And Then There Was You....(Cu...

By EmeraldRose92

14.5K 762 176

What if that truck didn't take out our beloved Jackson Teller, what if SAMCRO was where it ended, but Chicago... More

New Beginings
Getting Into The Swing Of It...
And Then There Was You...
Is It Love, or Do I Lust You a Lot...
All in...All out.
The Dynamics Of Family....
Pain is certain, suffering is a choice.
A Dance With The Devil...
Blurred Lines...
Storms Rolling In...
Where We Are Now
And Then There Was Us

You Cant Run Forever...

1.4K 71 15
By EmeraldRose92

A/N- Not sure if its worth it to keep updating as noone seems to have anything to say about the current chapters, but anyway, one for the road... above picture of Jaxs Living room.

It was a mild breezy Saturday night, and Jax was currently getting his shoulders rubbed on his living room floor as he sat in between Nomi's warm legs, her thick thighs heating his shoulders, his left hand making ministrations on her inner ankle while they watched TV.

"So my parents are coming to visit next week" Nomi spoke softly while she worked on a knot in Jax's left shoulder.

"Yeah?" there was a silent question in how Jax responded, Nomi didn't wanna push but it was becoming the elephant in the room, they would sometimes call when he was around, and they knew she was seeing someone and was happy. However she may of left out the part about him being a mysterious white guy, who popped out of nowhere more than ten years her senior.

"Well...Do you wanna meet them?" She rubbed a little absently while she waited for him to answer.

Jax stared pensively into the TV while holding his beer near his leg, clearly in deep thought.

"Du want me to meet them?" He finally responded, not shifting his gaze from the screen.

"Only if you want to, I mean, I feel like its time... I love you, I'm sure they will too." Nomi smiled to herself as she continued to lovingly massage his other shoulder.

Jax looked into his bottle and smiled realizing Nomi hadn't noticed her slip. She loves me.

Jax had been in love for quiet sometime, but hadn't made the move to say as such to her. The realization of the weight of his feelings sometimes weighed heavy on his heart, he found himself think more of his boys,he wondered how they were growing without him.

Opening his heart to another had also opened his heart to a flood of emotions he thought he'd set aside, His boys, Tara, Wendy, Bobby, the guys back home, all of it suddenly seemed to creep into his thoughts more and more. It was approaching the holidays and he would have been gone nearly a year, he wasn't sure how he wanted to start the New Year. He found himself wanting to merge the two, his new life with Nomi, the colorful, sexy, fierce warm light in his life, oddly with the darkness of his past, he wondered what the guys would make of her, he wanted them to see him happy, he missed them. Although flawed in every way his past was his past, plus the more time he spent with Nomi, the more anxious he became about her finding out herself, although the chances slim, he still didn't enjoy lying to her face about who he was.

"It's okay, you don't have to, we can see where we are in the New Year and go from there?" Nomi's small voice brought him back to reality and out of his daydreaming, hearing the disappointment in her voice, she'd also stopped rubbing his shoulder and was now squished in the corner of the sofa hugging her knees to her full breast, staring at the TV.

"Darling, I would love to meet them, I didn't mean to...I just dazed out, got a lot on my mind, next week sounds like a good idea" rising from the floor he came to sit in front of her, balancing his chin on her knees, forehead pressed to hers, giving her full "forgive me" face.

"You're just saying that" Nomi stared at his lips, refusing the eye contact he was searching for.

"I can promise you sweetheart, if I don't wanna do something, it doesn't get done...your family is important to you, so they're important to're important to me" Jax watched her brown orbs float up to meet his cerulean eyes.

Reaching round to stroke the back of her neck, playing with the curly baby hair his fingers found at her nape, he smirked as her cherub features, spread into a pearly white, baby dimpled huge grin.

She leaned in slowly and planted a chaste kiss on his stubbly cheek, earning a look of smug disapproval from Jax, conceding she leant in again planting two kisses, one to each cheek; still not impressed, Jax stared her down, the lopsided grin of his never moving from his face as he slowly shook his head. Nomi sat up taking the bait and slid a small hand down his hard bare chest and abs to land just above the waistband of his grey sweatpants, before leaning in to suck and bite his bottom lip.

