SwaRon SS You Me and Dreams

By Rach_RainDrops

15.3K 479 79

They meet. They become friends. Along the way they know each others likes, dislikes, dreams, aspirations and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 12

455 21 6
By Rach_RainDrops

Swayam sat quietly moving his head as if watching a ping pong match. Instead of the ball swinging from one participant to the other he saw words shuffling from Ankita and Sharon's mouths. The conversation mildly started to be an argument, later transformed into a dramatic exchange and finally turned to revival of childhood memories. How did they reach that point in 15 minutes of conversation was what he tried to figure out. He felt odd listening to them but whenever he tried to sneak out one of the two would order to sit back down and in a weird case he felt obliged to hear them out. As he listened to their chatter which made no sense to him he observed familiarities between both of them. They both had a knack of being dramatic, having abrupt changes in moods, their tastes were quite similar in almost everything and most of all they both had a heart full of innocence. He also noticed stark differences. Unlike Sharon, Ankita was a person who wasn't very shy about her feelings. All of these observations in 15 minutes was quite fascinating from him and began patting himself in the back.

"Are you quite sure he is sane?" He heard Ankita say.

"I had my doubts but I think he just cleared them." Sharon replied.

"I am right here." Swayam said as he stood up.

"Oh well didn't seem to notice you." Sharon replied.

Swayam was about to give her a reply when Ankita said.

"Shar you haven't officially introduced me to your boyfriend."

As she completed the sentence she smirked at the plan which she formulated in her head.

"He's not my boyfriend." "I am not her boyfriend." Sharon and Swayam said together.

While the first realized what her best friend planned to do while the latter was just at a loss of words.

"Oops!" Ankita said trying to stop a giggle which clearly was not ignored by Sharon.

"Excuse us for a moment." Sharon said as she pulled Ankita as far away as possible from Swayam.

"What the hell was that?" She asked.

"What was what?" Ankita replied feigning innocence.

"I know exactly what you're trying to do." Sharon accused.

"I don't know what you are talking about. What are you imagining in that brain of yours?" Ankita said maintaining her cover.

"You infuriate me sometimes." Sharon said.

"And that's what makes us soul mates." Ankita replied.

Sharon stayed silent for sometimes after which she smiled at her.

"Don't change the topic. Whatever it is you plan to do, don't do it." Sharon said in a defeated tone.

"Sharon you can't keep your feelings inside you. You have to tell him." Ankita said holding Sharon's shoulders.

"I will but not today." Sharon replied.

"Fine." Ankita said but she knew Sharon would keep delaying it until she got a shove. They walked back to Swayam who was welcomed them with a smile.

"So what was that about? Looked pretty intense." Swayam asked.

"Just this discussion we were having that Sharon should tell her crush about her feeling." Ankita said feeling proud inside.

This was ought to do some good. Sharon looked accusingly at her screaming in her mind about the conversation they had minutes ago.

"You have a crush?" Swayam asked with a hint of disappointment. Ankita was quick to sense the change in his tone and wondered why did Sharon have to be so clueless? Even if Swayam declared his love for her still she would have doubts. She worried about her friend at times like these.

"No no... Ankita is just joking. Always the funny one, right Anku." Sharon said laughing nervously.

"No I am not. So Swayam don't you think she should tell him about it?" Ankita said.

If looks could kill Ankita would have been dead by now and Sharon possibly in jail for it.

"Well... I don't know. She should I guess." Swayam replied.

"Exactly. See he agrees with me." Ankita said turning her attention towards Sharon.

Sharon just gave a stern smile and tried to change the topic.

"Let's stop talking about my imaginary crush and why don't we have a little tour of the sets." She said glaring daggers at Ankita.

"Of course. Swayam we'll follow you." Ankita said.

They entered the theatre advancing towards the stage. When she thought Swayam was out of their earshot Ankita whispered to Sharon. "He is as clueless as you are."

"What?" Sharon replied.

"You both like each other yet both don't see it in each other. At this pace your love story will never reach its peak. I think it needs the touch of a cupid." Ankita said.

