Harley Quinn + Joker OneShots


107K 3.1K 705

Just OneShots of your favorite psychopathic clown couple :) Еще

Capable of Love? Yes? No? Maybe?
I'm A Ruin
LoVe YoU mOsT
We'll be just fine
Teddy Bear
The List
Pretty When You Cry
Monsters with Nightmares
Monsters with Nightmares Pt. 2
He needs Her
A Car, A Torch, A Death
Would You Rather?
'Dear You'
Monsters With Nightmares Pt. 3
Tic Tock
One and Only
Patient #42540

See You Tomorrow

7K 210 66

((A/N: Warning: In my opinion, this is pretty sad. Also, there is some cussing.))

Harley sat down looking at him.
Looking at his body.
His lifeless body.
She was frozen. She couldn't wrap her brain around what just happened.
Her partner in crime...
Her best friend...
Her family...
Her soulmate....
Is dead.
When she finally accepted that he was dead...that he was never coming back....her mind became destroyed.
She ran to his side and collapsed herself on top of him, holding his body close as she balled.
"Please wake up.....please don't leave me. You can't leave."
She cried harder and held even closer to his lifeless body.
She breathed in his scent and ran her fingers through his hair like she once did when he was alive. She had to take it all in, all of who he was, because deep down she knew, she knew that this was probably going to be the last time they were together....the last time they'll be alone. She knew the police or whoever would take him away from her. She knew there wouldn't be a funeral, at least not one he deserved anyway. If they burned him, she knew she wouldn't get the ashes. If they buried him, she knew they wouldn't tell her where the grave was. This was it. This was the last time she'd physically see him and touch him. That was certain.
She sniffled as she carefully lifted his limp arm off the ground and wrapped it around her waist. She laid her head on his chest just like old times, except this time she didn't hear the sound of his beautiful heartbeat. That made her cry even more. The two stayed like that for what seemed like forever, yet at the same time, not long enough.
Harley heard footsteps approach her. She shut her eyes tightly to prepare herself for the final separation.
She whispered,"I love you."
As she knew this would be the last time. The footsteps stopped not too far from her.
She recognized that voice anywhere. Batman.
She wiped her tears and looked up at him.
"Leave us alone Bats."
"I said leave us alone!!"
He sighed and sat down next to the clown girl and the corpse.
She lifted her head up slightly as she glared.
"What do you want?" Her teeth gritted.
"I'm sorry for your loss."
"No you're not."
She got up and say down next to Joker instead.
"You're only sorry because you have to be" she spat at him.
"Look, I know what it's like."
"No. You. Don't."
"Yes I do Harley."
"No you don't! You don't know what it's like!! You have no fucking idea!"
He stayed stone cold silent, even though deep down, he really did feel bad for Harley.
She sniffled as she wiped her tears again.
"You don't know me. You don't know me." She said softly as she looked at the ground.
He gently put his hand on her shoulder as he said,"I do know you Harley."
She looked up at him and glared, pushing his hand away.
"Don't you dare fucking touch me."
She interrupted,"Shut. Up. Okay?! This is your fault! All your fault!"
"How is this my fault? I didn't kill him."
"That's not the point! You're suppose to be the good guy for Christ sake! But you didn't save him!! You didn't fucking save him!"
He reached over and grabbed her hand and held it in his.
"Harley, I'm sorry, but you can't blame me for this."
She pulled her hand away and narrowed her eyes even more, before looking away from him.
He sighed again, "Harley, look at me."
She didn't.
She whipped her head around and gave him a death glare.
"Don't. Call. Me. That. That's. Not. Me. Got it? That's not my name. Harleen. Is. Dead."
"You are Harleen. You've always been Harleen."
"No! Shut up! I have never EVER been Harleen! Deep down, I've always been Harley, not Harleen. Harleen is and was a fucking lie!"
"Calm down please Harley."
"Why?! What's the point?! What's the point in anything anymore, huh?! Huh!???!"
"Harley, do you want to attract the cops?!"
She bit her lip and looked down. She took a deep breath and sighed herself. "No."
"Look, Harley, I know it hurts, but you're free now. You can have a normal life. You can start over. I can help you. I can get you whatever help you need."
She shook her head slowly as she looked at the ground.