Jax's eyes fluttered briefly before regaining control. He loved the girl, her confidence, her scent, and her feminine wiles, but new man or not, he wasn't gonna let her turn him into an eye- lash fluttering, "come in his pants" pussy, and that is exactly what was gonna happen if she kept up her teasing.

Grabbing her by legs, he drug her down the sofa to lay her flush on her back, sitting on his heels he tugged her (well actually they were his boxers) down her legs, leaving her bare from the waist down. She lay breathless underneath him as he nibbled and licked on her midriff, her pelvic bone, dipped his tongue in her belly button and kissed on her ribcage, raising her Tommy Hilfiger sports bra to expose her rigid nipples, Jax gave them both a quick suckle before he flipped her, causing air to expel from her lungs as he took her by surprise, suddenly cloaking her from behind, his rock hard cock resting itself in the crack of her ass while he sucked on her earlobe.

Neither had said a word since they started, just the heavy sound of breathing, and the desperate moans and whimpers of Nomi crept through the room.

"Please..." Nomi's voice sounded foreign to her, too raspy, too stained with lust, too heavy, too light

"Too... much" she ground out, as Jax's hand and fingers worked her over from behind, she laid face down in the sofa, arms outstretched to grip the arm of the chair, Jax, naked as the day he was born, straddled her like she was a prize pony, two fingers pulsing her heat while she squirmed on his hand, he took his other hand and splayed it on her lower back in an effort to keep her still, but found the simple action only turned him on more, the slowed exploration of his fingers inside her becoming a brutal exercise on seeing how much Nomi could take, and testing how long Jax could hold out for.

Reaching his limit he withdrew his hand, being sure to coat himself thoroughly in her essence, he gave his strained cock three long strokes, and lined his glistening member at Nomi's center, with her legs pressed together it was almost impossible to fit as he meaningfully thrust himself in her tight heat, white light flashed before his eyes as her muscles squeezed and pulled at him, her pussy hungry for more, he'd be dammed if she wasn't gonna get it all, rearing back he thrust forward for a second time, burying himself to the hilt, his balls flush against her. Nomi's babble and faux cries could be heard through the pillow she was currently biting, Jax settled into a robust and wild rhythm, moving the couch slightly with each dip, and thrust of his hips, his balls rang off loudly against the skin of Nomi's plump behind, lifting her hips slightly with both hands, he dug deeper and harder until he felt her clench on his cock, erratic pulsing within her walls milking him for all he had, a low groan and a burst of air spilling from his lips as he fell over the edge right with her.

"I don't think I'll make it to next week if you keep this up" Panting she rolled on her side to be enveloped in a clammy spooning position by Jax.

"It'd be an alright death though wouldn't you say? Balls deep and smiling, I could think of worse ways to go" He chuckled wiping a bead of sweat from his brow.

"Such a slut" she giggled nudging him with her elbow, before slowly rising off the sofa to hop to the bathroom.

Jax watched her ample bottom bounce and sway as she shuffled down the hall, he wasn't surprised when he felt himself harden again, hearing the shower start, he shed himself of the sweatpants around his ankles and rose from the sofa, he was sure Nomi could use a hand scrubbing her back, and being the chivalrous man he was, he was gonna go help his woman out.

Next week...

"Hun I've never been good with Dads, moms? Sure! But Dads have never liked me for some reason" Jax mused as he stared at the label of a box of Mac'n'nCheese.

"Urm, that's because you have a face that says "I've been dicking your daughter down sir...well!" of course they don't like you! Would you like you if you were a Father!" Nomi laughed and swiped the carton from Jax chucking it absently in the cart, fixing the collar on his black and red plaid shirt before pushing down the aisle.

Jax smirked but grabbed something else to stare at harshly, if he was a father?.. He was a father...He was being the best one he could be at this moment, he barely knew who he was half the time, it wouldn't be fair to drag his boys through it too, they would be okay, they were in good hands, they deserved their fresh start too.

