Angel Winged Vest ( a Daryl D...

By makenna_stanley

253K 5.5K 1.5K

*•Book 1•* EDITING "I love you're vest, you look like an Angel." "Ya, a fallen Angel." "A fallen Angel i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Next chapter soon promise...but i got tagged.
Book 2: Stitched on Wings
Book 2 is up!!

Chapter 20

7.1K 163 66
By makenna_stanley

"Gonna be tight, 15 people in one house." Rick told Hershel as we started packing up our things to go into the Green family farm house. After Dales death Hershel decided it would be best if we moved into the house for safety. At least for winter.

"Don't worry about that, with the swamp hardening the creek drying up-"

"With 50 head of cattle on the property we might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell." Maggie said cutting off Hershel. It was Rick, Shane, Hershel, Maggie, Daryl, Beth and I standing by the cars figuring out how we were going to make this work.

"She's right, we should of moved you guys in a long time ago." Hershel finished and I looked at Daryl who stood close to me with one hand on his crossbow strap.

"Alright, lets move the vehicles near each of the doors facing out toward the road. We'll build a lookout in the windmill, another in the barn loft. That should give us sightlines both sides of the property." Rick said looking around.

I sighed and listened to Rick continue giving jobs and orders. Daryl and him are going out later to cut Randall lose and the rest of us are staying here keeping the perimeter and finishing moving in.

I heard Daryl's bike start up and looked behind me at it. He looked up at me and nodded, mentioning me to ride with him.

I smiled and jogged over then swung my leg over the bike and we slowly moved. We were behind everyone but caught up, Passing Rick, Hershel and Andrea. Rick looked over and nodded at me and I nodded back.

"So, you're going on a run with Rick later?" I asked Daryl, leaning over a bit to see the side of his face. He gave me a side glance before looking back in front of him and giving a short nod.

"Well, be careful." I mumbled.

I don't want him to go. Dale just died and the group is all messed up over it. I've lost so much already, I can't lose him to. That's scary, though, because I haven't known him that long. A month or two? All I know is that I can't lose him, And I don't plan on it.

"Always." He grunted. I signed and rested my forehead on his back, playing with the fabric of the wings on his vest till the bike stopped.

I got off and pulled the strap of my worn back pack over my shoulder more. I walked into the house after Glenn and he went into the dinning room. I went into the living room and he turned to look at me. I gave a small smile but he just turned around and continued walking.

That's weird. Did I do something wrong? I hope not Glenn's my best friend I can't lose him either. In all honesty I can't really lose anyone else.

I set my stuff on the floor and looked over at Andrea walking in. She set her stuff down and looked over at me, "Do you want to help me get the RV up and running? So we can get it over here?"

"Yeah." I nodded and we walked out and over toward the RV. It was silent, the walk over, till I broke it with a Question.

"Do you know how to get it running? I sure as hell don't." I laughed and Andrea chuckled.

"No, guess we'll figure it out." She answered and I nodded.

Once we got there I got in the drivers seat and looked around, I settled on seeing if it would just run but it didn't, just made nosies that didn't sound good.

"Shoot, I forgot my gun, I'll be right back." I heard Andrea say and she ran off toward the house.

I tried to get it to magically run again but magic isn't real so it still won't run. Stupid Harry Potter giving fauls hope.

"April, Hey!" I heard someone yell. I stopped trying to get it running and looked up to see Glenn walking over. "Did you try pumping the gas pedal?"

I sighed and slumped down, "I think its been parked to long." I said.

"Tap it three times and give it a twist." Glenn instructed and I nodded trying it out. Same results.

"Let me see." Glenn said pointing to the front. I turned the engine off and got out walking over to him after grabbing the tools Andrea had brought.

He had the front open and was looking inside. "Dale told me that in these old vehicles the points get corroded."

"Ok well how do we get the points uncorroded." I asked not know what the hell any of this ment.

"Hand me a screwdriver." I nodded and picked a random one up and held it out. He looked at it before shaking his head, "Flathead." I looked at the one I held and saw it was a Philips. I pulled another one out and made sure it was a Flathead before handing it to him.

I smiled as I watched him work on the RV, thinking that Dale would be proud. "Can you hand me a file?"

Dale wouldn't be proud of me, "uh?" He chuckled and can and got the thing he needed before getting back to work.

After a few minutes he stopped, "I let him down."

"He was proud of you." I said, "maybe not then, but overall he was proud."

"That's easy for you to say." He huffed, getting mad. "You had his back."

"Well, I haven't known Dale as long as you. And your not the only one who regrets things they did before a loved one died. Don't dwell on it." I said and rubbed his back.

He turned to look at me then nodded. I pulled him into a hug and he hugged back. He started to cry and I did to, we pulled away and wiped our tears.

"I think I fixed it." He mumbled and closed the gate thing and grabbed the tools I had set down. He went to open the RV door when I stopped him. "Glenn."

He looked back at me and I tossed him the keys and he caught them. He walked in and I did to.

He sat down in the drivers seat and I put the tools on the RV's table before sitting down in the passenger seat.

