
By jamadoria

374K 12.9K 701

Callie MacLeod escapes a clan gathering in an attempt to run away from an arranged marriage by her Uncle Hami... More

Wedding night


23.6K 768 33
By jamadoria

Callie's nervousness at seeing her new home and meeting people of Alex's clan grew at the same, rapid pace of seeing the men's eagerness. All of Alex's warriors were content to be returning home after several days away on their scouting trip. They first passed a shepherd boy and his father minding some Highland cattle who waved at the men going by on horseback. Callie could see the surprise in the man's eyes at seeing her sitting with his laird. The man couldn't know that she was now Alex's wife. Her husband explained the small, stone building they passed was a shed meant for protection to the men in bad weather. Some miles later, they started to go by several, small cottages with thatched roofs. Each of the homes was well maintained and the tenants waved hello and shouted friendly greetings to the passing men.

"Do they live out here?" She asked her new husband.

Alex answered."Some do. We've got room for them within the keep walls, so they can shelter if there's ever a clan war. Plus, I always have guards who patrol the area. Luckily, we've kept peace for several years, so it hasn't been a problem." 

"That's good." She replied, impressed with the care he took to ensure the safety of his clan.

Even as they called out a greeting to their laird, Callie could see how most of the people wore shocked expressions when seeing her wrapped in the Campbell laird's tartan and being held in his arms on his horse. Sitting with him so closely must have left no room for doubt in their eyes that Alex must be claiming her as his woman, although they would not have known that she was their new mistress. Callie suddenly felt very self-conscious and it made her worry about their reactions to the news, fearing they would deem her unworthy of the position as mistress of their clan, or worse, his affections. She shyly ducked her head into the hollow just below his neck and tightened her hold on his waist, inching herself closer into his warm, honed body. Her movements made Alex look down and smile widely at her.

"Nearly home now." He truly beamed when issuing the statement. He pointed to a large structure in the distance. "Look! There it is..."

The impressive keep had clean lines and stood a full, four stories with a bell tower standing even higher in solid stone. The tall, forbidding keep had a thick, defensive wall around it with guard boxes located on each corner and it was more heavily fortified than her uncle's much smaller keep. Callie knew her uncle was now lying when he boasted that no other Highland clan had a better castle than his. Outside the outer wall was a wide river leading up to a moat at its front. The heavy door to the wall formed a bridge over the river to allow people entry into the castle. When it retracted, it kept intruders out of the structure and the people safely inside it. The impressive castle backed up against a steep, sharp cliff of a mountain on the other side which met the raging sea down below, Alex explained, making an attack from the far side impossible. Callie's nerves were now completely on edge, as she felt totally inadequate to be mistress of such a large place. It had to be three or four times the size of Hamish's keep and this one was clearly kept in better order and condition. The wall guards posted around the top perimeter now started to cheer loudly, as soon as they recognised Alex and his band of merry warriors. One of them turned to shout down into the bailey, then he ran down the inside stairs to spread the news of their return, while two others worked to let down the main drawbridge down to allow them passage into the bailey.

Scores of the clan's people were coming to meet them in the bailey making Callie's hold on her husband tighten. There were so many of them, Callie marveled silently to herself. Alex was now being greeted on both sides of Mouse by more people than Callie could count. He raised his hand in greeting and they went silent immediately. "Good day, everyone. I have the honour to present my wife to you, Lady Caledonia MacLeod Campbell."

The crowd was momentarily stunned with surprise, as Alex confirmed the thought they'd all had upon seeing her sitting on his mount. An older woman burst through the crowd to saucily announce. "Well, it's about time you got married, Alex!"

The crowd was chuckling at this brash reply. He quickly dismounted, helping Callie down, and gave the older woman a bear hug, completely lifting her off the ground before putting her back down as gently as he lifted her. He smiled at the woman before turning to wink at his wife. "Callie, this is my Aunt Glenna. She is my father's only sister. She's the one lucky to call Malcolm her husband."

"Lucky indeed!" Glenna agreed with a genuine smile for her nephew's wife. "It's so lovely to meet you, Mistress Callie. It's my honour to be the first to welcome you home."

"I'm pleased to meet you." Callie answered.

Glenna pronounced. "Alex, we will be needing to throw you two a wedding feast and have a ceilidh, so the rest of our clan can meet your lovely bride!"