"You coming?" as per usual Nomi's warm rasp, snapped him out of his dark thoughts.

"Right behind ya doll" he smirked, adjusting his black rimmed glasses as he followed the sway of her hips, eyes glued to her ass all the way to the tills.

Paying for their groceries they headed home, chatting away in the car and laughing at stupid shit, and having meaningful conversation about, her family, politics and whatever else, like they usually did...Nomi had offered to come up to his apartment and make dinner, it was weird having both apartments, they were practically living together already.

"Don't forget you gotta do the dishes when I'm done, I'm not doing all the work pretty boy!" Nomi chuckled climbing the outside steps of their building.

Coming to a slow pause she realized Jax still stood on the side walk. Eyes glued to the end of the street.

"Everything okay?" She smiled, coming down to stroke his cheek softly.

Jax was paralyzed, he physically couldn't move, he could be imagining things, maybe he was hallucinating, because this couldn't be, not now. It didn't make sense.

"Nomi, go on up, I'll meet you up" he snapped out a little harsher than intended, his jaw ticking as his eyes stayed glued down the streets. Nomi stared at Jax perplexed.

"Whats wron-"

"Nomi, Go!" he growled.

Nomi backed up and walked inside grocery bags in hand, just as the loud roar of 5 black motorcycles rode by slowly, Jax squared up and watched them roll by, his face hard his jaw clenched, there would be no incident, this wasn't a hit, it was a message, someone wanted to make their presence known to him, and it wasn't to welcome him to the fucking neighbourhood, which meant it must be a threat, and if it was a threat, someone must want him to know, they know, exactly who he is.

Jax walked down the hall to his apartment bile threatening to erupt from his throat with each step, a million and no thoughts speeding through his mind with every step. He stood staring at his front door for what felt like an eternity before putting the key in the lock. He was greeted by a stormy faced Nomi, emerging from his bathroom. He didn't mind, he'd given her a key for a reason, he wanted her to have access to his place if she ever need it. She was pissed, understandably, he had taken a tone with her on the steps, he hadn't meant to, but he just wanted her out of their view, he didn't want their eyes on her.

"So, you gonna tell me what the hell that was about?" Nomi grumbled as she took a seat at his dining table, she crossed her legs and placed a hand on her knee, while her fingers drummed on his table.

"I...You...I can't" Was all Jax could mumble out as he skipped grabbing a beer and went straight for the Jameson on the counter, forgoing a glass he took a deep swig straight from the bottle as Nomi stared.

"Jax, it 2:00 in the afternoon, what the fucks wrong?!" She stood growing impatient. "You are gonna talk to me about this, you know that right!" She snapped, snatching the green bottle from his tight grasp, slamming it so hard on the counter, brown liquid jumped from the bottle.

Jax simply stared at the small puddle of brown liquid on the counter for a moment, before pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Nomi, I want to talk to you about it, but ...I just don't know how...everything...its all fucked." He sighed, moving around her to walk to his bedroom.

He sat on the edge of his bed for a moment before she slowly entered.

Nomi stood in the doorway, suddenly feeling like an intruder, something had closed off within Jax, his whole demeanor was different, colder, harder. She noticed it when they were on the steps, the way he'd spoke to her, it was like seeing a duck meow, it seemed so out of place she wasn't entirely sure if it was really him. Nomi wasn't stupid, although he was pretty she could tell that there was a "bad boy" within Jax, she'd seen it when they went out for a drink one night, she got all dressed up for him, tight fitting high- waisted skirt and a midriff baring crop top adorned her as they slammed shots and he watched her dance for him in the downtown club, it was all going well until an overzealous chump decided to try and feel her up at the bar, she didn't even see Jax appear before he'd grabbed the man by the collar, a heated war of words occurred between the two before bouncers got involved.

If she was honest, it turned her on, she was ashamed to say his fury ignited her, the look in his eyes while he demanded the man apologize to her, the way he seemed completely in control, unafraid, it was seductive. When they got home from the club he'd bent her over the kitchen counter and fucked her into the middle of next week, she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it.