"I bet it'll work." I said and he put the key in and turned it, starting the engine. "Yay!" I laughed and he laughed to.

"I found my g- did you get it going?" I heard Andrea ask as she climbed in. She then saw Glenn and nodded as if understanding.


"Only got so many arrows." I said as I handed Daryl the gun that was carried by Dale. "Is that Dales gun?" He asked as T-Dog walked up to us from the house.

"Yeah." I sighed and he looked and me for a moment. "Wish I knew where the hell mine went." He huffed and I chuckled. That made him smile.

The day Dale died, Daryl lost his gun. He said it was in the saddle on his bike that morning but was gone when he got back from the meeting.

"Ready?" I heard Rick say from behind me. I didn't even hear him walk up. Daryl nodded and T left to go get the "package". Aka Randall.

I watched him leave and sighed looking back at the two men "Be careful, both of you. Don't need to lose anyone else especially you two." I said and they both nodded.

Daryl walked over to me and kissed my forehead. I wasn't expecting this, with Rick standing there, but I guess he knows I need the comfort.

Just then T came running over screaming that Randall got lose. Daryl and Rick immediately run for the stable. I just settle for walking, tired of running everywhere. I get it this is important but my legs are sore.

I make my way there and everybody is there asking questions and shooting out theory's of Randall escape.

I look towards the tree line and see Shane there. It looks like he's burying something, he's also bleeding from his noes and maybe his mouth to. The hell?

He sits there for a moment before shouting "Rick! Rick!" Making himself known to the rest. I guess they didn't know he was there? Something's up.

"What happened?" Lori yelled, her voice frantic. "He's armed, he's got my gun!" Maybe I saw him burying his gun? I don't believe Randall did that to him, not at all.

"Are you ok?" Carl asked worried. "I'm fine. Little bastard just snuck up on me. He clocked my in the face." Shane answered as he made it to the group. I did to and I stood by Daryl.

Everyone seemed to believe him.

"Alright Hershel T-dog get everyone in the house. Glenn, Daryl, April come with us." Rick ordered and I nodded pulling my gun out from my waist. In case Shane tried something.

I chased after Rick. I'm not sure what I saw, that's why I haven't said anything, but some things off and Rick needs to know.

"Rick." I said and he stopped and turned to me. Shane was to busy hightailing it to the woods to notice, but Daryl and T stopped to listen.

"I saw him put something in the woods, right at the edge. I don't know what but something seems off about this." I said and Rick looked at me before nodding slowly. "Keep your eye on him then, all of you. There's still a chance he's not lying." We all nodded and continued our way.

Daryl loaded his crossbow and the rest of us made sure our guns were set and loaded. He followed Shane into the woods.

"I saw him head up through the trees that way before I blacked out. Not sure how long." Shane informed.

"He couldn't have gotten far. He's hobbled, exhausted." Rick said. A bit distant than before I told him about what I saw.

"And armed." Glenn noted. "So are we." I said sharply, staring at Shane. His back was to me but I still directed that statement toward him, not Randall.

"Can you track him?" Rick asked walking up to Daryl. I saw Daryl look around before answering "No, I don't see nothin'." He stated giving me a look.

"Hey, look, there ain't no use in tracking him, okay? He went that way we just need to pair up." Shane yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"The kid weighs a buck-25 soaking wet. You tryin' to tell us he got the jump on you?" Daryl questions obviously noticing how quickly Shane was to shoot down the tracking idea.

"I'd say a rock pretty much evens the odds, wouldn't you?" Shane spit and I huffed. A reason for everything.

"All right, knock it off. You and Glenn start heading up the right flank. Shane, April and I will take the left." Rick told Daryl. Daryl looked at me for a moment and I knew he was going to argue. I quickly nodded, reassuring him. Shane, though, decided to voice his opinions.

"No, have her go with them. He's probably this way and she don't need to get hurt." He said frantically. Got him! He don't give two shits about me.

"All the more reason to have three. Let's go." Rick said. I gave Daryl a last look "Keep and eye out for each other." I said and followed Rick, Shane on my tail.


Its been hours, its now dark out and we haven't found anything. Not that there's actually anything to find, but still.

We walked through the woods and Shane gripped his noes. "Looks like its busted pretty bad." Rick said, we stopped and looked around. "Its fine, man. Don't worry about me."

Shane continued to walk and Rick and I shared a look. I can tell he's starting to believe what I said was true and we're on a goose chase. My question is, why is Shane dragging us through the woods?

We continued walking, Rick and I watching Shane closely. I think he could feel it cause he stopped and looked back at us. We started at each other for a minute before he turned back around and continued walking.

Rick walked in pace with him but I stayed behind, keeping Shane in my line of sight. I don't know what he's up to but it's not going to be good.

"Does this way feel right?" Rick asked Shane, stopping us once again. I kept my eyes on Shane.

"As right as any." Great answer douchbag.

"Snactched your gun, huh?" I asked and Shane turned to look at me. "Yeah."

"Its my favorite piece to." Shane sighed. "Gonna wish he'd killed me when I find his sorry ass."

