Redneck Romeo [Completed]

Por BoOk_DrEaMeR

301K 6.3K 933

(Excerpt) I looked up into his gorgeous, honey-colored eyes and felt my heart begin to thrum with the love t... Más

Redneck Romeo
*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 4*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 6*
*Chapter 7*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
*Chapter 10*
*Chapter 11*
*Chapter 12*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
*Chapter 15*
*Chapter 16*
*Chapter 17*
*Chapter 18*
*Chapter 19*
*Chapter 20*
*Chapter 21*
*Chapter 23*
*Chapter 24*
*Chapter 25*

*Chapter 22*

6.2K 167 23
Por BoOk_DrEaMeR

I woke up, my slight buzz from last night giving me a headache. I moved to get up, but I felt a strong arm holding me down. I flipped around as silently as I could and watched as Luke's chest rose and fell.

Suddenly, his eyes fluttered and he shifted in his sleep. His eyes flicked open and shifted around before landing on me. When he spotted me, a smile spread and warmed up his sleepy features. His beautiful smile caused my lips to curve up in return.

"Good morning,"his breath whispered across my face.

"The best,"I winked.

He sighed,"You should probably be getting home."

"Yeah,"I huffed.

I flipped around and got out of bed, clothing my naked body as quickly as possible. Luke got dressed, too and we were soon both in the kitchen.

"Are your cooking skills still beyond crappy?"I teased.

"If anything, touring made them even shittier. Eating chinese takeout every other night doesn't really help,"he chuckled, probably looking back at those memories.

"Do you like touring?"I asked as I got out stuff to make fried egg sandwiches.

He nodded hesitantly,"It was only a small tour, nothing major. It got kind of lonely. I was only the crowd-warmer so I had a seperate bus from the main band, Florida-Georgia Line. Of course, back then they weren't that popular so the places weren't sold out. I don't think that they liked me that much. They just saw me as an amateur that got lucky. I was just a little kid to them."

"I guess that makes sense. You were only sixteen when you went touring. They must have been jealous that they had to work so hard and so long to be where they were and it seemed like you didn't. But your tour in the summer, won't you be the main act?"It hurt me to ask this question because it brought up the fact that he would be leaving me. Again.

 Whether he noticed my hurt expression or not, he didn't show it. "Yep. My opening act will be this new up-and-coming band called The Mudsliders. I've heard them live and they're pretty good. The lead singer is a girl, but it's an all guy instrumental."

Great. Not only will he be touring, but he'll also be with another girl. I just gave him a bright smile to show my support and continued to make breakfast. Once both sandwiches were done, we sat in smooth silence on the stools placed by the counter.

I let my thoughts wander through everything that had happened lately, attempting to take it all in. Clark and I were over. I was a legal adult. I was officially with Luke. I have been connected to Luke in every way possible. And I mean every way. I can't even start to explain how happy that makes me.

And it felt better than anything I had ever experienced. It was the real deal. It was the first time for all intensive purposes. It was our first time really making love. I'm not lying when I say that it was everything I had ever imagined and more.

I was broken from my pervy, yet sweet thoughts when Luke moved from beside me and took both of our empty plates to the sink.

"So, am I taking you home? Or would it be safer for Jessica to do that since that's where you are supposed to be?"he asked, with a smirk towards the end.

I blushed slightly under his gaze and muttered,"I'll call Jess."

Then I left the room and went back up to his room where I knew I would find my cell phone. I found it sitting on the night stand and quickly snatched it up before dialing Jessica's number by heart. 

"Hey lover girl,"she giggled after two rings.

"Save it,"I laughed.

She sighed,""Fine. I'm on my way. We'll talk about on the ride."

Then she hung up before I could say anything else. I rolled my eyes and made sure I had all of my stuff before journeying back downstairs.

Luke and I small talked and kissed, okay mostly kissed, while we were waiting for Jess. It was so good to be a couple again. It was what we were meant to be after all. I couldn't see us just being friends now that all of my anger towards the past was melted away and forgotten.

One of our heated make-out sessions was interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. i groaned and hopped off of Luke's lap before opening the door to find a smirking Jess.

"Did I interrupt something?"she asked, taking in my swollen lips and wrinkled clothes.

"No, not at all,"I said sweetly, causing everyone to laugh.

I waved a goodbye to Luke, before following my friend out the door and to her car. We both hopped in and pulled off without a peep.

Half of the car ride was silent until Jessica broke it,"So, you two are like completely together now?"

I nodded my head, a smile sprouting on my face,"Yes. Finally we are completely and utterly a couple."

"And you finally did the dirty,"she teased, looking at me from the corner of her eye.

My face turned blood red,"What makes you think that?"

"Well, ya'll were pretty handsy and lovey, then you stayed the night at his house and had me cover fo you. You could practically cut the sexual tension with a knife last night. You would have to be extremely dense or drunk to not notice it,"her eyes never left the road, but a smirk was on her face.

I rolled my eyes, willing the blood to leave my cheeks,"Whatever."

"So you aren't going to tell me all about it?"she teased.

"I never told you about Clark,"I mumbled.

She huffed,"Well, that was love, but this is true love. It is totally different."

"I'm not going to sit here and give out all of the details of my sex life with you, even if you are my best girl friend."

"Oh, so you're going to talk about it with Sean?"