"Aye, that's a grand idea. We can have it in a few nights to give time for word of it to spread. I'm tired out from the journey here, so we'll sup in our room tonight." Alex said, his strong arm snug around Callie's waist. "Can you arrange for some clothes to be made for Callie, Auntie?"

"Aye, with pleasure." Glenna shot Alex a knowing look. Never once had he admitted fatigue and she had known him since the day he was born. She teased him. "I shall order a bath brought up to your room. You smell like you could use one."

"Aye, that's true enough." Alex laughed heartily again. "It's good to be home."

"Did you not think we might like to attend a wedding of yours, brother?" A younger woman with hair a bit lighter than Alex's was staring rudely at Callie.

"Bella, it couldn't wait." Alex offered a kiss on her forehead, but she backed away and continued to pout.

"Did you get her with child? Is that why you did it on the sly?" His sister pointedly asked, staring at Callie's midsection. 

"Bella, hush!" The dark-haired girl said, standing next to her. "Don't be so rude."

"Nay!" Alex glared at her. "Callie, this is my rude, baby sister, Bella, and the lovely, quiet one next to her is our cousin, Phoebe."

"Isobel." His younger sister corrected Alex with a pout. "Only family get to call me Bella."

"She is married to Alex. That makes her part of our family now, you dolt!" Phoebe admonished her cousin before smiling at Callie. "Delighted to meet you." 

"Thank you, Phoebe. It's nice to meet you both." Callie tried to smile, but didn't quite make it, still shocked by the bold accusation of Alex's younger sister about him only marrying her if she was expecting a baby. 

Bella didn't return it or reply leaving an awkward silence while Alex glared at his sister. He pulled Callie even further into his embrace with no explanation needed in terms of who came first with him now. Phoebe looked amused at the silent gestures being exchanged by the Campbell siblings. Alex had explained to Callie on their way to the castle about his maternal cousin who was raised in Ireland, then adopted by his parents into their clan after the death of her own. Callie realised the girl must have been young when she came to live with Alex's family, as there was no trace of Irish in her accent.

"I'm Rory." A young man moved in front of Callie to kiss her hand with a twinkle of his eyes and a grin. "I'm Bella's more handsome twin. It's lovely to meet you, Callie. We never expected Alex to marry, let alone to such a beauty!"

Rory had the same dark hair and light brown eyes as Bella. He was nearly as tall as Alex, but lanky in build. However, his breezy speech left Callie turning pink at his praise. Alex was torn between wanting to throttle Rory and grin wickedly back at him with pride. Callie recovered, smiling shyly at her new husband. "I see you aren't the only one who was blessed with the famous Campbell charm."

Rory grinned. "Any younger sisters by chance?"

"Nay, just me." Callie shook her head no. "Sadly, I don't have any siblings."

"Too bad." Her new brother-in-law mocked a pout not unlike the one of his twin sister.

"You will have plenty of time for queries later, Rory." Glenna returned with a nod. "Your room is ready for you, Alex."

"My thanks, Glenna. It'll be heaven to sleep in my own bed again." Alex said, without thinking.

Rory dissolved into a fit of laughter and nudged Bella, who grimaced in disgust while continuing to stare boldly at Callie's stomach looking for any signs of pregnancy. Phoebe gave her a look of sympathy while elbowing her cousin in the ribs. Meanwhile, Callie blushed furiously and she quickly looked away from them in a poor attempt to avoid eye contact with Alex's younger siblings. There was a distinct snicker of laughter among the men in the nearby crowd while Glenna also looked over at Callie in sympathy. 

Alex decided to not allow his brother to get away with being cheeky so easily after seeing how it upset Callie. His siblings needed to learn how important it was to make his new wife feel welcome. He mused. "Glenna, did you happen to hear Rory volunteered to clean the weaponry? Do ensure Malcolm kens it as well for me."

"With pleasure." Glenna nodded with a wink.

"Oh, come on!" Rory groaned at his brother. "What did I do?"

"Think on what you bloody did while you are busy cleaning in the arsenal." Alex hissed at him before smiling at his aunt. "See you in the morn, Glenna. My thanks for minding the keep and these rascals while I was away."

He kept Callie tightly against him with his arm around her shoulders and led her out of the crowd, pausing briefly to accept the congratulations of people as they passed. Alex shepherded her up a flight of stairs, then past more rooms for Callie to be able to count. He led her quickly down another hall. She was certain she'd never learn her way around it. He moved with the fluid ease of one who grew up here and knew his place. Callie's shorter legs struggled to keep his faster pace. They finally came to stop where a large man stood guard. Callie couldn't believe she'd ever meet a man who stood taller and wider than Alex, but this one did.