Why is Shane not acting so mad. If this really was real, he'd have smoke coming out of his ears.

Rick nodded at the response and walked ahead of Shane. He waited for me to go but I waited till he went, he huffed but walked on anyway.

We walked on for a bit till we finally got back, near the barn. Rick was a bit farther up than Shane, and I was a bit farther back.

"He got you with a rock?" Rick asked as we continued towards the house. "That's what I said.

"Inside the shed? Said the door was locked when T-dog rolled up."

"Saw that, too." I watched as Shane messed with the gun Rick gave him in the beginning of this. I hope Daryl and Glenn are alright.

"Must've slipped through the rafters of the roof." Shane said. I sighed, fed up with this.

I was about to say something when Rick spoke up "So this is where you plane to do it?"

We stopped walking and Rick holstered his gun. I stood confused by his words. Do what?

"Good place as any." Shane said apparently know what Rick is talking about. "You gonna kill April to?" Wait what?

"Yeah. She won't stay quite." Then a gun was in my face "Move and drop your gun." I put my hands up after dropping my gun a walked towards Rick.

"At least be able to call this what it is, murder." Rick spit, I'm still confused. I put my arms down since Rick didn't have his up.

"Do you really think you can go back to the farm with out me or April or Randall and they'll buy your bullshit story?" Ruck asked.

"Its not bullshit. I saw Randall attack you and I killed him. I'm still figuring out my story for her though. Make sure Daryl will believe it."

"He won't." I stated keeping my composure. I'm still confused as to why he's doing this but I need to play along "It ain't gonna be easy. But Lori and Carl will get over you." Shane ignored me and spoke to Rick. "They've done it before, there just gonna have to." He finished. I remembered what Carl told me, about Rick being in the hospital and they all thought he was dead.

"Why?" Rick asked "Why now? I thought we worked this all out?"

"We tried to kill each other, man." Shane laughed with no humor. I don't remember any fight between them. Maybe that's why they were really beat up after the first run with Randall.

"You gonna kill us in cold blood? Screw my wife. Have my children, my children, call you daddy? Is that what you want?" Rick spit getting pissed.

Wait. I'm confused.

"That life won't be worth a damn. I know you, you won't be able to live with this." Ricks trying to get under his skin. And its working.

Can we go back to the part with Shane screwing Lori please? No? Ok.

"What do you know about what I can live with? You got no idea what I can live with, what I live with!" Shane yelled. I looked at Rick and he didn't seem fazed.

"What about what you can do?" Shane asked and put his gun in the waist line of his pants. "Raise your gun."

I became very aware of the sharp object in my shoe. My knife was still in there and I became painfully aware of my lack of gun.

"No, no I will not." Rick said, leaving his hands away from his firearm. I looked at him and was just iching to grave my blade but I didn't. This is Ricks to finish not mine, not unless Rick goes down. Which I don't think he will.

"What happened Rick? I thought you weren't the good guy anymore." Shane yelled. Shane is trying to get under Ricks skin now, only he's failing.

"Your not going to fight for them?" Shane asked referring to Lori and Carl. "I'm a better Father Rick! I'm better for Lori than you, man. Its because I'm a better man than you, Rick."

"I'd beg to differ." I said and Shane glared at me. "Shut up Bitch this isn't about you. You got your redneck trash."

In an instant I bent down, grabbed my knife and went to charge at him. Till Rick grabbed my arm and pulled me back. When he did this he slipped his hand down my arm and grabbed my knife.

"You got a broken woman, Rick. You got a weak boy. You ain't got the first clue on how to fix it." Shane went back to the previous conversation.

He pulled the gun back out and pointed it at Rick "Raise your gun."

"Your gonna have to kill and unarmed man." Rick said, I watched him slip my knife under his sleeve and reach for his gun. "Watch my hand."

He slowly went for his colt "Easy does it." He pulled it out and held it up toward Shane. "Listen to me now, Shane. There's still a way back from this. Nothing has happened here, so were going to lay down our guns and were going to walk back to the farm together. All over us." He said making sure to include me.

"Back to Lori, back to Carl. Put this all behind us." Rick said slowly walking toward Shane.

Then in a moment Rick pulled then knife out and into Shane's chest. Shane's gun went off but didn't hit anything.

I gasped, not because it happened but because it happened to fast. One minute it was to friends in a ruff stop to one laying dead in the others arm.

"This was you not me! You did this to us!" Rick yelled and pulled the knife out. I just stood and watched.

Rick cried out as Shane took his last breath. It was sad, Rick killed his best friend. Even though I didn't like Shane, Rick doesn't deserve this, to live with this.

Rick got up and started pacing, his eyes never leaving Shane's dead ones. "Rick?" I asked, more to make sure he was good. He started nodding and stood completely.

"Dad?" I heard the voice of Carl cry out. I looked behind me to see the boy with tears down his face.



20 chapters oh my god!!!

Sorry it took so long to update finals are a bitch.

And thank you for 2.3k reads! It means so much!!

Well hoped you enjoyed the chapter!!

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