It was like a time bomb ~ A J...

By JayIsRlyGay

56.7K 1.2K 339

Living in a world, where you can tell from your birth when you're going to meet your soul mate, was meant to... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors note

Chapter 7

2.7K 48 20
By JayIsRlyGay

Jay's POV

I woke up the next morning, stretching my legs and arms, realizing I was in the same bed as Jack. Smiling, I turned around to see him still fast asleep. I brushed some strands out of his face. He mumbled something uninterpretable, before turning away and releasing me. I smiled softly, before getting up and heading towards his shelf, taking one of his shirts and boxers, putting both on. As I haven't seen his whole house I decided to walk around and have a look around. I walked into the room next to Jack's bedroom first and was greeted by really light green walls and some guitars. I looked over the room and noticed a desk with some sheets on it.
Curiosity took me over and I walked towards the desk, looking at the sheets. Looking closer I realized they were music sheets, Jack must have written. I know I should have not done it, but wouldn't you read over it as well?

Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple
Sometimes goodbyes the only way

I read through the lines, before I shrieked together as Jack flung his arms around my waist.
“Fuck Jack” I breathed, still shocked.
“Sorry” he muttered before kissing my neck. “You do know it's impolite to look through other people's work?” He asked smiling. I turned around and looked into his yes, laying my arms around his neck.
“Sorry” I pouted, before pecking his lips.
“No problem” he chuckled.
“I didn't knew you could play guitar?” I asked, walking over to where his guitars stood, lightly brushing over the strings of one.
“Yeah, I never really found the time” he chuckled.
“Have you written the song?” I asked, pointing towards the sheets. He nodded shyly, looking to the ground. “Mind playing it for me?” I asked, hoping he'd agree.
“No, I can't sing” he disagreed. I looked at him in disbelief.
“You wrote a song but you can't sing?” I asked him. He nodded. I walked over and took his hands. “Please?” I asked, trying to sound convincing. He sighed and agreed grabbing one of his guitars, making me jump up and down in excitement.
“Okay, okay calm down!” He laughed, sitting down on a chair. I sat down on the floor in front of him, looking at him with big eyes. He chuckled and started strumming his guitar.

He looked down, looking really concentrated, and then his voice set it.
“And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you” He stopped again, playing his guitar.
“And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you” he sang the refrain, before stopping. I looked at him in shock.
“I knew it was bad! You should have never let me sing why did I have to do it I'm so-” he began rumbling, but I stopped him by crashing my lips onto his.
“I didn't say anything, because it sounded so amazing” I breathed against his lips. In that moment he started to grin.
“Really?” he asked, sounding so happy.
“Really” I stated, before he crushed his lips on mine.
I smirked into the kiss and started to play with his hair. He broke the kiss after a while, placing his guitar back on it's original place. Just then both our stomachs started to rumble.
“Breakfast?” Jack asked.
“Breakfast!” I replied laughing.

We ran into the kitchen and I opened the fridge, searching for something to eat.
“Are you ever going like food shopping?” I asked laughing, grabbing some eggs and milk. I cracked the eggs into a bowl and started whisking them, before adding some salt and pepper and a bit of milk, pouring it all in a pan.
“Should I help you somehow?” Jack asked cutely from behind.
“Can you prepare the coffee and toast?” I asked smiling.
“Sure!” He smiled, running over to the toaster. I chuckled and continued stirring the eggs, waiting for them to get ready.
“You don't even have bacon, do you?” I asked, looking shortly at him. He smiled to the ground shaking his head. I laughed and just then the eggs were ready. I placed the pan on the table, along with 2plates, and waited for Jack. The toast and coffee were ready a minute later and he placed the toast on a plate, before sitting next to me and taking some of the eggs. I put my legs to my chest, watching him eat. About 5minutes into it, he looked confused at me drinking my coffee.
“What?” I asked unsure.
“Why are you not eating?” he asked, his mouth full with toast.
“I'm always drinking half of my coffee first” I chuckled, taking another sip of my coffee.
“Noo! You need to eat!” he whined. I rolled my eyes, before grabbing toast and spreading nutella on it.
“Better?” I asked laughing.
“Yes!” he replied grinning. I laughed, before taking another sip of my coffee and continuing to eat my toast.
We continued eating for a while, before Jack's phone went off.
“Excuse me” he chuckled, while answering it.

“Hello?” I could hear him ask. He yelled someone's name, but it was kind of incoherent, as I was paying more attention to my toast, focusing and unfocusing on it, something I did when I was bored. He came in minutes later, sitting down with a big grin on his face.

“What?” I asked confused.
“You're going to meet a good friend of mine later!” He replied chuckling.
“Oh okay, cool!” I said laughing.
We finished breakfast and cleaned up, making sure everything was clean.

