His Girl ~ Scott McCall [2]

By multi_fandom2015

117K 2.2K 604

Emma Bradley is back. After ending sophomore year by defeating the kanima, she had to leave Beacon Hills for... More

Before You Read
Chapter 2: The Bite
Chapter 3: Deucalion, The Demon-Wolf
Chapter 4: The Bus Incident
Chapter 5: The Motel Glen Capri
Chapter 6: Saving the Vet
Chapter 7: The Anniversary
Chapter 8: Finding the Darach
Chapter 9: The Hospital
Chapter 10: Beginning of the Ritual
Chapter 11: Finding the Nemeton
Chapter 12: The Elemental
Chapter 13: Sleeping Problems
Chapter 14: What Really Happened To Ollie
Final Book

Chapter 1: Back to Beacon Hills

9.4K 189 16
By multi_fandom2015


I sigh as I drop my bags in the hospital room. "Great." I mumble, sitting on the bed. I never thought I would be back. Why should I? I left this town to get better and come back worse than before?

The doctors are saying that I have less than a month left. I look horrible and it doesn't help that they have no idea what the hell is killing me.

That's not the even the scariest part! What the hell am I going to say to Scott? I'm not going to school, so do I just hope to God that he doesn't visit the hospital, where his mother works? And what if she tells him

Uch, why did I have to come back?

A knock at the door draws my attention. I turn my head to see none other than Melissa McCall. "Hey." She says with a smile, walking in.

"Hi." I say shyly, adding a small smile. 

"I didn't think you'd be back." She says, sitting down. 

"Me neither." I laugh, looking down.

"Well, you're in good hands here. I'll be helping you, this time around." She says,

"Oh." Is all I can say.

"I won't tell Scott, if you don't want me to." 

I turn to her, trying to think about what to say. "I-" I stop, not knowing how to respond. "Is he ok?" I ask, unable to stop myself.

She laughs slightly before taking my hands. "He's been busying himself. Studying all the time. He misses you." I smile. "I saw the records. Why haven't they called us?" She asks, referring to my condition. I have them as my emergency contact, so I don't know why the doctors wouldn't have called.

"I'm not sure." I confess. "But, I have a month left to do anything I want." I smile, taking a deep breath. 

Commotion from the hallway makes us both stand. Melissa runs out while I stand in the doorway. I watch as two people are rolled in on beds. 

"Hey, wait a minute." Melissa says, running up to the first bed. "I know this one. What happened, Isaac?" She asks a pain-filled Isaac Lahey. 

"The girl, all right, she's worse, ok?" He whispers. 

"Are you not healing?" Melissa asks as they pass my room. 

"I will. Will you just-- would you just help her, please?" He asks as he is carted away, revealing a girl behind him. 

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." Melissa says, trying to keep her conscious. 

"Find him." The girl mumbles. "I have to find him."

"What are you saying?" Melissa asks. 

"I have to... I have to tell him."

"Who?" Melissa asks as they near my room. 

"The alpha." The girl says. "Find the alpha."

"What do you want with Derek Hale?" Melissa asks, confused.

"No." The girl says. 

"What?" Melissa asks.

"Not Hale." She says as Melissa detaches from her bed. The doctors roll her past my room as I hear her say, "McCall. Scott McCall."


"Why me..." I mumble as Melissa and I walk towards Isaac's room. "I mean, this would just be announcing my return to Beacon Hills. Why tell people if I'm only gonna be here for a month?" I tell myself as we turn the corner. 

"If you don't think you can be saved, than it won't work." Melissa says as we get to Isaac's room.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" A deputy asks.

"Doing a prep for the surgery." Melissa says. 

"What about her?" The deputy turns to me with disgust.

"Moral support." I say, but he doesn't look convinced. "I know him and he has no family. I'm just trying to make him feel comfortable enough to talk." I lie.

"Fine." The guy grumbles, letting us in. 

Isaac's eyes immediately find mine as we enter. I close the door, but still feel his eyes on me. I turn to see Melissa looking at the wounds. She makes a face and I walk around to see the scratches visibly healing. 

