saving mitch ↠ scömìche

By ashlxy-

69K 3.9K 2.8K

〝 "scott?" i said quietly, gaining his attention. "hm?" scott mumbled. i sat next to him and we didn't look a... More

• prologue •
one ↠ photography
two ↠ inner delicacy
three ↠ a waterfall and a confession
four ↠ travis
five ↠ party time
six ↠ realization
seven ↠ avoiding
eight ↠ i'm sorry
nine ↠ just friends
ten ↠ arguments
eleven ↠ alex
twelve ↠ christmas eve
thirteen ↠ christmas day
fourteen ↠ mistletoe
fifteen ↠ starbucks
author's note ↠ i'm so sorry
sixteen ↠ break
seventeen ↠ pillow
eighteen ↠ new year's eve
nineteen ↠ sleep
twenty ↠ 48
twenty two ↠ wake
twenty three ↠ home
twenty four ↠ end
• epilogue •
a/n: defect is here!

twenty one ↠ 53

1.7K 108 19
By ashlxy-

sometimes i feel as if i don't deserve you

i cherish every moment that we share

Pentatonix | If I Ever Fall In Love

Mitch Grassi's POV

Of course, going to the bridge wasn't as bad as I thought it was since the hospital wasn't far from it, so I did get there in about ten minutes just by walking since I figured I'd probably kill myself driving. And I wasn't about to leave Scott.

The bridge was so much prettier in real life. It was also nighttime, so it lit up like a Christmas tree with cars passing by quickly. Looking at the bridge was aesthetically pleasing.

I quickly found myself near it, not on it, and I had a perfect shot. The light was orange-ish yellow, most parts of the town dark but had some light as well. I could see the entirety of downtown San Francisco behind the bridge, making it seem even more beautiful. Quickly, despite the fact it was almost 1 AM, I took a picture of it with Scott's camera, and once I took it, I genuinely expected it to look weird since I'm no photographer or Scott Hoying, but once the picture loaded, it looked amazing. Definitely not Scott amazing, but it was really, really pretty.

Good enough, I thought. God, I hope this is okay.

After taking the picture, I sighed, figured I shouldn't go back for awhile, and sat down, admiring the entirety of San Francisco. And I was going to try and forget Scott for at least a little while.


Kirstie Maldonado's POV

"Do you think he'll wake up?" I asked Kevin beside me as I stared at Scott. It's been a day, which is why we're back. We all had no idea where Mitch went.

"I don't know," he murmured, sighing. "I hope he does."

"I do, too," I said, staring at Scott and Kevin. Avi went to go eat, and I don't know how he could. I don't think he was actually going to go eat. Maybe look for Mitch.

"I really do," I repeated, sighing.


Mitch Grassi's POV

Hearing footsteps behind me, I looked back, not surprised to see Avi. I knew one of them were going to come and get me.

Instead of telling me to get up, he sat next to me, and sighed. "I know you miss him."

"Miss is such an understatement," I muttered.

"I know. And I also know that you think I'm here to get you, to bring you back to that damn hospital. Right?" Avi glanced at me, but I just shrugged. "Probably."

"I am, but we don't have to leave right now. You can vent to me, you know. I'm always here to listen, especially if it's about your boyfriend," he teased, a smile on his face. I didn't even smile or chuckle, just shrugged again, and stared at the busy bridge. "Alright, well," he sighed. "Maybe we should go, if you're not going to. Or want to."

I nodded, "I don't think I should. And I don't want to. So let's go," I said, standing up. Avi smiled at me, and I faked a smile for him, just to get him off my back, and he nodded, but I doubted he believed my false smile. Leading me back to the street, I looked at Avi, but then shook my head when he offered a ride. "No. I'll walk. I need to clear my head. I think walking is best. I tried to at the bridge, but that didn't work out so well," I sighed, throwing the camera around my neck. Avi nodded with a worried expression, "Be careful. Text me if you need a ride or if you need help, okay?"

I nodded, "Okay. See you there," I said, beginning to walk. It may have been one in the morning, and I should've been asleep, but I couldn't make myself while I was at the hospital. Seeing Scott like that... it was like that disgusting coffee you tried in the morning, yet it still woke you up a bit. Seeing him like that was exactly like that gross coffee right now. That sounds mean. But it's completely accurate.

Why couldn't it have been me? I thought. Everybody loves this guy right here. No one loves me. Hell, I probably loved the guy in that damn hospital bed more than I loved myself. Me being in that bed - no problem. Him being in that bed - very big problem.


I think I do.

Maybe I do.

We'll see.

Realizing I made it to the white, gray and blue hospital, I opened the doors to it, smiled at the waiting patients, and rushed to the room. I didn't even need to tell the woman at the desk about me going to his room. She knew.

I opened the door, saw Avi, Kirstie, and Kevin sitting in the multiple chairs, and I nodded at all of them, taking a seat right next to Scott, staring at him. The nurse from the day before came in, and she smiled at all of us, notifying that the other three had to go. In understanding, they all stood up, grabbed whatever they left, gave me a gentle goodbye, and left. "Mitchell?"

I looked to the lady nurse, waiting. "Scott is doing much better," she smiled. "His chances have increased to 53 percent."

Something inside me made me grin, a genuine one for the first time since he got into that coma. "Thank you," I said quietly. She once more gave me a small smile, then left the room, but before she did, she spoke. "Would you like anything?"

I shook my head, "Thanks, but no."

She nodded, "Alright. Just come get one of us when you do! We don't bite, I promise."

I smiled, but it was a little forced. "Of course."

She shut the door behind her, then I looked to Scott and sighed. "You doof," I sighed. "That was awkward. You better wake up tomorrow."

I held onto his cold, pale hand again that week, and I smiled, despite the constant thought nagging at the back of my mind. What if he becomes that 47 percent?



so very short but do keep in mind that the next chapter will be so much better in all ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for not updating. my cat got really sick and died, so i kind of just shut everyone/everything out for awhile.

RIP KitKat. 8/1/2015 - 2/20/2016 ;; 11:28 PM.


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