“Could you drive me back home so I can grab some clothes for later? When are we going actually?” I asked laughing.
“Sure we can! And we have to be there in about 2hours!” he replied smiling.
“Well, then let's go!” I suggested laughing, before he grabbed his car keys and we drove towards my home.
We arrive after a twenty minute car ride, filled with singing to music and car dancing. I stepped out, trying to get into the house as fast as possible, seeing I still had only Jack's shirt and boxers on. We hopped inside and I led him towards my room.

“Okay, how should I dress?” I asked unsure.
“Whatever you want to wear!” Jack replied laughing. I rolled my eyes, and settled for a marine blue summer dress, with small white anchors on the top, which slowly faded into the bottom. The bottom wasn't tight, but like a small cupola. I grabbed a bra and underwear, before rushing into the bathroom to get changed. I ran the brush through my hair and put my hair into a fish braid, before applying some mascara and eye liner.
I rushed downstairs back into my room, seeing Jack looking outside.
“Amazing view, isn't it?” I asked smiling.
“Yeah it is” he replied laughing.
We went into the hallway, hands tangled and I went to the shoe shelf, searching for my favorites. They had a not too big heel and were in a light shade of blue, they also had laced that went up near the knee and ended in a small cute bow. I finally found them and put them quickly on, before Jack and I got back into his car.
“Holy fuck, I just spent 45minutes getting ready?” I exclaimed shocked.
“Yeah” Jack replied laughing.
“Fuck” I muttered. He laughed shortly, before driving back to his.
We went inside and he said he needed to get ready, so I went into the living room and turned on his TV, flicking through the channels, and stopping at a music channel. I wasn't really paying attention to the screen, but was going through tumblr on my phone, reblogging some of the pictures that popped up.

'And now All Time Low with their new single Weightless!' The narrator of the show introduced a band. I just listened to the music, and thought it was pretty cool. I was about to look up when I heard Jack calling for me. Before getting up I turned the TV off and jumped into the dressing room.
“S'up?” I asked smiling.
“This or that?” he asked smiling, holding up a 'BONER' shirt and a 'Thug Life' shirt. I thought shortly about it, before pointing to the Boner shirt.
“You really like them, don't you?” he asked laughing, while putting it on.
“Maybe” I replied, sticking my tongue at him.
“Okay, let's go, so we won't be late... Though we will probably be the first” he chuckled.
“Wait... Is anybody else coming?” I asked confused.
“Yeah, the boys and Alice” he replied smiling.
“Ah okay” I smiled back.
We drove for about 30minutes, and once again the drive contained dirty jokes, dancing and singing. We drove past the mall, and that was when I remembered I had to buy a present for a friend of mine.

“Hey Jack, can we go to the mall for a moment? I need to buy a present for a friend, and I don't know when I will be able to do it the next time!” I pleaded. He laughed shortly and drove towards the parking lot. “Thanks so much!” I smiled, pecking his lip before running towards the disney shop.

“Disney? Really?” Jack asked laughing.
“You have no idea how weird this friend is!” I replied laughing as well.

We entered and I looked through the things, before settling for a Mickey and Minnie Mouse. I payed for both of it and we ran back to the car, continuing the ride.

After we arrived, everything felt really familiar. I looked around, but even when giving my best, I couldn't remember who lived here.
“Jack? What's your friends name?” I asked confused.
“I think he will introduce himself!” Jack replied, taking my hand. I shook it off and we rang the door bell. We waited some seconds, before Rian opened the door.
“S'up man!” Jack greeted him, giving him a man hug (wow claps slowly for self).
“Hey!” I said cheerily.
“Hi!” Rian greeted back, hugging me shortly. He led us in, and that was when it clicked.
“Just go into the living room!” Rian explained, walking into the kitchen. I fastened my walk, pulling Jack behind me.
“How the hell do you know where the-” he was about to ask, but I already saw my best friend standing in the door frame, having the same expression on his face, excitement, happiness and surprise.