"Why, hello there, Munro, it's good to see you!" Alex said in greeting the big guard with a proud smile and a hearty clap on his shoulder. "I'm very pleased to introduce you to Callie, my bonny bride and your new mistress!"

Callie blushed at Alex's words while the mountain of a guard broke into a wide grin of his own. She said shyly. "Hello."

"It's a great pleasure to see you both safely home, my laird! Welcome to your new home, Mistress Callie!" Munro echoed his laird's joyfulness, then winked. "Mary will be jealous when she learns I've met you first."

Alex queried with genuine interest. "How is she? All is well with her and the babe. Has it finally arrived, I hope?"

Munro grinned with pride. "Aye, laird! She bore me a braw, healthy lad not three days past. A full ten pounds he was."

"That's grand news!" Alex smiled enthusiastically while shaking his guard's hand. "Give her our best wishes. We'd be happy to visit them soon."

"Thank you, laird!" Munro beamed with evident pride. "I will tell her with much pleasure. May I be so bold and wish you both the very same good fortune some months down the road?!"

"Certainly." Alex agreed with a knowing smile.

Callie felt Alex tug on her hand, so she smiled one last time at the guard as she was led down the short hallway. She'd been lost in thought while the men were speaking, trying to imagine any woman being able to join with Munro and having to birth a ten pound baby that she hadn't heard his wish for them to have a son or their own soon. Alex could tell this about Callie, as she hadn't grown flustered or blushed. He paused before a closed pair of carved wooden doors, then opened them with a flourish. Before Callie could walk through, Alex scooped her up in his arms making her shriek with surprise and he walked them inside the doors. He laughed heartily at the shocked face she made.

"What are ye doing?" She asked, brows furrowing in wonder.

"Carrying my bride over the threshold. It's good luck or so I've heard." His lips grazed her forehead, then nuzzled at her neck. It sent shivers of anticipation down her spine. He put her down briefly to shut and bolt the doors behind them, then scooped her back up into his arms. "I can see the value in it now."

Callie squeaked, as he hugged her tight to his chest. "We're here now, Alex. You can let me go."

"Where's the fun in that?" He teased her before lowering his head to kiss her senseless.

"You will miss the bath Glenna ordered for one." She dragged her lips away from his to end the kiss, then wrinkled her nose. "She's right. You need it!"

"Is that so?" Alex arched an eyebrow and pretended to sniff her neck. "You smell like you could use one as well!"

With that, Alex moved to pick her up again and acted as though he planned to drop her still fully clothed into the largest tub Callie had ever seen. She howled in protect, making her cling to his neck more tightly. "Alex, no! It's my only shift!"

"You'll be left completely naked then until it dries. Even better!" He laughed, as she further tightened her arms around his neck.

"Please don't! I'm begging you."

"So, you want my company in the bath then? That's fair enough."

"Is that even possible?" Her eyes went wide with surprise, as he slid her slowly down his body.

"Of course it is. We can do whatever we like together." Callie was amazed how quickly he could rid them of every clothing item they wore. He drew her back up into his arms, sweeping her off her feet again to step into the steaming bath. The heat of the water was blissful. It was nearly too hot and reached to their chests when they sat down. It began to immediately relax her sore muscles. It was nearly enough to distract Callie from thinking of the fact that she was sitting naked between Alex's strong legs. Nearly, but not quite. 

A small, wooden, side table held a saucer of soap, an empty jug to use for rinsing, a bathing cloth, and two mugs brimful of dark ale. As Callie reached for the soap, Alex grabbed a mug of dark ale and enjoyed taking a long draw from it. She smiled at him sighing with pleasure. The soap was soft and pliable between her fingers, smelling sweetly of the vast heather fields they had passed on horseback on the road to the keep. She lathered it up between her hands before she shifted onto her hip, turning to face him. "Shall I wash your hair?"

He nodded with a smile, putting down his mug. "If you like..."

"Wet it first. It'll be easier to manage that way." She scooted closer towards him.

"Aye, lass. I've always found that to be so." His blue eyes held a naughty twinkle, but he took the empty jug which she offered to him and filled it with water to pour over his head. Callie was struck once again by his handsome features, as rivulets of water slid down his broad, muscled chest. "You going to wash me or not?"