However she had never been on the receiving end of that look it was usually an unfortunate soul in traffic, or a man whose eyes lingered on her ass too long when they were out.

She knew that he had another side to him, but she wasn't afraid, not of him, she couldn't be. What she was afraid of though was being shut out. She had invested so much in Jax, time, energy, love, she'd be destroyed if he left her now, but she would have too much pride to beg him to stay.

"Is there someone else?" her voice sounded small, too small to be coming from her mouth, she didn't like it, clearing her throat she spoke again.

"Because if there is you might as well-"

"There's no one else...why would you even think that?"

"Well you're not giving me much to work with!" She snapped, throwing her hands up in defeat. "An hour ago, we were fine! Now you're chugging whiskey in the afternoon, shouting at me in public and ignoring me!" She didn't want to, she wasn't a crier, but the tears spilled regardless, and she hated herself for it, she was always frustrated by the dramatic crying girls in movies, but now she understood their plight, men were infuriating.

Rising from the bed, Jax moved to her, ignoring her when her tiny hands pushed at his hard broad chest, he barely moved with the shove she gave him, advancing on her again, she tried she went to slap him he caught her wrist mid-air and brought her to him with a firm tug, and crashed her to his chest in a tight hug, her small shoulders shaking with the tears that spilled from her.

"Why won't you talk to me? Somethings wrong, I can tell!" she cried into his chest "Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be okay, if we could just talk about it, we could work through it" She hiccupped, emotion dripping off every word, Jax suddenly heard the youth in her voice, and she suddenly seemed so small, her 5'6 frame being engulfed in his 6ft stature towering over her as he held her.

He wanted to tell her everything, but he knew he'd lose her, maybe it would be better that way, she was young , educated ambitious, stunningly beautiful, maybe he should let her go, but dammit he wanted her, he felt like he deserved her too! He'd been through so much to get to her, for fucks sake, why couldn't he have her and just be happy.

He weighed up the options, the decisions he'd have to make while he rubbed her back and swayed her in his arms, his tight embrace saying all the things he couldn't.

"I'm sorry " He finally whispered into her was different again today, she'd put it into cute twists before bed the previous night, and now gorgeous tight wavey small ringlets crowned her head stopping short at her shoulders, the volume in her hair highlighted her natural beauty, her high cheekbones, full lips and those eyes, his little Bambi.

"Everything I touch...I break...I'm not meant to have nice things...they don't last around me" he spoke into her hair, still unable to look at her. Her crying had softened, slight jerking from her hiccups continued, but she visibly calmed as he spoke, her shoulders relaxed, and her arms slowly came to his waist, wrapping around him.

"I know I'm gonna hurt you, I don't want to, darling I would lay in the street and welcome oncoming traffic if it meant keeping you out of harm's way...but I know me, I know what happens to good things around me, I'm toxic Nomi." As he finished he was suddenly aware of a flash of brown before his eyes and a warm stinging sensation rising in his left cheek, raising his hand he brought it to his face, the flesh tender under his fingers, his eyes travel to Nomi who stood, before him breathing heavy, her eyes furious. She'd slapped him

"You're...toxic..." She repeated at him, eyes squinting as she pushed the word through gritted teeth.

He was confused to say the least.

"Where does that leave me? Where does that leave us? Why would you do such a selfish thing! You claim you're such a terrible person, then why would you let me fall in love with you! Why do you share my bed practically every night? Why do you whisper sweet nothings to me, wake me up with kisses? Fix my leaky shower! Fucking rub my feet when I get home from work! You're toxic!...No, you're full of shit!" She punctuated the last word with her finger, jabbing it as hard as she could in the middle of his forehead as she walked around him to the living area.

"I'm trying to tell you-" Jax started as he followed her out, but the way Nomi whipped round silenced him, she was ready to swing on him, granted, he'd put hands on women in the past, he wasn't proud of it, but he had, however the idea of getting into a physical altercation with Nomi nauseated him, he would never harm a hair on her head.