“MATT!” I yelled, before running towards him, jumping into his arms, wrapping my legs around him.
“Oh my god JAY!” He yelled back, catching me and hugging me hard back.
“Fuck, it's been long man!” I said laughing, pulling away to look at him.
“Too long!” he replied looking back. I chuckled, before jumping back on the ground. He looked at Jack, and then back at me. To Jack and back to me, his expression more confused than ever. “Wait, why have you brought Jay, I thought you wanted to bring your ma- OH MY GOD YOU GUYS ARE TOGETHER?!” It clicked in his head.
I laughed with Jack before we nodded, just after that, Matt pulled us into a bone crushing hug.
“Matt... AIR” I exclaimed already out of breath.
“Sorry but MAN! I'm so happy for you?” He replied, letting go of us.
“So, who's Zack's mate?” he asked after a while.
“Take a guess” I replied, trying to contain my laughter.
“... Not Claire? ANYBODY but not Claire!” he replied, looking quite sorry for Zack.
“No, deffo not Claire!” I replied laughing.
“Hmm well... okay, who else... Zoe not... Marry not... Maybe... Oh my god, Alice?” he exclaimed looking like a person who just realized what the meaning of life is.
“Yeah” I replied laughing.
“THAT'S AMAZING! IT'S LIKE WOW! GUYS I'M SO HAPPY FOR BOTH, YOU AND ALICE, okay I should stop the screaming!” He laughed hugging me again. I hugged him back.
“Fuck wait... Jack, can you give me the car keys? The presents were for this fucker over here” I laughed, walking back to him.
“Should have known that actually” He replied chuckling, handing me the car keys.
I ran back to the car and pulled out the little bag they gave me in the store, before running back inside, once again crushing into Matt.
“Fuck it!” I laughed, before handing him the bag. He took it, ruffling my hair and opening it.
“FUCK HOW AMAZING ARE YOU!?” He yelled, pulling me into a bone crashing hug.
“Knew you'd like it!” I laughed hugging him back. “Wait... AIR!” I gasped, trying to pull away, but he wouldn't let go of me.
“PLEASE!” I managed to yell, before Jack ran in and jumped on both of us, making us fall to the ground.
“FUCK YOU JACK!” I yelled, trying to breathe again.
“More like fuck me” He winked at me. I slapped his arm, and before I could even blink twice, Jack was tackled to the ground by Matt.
“OKAY OKAY SORRY!” he laughed, getting away from Matt. I kissed Matt's cheek, before running back to Jack and giving him a proper kiss.
“EW!” I could hear Matt yelling from another room.
“Get used to it!” I laughed, walking into the kitchen. I jumped on the shelter and as Matt was about to ask me something, the door bell rang.

“This is not the flat of Jack, is it?” I could hear Alice ask confused.
“NO IT ISN'T!” I yelled to her.
“KNEW IT! BUT WHO'S IS IT?!” she asked.
“Take three guesses!” Matt shouted, and before we knew it, he was attacked by Alice hugging him.
“Damn it! How long has it been?” she asked, her voice muffled, as her face was pressed against his chest.
“Too long!” he chuckled, smiling and hugging her back.
“You guys know each other?” Zack asked confused, walking in.
“No, not at all, who is this fucking bastard?” I asked sarcastically.
“T-That's … Matt?” Zack replied unsure.
“Dude, seriously?” Matt asked laughing.
“Oh yeah, that's Jay, and this is Alice!” He replied seriously. I looked confused and shocked at him.
“Zack, you alright?” I asked confused.
“What?” He asked in a high voice.
“Dude, you need to learn what sarcasm is!” Matt laughed.
“Oh fuck it guys!” Zack laughed, punching me in the arm.

“Ouch?” I laughed.
“That's payback bitch!” Alice glanced back.
“That's not fair! It wasn't even you who paid me back!” I muttered, trying to look sad.
We all laughed, before walking into the living room, to be greeted by Rian and a girl.

“Holy fuck that's -” I started, but was interrupted by Alice.
“Cassadee Pope?” She asked, looking as shocked as I was.

“Wait, you know her?” Rian asked confused.
“Sure!” I replied, still shocked.
“Aww you guys know me!” Cassadee squealed, running over and hugging both of us. Alice and I tried hard not to scream or fangirl.
“Fuck it, wow, that's just FUCK!” I tried to from a sentence, but nothing made sense.
“Seriously, I see us becoming good friends! Oh and, just call me Cass!” she smiled at us.
“This is unbelievable!” Alice stated, and both of us were shaking like crazy.
“Well, guys you better get used to being greeted the same way I was greeted by you!” She laughed. Alice and I exchanged a confused look, before looking back at Cass.
“Wait what?” I asked.
“Wait... No, never mind!” She replied, looking at Jack and Zack quickly.
“Oookay...?” I tried to move the topic aside.

Just as the silence was about to become awkward, the door bell went off, and Cass went to open it.
“PIZZA'S HERE!” She yelled.
“WOOOOP!” Alice and I cheered in the same time, high fiving each other.

The guys laughed at us, before we all went into the dining room and sitting down.

