely he was still paying close attention. In the middle of one her sentences, a sound was heard at the back, seconds later, the fire alarm went off. It was nothing big, he just created a little bit of smoke, thus starting the fire alarm. Being the only students left in school, the teacher just told them to leave calmly. All of them proceed like the teacher told them, but as soon as they off school premises, they all parted different ways. Both Hunter and Bobbi hoped in her car, they had driven together to school that day because hey, saving the earth a car ride at a time, right? Anyways, they drove to her house, arriving minutes later. She hadn't told him that her parents were there because she was about 99% that he was going to run for the hills, only based on what she had heard from Simmons and Janice. The two of them passed through the door, only to be greeted by her parents. "Hello, I'm Jake, Lincoln and Bobbi's Father and this is Abby their mother." Jake said, while holding out his hand for Hunter to shake, which he did. The british teenager couldn't help but be nervous the meet the parents, he wasn't ready at all. But even with the stress, he managed to form a sentence. "Lovely, to meet you sir, ma'am." "Alright, would all of you like some diner?" Asked Abby. At her words, Lincoln and Skye emerged from the living room, which surprised the two that had just came back from detention. Every one went to sit down at the big table in the kitchen. After a few moments of awkward silence, Jake spoke up. "So, is school good?" The teenagers nodded. The conversation lasted a few more minutes, until Abby said. "If you two don't mind, there is something important that we need to tell our children." Quickly understanding, Hunter and Skye, got up, and went to the living room, out of hearing range. Jake started. "There's another reason why we came back." "Of course, sir." Answered Lincoln, as formal as he always was. "You kids heard about the accident that happened earlier this week in town?" "yes." Simply answered Bobbi, curious at the new subject of the conversation. "And you two are aware of the identity of that person." "No sir, it was not released on the news." Answered Lincoln. "Well, tragically it was the mother of one of your fellow students, Grant Ward." "Oh, okay." Said Bobbi unsure of what to do with this information. "The authorities were looking for somewhere to put him, someone who's in his family to take care of him. They looked at his birth records." Jake paused, looking like it was just painful to look finish his own sentence. "Kids, you know you two are only half-brother and sister right?" The two teenagers nodded in agreement, becoming more and more worried by the second. "Okay so 5 months before your mother and i got married, we had a huge fight, and we broke up for a week or so. "I was terribly upset and one night i went out to a bar, trying to null the pain. i made bad descitions that night, everything is kind of still foggy, all i knew is that i woke up the next morning and there was this girl..." By now, the two teenagers were completely in shock. They still couldn't believe what the hell they were hearing. The realization fell upon the two of them. Lincoln was left speechless, but Bobbi, well, Bobbi was a whole other story. Angrily, she rose from her chair, where she had been seated all along. The screeching noise from the chairs legs rung all over the house, catching the attention of the two in the living room. The final straw that made everyone's attention turn to her was when the words of hurt left her lips. "You and-and her, how could you, you wouldn't, you couldn't, how." She exclaimed at the top of her lungs, hurt quickly flashing through her eyes, but disappearing just as fast as anger took it's place.Her father had buried his head in his hands a while ago, completely shameful that his kids had to learn about one of his rare moments of weakness like this, that they had to learn it at all. Their mother tried to calm Bobbi down, but she was too far gone for any one to stop her now. "How could you cheat on mom, why would you!!!" At this point, everyone in the house were deep in their places, not moving an inch, afraid to make her react, out of terror or fear to break her even more, they will never know. Her mother was on the verge of tears, seeing herb daughter, well technically step-daughter be in so much pain, and as for their father, he was completely devastated on how his own child could b so angry at him.As for Bobbi, well saying that her world was falling apart was an understatement, her own father had been lying to her for so long, hiding something as big as this right under her nose. The betrayal she felt was becoming more and more                                                                                                                                  unbearable as the words that she didn't control any more, only expressed an inferiority of what she felt. "Why didn't you even tell us, you couldn't find the damn time fro tell your own daughter that somewhere out there, she had a brother!!' At that, Jake couldn't find anything to answer her with. She felt like she could kill something, and as to think she would protect everyone, she ran out grabbing her jacket, while a tear ran down her face. She ran up to her car, getting in, starting the engine. She looked at her phone once, seeing all the text messages that were sensed, already, to her. She shot a text to the only person she could think of at that moment, before turning her phone off and driving. Twenty minutes later, she was in front of the diner, still unsure wether or not to go in and actually tell him everything, she just thought that telling him would make it all so real, and she wasn't sure she was ready to face it all. Before thinking twice and giving herself time to go back to her car, she opened the car door, stepping out and walking in a straight line into the little diner. Spotting him in the corner booth, she smiled to herself that maybe if she wasn't alone through this, it would help. She took the steps needed to close the distance between her and that booth, reaching it in a couple of seconds. She sat down across from him, still wearing her smile that hasn't been around for a little while. Her first words were "Hello Fitz."

After Bobbi left, everyone was speechless by the out burst of reality that just happened, including the two teenagers that didn't know the reason behind it. Moments later, Hunter had left on his motor cycle, after getting a text from his grand mother, Janice, telling him to meet her at an address he didn't recognize, of course he was going to be careful, but the distraction was welcomed. Lincoln and Skye had shortly after left too, driving to her place. She could see his anger in his eyes, but there was also hurt, and she hated that look on him, and she was going to do everything she could to get rid of it, even if it was going to take everything she had.

It was an about ten minutes drive from the Morse-Campbell siblings house to where Janice had instructed him to go. Much to his surprise, his sister wads already there, lingering, waiting and eliding wether or not to go in. She was glad to see her brother arrive, surely he would know what to think of this. He got out of his car and she did the same. They greeted like usual and then she asked 'Do you know why Fitz would have ran out really fast earlier, without telling me anything?" "Yeah, i have an idea, but maybe we should just wait and see." "Okay." She simply answered. "So sis, any idea why were here?" And like she had been listening the whole time, Janice opened the front door of the house the two teens were standing in front of. "Hello." She said with a huge smile. "Hey grams, why are we at an on sale house?" Asked Hunter, waisting no time to come right to the point. "I have something important to tell you two." Janice said, while moving over, letting her grand children pass the front door. They were directed towards the kitchen, passing through the living room. Janice told them to sit down as she started her explanation. "Since I came back, i was thinking of something i could do to help the two of you. And the longer i've been staying, the clearer my mind was. And so, i decided to move here, in this house to be exact. And i was thinking that maybe i could get the legal guardian of the both of you, to make sure that the monster i once called my son will never lay a hand on either of you ever again." She said, hopeful and waiting for her grand children's reaction. It took them a few moments to process everything, but once it sunk in, the joy overwhelmed them both, lunging themselves at her grand mother, happy to know that she would always be there for them no matter. After their embrace, Simmons asked. "When do you-we move in?" "A tomorrow, or when ever you two want, but as of today this house is ours, i'm going to go to London for about a week, saying my goodbye's, and packing up the rest of my stuff and then, i'll be officially moving to the United States, god, never thought i 'd say that." She answered smiling and chuckling a little. "Yeah, you and me both." Hunter said after.

Fitz and Bobbi had been talking for about an hour when Fitz finally got her to calm down from her anger and the hurt. Her thoughts were still blurred, but it was a little better than when she came in. Even if she wasn't sure she wanted him to, he helped her realize it was all real and it was really happening. The two of them stayed there for couple hours, he got her talking about a couple of lighter subjects. By the end, the two of them were laughing, finishing their second usual meal-ish. They left the little restaurant around 10 p.m. "You need a ride to somewhere?" Fitz asked Bobbi, thinking that maybe she shouldn't be on her own right now. "Um, yeah, sure, there is somewhere i need to be." "Okay, where to?" Without any further words, she got in his car, leaving his question unanswered. He followed her directives, not really knowing the destination, five minutes later, she told him they had arrived to where they were going to. He was puzzled as to where they even were, but he didn't question her about it either. She got out of the car while he stayed in, he didn't plan to leave until she was at least inside. She was nervous just walking up to the door, but she had to face it some time, so why not now, she told herself, trying to keep her nerve as calm as they could be. She was standing in front of a small house, kind of campaign style, it was nice and homie. She took her courage in both of her hands and knocked on the wooden door in front of her. Shortly after, he answered with a puzzled look on his face. "Hello, Bobbi." It was Ward, answering the door in the middle of the night to someone he barely knew. "Um, yeah, sorry did i wake you up?" "no,I was just in the couch watching t.v. is there a specific reason why you came her at 10 p.m.?" "Um, yeah, i guess your my brother." "Oh, you know." "Yeah, just found out, and i guess you know too." "Yeah, for a while, wanna come in." I'd love to." She answered smiling. Before walking in, she turned her head, nodding at Fitz, telling him that she was gonna be okay, and that he could go home. Fitz left when the door close behind his best friend and apparently a man he was going to have to learn to trust.
Yeah, so this is pretty much it since i'm leaving for a basketball tournament, again, that i got roped into by my friend, sorry i can't
post two but the one i ow u will come eventually😏
Martpep27 :)😎

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