"That's healing." I breathe in awe.

"Yeah, yeah, that's healing, visibly." Melissa agrees. "Wow, they can't see this. Nobody can see this." She tells Isaac. 

"All right, cover it up." He says, watching the door. 

"I-I don't think that's gonna matter." I say as Melissa lowers the gauze back onto the wound. 

"You're scheduled for surgery, which is obviously gonna be very confusing for a lot of people." Melissa says. 

"Ok, can you do something?" Isaac asks. 

"Me, do something?" Melissa asks."I'm relatively new to all this."

"And there's a sheriff's deputy that's stationed right outside the door." I add, making Isaac even more nervous. 

"Have you tried calling Derek?" He asks.

"Yeah, like five times." Melissa says. "Do you have any other emergency werewolf contacts?"

"Yeah." He says, glancing at me. 

"Scott." I sigh making them look at me. "Call Scott." 

Melissa nods and walks outside, leaving me with Isaac. "So..." I start, trying to make conversation.

"When did you get back?" He asks, looking at my face. 

"Last night." I say, thinking that if I answer the questions, it'll be over quicker. 

"Why are you back?"


"Does Scott know?" I blink a few times, registering the question.

"Why does that-" I stop and cough into my elbow. "Why does that matter?" I ask after a few more coughs. 

"Well, he--" He stops when he notices my coughs becoming more violent. "Are you ok?" He asks. 

"I-" I can't continue as I fall to the ground, seeing the blood pour from my mouth. "Stay safe." I mutter as I run out of the room. The deputy and Melissa call after me, but I ignore it as I get to my room. I grab the door and almost slam it into Melissa. 

She pushes through the door as I fall to the ground, unable to stand. She locks the door and drops beside me. "Scott told me you had a way around this." She says as I cough more. "Breathe, ok? Come on." She mutters as it gets worse. The door starts to shutter and the sheet on the bed flies across the room. 

"Lock yourself in the bathroom." I gasp. "Go!" She runs and does as I tell her. After about 3 more seconds, I let go. I fall to the ground, exhausted. 

Melissa creeps out and runs over to my tired figure. She lifts my head into her lap and strokes my head, calming me down. "It's gotten worse, hasn't it?" She asks.

"Everyday." I whisper, my eye lids closing quickly. 

"Lets get you into bed." She helps me into the bed, my eyes closing immediately.

"Thank you." I mumble before falling into a deep sleep. 


I wake up with a jolt, my head spinning. I groan as I look around the messy room. Papers are all over, my clothes and sheets all bloody. I get out of bed and change into new clothes and head to the third floor to get another sheet, preferably one not covered in my blood. 

I go into the room, my head still throbbing and pick out another sheet. I rub my temple as I walk out of the laundry room, closing it behind me. As if I was doing something bad, I have a feeling like I should look both ways. I groan at myself before turning towards the elevator.

I freeze, my hand dropping from my head. I blink a few times, trying to tell if I was just seeing things. I take in a deep breath as I realize that they are actually standing there. He is actually standing there. 

I quickly gain back control of my body and look down, turning away from the werewolves. I rush down the steps to my room, trying to outrun the one werewolf that would actually run after me. 

I sigh, relieved, when I see my door. I grab the handle and push it open slightly before I hear panting behind me. 

I turn around to see a confused Scott McCall. "You're back." He breathes.

"Yeah." I say, trying to look anywhere but his eyes. 

After a moment, I realize that he isn't speaking. I glance at his eyes and see that he noticed the room behind me. As much as I didn't want to, I closed the door quickly, blocking off the messy room. 

When the door bangs shut, Scott's brown eyes find my green ones. "It's worse, isn't it?" He asks, sounding like his mother. I glance down and to the side, thinking of what I should says.

"Derek's waiting for you." I say, seeing Derek waiting with Isaac at the end of the hall. "It was nice to see you Scott." I say, slipping into my room. I lock the door behind me and slide down it. "Idiot." I mutter to myself. 

Hope you liked the first chapter!!

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