*Chapter 14*

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People banging around in the kitchen arose me from my peaceful slumber the next morning. I reached behind me and felt around in the bed to find that I was alone. I pried my eyes open and scanned my eyes around the room until I found an alarm clock on the dresser. It was only nine.

I grumbled under my breath about having annoying friends and scuttled into the joint bathroom. I quickly washed my face, brushed my teeth, and pulled my hair up into a sloppy bun. Then, I went back into the room and put on my clothes from the previous day.

I stumbled down the stairs, still not fully awake. I entered the kitchen and looked around me. Looks like I was the last person that decided to get up. As always.

"OMG!"Jessica screeched falsely, slapping a hand daintily over her mouth,"Princess Isabelle has come out of her chambers before noon!"

I blushed a deep scarlet and slapped her on the arm. Everybody chuckled at my dispense, causing me to jut my tongue out at them childishly. This only encouraged their laughter and it was a good few minutes before it had all faded away. 

Then, Clark took me comfortingly into his arms and whispered in my ear,"They're just messing with you babe. What do you want me to make you for breakfast?"

I shivered as his warm breath tickled my ear,"Okay. A pop-tart and some coffee would be fine."

He nodded and removed himself from me before busying himself with getting my food and drink ready. God, I have the best boyfriend ever. I gave a sideways glance to Luke, who was leaning casually against the door frame looking as sexy as ever. He wore a jealous expression, but when he saw me looking, he quickly masked it with indifference.

I shook my head at how bipolar he was. One minute he tells me that he's giving up on me and he doesn't love me, and the next he is glaring at me for hanging with my boyfriend. Just screw him and his mood swings.

I sat on one of the stools by the counter and Clark promptly placed a plate with two chocolate chip pop tarts and then a mug of steaming hot coffee with a bit of cream and a lot of sugar-just how I like it. I looked up at him with a grateful smile.

"Thanks babe."

"No problem,"he gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before following the guys out back to help put up the stage equipment. Luckily, Jessica had brought in the guitars last night, so they weren't left out all night.

I finished up my breakfast before throwing my plate away and placing my empty cup in the sink. Then, I joined everyone out back and did my part by helping to pick up all of the food supplies. With all of us working diligently, it didn't take long for the backyard to look pristine once again. We smiled and high-fived each other in congratulations. We had cleaned it up before the parents got back! That was a victory if I had ever seen one!

The victory was short lived, however, when Clark announced that he had to get going if he was going to finish his Lit paper on time. We all bid him goodbye and I walked him to his guitar. When we reached it, we turned to each other.

"I guess this is goodbye,"I said dramatically.

He smiled and then quickly covered it with a serious expression,"I suppose so."

"Woe is me,"I closed my eyes and put the back of my hand to my forehead.

We both broke character and burst into laughter. Once we had finally calmed ourselves, he placed a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. Then, when I opened my eyes, he was in his car and driving away. I watched as he turned out and drove down the road until he was no longer visible.

 I headed back to the others, that were now sprawled starfish style across the cool grass. I chuckled under my breath and joined them, letting the dew soak through my tee and shorts. We just laid there for a minute, letting the silence consume us, enjoying the time to ourselves even as we all laid right beside each other.

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