Torn Apart (Sequel to Brutal...

By HockeyisLife87

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Jessica loses her memory, Sid's looking for her like Crazy. She finds herself among the Boston bruins, and be... More

Chapter 1: Runnin Away
Chapter 2: Let Her Be
Chapter 3: Skating Again
Chapter 4: Who's Sid & Burrows?
Chapter 5: Where's Jessica?
Chapter 6: Brandon's Back
Chapter 7:Old Life Flashes Back
Chapter 8: Sid see's Jessica
Chapter 9: Mistakes were made
Chapter 10: Jace meets his mommy
Chapter 11: Oh Captain, My Captain
Chapter 12: Jace,Sid and Me
Chapter 13: My worst NightMare
Chapter 14: Jerk Face Returns
Chapter 15: Saying GoodBye
Chapter 16: Should I trust him?
Chapter 17: Back To Vancouver
Chapter 18: Jace Runs away
Chapter 19: Sticks and Skates
Chapter 20: Start of Something New :)
Chapter 21: I Confess My Love For Sid
Chapter 22: Making Love
Chapter 23: Backstabbing
Chapter 24: Lauren and Ashley
Chapter 25: Love Misconduct
Chapter 26: Off to Montreal
Chapter 27: Let the Game begin
Chapter 28: Truth Revealed
Chapter 29: Twins it Is
Chapter 30: Its Over but We'll start it again
Falling In Love Again
Chapter 31: A New Beginning
Chapter 32: Neglected
Chapter 33: Blinded
Chapter 34: Regrets
Chapter 35: Mysterious
Chapter 36: Big Reveal
Chapter 37: All is Fair except Love and War
Chapter 38: Battlefield
Chapter 39: NHL tryouts
Chapter 40: Jessie Williams
Chapter 41: Acceptence
Chapter 42: New Game, Old Friend
Chapter 43: NHL Seggy
Chapter 44: Dilemma
Chapter 45: Will there ever be a happily ever after?
Chapter 47: Wicked Witch
Chapter 48: We found Hope
Chapter 49: Jealousy
Chapter 50: Drug Addiction
Chapter 51: Supportive
Chapter 52: Dreams
Chapter 53: Blackhawk
Chapter 54: Awkward
Chapter 55: Adoption
Chapter 56: Love Drives Us Insane
Chapter 57: To Stay or To Go
Chapter 58: Boundaries Broken
Chapter 59: No turning back
Chapter 60: Death Awarded
Chapter 61: She's Alright
Chapter 62: Christmas
Chapter 63: Yours Truely
Author's Note
Chapter 64: Sabrina
Chapter 65: Old Times Renewed
Chapter 66: Past Forgetten
Chapter 67: She's Still Mine
Chapter 68: Nightmares
Chapter 69: Are you sure?
Chapter 70: All Of Me
Chapter 71: He trusts me
Chapter 72: Money Can't Buy Happiness
Chapter 73: Purpose

Chapter 46: Return to Pittsburgh Once Again

3.4K 34 13
By HockeyisLife87

Sid's mouth had dropped and I stood in shock, It took me a while to regain control over my body "What are you talking about? I would never do that" I screamed.

'There has to be some mistake" added Sid.

"You are coming with us for furthering questioning and we will be handing their custody to their father until the issues is resolved" she spoke. The cop came forward with a pair of handcuffs "I swear I didn't do anything, I'm pretty sure Travis set this up"

"I'm their father, and my wife hasn't done anything like that, I can assure you" repeated Sid,

The women walked away with Sid and began talking to him, I had no idea what was going on, but I had never even laid a finger on the kids, someone was falsly accusing me. The cop placed the hands cuffs around my wrists, and I let out a cry, Sid ran back over to be and I ran away from the cop and into his arms, "Sid, I swear, I didn't do anything, its all a lie" I cried. The officer came over and began dragging me away from Sid, and Sid put his arms around me "You can't take her anymore, let me see your proof"

The women showed us some pictures, they had to be photo shopped "Your being mislead" I screamed loud enough for everyone in the house to here. Tyler, Kristen and the kids all ran into the room. I raced to Justin and Sabrina "Guys, has mommy, ever treated you badly or hit you?"

"Step away from the kid's ma'am, you are scaring them" spoke on of the officers.