His low laugh shook her awake from the momentary reverie. "Of course."

Her small hands massaged the soap into his scalp using long, slow circles with her thumbs and fingers. She heard him groan in pleasure and his eyes slid closed, so she slightly deepened the pressure. When Alex groaned again and visibly relaxed, she continued that same, soothing rhythm along the sides of his head and moving down to his neck and shoulders. Water drops were making little rivers down his chest, while others clung to the dark hairs there. Callie put extra soap in her hands and continued to bathe and massage all the muscles on his chest, then his powerful arms. He let out a contented moan every now and then. It gave her a heady rush of power knowing she caused him to react this way. She whispered in his ear when she had finished. "Time to rinse it out."

"All right." Alex nodded, smiling lazily when he opened his eyes, now dark with desire. He slid under the water, rubbing his erection up against her and making her gasp aloud. She reached for a drink of ale from her mug. It didn't entirely sate her thirst and now she knew why. He shook his wet head like a dog would its fur as he rinsed it, laughing softly as he did it. "Your turn now, lass."

Alex took the water jug before Callie could reach for it. He motioned her to turn around, so her back was to him. He undid the long plait in her hair, then poured water down her head to wet it. His hands were rough and firm from working with a claymore, yet still so gentle by touch. He took his time, washing her hair and rinsing it well. Alex braided her wet hair and piled it atop her head giving him access to her slender back. He began to expertly massage her neck and shoulders.

She couldn't help but groan whenever he hit a particularly sore spot until Alex spoke suddenly. "I just realised you forgot to do my legs."

"What?" Callie was suddenly jolted out of her meditative state.

Alex shifted her body around to face him again. After he repeated it to her, his blue eyes twinkled at her. "Shall I stand to make it easier on you?"

He stood, taking his mug of ale with him to enjoy a long pull of it before setting it down on the side table next to the tub. From Callie's seated position, she could see the visible evidence that massaging her gave him equal pleasure.

"Can ye get on with it, Callie? I swear it's chilling me to the bone standing here." Alex's words may have sounded serious, but Callie knew him well enough now that she could tell by his tone of voice when he was jesting.

She teased him back, her voice turning low and sultry. "I don't know. You look plenty hot to me."

Alex couldn't have looked more pleased with her observation. "Do I now?"

Callie would swear his cheeks turned a bit pink. Had she finally caused him to blush? It made her feel like doing a wee victory dance, because his compliments always made her do it. She bit her lower lip and put her focus on soaping his legs. She purposely avoided any move to touch him intimately, but her hands went as near as possible making his fully erect cock quiver and jump about on its own. Her hands reached around him to wash the backs of his legs as well.

Murmuring to himself in pleasure, Alex sat down and pulled her slickly into his lap. "I forgot your legs as well. No idea where my mind was."

Callie leaned forward to kiss him, but he backed his head up just before their lips met to leave her frustrated with unspent need. He lifted her up solely with his arms to stand in front of him, bringing the juncture of her thighs to his mouth while his hands gripped her hips making her gasp out. "Alex!"

Alex paused to look up at Callie. "Did you think to outwit me, lass?"

"Maybe. Oh, yes..." She gasped again, as he nipped at the top of each thighs before expertly delving his tongue into the slit beneath the wet curls. She held onto his shoulders for dear life, certain she would fall over from the heady precision of his advances. He slipped two, wet fingers inside her heat, quickening them up and down, never stopping the delicious assault of his tongue until she called out his name again and doubled over his shoulders when she felt the beginning of an intense orgasm. Alex held Callie, as he stood up to get out of the tub. He dried off her entire body slowly with a long piece of linen cloth. She moved to take it and do the same for him, but he did it briskly for himself before tossing it aside. He quickly picked her up in his arms again to kiss her deeply, his tongue moving to tease the seam of her mouth, coaxing her to open and allow him entry. Someone had already turned down the blankets on the huge bed in the middle of their room. Alex smiled to himself as he noticed it and laid Callie on the bed. He started to move his head down towards the junction of her legs again.

"Alex, nay! Please, I..." Her quiet voice trailed away, too shy to say what she wanted from him and she tried pulling him back on top of her.

He stretched his long body over hers, pushing her into the feather mattress with his hips. Callie squirmed beneath him, urgent with need. She was trying to touch him, but he'd taken both of her hands into one of his own and moved them over her head. "What do you want, wife? I've a need to hear you say it."