"Can't you just leave the topic aside. I said I'll deal with it afterwards." Sharon said.

"I totally believe in you." Ankita said with a obvious tone of sarcasm.

"Hey you both were supposed to follow me." Swayam said.

They both followed him both wishing their best friend would get wiser in the few minutes. As they roamed around the tour they remained mostly silent besides Swayam and Sharon giving Ankita instructions. They finally assembled in one of the greenrooms.

"This place is actually pretty amazing." Ankita exclaimed.

"It is." Sharon agreed as she sat down besides her.

"So Ankita what exactly do you do?" Swayam asked.

"I'm doing my course for interior designing and a few jobs as an assistant here and there." She replied.

"That's interesting." He said after which all of them fell in silence, deep in their thoughts.

"So well... hey I've wanted to ask you a question for a long time Swayam." Ankita said.

"What would that be?" Swayam enquired.

"How did you manage to take this stubborn girl to an audition?" Ankita asked dramatically.

"Hey! I'm not stubborn." Sharon exclaimed.

"Believe me you are. I can't even count the number of times I asked you to go to one." Ankita replied.

"Well it wasn't easy. She completely avoided the topic at first, that made me realise she was never going to audition if I simply ask her to. So, I first stunned her and then dragged her to the auditions." Swayam said as he chuckled at the memory.

"Why didn't I think of it? And stunned her how exactly?" Ankita said.

"I told her I would take her out on a date." Swayam said with a smirk.

"Bold move... I like that and knowing she must have been like a deer in headlights." Ankita said.

"I'd say maybe worse. You should have seen her face." Swayam said.

Sharon was really not enjoying all of this. Why do both of them enjoy making fun of her? She must have been a fool to think it would be a nice idea to introduce them to each other.

"Okay well stop talking embarrassing things about me. You know I've got embarrassing stories about you both too." She said.

"Calm down Shar. I think you need more caffeine. Let's go to the coffee shop again." Swayam said.

"Nope. I'm in mood for ice cream." Sharon said.

"As you wish. Let's go then, my treat." Swayam said.

"Awww... you two are so adorable." Ankita cooed.

Both Swayam and Sharon had a deep shade of red appearing on their faces. They quickly began walking so that no one could notice. They reached the ice cream parlour and ate their ice cream in silence. While Swayam was paying the bill, Ankita whispered in Sharon's ear, "Come one, you have to tell him."

"Ankita... I can't." Sharon said.

"Why not? Tell him. What could possibly happen? If he doesn't like you back, which in my expert opinion is not possible, forget about it and remain friends and if he does like you back all is perfect." Ankita said.

"I know but..." Sharon said.

"No buts Sharon. I'll be outside and I hope you do your little confession till then." Ankita said as she walked out.

Swayam returned to the table to find Ankita missing.

"Where did Ankita go?" Swayam asked.

"She's out." Sharon said nervously.

"Okay. Let's go then. I'll drop you both." Swayam said as he began to start walking.

"Swayam I wanted to say something." Sharon said quickly.

"I'm listening." He said.

Sharon stood there nervously trying to muster up confidence to speak.

"I...I... I like you hair." She said and gave herself a mental slap for saying that.

"My hair?" Swayam asked.

"Y..yes. It's always so soft and shiny." Sharon stammered.

This was getting worse. She should just shut up and go home, she thought in her head.

"Okay. Well I think you clearly need rest." Swayam said.

Sharon nodded her head and started walking. As she opened the door she saw Ankita hopeful face. She just kept silent and walked up to her. One look at her face was enough for Ankita to know Sharon hadn't said a word. She just gave her an assuring smile. Sharon smiled back and had made up her mind to tell her feelings to Swayam. Ankita was right; she couldn't keep this in forever. She had to be ready for the consequences but she was sure she would always have an amazing friend like Ankita by her side.

A/N: I'm got good at updating at all :/ Sorry for the late update. I've been buried in college work. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for all the votes and comments :) 

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