"They are my kids, don't tell me what to do"

The officer came and took hold of me and began dragging me out of the house, I begged for them to let me go, but they weren't. "Our mommy didn't do anything let her go" screamed Justin and Sabrina as they ran to me and grabbed my legs. Sid made his way over to me and wrapped his arms around me "The kids themselves are saying she didn't do anything, your proof is invalid, we can sue, you for harresement and mental stress, let her go"

"Do you have a warrant? Let's see it" stepped in Tyler.

The cops had confused looks on their face and were looking back and fourth. 'Well show them the warrant" stated the women.

"We don't have a warrant" said the bald cop.

"You what?" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"You can't take her anywhere without a warrant, she hasn't done anything wrong, I assure you, that you will be hearing from my lawyer" said Sid as he forced the cops to take the handcuffs off me.

Kristen took hold of me and dragged me to the living room while Sid and Tyler reasoned with the cops. I was furious, I couldn't believe Travis would stoop so low, I thought he was joking but he actually did go to child services. The cops left the house. "I'll come back and next time I won't leave without you Ms Jessica Crosby' her voice echoed through my head.

Sid came over and he had a bunch of papers in his hand "We are leaving for Pittsburgh Kids, go pack up"

"You Too Jessica" he added.

"You don't need me now. You have the custody of the kids" I stuttered back.

"Kristen go pack her stuff" he announced as he turned toward Tyler. "Go back to the hotel and grab your stuff. We'll meet you at the airport. The guys already left."

"Your playing for our team now Jessica you have to come" smiled Tyler.

I nodded my head, Tyler hugged me good bye. And I walked upstairs to pack my stuff as well. As I was about to step foot onto the stairs, Sid grabbed my hand and twirled me into his arms. His beautiful hazel eyes were locked with mine. "You okay baby?"

I nodded my head and tried to pull free from his grasp but he pulled me closer. He leaned against me and I stepped back, hitting the wall.

Sid's POV:

Jessica was staring into my eyes, and All I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss her. I admired her delicate lips and moved my head closer to her. She placed her palms lightly on my chest. I leaned in to kiss her and she turned her head away from me and lightly pushed me. I was getting frustrated, I liked her so much but she kept denying my love. I leaned in and began kissing her neck. Her hands relaxed and she let out a soft moan. I moved my hands to her chin and turned her head towards me. I brought my lips close to hers. She closed her eyes, I began to close the distance between our lips.

"DADDY" shrieked Chase "Mommy's going to be so mad if you kiss her"

"that's our mommy and daddy" screamed Justin, Jace and Sabrina together

"No that's my daddy but my mommy is not her" protested Chase.

"No one likes you go away" yelled Jace.

"Guys please don't fight right now" I interuppted the kids.

I diverated my attention to Jessica she was leaving and I took hold of her hand. I didn't want her going anywhere. She took her other hand and put it on top of mine and she realised her grip from me and walked up the stairs.

The kids had started arguing even more so I had to calm them down. I walked over to them and began calming them down. Chase was crying and he ran upstairs. "Jace he's younger then you! please do not fight with him"

"He started it" said Jace as he crossed his arms.

"Doesn't matter who started, just go help your brother and sister pack"

Jace was mad at me and ran off and Justin and Sabrina followed him.

Jessica's POV: I opened up my closet and began stuffing my clothes into my bag. A cry interuppted me. I looked towards the door and saw poor Chase crying "May I come in?" he asked in between cries.

I nodded my head and sat down on the bed and pulled chase into my lap "What's wrong little guy?" I smiled.

"Why doesn't daddy love me as much as he loves Jace?"

I wiped his tears away from his face. "He does love you, he loves all of you equally."

"No he doesn't even come near me anymore" he spoke softly.

"Chase, your daddy's been busy. Trust me your daddy loves you, he's told me" I smiled.

"Why does Jace call my daddy his daddy? And why does he call you mommy and not my mom?" he asked as he rubbed his tears away.

I didn't know what to say to chase, he was too little to understand how relationship worked "So are you excited to go back to Pittsburgh?" I said, changing the topic.

He got up and started jumping on the bed "YES!! Finally daddy and Mommy and I will be together again"

I faked a smile and kissed his cheek "Promise me you won't cry anymore"

"Promise" he spoke as he kissed my cheek and ran towards the door.