We all had a great chat during the dinner, and laughed a lot. I was still quite shocked and confused.
Shocked about the fact Rian was in a relationship with Cassadee fucking Pope, and confused about her statement.
I shook it off, as Jack squeezed my tight, making me look up. He had a questioning look on his face, but I just shook my head, before kissing his cheek. He smiled and mouthed a 'I love you' before blushing slightly. I took his hand and started playing with his fingers. By the time, Alex had already joined us.
We then decided to watch a movie, and the boys were arguing over what movie to watch.

“Home alone!” Jack yelled frustrated.
“NO! We've watched that like thousands of times! How about Nightmare before Christmas?” Alex threw in.
“Guys! Lion King though?” Matt asked. I rolled my eyes, before slowly approaching the group and walking to the shelf with DVD's. I finally found what I searched for, before turning around and grinning.
“Y'ALL CAN SHUT UP! We're whether watching Final Destination, or Kill Bill!” I explained, holding up both.
Everybody looked shocked at me, well except for Matt, but well he knew me.
“Final Destination?” The guys agreed, looking over to the girls. They both looked at me, and I pointed to Kill Bill, looking pleading at them.
“Nah, Final Destination is too scary! Kill Bill!” Cass agreed.
I smiled and we all sat down, while Zack was setting up the film.

“Hey Matt, how's the touring with that band going, you're managing at the moment?” turning to Matt.
Everybody chocked on what so ever they were eating or drinking, making me chuckle lightly.
“Uhm... Great I guess, look I think that...” Matt began but was interrupted by Jack.
“No, let me tell her! Look, it's just that... Well, Matt is managing US” Jack explained looking really scared.
“Sure!” I replied laughing, but nobody joined me, not even Alice. I looked confused at her, and saw her mouth dropped open and looking at Zack.
“Seriously?” she whispered. Zack just nodded looking at her. Alice let out a sigh, before chuckling lightly.
“Wait guys, are you for real?” I asked. They all nodded, making me laugh. “And why the fuck were you scared telling us?” I asked again.
“Wait, you're cool with that?” Alex asked confused.
“No, we will now go and leave you! Of course we're cool with that, our boyfriends and best friends are in a band and famous holy shit!” Alice replied chuckling, before freezing. “HOW THE FUCK HAVE I NEVER NOTICED?!” She ask yelled.
“Wow, well done Alice!” I clapped slowly for her, she shoot me a death glance, but laughing after that.
“Well, I guess I'm good at hiding it!” he laughed, sitting down next to us.
“So guys, what's your band even called?” I asked excited.
“All Time Low!” Jack replied.
“Wait... I've heard that before... Today in the TV! HOLY FUCK!” I exclaimed excited.
“Oh my, why haven't you noticed it was me?” Jack laughed.
“Well, I was on tumblr?” I asked laughing,
“Oh, okay” He laughed and pecked my lips, before I snuggled into his chest, watching the movie. I've loved this movie more than anything, and it was just the perfect end of the perfect day.

We were half through the movie, as Mat motioned for me to walk out of the room. I nodded and gave Jack a quick peck and walked out, running into Matt's room. I chuckled at his collection, before sitting next to him.
“What's up?” I asked, looking at him. He sighed before hugging me again. He took my by shock, but I hugged him back. I heard him sniffling, making my heart break in two.
“Hey, Mattey, what's up?” I asked confused, pulling him away from me.
“It's just, I've missed you so much, and I'm so happy seeing you again” he replied, smiling at me.
“Same here” I replied, looking down.
“So, you're miss mistery, or how Jack used to call you 'the bitch who is never in the right place'” he asked laughing.
“He called me like this?” I asked laughing.
“Yep! So, how have you met?” he asked smiling.
“Weeell...” I began and trailed off, telling how we went into the cinema, got the phone call from Zack and then went over to Jack's, how I fell in love with his voice, how we finally met, how we spent a little time with the guys and then spent the rest of the day talking. Of course I didn't mention our well, special time. He grinned through the whole time, and hugged me again in the end.
“What's about all the hugging? I never knew you like hugging this much!” I laughed hugging him back again.
“I don't know, it feels like you just needed a lot of hugs in the last time!” he replied laughing.
I smiled. Well, yes indeed I needed a lot of hugs, but I didn't want to talk about the bad times, because let's be honest, I had so much to be happy about, and I couldn't wait to get to know more about their band.

A/N: Hello everybody!
Sorry for not updating in such a long time! But I hope this part is making it up to you all <3 :)
Please tell me how you liked it!
And before you go all like 'that song isn't even All Time Low'
No but I lub da song and I kinda think it fits the situation? Idek ahah :')
So yeah, just in case you don't know the song or you want to listen to it, I'm going to link it in this youtube link thing on the right so yeah :3

I reaally hope you like the story so far! please leave me a comment and had fun reading :)
Lots of love, Juliaa

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