"You know, you're talking but you're not really saying anything are you" Her tone was eerily calm. "Something has spooked you, and you're getting cold feet, my parents are coming end of the week, and you pull an argument out your ass!" She started to move around the apartment in supers peed, grabbing her items she'd gradually left over the months, toothbrush, hair brushes, edge control, panties, a phone charger , books, a Wu-Tang Hoodie and a beloved spatula all crammed in her arms.

"Come get this door, I wanna leave!" She stood by the door, chest rising, nostrils flared with rage.

God he loved her...Even furious, and stomping around, she was perfect, so much so, that in the moments she had lost her shit and preceded to cuss him out to the heavens, he'd almost forgot about the imminent threat the city currently presented, he was solely focused on her...he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Walking up to her slowly, he felt a small smirk ride across his face and disappear, she pretended not to see, sticking her nose in the air, and avoiding his gaze, he stopped directly in front of her and looked her up and down.

Her breathing became slightly more erratic and her eyes lowered to the floor in a bid to ignore him, but aside from that, she didn't move.

"Tell me you don't love me" He breathed, Nomi's eyes shot up to meet his finally, at his absurd demand, honestly! The balls on this man! After the hell he'd put her through, he now wanted her to validate him or whatever it was he was asking of her.

"I don't love the door!" she threw back, before sticking her nose back in the air.

Jax smiled before looking away, only to take a step closer, the items in her arms pressing into his chest.

"That's too bad, because I happen to be in love with you Miss Daniels" He smiled at her and watched her eyes soften.

"Just because you-" Jax cut her off with a slow kiss.

Letting the items fall from her arms, she wrapped her arms around his neck opening her mouth for me, letting their tongues dance for a moment before pulling away, looking to the floor, feeling somewhat conflicted.

"I know at some point I have to tell you everything, but I also remember you telling me I didn't have to rush, that I could come to you when I knew how, does that still stand, or was it bullshit?" He questioned her as she stared at her shoes, watching her brown eyes lift to meet him.

"I meant it, but I can't be lied to, I don't wanna not trust you...i...I love you...I wanna love all of you...not just the bits you want me  to see" she pleaded. "Please let me in, show me all of it, I can take it".

He nodded and kissed her soft lips before enveloping her in his strong arms "soon darling, I promise." He meant it, she deserved the truth, or at least a variation.

First he needed to find out exactly who his new admirers were, granted there were some things he would never tell Nomi, she just didn't need to know, but there were somethings she had a right to know, she deserved to choose, if after that she still wanted him fine, but he had to get in front of this thing.

"Will you stay, I don't want you to go" He rubbed her back as he spoke. When she slowly nodded he felt himself relax, bending to help her pick up the few belongings of hers on the floor, he piled them back into her arms as she quietly went about putting them back in their rightful places.

He watched her, she seemed still slightly on edge, but okay, he hated this, he just wanted a bit of peace, but he should of known better, at least he had her for now, as selfish as that may sound.

"You hungry?" She asked as she walked to the kitchen, and proceeded to unpack the groceries.

Coming behind her to wrap his arms around her waist he kissed her softly on her neck, causing her to slightly shiver, he held her tighter.

"Starving" turning in his arms she met his lips with her own before being lifted into the air, her feet leaving the ground as he lifted her effortlessly wrapping her legs around his waist.

He walked her to the bedroom, where he peeled her out of her clothes; they were naked in seconds and pawing at each other, the tension of the day creating urgency neither could keep up with.

Kisses peppered their skin, hot breath dusted over the hot trails they burned against one another.

"Love me" Nomi whispered as she climbed into his lap, her eyes shut as she sucked and bit on his neck.

He gripped her hips with purpose, a single sentence falling from his lips as he brought her down to sheath his cock in her tight warmth.

"I do darling, I  do love you".

They had fucked well into the night, he let her take out her frustrations on him while she rode him, she set a brutal pace, bringing him just to the edge, clamping her muscles on him, only to back down and leave him tortured and wanting more, he wasn't afraid to say he had resorted to begging her to let him come, she still decided to prolong his release torturing him for what felt like hours before letting him come, it was borderline painful when he did, he didn't mind though, he was man enough to say he deserved it, he'd put her through it emotionally, so she retaliated, putting him through it physically, a few times.