Sid was standing in the doorway. Chase ran past him and Sid entered the room. He made his way towards me. I got up from the bed and started to pack my stuff again. "Need help?" asked Sid.

I ignored him, I took out all my clothes and piled them onto the bed, and began folding them. Sid assisted in folding them as well and set them in the suit case.

We finished packing all the clothes and I collapsed onto my bed. Tired of going through all that clothes. I buried my head in my pillow. I felt a hand rub my back "Babe you sure your okay" I turned around to face Sid, I had forgotten he was in this room. I nodded my head and laid face plat in my pillow again. Sid took the suitcases off the bed, and kept them beside the door. I then felt him sit down beside me, his hand was placed on my back, and he rubbed it. He laid down beside me "Why aren't you talking to me? Did I do something again?"

"No" I spoke in a quite voice


"Its nothing, don't worry" I spoke as I got up from the bed. Sid pulled my hand and I dropped right ontop of him, he was smirking. He wrapped his arms around my waist and secured me, I laid on his chest. "I know something's bugging you"

He turned me over, so I was laying underneath him, and he lighlty pressed his weight against my body, his eyes were locked with mine, and he brought his lips down on mine, he sucked on my lower lip, and I pushed him back "Lauren" I spoke.

I wriggled free and got off the bed. He seemed fustrated "Why are you still mentioning her?"

"Our relationship couldn't be saved, atleast put in the effort to save your's and Laurens" I replied.

"Jessica she did so much to you and you stil care about her happiness? Why are you never thinking for yourself?"

Sid's POV:

'Just stay away from me and I'll be happy" spoke Jessica as she left the room.

I felt so fustrated, I had apologized to her so many times and she still wasn't forgiving me. I think Neal was right, when he told me she wouldn't come back to me. Just as I thought about Neal, my phone rang, he was calling me. I instantly picked up his phone.

Phone Convo:

Neal: "She not ready to come back to you is she?'

Sid: "She is, and she coming to Pittsburgh"

Neal: "She only coming back cause she wants to play hockey, she not coming for you Sid.

Sid: "Its a start, and I know she still loves me"

Neal: "Sid you lost this bet before it even started, just admit, you lost"

Sid "I haven't lost anything, I'll get her to love me again, just wait and watch"

Neal: "Only thing your going to get from her is restraining order"

With that Neal hung up the phone on me. He sure knew how to make me more mad. I know Jessica better then anyone, and I know she still loves me, she having a tough time right now, but eventually she'll come back to me. "May I come in?" a voice interuppted me from my thoughts.

I looked over to the door and saw Kristen, I nodded my head. 'Look Sid I know you really like Jessica, but you have to give her time, and not force yourself on her"

"I knows she loves me, but I don't know why she holding back" I questioned

"She holding back because, your still married, Lauren is still in your life, everytime she finds herself coming close to you, she remebers your not her's anymore"

"She shouldn't be holding back, when I'm making the move"

"You've always failed to understand Jessica, haven't you?" replied Kristen

I crossed my arms "What do you mean?"

"She not like Lauren, she knows how to respect relationship and value them. She not going to ruin them just so she can get her happiness. She put others before her, and that's what makes her so great" smiled Kristen.

I understood what Kristen was saying and now I knew what I had to do. I had to get rid of this so called relationship I had with Lauren. It was the only way to stop Jessica from holding back. "Thanks, I know what I have to do to get her back"

"Start off with being friends with her again, make her trust you again, and I can assure you she'll fall for you again" stated Kristen as she left the room. I took hold of Jessica's suit cases and hauled them downstairs, and set them off to the side. Everyone had there stuff packed and I began loading it into the rental car. Jessica helped me, even though she still wasn't talking to me, I enjoyed her company.

-----------------3 hours Later--------------------------

We had reached Pittsburgh, and Tanger and Duper had come to pick us up. The kids were really excited to see the house. Jessica and Kristen, grabbed the luggaue and began placing it on the cart and the guys took over. Tyler also took hold of his stuff and had hired a cab, and left to go check his place out. We walked towards the car and set the luggae in. Kristen and the kids went in Tanger's car and Duper gave me the keys to his car, so Jessica and I could come. Jessica didn't want to come with me, but she had no choice the other vechicle was full.