"I need you." She managed, ducking her head into his chest, her body straining towards him. Alex lifted her chin and she saw his grin.

"You have me, Callie. Cannot you tell that I'm yours?" She blushed scarlet to his delight.

Callie groaned in frustration. "That's not what I meant and you know it."

He dropped a kiss along her jaw before whispering in her ear. "Aye, I did. But, how do you want me?"

She emitted a sigh, as his distracting kisses continued along her neck. Callie pleaded now. "Alex, please..."

He showered her cheeks, chin, and jaw with light, butterfly kisses, putting his forehead tenderly against hers. "Say the words to me, love. I need to hear you say them."

"Inside me, Alex, please. I want you inside me." Words came out in a rush, as she begged. Hearing her finally say them aloud compelled Alex to fuse his body with Callie's in a powerful, fluid motion causing her to cry out in gratitude.

He freed her hands to be able to touch more of her body, as he moved inside her. When they began to pick up the pace, Callie's arms clung to his neck and wouldn't let go. Alex didn't know how long it would last between them, but it could never be long enough. Too soon, he started to feel himself releasing his seed inside her welcoming passage, as Callie groaned while enveloping his cock with her own shuddering climax. After shocks coursed through his spent body and his heartbeat was slowly returning to its usual, steady pace, as his senses started to return. He moved to get off Callie, afraid he must have bruised her body with his enthusiasm. 

"Nay, Alex! Don't go!" She protested, her arms wound tight about his waist. Her long hair was mussed around her face, so it muffled the sound of her voice. "Not yet, please."

He leaned up on his elbows, taking some pressure from his heavy weight off her. Alex tenderly moved hair out of her face, so he could look to see if she was feeling okay. He worried he'd been too rough with her, having completely lost himself in the heat of the moment. Frowning down at her, he asked. "Are you all right, sweetheart? I didn't hurt you, did I? I know I'm heavy."

She put a hand on his cheek, knowing her answer would please him. Callie nodded. "I'm braw, Alex. Truly. It was wonderful. Now, I'm hungry."

"You mean for food?" He asked, smiling in amazement.

She smiled. "Ravenous, actually."

He grinned widely at her proclamation before standing up to reach for his plaid and wrapped it around his waist. Alex held his hand out which Callie took and she followed him over to a large, comfortable chair. It was parked next to a table with a large trencher full of slices of dark bread, creamy butter, dried meats, and wedges of cheese. Next to it, there was a large bowl of stewed fruits and cream. Alex thought to grab their mugs of ale before sitting down. Callie wondered if she should try to sit next to him in the over-sized chair, as there was no other seat in the room.

Alex motioned to his lap, holding out the plaid to wrap her. "Is this okay with you?"


"I'll order another chair to be brought up here the next chance I get." He smiled at her. "In the meantime, I promise to keep you warm."

"It's perfect." She nodded, reaching around him to grab a piece of bread and cheese to take a bite. "Mm, this bread is so amazing!"

"I told you that Mrs. Ferguson had a magic touch with food, love." Alex took the slice she offered him loaded with meat and cheese. "I miss it when I'm on the road."

"Is there anything else you miss?" Callie asked him with interest. "When you're away?"

Alex talked animatedly about horses, training his men, and people he liked while they enjoyed their meal. It was a serene feeling to sit cozily wrapped in his tartan before the fire. Callie noted Bella wasn't one that he mentioned.

When she asked him about the twins and his cousin, Alex sighed in frustration. "It's a damn shame I couldn't have married you a few years ago. They were so young when Da died and naturally they can't remember our mother. Rory gets up to mischief, but it's fairly harmless. Bella's become a huge pain in my arse!"

"What about Phoebe?" Callie wanted to learn more about his cousin who was the friendliest to her.

"Ah, she's a sweet lass and never causes any trouble."

"How would marrying me sooner have made any difference to them?" Callie wondered aloud.

Alex smiled at her, running his thumb slowly along the furrow in her brow. His voice held a tinge of awe when he offered a reply. "You lost both parents too young as well, love. Yet, you don't act like a spoilt brat like Bella does."

Callie blushed with his praise, then took his mug from his hand to put it down before standing and pulling him up with her. "It's early days yet, Alex. You never know."

She nearly managed a straight face, but then couldn't stop from bubbling over into a fit of giggles. Callie's beautiful face grew bright red with her mirth, as Alex started to laugh just as heartily as she did. He shook his head in amazement when their laughter finally died down. After taking a drink of ale, he admitted on a contented sigh. "I haven't laughed much in recent years. You truly are a treasure, Callie. I'm so glad you're mine."

Callie smiled, as she let herself be again enfolded in his warm embrace, hugging him back. "I feel the same way, Alex. You saved my life the other night. I don't think that I thanked you for it."

"You did, but no matter. I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Alex wanted to tell her that she'd saved his, too, but he was too afraid to admit it out loud. He joked instead. "So, you don't regret marrying me then?"

"No." She laughed as she shook her head, then blushed while she asked him. "Can you please forget that silly, stroppy outburst of mine and go to bed?"

"Aye, we can." He answered by picking her up and wrapping her legs around his waist, allowing her to feel his growing erection.

"Alex!" She reprimanded with laughter in her voice. "You're insatiable!"

He looked at her before grinning like a devil, dropping her into their bed with a flourish. "Now, whose fault it that?"

"Surely not mine." She tried to throw a pillow at him, but Alex caught it and then started to tickle her. "Nay! Alex, I need a privy..."

He stopped, laughing as he rested his head on her shoulder. "Callie, you say that same excuse every time you want to get out of something. Do you ken it?"

She blushed deeper. "Aye, well, this time it happens to be true."

He sighed against her neck, smelling the sweet heather soap they both used in the bath. He let her up, covering his middle with a pillow before she noticed him getting yet another cock stand. He nodded towards a wooden door behind her. "Go on then."

She turned from him, opening the door on the other side. "Seriously?"

"Did you think my Da would build it for the blessed monks and not have one built here for himself? Ah, Callie, I wish ye could've known him. Smart as the devil and very kind." More than his mother, but that story was for another day.

She ducked inside, shaking her head in disbelief at her husband. He was too good to be true, yet somehow he was all hers. She wondered for the millionth time since the attack happened the other night how her life would've gone if she had traveled in another direction to MacLeod land. She couldn't imagine her life without Alex in it, but a huge, fresh wave of guilt flooded her now, remembering Moira and Davis meeting such violent deaths. It didn't seem fair that her life turned for the better when theirs had ended so abruptly. 

"Callie, are you all right in there?" Alex called.

"I'm coming." She answered, wiping away tears from her eyes and taking a deep, shaky breath. She couldn't help but ask him when she came out. "Do you always have soap and water in there, too?"

"Aye, my Da had a thing about washing hands. He bade everyone do it all the time once he was laird. He couldn't stand dirt anywhere. Glenna will tell you he was always that way, even as a lad." Alex shrugged his shoulders. "I'd grown so accustomed to it. We all did. When he died, it seemed like a small way of keeping his memory alive."

Callie nodded in understanding, as she joined him in their bed. It was already toasty warm from his body heat. She snuggled up to him, quietly admitting to his wide, muscular chest. "I wish I could remember more things about my parents. I've forgotten so much."

"What do ye recall?" He inquired while stroking her shoulders.

"My mother always smelled of flowers, but I don't know which ones she preferred, as I haven't smelled anything like them since she died."

"And how about your father?" He urged her to continue.

"His name was Ross. He was tall, kind, and funny. But, he didn't like or trust Hamish." She sat up, as the memory came flooding back. Alex sat up with her, holding her hands to steady her. She continued while the memory was still fresh in her mind. "We were in a carriage going to the gathering. I heard him saying he did't want us to go. He went along with it only to please my mother. She was pregnant again, the first time it lasted after me. I ken my da was right. Alex, please don't take any chances with my uncle! Promise me."

"Nay, lass, don't worry yourself. I won't." Alex answered in a soothing tone. He didn't plan on giving Hamish a chance to do anything except die by his sword, but Callie didn't need to hear about it. He drew her back down to lay next to him on the bed, keeping his arm around her shoulders and covering them both. "Come on, lass, you need to get some rest."

"Okay." She sighed in contentment. His hand started to draw lazy circles on her back to relax her further. She inhaled a deep breath, exhaling it into his armpit causing him to squirm. She laughed in delight. "Are ye ticklish?"

"It'd be wise for you to remember what happened when you tried to best me earlier, love." Alex thought it sounded like a forceful enough warning.

He was blindsided when Callie broke into a sweet grin saying. "Mm, that's very true. Where shall I tickle you next then, husband? If that's to be my reward..."

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