He recovered well though, and responded in kind, not as punishing as her approach, his mission was forgiveness, not revenge, so he ate her out and made her come until she shook, he would never be a "heart and flowers spill his guts type" but he did know when a woman needed to feel loved, and he did love her, in a way that felt unfamiliar and like home all at the same time.

So he used what he knew, his body, his sex, he used his body to beg and plead for forgiveness, he urged her to come back to him, trust him, to repair the damage his omissions were causing, he used his stroke to disarm her, his thrusts to convince her, his tongue to plead with her, he burned his intentions on her body until she was branded, branded deep, by everything he wanted her to know and feel, he gave, she took, she pushed, he pulled, it was fighting and fucking, it was war, and it was beautiful.

By the time they were done, Nomi had passed out, no doubt emotionally and physically exhausted, but they seemed to have returned to some stage of normalcy, as she was wrapped around him like a koala bear, he rubbed her wrist while they lay in the dark, her breathing heavy with sleep as she calmly slept on his chest, her warmth calming his scattered thoughts.

Slowly maneuvering out the bed, he held her head in his hand before slipping out the bed and gently placing her head on the pillow, she slightly murmured but didn't stir, he knelt by the bed, reaching his hand out to gently stroke her cheek before leaving the room.

Walking out into the living room, he poured himself a drink before going to a drawer in the corner of the living room, unlocking it, he pulled out a battered burner cell. He turned it on looking over his shoulder when it made a random sound at coming alive.

He heard nothing from the bedroom so assumed Nomi was still out for the count, going through the call log, he found the number he was looking for, dialing he put it to his ear and waited hearing it pick up, he waited before he spoke.

"Hello" the gruff voice came through.

"Its me..." Silence... "You there?" Jax whispered, not wanting to wake Nomi.

"I'm here lad, Jesus, we thought you were dead boy" Chibs countered.

"Yeah well not yet...look, I wanna keep it that way, we gotta meet, there's a problem." Jax spoke in hushed tones as he went out on to his balcony to light a cigarette, Nomi didn't like when he smoked in the house, even though it was his house he didn't mind.

"Problem? You alright? Where are you?" Chibs panted, sounding like he was smoking a cigarette of his own.

"I'm not sure, I think I got eyes on me brother, and it's getting my fucking back up, look I don't wanna say too much on the phone, can you meet? maybe the gas stop approaching the Illinois Highway?" he asked, scratching his beard.

"Illinois...fucksake Jacky, where are you?" Chibs grumbled.

"Chicago." He answered flatly, blowing out smoke and leaning on the railing, and looked at his Chicago skyline.

"Well...yeah...fuck it...I can meet you end of the week" Chibs grumbled.

"Nah it has to be tomorrow night, I got something on Friday" He grumbled shaking his head.

"Fucksake Jax! What do you want me to do fucking fly there! I can meet you Thursday evening best I can do, if you want me to ride" Chibs tried to reason with Jax.

"Fuck it, Just take a here tomorrow evening, call me when you land, I'll give you my address."

"Alright boyo, Tomorrow" He sighed before hanging up.

Jax turned off the cell and stubbed out his cigarette, before going back inside, he put the phone back in the drawer. Walking back to his room, he went to the bathroom taking a leak before climbing into bed next Nomi's sleeping form.

"Where did you go?" She grumbled before settling on his chest.

"Couldn't sleep" He sighed, kissing her forehead, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as she snuggled close.

She didn't say anything in response, simply kissed his chest and yawned. "Everything okay?" she asked finally, eyes still closed.

"Yeah, it's all good...I got something to take care of tomorrow night but it shouldn't take long" he yawned.

"We still good for dinner with my parents Friday" she asked sounding a bit more awake.

"Yeah darling" he kissed the top of her head reassuringly.

"Can I ask what it is" she murmered, sounding unsure of herself again.

Jax contemplated feigning sleep, but knew she wouldn't buy it, taking a deep breath and cracking his neck he turned to her. Fuck it

"Sure, I need to go meet my Uncle, he's visiting, we got some things to discuss" he replied, hands playing in her soft curls.