Jessica stayed quiet the whole car ride, she had her eyes closed, and she seemed really tired. I drove home, and parked the car in the driveway, and gently lifted Jessica into my arms, she was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up.

Jessica's POV: I felt like I was begin carried off somewhere, and gently opened my eyes, to notice myself in Sid's arm. We were inside the house and he was about to step foot onto the stairs to take me upstairs,"Sid, put me down" He looked down at me and smiled "Your awake, well we are home' he said setting me down. I looked around the house so much had changed, I had so many fond memories of this place, and many pains as well. I looked over at the pictures of Sid and Lauren hanging around, and I just wanted to leave this place. I noticed the kids were running around, and Kristen was running after them to calm them down. "You go can rest upstairs if you want" smiled Sid.

I didn't want to rest, and I didn't want to stay here any longer. "Look that's my mommy and daddy, I told you he was my daddy and not yours" yelled Chase.

Justin and Sabrina were looking at the pictures that were hanging around, and they came to me "Who's that lady with daddy? We thought you and daddy were married"

"Shit' I heard Sid muttered, I give him a quick look and looked away. "She's your daddy's special friend" I smiled.

The kids ran off to Kristen and began asking her stuff. I walked towards the door and grabbed my suitcases, and headed out of the house. "Jess where are you going?"

"I'm going to the hotel, down the street" I spoke in a whisper

"Why?' this is your house as much it is mine, you can stay here" he asked.

"No, I don't want to live here" I replied.

He came over and took my luggaue "You have no choice, coaches orders your living with me, You can call and ask coach if you don't believe me. I'm offically your handler'

"I'm not living here" I said in a stern tone.

Sid took out his phone and dailed Dan and handed me the phone. I asked if I could live with someone else but apparently the coach didn't want media taking advanatage of anything so I had to live with him. I hang up and handed Sid the phone.

"I'll live here but you have to agree to some condition" I stated.

"You have no other choice and Let's here your conditions, but I can't promise you I'll listen to them"

"You will not come near me, talk to me or even touch me. And I'll pay you rent for every month I live here." I said as I raised the tone of my voice.

"And what if I do come near you? What are you going to do?" he said as he moved closer to me.

"See I knew it, you just wanted me back so you could torture me more" I yelled as I ran away from him.

Sid's POV: Jessica ran off, she was really starting to get to me. "You know your not helping your cause by acting like that" interuppted Kristen

"it's not my fault, I just can't stand her not being with me"

"Well you should have thought about that when you left her" she replied as she sat down on the coach.

"I know I made a mistake, and I regret, I apologiozed a billon times, what do I do now?' I replied, a bit annoyed at Jessica's behaviour.

 Kristen got up and began taking down the picture of Lauren that where on the wall "First you might want to get rid of these pictures you have of you and Lauren. I can honestly say Jessica doesn't like them" 

I helped her take down the pictures, and we through them into old boxes, to be thrown or stored away. I remebered when I told Jessica, I had burned all our pictures, but I had actually kept them in the storage room, maybe seeing those, she would open up to me a bit "I'll be back" I told Kristen as I made my way over to the storage room. I looked for the boxes with our pictures and finally found them. 

Jessica's POV:

I stood outside on the deck, I was in need of fresh air, I felt suffocated in this house now. All the memories kept coming back and they were too painfull. I tried focus on something else, but my mind kept bringing back the old memories. I wish there was some kind of erase button, so I could wash away all the painful memories. I walked outside to the garden where the kids where screaming. I went to go check what all the rucus was about. As I made my way downstairs, I saw that the kids were fighting with each other. I raced over to them "Why are you guys fighting?' 

"Its all chase's fault" yelled Jace

Chase yelled back "Is not" 

'Yes it is" screamed Justin. 

"Mommy he started everything' added Sabrina. 

They were yelling at each other, and weren't listening to a single thing I was saying, and I could feel a headache coming on. "GUYS CALM DOWN" I yelled to grab their attentions. 

I bent down over and asked them what was wrong "Jace keeps saying Sid isn't my daddy" 

"Its true he isn't" screamed Jace. 

"NO, your not apart of my family, daddy's mine" shireked Jace. 

