Scary Stories

By aznsparkly

129K 1.3K 447

A collection of original horror stories that I wrote to make you shiver and stay awake at night. Enjoy! More

I should've believed her...
The Witching Hour
Don't Dispose of Me, Sir
IMPORTANT! Read please :]
Don't make fun of Elle
The Painting
My Psycho Best Friend
Merry-Go-Round 'Till I Die
Camp Buddies...Forever
The Truth Behind Rabbits
The Illusionist
Devilishly Masked
My Mother is a Sociopath
Clowning Around
Death by Anger
The Parting Kiss
Hunter the Kid Reaper
Grandma's Secret Ingredient
Notice for Readers!~
Drive-In Horror!
Briefcase Full of Bones

Don't lend your paint to anyone

3.2K 37 6
By aznsparkly

I took out my palette and paint set. I carefully opened the large wooden case. It was kind of old, and if I touched the side, getting a splinter was possible. I didn't mind though, because my grandfather gave it to me before he passed away. "Take good care of this paint set, and don't lend it to anyone. It's very special and only you can use this. When you pass away, give it to your grandchild and tell him or her these exact words." he said when I visited him in the hospital shortly before he died.

Tears were dripping from my eyes, and I quickly rubbed them away. I really missed my grandpa, and I was happy he left me his precious item before flying up to the heavens. That's why I decided to follow in his footsteps, and become a painter like him.

I wiped my palette and began squeezing the colors on. White just above the thumb hole, warm colors next to that on the edge, and cool colors on the left edge. I took out some canvas paper and started my outline.

 ~Next day at school~

Mrs. Leon sighed. "Why can't you kids pronounce it right? It's 'ferrocarrilero', with your tongue rolled! Ay!" she yelled. Luckily for us, the bell rang at that exact moment.

I left the room in a flash and checked my schedule. Yes! I had art now! I took the elevator upstairs and went in the art room. 

Everyone arrived after a few minutes and took their seats at their easels.

"Hey everyone. We're gonna work on our paintings from last time. I expect all of you to finish by today, or at least finish most of it. I need to head to the next building for a short meeting. Don't cut, and please, don't talk." our teacher said as he walked out of the room.

I was squeezing the colors on my palette as Sebastian Gray walked towards me. I grimaced. Sebastian Gray was the most troublesome sophomore in the school. He would vandalize property, bully others, get in many fights, and cut class all the time. I don't know why he showed up today though.

"Hey. You're Linna, right?" he grinned and stuck his tongue out in a nasty way. I looked at him in disgust. His black hoodie was too large and baggy for him, and the hood covered his red Beats by Dr. Dre headphones. He held a cigarette in his hand, and I could see the matchbox in his jean pockets. His jeans were hanging down so low that you could see his boxers. 

"Yeah, you need anything from me?" I said with an annoyed expression on my face.

"I heard you're a really good artist. Can you help me with my painting? And when I say help, I mean complete my project for me." he removed the cigarette from his mouth and blew. I covered my nose, because smoking is worse for second hand smokers. 

"So. Can you? I'll pay you." he grinned as he tipped my chin with his icy cold fingers.

I flinched back. "No. I have to finish mine first. And I don't like people taking credit for my work." I glared and started mixing colors.

He frowned and then stared at my supplies. "Those are really nice paints. Can I use them at least?" he grabbed my arm firmly.

I tried to remove his grasp on me. "You can't. You're not allowed." I said in a serious voice.

"Why not, Ms. Teacher's pet? He won't let you share at least?" He cackled.

" just can't use them." I bit his arm.

"OWW! Dude, what was that? You'll have to pay for that, you know." he said as he took my paint set from the floor and emptied it out.

I gasped and was about to get up to slap him. He then grabbed a few of my paints and squirted them onto his blank canvas. "Ooh, these are really nice colors. Thanks." Sebastian laughed.

He turned around and started laughing with his delinquent friends. All of a sudden, I saw something absurd. The paint that he squirted on his canvas was coming off the surface. It was MOVING! My jaw fell open so wide that I think a fly went in. He was still laughing, not noticing anything strange behind him, and the paint wrapped around his neck. It didn't even look like paint anymore, it was now more like colored ropes strangling him. He started choking and tried to pry the paint off. The paint then wrapped around his arms and legs, making him unable to move his hands. He tried to ask someone for help but everyone seemed to not notice what was happening. Only I saw what happened. 

The paintbrushes from his easel started floating right in front my eyes. They moved to Sebastian's face and jabbed his eyes until he couldn't see. They opened his eyelids and gouged out his eyeballs, leaving a disgusting bloody mess on the floor. One paintbrush flew down his throat, and he choked up blood. I was disgusted by this, and even though I should've helped him, I turned around, not wanting to see anymore. 

A few minutes later, the screaming and gagging sounds stopped. I turned around to see why. Sebastian was now on the floor, his neck twisted like a pretzel and his eye sockets as dark as a black hole. Blood was splattered on the floor, and I felt like throwing up looking at this ghastly sight. I was too scared to go near him, so I went to keep my paints safe.

A note flew from the window as I quickly gathered my paints, still quivering in fright.

"Linna, I told you not to lend your paint to anyone. From Grandfather." it read.


well hello. yeah. I uploaded like I promised xDD

These don't even seem scary anymore. oh well, whatever.

Please listen to the song in the side, it's so super awesome :D

@Pitakarot: Notice the teacher name? LOLOLOL. i would expect her to say something like that to us with her ridiculous accent.

thankyous C:


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