And Then There Was You....(Cu...

By EmeraldRose92

14.4K 749 176

What if that truck didn't take out our beloved Jackson Teller, what if SAMCRO was where it ended, but Chicago... More

Getting Into The Swing Of It...
And Then There Was You...
Is It Love, or Do I Lust You a Lot...
You Cant Run Forever...
All in...All out.
The Dynamics Of Family....
Pain is certain, suffering is a choice.
A Dance With The Devil...
Blurred Lines...
Storms Rolling In...
Where We Are Now
And Then There Was Us

New Beginings

2.3K 72 3
By EmeraldRose92

New Beginnings....

"So you know once you go that's it right Jacky boy? I don't care if I call you with a bullet in my chest! You don't come back ya hear me son!?" Chibbs eyes slightly watered, but held firm in the statement he made to Jax.

They'd spent the hours going back and forth with the current conversation; Jax had tied up loose ends with the madness he'd, along with his family and organization created. Although he himself was ready and willing to meet the mayhem, in a last minute bid to salvage any humanity and happiness Jax might have, Chibbs and Happy suggested Jax Teller, President of the Sons of Anarchy should meet his end, however Jackson Nathaniel Teller, should be able to live, finally. Jax was unwilling at first, and found the idea offensive, as if he was shying away from his responsibility, or trying to get off scot free from the madness he caused. However the more Chibbs talked, and the more Happy glared at him like a heartbroken Pitbull, he found the words making sense.

It had been an entire life of SAMCRO, he didn't remember a time when he just lived for him, everything his whole life had revolved around SAMCRO, to be fair, he wanted the monster the organization had created dead as well, he had lost too much, sacrificed too much, gave too much and was simply exhausted. At least this way, maybe just maybe he could see what it was like to simply breathe, breathe air that was free, breathe air that came with no repercussions or consequences, the idea was seductive, it was attractive, he couldn't deny.

So now he was here, at the start of the highway, $95,000 in cash, new ID and passport and no clear destination in mind, feeling slightly terrified, but happy, happy to actually be looking at a future, it might of taken 36 years but he may finally be able to have a life.

There was just one small order of business to deal with first, and on that note...

"BAM!!" Chibbs fired his gun, leaving Jax with a minor, but heavily bleeding deep graze wound to his upper shoulder, they took his signature blue and black flannel shirt and pressed into the seeping wound soon covering the entire shirt and creating the desired effect, his shirt looked like it has been in a war, and was a brilliant souvenir to take to the Irish or anyone who may query the death of Jax Teller, those close to him and the organization were pretty much aware of the unspoken truth of what was about to occur, although those not too fond of SAMCRO would need some convincing , after they torched his home this would provide adequate proof.

"You alright man?" Happy asked Jax inspecting the wound. Jax nodded and let him clean and bandage the it, before putting on a clean shirt and putting a few more in with a couple of boxers into the back pack.

" All set, alright man, you all sure about this, if anything happens, I can't have anything else happen, you know that you're my family-" Jax started, but was cut off by Chibbs.

"Jacky boy, you will always be my brother, but once you get on that bike, you go, and you go far from here, you don't look back, and you go find you some happiness, somewhere, you can check in every now and again, but you have nothing left here, go find something elsewhere son. " Chibbs gave him a heartfelt hug, followed by Happy, the rest were aware, but didn't follow them to the highway, to keep it quiet.

Jax, now Jackson Nathaniel James, did as he was told, and without a last look back, he climbed on the blue vintage bike, started it up and took off, he had no real idea where he was heading but he knew it was far from Charming, he would lay low and start over, maybe in a few years he could possibly reunite with the boys, who knows, maybe not, but at least for the first time in a long time, he had something he hadn't had for a very long time, he had possibilities.

He rode for hours, stopping when necessary to take a leak and refill his gas tank, he watched the sunrise and saw a sunset twice and rode on a little more before he knew it he found himself facing a welcome sign for Chicago Illinois, it seemed a random stop, however there wasn't much business between SAMCRO and Chicago, and he was starting to flag, his shoulder finally starting to cause some real discomfort and his mind and eyes starting to succumb to the exhausting trial of the day, he pulled into a nearby not so rundown looking motel and checked in, it wasn't the Ritz but it wasn't a dive, there was cable, air conditioning and a clean and comfortable looking bed, it would more than do.

Dropping his bag on the floor by the bed he sat on the end and rested his elbows on his knees, slightly wincing at the pain in his shoulders, caused from the long riding and tender wound. Rubbing his hand across his face he felt relaxed for the first time in ages, but also slightly overwhelmed, the quiet seemed deafening to him, no children's laughter or giggling croweaters, no smell of gasoline and cigarettes circling him, his phone not going off every 3 minutes, he was alone, and he knew no one would come looking for him, that was not the worry, it was the serenity of the situation, he found himself filled with anticipation and excitement but also scared at what this brave new beginning meant, did he know how to be anything that wasn't SAMCRO? Could he be? He wasn't sure, but he was determined to find out.

Standing slowly he swaggered over tiredly to the large bathroom, it had a mixture of white tiling and fake marble, it looked nice, and the tub was large enough to fit his 6 foot frame comfortably, he decided he wasn't going to have a shower, Jax Teller usually took showers as they're was never enough time in the day to enjoy a long soak, there was always more pressing matters to deal with, but Jackson James, he was going to take baths when he felt like it, he'd take long bike rides just to explore and see what was around him, he would meet new people, maybe start a small business and live quietly and happily in a comfortable home, but all that could wait firstly he just wanted to get in the damn tub.

Slowly, more from exhaustion than pain he reached behind him with his good arm and pulled the t shirt over his head, letting it fall to his feet. Walking over to the tub, he opened the double faucet, set a hot but pleasant temperature and stood to his feet, walking to the mirror he paused for a moment, running his hand over the deep dark ink on his chest "Abel" the word never left his mouth but floated into his mind, he had made some peace in knowing he was doing the right thing, Wendy and Nero would watch over them and raise them right, maybe when they were older he could possibly see about reuniting if it was right for them, but for now, they could live without him, so they could actually live, live resenting any and everything to do with SAMCRO.

He turned back from his thoughts to cut off the water and remove the rest of his clothing, unbuckling his dark jeans and slipping out his black boxer briefs, he stepped into the water, immersing himself in the warm cocoon the water provided, he leant back and put his arms up to rest behind his head, the minor discomfort pleasantly fading the more he relaxed, he spent a little over and hour just sitting, sometimes thinking hard about everything, other times not thinking at all when the temperature had dropped to much he pulled the lever plug letting the water out, grabbing the provided shower gels and sponge he turned on a lukewarm shower and rinsed off taking his time, he wasn't in a rush, he started from the top, was his hair with the shampoo, then he even conditioned it, they came free with the room, why not use them? Getting the last of the suds out his hair he grabbed the sponge and worked a rich lather, cleansing himself from head to toe.

He stepped out feeling clean, clean in a way he hadn't done in a long time, he grabbed an aspirin from his backpack, slipped on a pair of grey boxer briefs and pulled back the covers, he didn't know what tomorrow would bring, but for now, he didn't care, he was gonna get a good night's sleep and take everything as it came, but for now, he was gonna sleep, sleep long, sleep well and sleep peacefully for the first time in a long time.


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