"Your not apart of our family and our mommy agree's" stated Sabrina. 

The kids weren't calming down at all, and I didn't want to do, they kept yelling back and fourth. "Tell them, Lauren is married to my daddy not you" screamed Jace. 

I screamed at the top of my lungs and all the kids were looking at me, "No I'm not married to Sid, Lauren is. Your dad is not married to me, we broke it off.  Lauren is your step mom, deal with it, your dad and I can't ever be together"

"I told you, he was my daddy"

Jace, Justin and Sabrina were looking at me with their mouths wide open and they had tears in their eyes. "Guys..I..I didn't mean to yell" I said, as I got close to the kids. "Don't touch me" screamed Jace as he ran off, and his brother and sister followed. 

I couldn't believe, I vented Sid's anger out on the kids. I really didn't mean to. I raced after them into their room. They were all sitting on the bed, mad at me. "Look I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to yell at you guys, it just you guys are too little to understand how relationships works, so please, don't be mad at me" 

Sid walked into the room, and came up to me "Go get some fresh air, I'll talk to them" 

I walked out of the room, and waited outside for Sid to come out, I felt so bad, the kids had to suffer because of us. After about 20 minutes Sid finally came out, and so did the kids, "We're sorry, Mommy, for overreacintang" said Jace as he struggled to pronuonce the world overreacting 

I bent down over to the kids "I'm really sorry for yelling at you, I really didn't mean to." 

"We know, it okay, we shouldn't be fighting like that" replied Justin. 

"Mommy just promise us, you'll always stay with us, and won't leave" smiled Sabrina. 

I hugged all of them, and kissed their foreheads "I won't leave my babies, I promise" 

"Good, now can we go out for dinner, like all family's do?" smiled Jace. 

I nodded my head and Jace began jumping around, "Why don't you guys go get ready?" smiled Sid, and with that the kids were off. 

"What did you say to them?' I questioned Sid. 

"Nothing, but I need to talk to you" He said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the nearest room and closed the door behind. 

"I told you not to touch me, or come near me" I stated, as I pulled my hand away from him. 

"Look I know you hate me, but atleast for the kids, can you pretend to get along with me?' he asked "I really don't want our fight coming between the kids, so infront of them can we please just act like a happy family?" 

"I'm not part of your family" I mumbled. 

"Jessica c'mon, I'm not saying you have to love me, just put on a act, for the kids please?" he begged. 

I thought about it, he had a point. I wanted to see the kids happy but I didn't know if I would be able to put of them act, "Fine for the kids, but don't expect anything for me" 

"I won't" he spoke in a quiet voice. 

I was about to leave when Sid interuppted me again "I'll shift out of the main bedroom, you can stay there, since I know that's the only room in the house where you can actually fall asleep" 

I turned towards him "No thanks, the guest room is fine for me" 

"Your not going to be able to adjust there" 

"Trust me, for the past two years, All i've done is adjust" I mumbled as I left the room.

I went downstairs to the guest room, and took out my clothes, to wear to tonights dinner.I headed over to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I put on my clothes and dried my hair, and applied light eye makeup and headed out. The kids were dressed and so was Sid, he had chase in his arms, and he set him down and Jace ran over to him and apologized and the kids hugged each other. I didn't know what Sid had said, but it had stopped the kids from fighting. I focused to the surroundings around me and noticed, mine and Sid's pictures were up. I ran over to them and looked at each one, He had burned these pictures, how did they get back here? 


End of chapter :) Sorry for updating late, had many weddings and parties to go to and I am so tired >.< Even next week I have a wedding to go to, and many other fuctions in the week, I barley get any sleep now, and plus my cousins bought a new house so we are helping move stuff. 

Anyways, what did you guys think of the chapter? I tried to make it as long as possible. Jessica's in Pittsburgh finally and now things are going to start heating up!!!! Sid's doing everything he can, but Tyler's also close by ;) 

Comment and let me know your thoughts, opnions, suggestions and questions :) and Don't forget to vote if you already haven't 

Thanks you so much for getting me over 10k read, I love you guys, your are the best reader ever <3

I hope you all enjoying your summer break, only a couple more weeks and then back to school, so enjoy it while you can :) And NHL season is fast approaching, soo exicted for it to return and for the final Olympic rosters to be realised

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