"No.....no....it's.....it's too late for me. Way too late."
"It's never too late Harley."
She laughed bitterly and looked back up at him.
"You don't honestly believe that Bats."
"I do believe it. I've been down a dark path too, but I got help. I can help you get out if you let me.....please Harley. Just let me help you. I know you can get out of this."
She shook her head again as she looked back at Joker, then back to him.
"No, this...this different. You've always had people by your side. Always. Even just a few, but you still had someone."
She looked at Joker and held his hand as she softly caress it with her thumb, then continued,"I have no one."
"No you don't Harley. You have me."
"No, I don't. Like I said before, you don't know me. You don't know anything about me."
"Harley that's not-"
She interrupted,"It is true."
A tear streamed down her cheek as she said,"He was the only one who ever knew me, that knew me."
"He was no good."
"Don't you dare say that!! Don't you dare fucking say that!!!"
She glared at him as he stayed silent, and they stayed like that for a bit, before he spoke up.
"Why did you love him Quinn? Why did you really?"
She looked at him for a few moments before she laughed slightly. It was a broken laugh, a ironic laugh given the situation.
"Well.... I never really planned on telling anyone, but hell....it's not like I have much to lose. I already lost everything."
Her face softened a bit as she looked at Batman.
"You really want to know?"
He nodded.
"Because he loved me.....because he cared, and I loved him, and cared for him. I know what you're gonna say, I know what you all think. I know you don't believe he loved me or cared. You all think he was just using me. And sure, maybe he was, but that's not the point."
"Then what is the point?"
"The point is that he was there. That he at least acted like he cared."
"How is that the point?"
"Well, it's not the only point of course. Things are more complicated than that. They don't have to be, but they are."
"But why him Harley? Out of all people, why him?"
"You really want to know?"
"You really, really want to know?"
"Yes, I want to know."
She smiled sadly and gave another small, bitter laugh as she looked down.
"My, uh.....father....was..abusive."
She paused for a second, then continued. "And my.....my...mother, hated me. I'm not kidding, she hated me. And I..... I never knew why. I never wanted her to hate me. I mean I didn't know what to do. What was I suppose to do? I was just a kid. I wanted her to love me, to like me, or at least notice me. She always fucking ignored me! Unless of course she had something cruel to say. So I tried getting her attention. Got A+'s in all my classes, won lots of awards, the works of course. But she still never noticed, so in turn, I tried harder and harder. Won even more awards, and still.....I got nothing. In the end, I still lost. I graduated from high school and college early, and I got offered a job from Arkham Asylum in Gotham. I told them the day I was leaving.....and you know what my mom said? She said 'I hope some criminal or patient kills you.' That's the last thing she ever said to me. When I moved to Gotham, I was alone. Being a psychiatrist had it's perks, but I was still depressed. Then, one day I was assigned to Joker as my patient. Things changed after that obviously. He was different. He treated me like I was actually a person. He made me feel like I mattered, that I was important. For once, I felt cared for. For once, someone actually paid attention to me. He was everything I wanted. I thought he was charming and charismatic. Not to mention intelligent and clever. Sure, he's hurt me. Hell, he's tried to kill me before, but he did save me once. He saved me from myself. If I never met him, I would have died. Not by being killed by a patient or criminal, but because I was contemplating suicide. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here. He saved me. And I'll never forget that. Sure, he hurt me, emotionally and physically, but it was worth it. He could be the sweetest person ever when he wanted to be. I mean I told him everything and he still accepted me for me. He was the only one to ever accept me, to ever take me in regardless. But like all relationships, there were problems. The abuse.....the abuse, that I could mostly take. But not the emotional abuse. That hurt the most. Or maybe, deep, deep down, I guess I've always known that he never truly loved me...that never truly cared. That was the thing that probably hurt the most. Hell, it still hurts. I mean I gave up everything for him....and I was just a toy, a doll, a game. I guess what also hurts is the fact that I could never leave him. I just couldn't. I loved him too damn much. I couldn't live without him, I didn't want to live without him. Because even if he was pretending to care, I couldn't let him go...... Because he was the closest thing I have ever got to being felt loved and cared for. And I wasn't going to let that go. He was the only thing left on this world that I cared about, and now he's gone. And I'm alone. I'm fucking alone. Isn't it great? Isn't it grand? Wanna know something? I hate being alone. I absolutely hate it. 100%. And you wanna know something else? Trust me, it's a good one. You can even tell Scarecrow later, he'll appreciate it. My biggest fear. My biggest fear is this. Is being alone. Is him not caring after all. Is this, all for nothing. Is my bitch of a mother being right in the end. And oh, was she fucking right. But still, I don't think she saw this one coming. Oh no sire. You see, Joker might not have legitimately killed me, but in a way he did. And I'm not talking about how his abuse and manipulation destroyed me. I'm talking about how he's dead now, and I have to live with that. Because right now, I'm dead. I'm dead on the inside. Everything I have ever loved and cared for, is gone. I am dead inside. All I feel now is pain. Because everything that I never wanted to happen, happened. I'm a alone, unloved psychopath that is dead in the inside. Pretty pathetic right?"
Batman stayed silent. It was a stunned silent. He really didn't know Harley after all. He never knew just how broken she truly was. Just how much of a human she really was. It wasn't her fault she's like this. Deep down, she never really was a bad person.....just had a lot of bad things happen to her. In this moment, Bruce wanted nothing more than to go back to the past and prevent all this. He wished he could have met her first in Arkham and saved her from this fate. But he can't. And a part of him dies inside too. If anyone needed saving most, it was Harley, but he never saw that before. He could have saved her if he had listened, but he didn't.
"What are you going to do now?" He asked.
It was an honest question, and honestly he was afraid of what her answer could be.
"I don't know, really. I don't really want to go back to Arkham...too many memories."
"I won't send you back there, I promise."
"I know you won't."
Bruce looked at Joker's body, then back at Harley.
"Do you....do you want to take the body?"
She looked at him and smiled sadly.
"We both know I can't. It's too risky and it would only end with you getting into trouble."
He nodded.
"But thank you. It means a lot to me."
"It's the least I can do."
They both started hearing police sirens in the distance and they slowly started becoming louder.
They both knew what would happen next. Harley squeezed Joker's hand slightly.
"Can you promise me that you will be in charge of his burial? I trust you more than the cops."
"Of course, I promise."
Harley softly kissed Joker's forehead as her last goodbye and stood up, letting go of his hand.
The police sirens could be heard more distinctively now. Harley hugged Batman as a few more tears spilled from her eyes.
"Since we both know this will be the last time we see each other, I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you, your family, and the city."
He pulled back slightly and looked at her, wiping away her tears.
"I'm just sorry that I couldn't of helped you."
She smiled sadly, "No one could."
He caressed her cheek gently, "Not true. I could have, but I didn't."
"It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. You couldn't had done anything Bruce."
He looked at her slightly shocked and was about to respond, until she beat him to it.
"I've known for awhile. And don't worry, I haven't told a soul."
He smiled slightly and she smiled back slightly too.
"So this is really goodbye?" He asked.
"Yea, but here, let's make it easier. How about we say 'see you tomorrow.' Because tomorrow doesn't necessarily have mean tomorrow, ya know. It can mean just the future."
He nods as she gives him one last quick hug. She starts running away, but turns around.
"See you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow."
And with that, she turns back around and runs before the cops came.

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