That earned her another eye roll and silence on my end. I was not about to sit here and have that conversation with her. Because then I'm pretty sure my face would never be its normal color again if I did. I was going to be dealed out sexual innuendos for the next week as it is.

Finally, we pulled into my driveway and, after a short goodbye, I was released from the awkward atmosphere. I stepped reluctantly into the house, just to want to walk back out.

There, in the room, stood my mother with a wide smile on her face. Now, any other person would think I was crazy for being afraid of my excited mother. Well, they obviously don't have my mother.

"Hey mom,"I said hesitantly.

"How was your party? Did you have fun?"she shot questions at me instead of a normal greeting.

I sighed,"The party was great. I had loads of fun. In fact, Luke and I are officially a couple again."

"That's great honey!"she jumped up and down.

"Mom, I'm a little worried about you. Why are you so hyper and excited?"

This just made her smile widen and a giggle escaped her lips,"Your aunt is visiting!"

A smile grew on my face to match hers,"Aunt Olivia?"

She shook her head,"Guess again?"

"Aunt Georgia?"I got another negative shake of the head.

Then it clicked. It all made sense. The only reason I didn't think of it before was because my mom's sister never visits. We literally haven't seen them in years. Not that I was complaining. She has a daughter and son that are twins and unfortunately my age. The son, Jackson, is constantly hitting on me. I would be flattered, but he does it to everyone. The girl, Julie, is a bitch that constantly hits on Sean, but she has never met Luke.

My smile immediately faltered, completely disappearing from my face,"Why does that make you excited?"

Her smile switched to a disapproving frown,"That's my only sister and I love her. They are going to be here on Thursday so you better prepare to be civil with your cousins before then."

I just gave her a pout and went up to my room. This is so not fair. 


The week was amazing. Luke and I's relationship status was made public, as if him singing to me wasn't clear enough. The girl population was upset, some angry, until they realized that Clark is now up for grabs. Good luck with that.

But now, Luke and I can do coupley things in public. Like hold hands. And hug. And kiss, a lot. I'm usually not one for PDA, but sometimes you can't refrain yourself from brushing hair out of their face, which leads to kissing. And everyone knows that Luke's kisses are my weakness.

The week was almost over, which unfortunately means that the devil's spawn were coming today. Yep, you guessed it. Today is Thursday and my horrid cousins are coming for a visit. I'm just so fucking excited. Note the sarcasm.

But, I was going to put on a brave face and be as nice as possible for my mom. 

That leads us to now. Thursday October 2, 2013 at 3:15 PM. I'm standing in front of my house, my book bang hanging heavily on my back. You may think I'm stalling, but I'm not. Actually, I'm staring at my aunt's car with my mouth hung wide open.

The glossy black paint showes me my reflection as I try not to drool on the '67 Chevy Impala in front of me. Call me a TV nerd, but I was staring at one of my dream cars. Yes, I am addicted to Supernatural and right now I was staring at the car that ends and begins most of the episodes. The car thar drives away blaring awesome rock songs. The car that Sam and Dean Winchester, also known as Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, drove throughout all eight seasons. You should be glad I'm still standing.

My admiration was broken when the front door banged open and I watched as my aunt, mom, and cousins came pouring out.

My aunt gave me a warm smile and brought me into an embrace. I smiled into her shoulder and hugged her back. I really had missed her. 

After I was released, I started to turn towards my cousins, but not before receiving a warning look from my mother.

"Hello Jackson. Julie,"I greeted my identical cousins.

They both have baby blue eyes and striking blonde hair, the exact opposite of me. Funny how they are both gorgeous until they open their mouth and start to speak.

"Hey cuz,"Julie greeted without looking up from her iPhone, gum smacking as loud as ever.

Jackson gave me a good look up and down before meeting my eyes,"Hey beautiful."

I gagged and turned away from him as quickly as I could, once again coming face to face with my beloved aunt who just so happened to give birth to the wrost children the world has ever seen.

"I love your car, aunt Kayla! Where the heck did you get such a gorgeuos car. It's in really good condition, too!"I refreained myself from cussing, I would hate to abuse the car with my profantities.

She gave me a bright smile,"Well, long story short, I'm in love with Supernatural and when I stumbled across this car I had to buy it. I have the money, so why not?"

"I'm glad you did. I could just stand here and look at it for hours."

"I'm glad you like it! Maybe we can take it for a drive later on?"she suggested, causing me to squeal and bounce up and down.

"That would be awesome!"

Then, Julie just had to open her mouth,"I don't know why ya'll are getting worked up over a stupid car. I mean, you are acting like it's a lambourghini or some shit."

"Yeah. I would much rather have a porsche,"Jackson piped in.

And this, my friends, is why I absolutely 100% hate my cousins.


I AM SO SORRY! I'm horrible, I know! It's just that I had school and my birthday and all of that crazy stuff so I haven't had a chance to right. 

Now that school has started up, I will only be updating on Tuesdays and Fridays. Hopefully I will be able to stick to that schedule. I am currently doubled up in math and science and I am taking all honors so it is a little hectic. Bare with me. (Or is it bear?)

Just because I don't have a goal for this chapter, doesn't mean that you shouldn't vote and comment, so please click that bottom up in the right hand corner and type a little message below to let me know how you think the book is going :)

Have a beautiful Tuesday


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