"Does it have something to do with earlier, when you freaked out on the steps?" she asked making circles on his chest with her finger.

"I dunno babe, that's what I wanna find out"

"How would you're uncle know?" she asked sounding slightly confused.

"Long story darling" Jax rubbed her upper shoulder, trying to draw a line in the sand.

Thankfully she didn't push, maybe she figured he would tell her when he was ready, or maybe she was just exhausted, she did have one last question though.

"Jax, you don't have to say, you probably won't, but what did you see earlier that bothered you so much?"

He closed his eyes and pinched his nose, the headache slightly returning, but he refused to lie to her anymore if it could be prevented, granted some truths would stay hidden, but he was gonna avoid new lies, starting now.

"There was a bunch of bikes and a car...and it just...something about's not good, I just know it." He sighed, suddenly feeling queasy again.

"That can't be it, you like bikes...Jax?" Just say it.

"It wasn't the bikes, there was a black navigator parked behind the bikes" he sighed, now sitting up and turning the side lamp on.

"Okay, there was a navigator, what-"

"It was the plate...the plate is what freaked me out" his eyes fixed on a blank dot on the wall.

Nomi placed a soft hand on his firm thigh "What did it say Jax?"

"Marks Inc....- I dunno it could just be a coicendence or-"

"As in The Marks Eastside Gang? What's that got to do with you?" She sat up too looking confused.

Jax's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What do you mean? Whats the Marks Eastside gang? he asked sounding perplexed.

"I dunno much about," she leaned on his shoulder rubbing sleep from her eyes before carrying on." Its more of a Chi-raq, Southside thing, but there was this guy, some hotshot out of Oakland, he used to run Southside Chicago, Oakland, And some business in Las Vegas, had his fingers in a lot of pies, until someone just took him out, no one really knew how or why, but folks say his kid took over."

He felt sick, he was gonna be sick.

"This guy, what was his name, the hotshot" Jax asked even though he already knew.

"Um, Marks, something marks, August! Yeah August Marks" She stated, completely oblivious. " Why?"

"No reason, just curious, get some sleep" He mumbled, slumping down the headboard to rest his head on his pillow.

"I suppose it makes sense you were a little shaken, my clean cut country boy, but baby, I doubt its them, this is the suburbs" Nomi chuckled " It's a little out of their jurisdiction if you know what I mean, they wouldn't be here just cruising, they'd have to have a good reason I'm sure" she smiled kissing his chest, and tracing his Abel tattoo, which she had been lead to believe was the name of his deceased baby brother.

"Yeah, I'm sure they'd have their reasons" he replied, placing a kiss to the inside of her wrist, he knew once again, Nomi had meant to reassure him, putting his acting out down to a lack of exposure or fear at apparent criminal activity...oh if only she knew.

He thought he'd clipped every end. Could it be possible Marks was double dipping behind Pope's back? Could he have his own empire? A fucking son? His head was pounding, giving up he turned to Nomi and sought her lips, he needed her, finding her lips in the dark, he brought her into a slow deep kiss, finding her tongue, he massaged it with his own, sliding between her legs, he buried himself inside her and sought the peaceful sanctuary that was her center, and let his mind go blank as waves of pleasure danced along his spine, he needed this, he would deal with the rest tomorrow, when Chibs arrived.

A/N- Thank you much for the reviews guys! Keep em coming as they are so motivating! I love that you guys are enjoying it! Well get comfortable, you're in for a ride, a lot more ups and downs, action, and steamy smut smut! Not to mention, Jackson is meeting the parents bishes! Wish him luck! And who is this Marks associate? Will Jackson come clean to Nomi? Also Ilike to update long chapters, so I might knock them out a little slower than expected, bear with me. XXX


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"You know if someone told me 8 years ago that I would be right here with you , I wouldn't have believed it" "And why's that?" "Because you are so o...
65.9K 1K 27
John teller died when Jax was sixteen, however before he died he got a random crow eater pregnant, fast forward 16 years and the now told to be orpha...