*Chapter 10*

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I woke up in Clark's bed, alone. I glanced around in worry before I heard the shower going in the bathroom. I made sure I was alone before jumping out of the bed naked and quickly pulling my bra and panties on before finding one of Clark's t-shirts and slipping it on over top.

I splayed myself across Clark's bed, just staring up at the ceiling. Just staring at the damn ceiling! I hate myself so much right now, but I hate Luke even more.

If he hadn't come back, then my life would have continued on and my love for him wouldn't have come back. I would happily be with Clark truthfully. But, in stead I'm lying to him and myself because I have feelings for my ex and he has no clue. 

How could I love Luke after all he's done? How could I let myself fall for his tricks again?

The door swung open to show a hung over Greg. He gave a slight smile when he saw me, before grabbing a water bottle out of the mini fridge and imitating my position on his own bed.

"Have fun last night?"he asked.

"Yeah. You?"I turned to look at him and his fiery red hair.

"Yep. Don't I look like it?"we both chuckled.

"What's on your mind?"he asked after a moment of silence.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath,"How'd you know?"

"You aren't very talkative and annoying,"he teased,"But really, you look troubled, which isn't a way you should look after getting some the night before."

I laughed, leave it to Greg to say something like that,"It's just that my ex is back in town."

"Oh, the famous one,"he nodded in understanding,"How does Clark feel about this?"

"Fine, perfectly fine. He accepts him and just wants to know our past, you know how nosy he is. Anyway, it's me that has the problem."

He raised an eyebrow,"And what problem would that be?"

"He hurt me, but I still love him,"I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.

He didn't say anything, so I opened one eye and moved my fingers so I could see him. He was looking at me with curiosity.

"So, what are you going to do about it?"he said after a few moments of silence.

I took a deep breath,"I don't know. That's the problem. All of my emotions are jumbled up in my head. All I know is that I still love Clark very much and I don't want my dick of an ex to get in between us."

He nodded and seemed to ponder over what I had just told him,"I think that if things get more serious with Luke, you should tell Clark.,"I started to interrupt but he shut me up with a hand wave,"And, I think you should give Luke a second chance. People do change and everyone deserves a second chance. Do you remember when we first met? I spilled that beer all over the front of your party dress and you were so mad. You were convinced you were going to hate me forever. But, then I won you over with my amazing ginger powers and now here we are."

I laughed at the memory and reached out to ruffle up his bright red hair,"Leave it to you to make me feel better."

"I'm just awesome like that,"then he got up as his phone beeped,"I gotta go. Apparently my mom broke her wrist while trying to kill a mouse. Leave it to her to get injured that way."

I gave him a good bye hug, but not before I thanked him for his help, no matter how unlikely it seemed for me to actually do some of it. 

Once he left, I wasn't alone for long before Clark came sauntering out of the bathroom, his hair dripping wet and only wearing a pair of low slung jeans. We stood there and examined each other, his eyes scanning up my bare legs, and my eyes taking in his muscled stomach. 

Redneck Romeo [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora