
By Lincoln4460

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Loving can hurt sometimes but it is often the only thing that makes us feel alive. For Ben and Cara the chall... More

1 - That Was Unexpected
2 - I Know I'm Not The Only One
3 - Cold Shower
4 - What's Happening Here?
5 - Unofficial Secrets Act
6 - I Feel A Sin Comin' On
7 - She Thought He Thought
8 - Later
9 - La Famiglia
10 - One Bad Apple
11 - It's Life Jim, But Not As We Know It
12 - Almost-Coitus Interruptus
13 - Yankees or Mets?
14 - When You Don't Know What To Say
15 - Brandysnaps and Buttercake
16 - Am I Safe in the Water?
17 - All That I Am
18 - Hitting The Fan
19 - Birthday Girl
20 - If Music Be The Food Of Love
21 - Just Grow A Pair
22 - To Sing or Not To Sing, That is the Question
23 - A Complete Mess
24 - All For One
25 - Awakenings
26 - What If
27 - Humpty Dumpty
28 - Curiosity Killed The Cat
29 - The Two Mr Darcys
30 - In Dublin's Fair City
31 - Meant To Be
32 - Surprises
33 - Pinch Me Please
34 - Distractions
35 - Taking The Plunge
36 - At The Door
37 - In The Studio
38 - One Fan, Two Fans
39 - Grecian Getaway
40 - Thank You Colin
41 - Nine Tenths of the Law
42 - Two
43 - Today is Friday
44 - Noodles and Dumplings?
45 - An Unexpected Arrival
46 - Battles and Scars
47 - Out of the Pan and Into the Fire
48 - The Needs of the Many
49 - The Sins of the Father
50 - Silver Linings
51 - The Calm before the Storm
52 - Big Night Out
53 - The Evening that Bombed
54 - Down Under
55 - Caveman Ben
56 - Windy City
57 - My Precious
58 - Tiki Tour
59 - What's In a Date
60 - Never a Good Sign
61 - The Waiting Game
62 - Ave
63 - Rainy Days and Mondays
64 - What I Really, Really Want
65 - Just One
66 - There's Only One Thing Wrong
67 - Hens and Princesses
68 - Make No Promises
70 - Forever Isn't Long Enough

69 - James Was Right

1.2K 59 28
By Lincoln4460

Author's Note: Canadian actress Shenae Grimes (above) is a very close match to what I've envisioned Cara looks like. How does she compare to your imaginings?

Something startled me and I discovered I'd fallen asleep reading on the couch; my book lay neglected on my lap, my face was pressed into a cushion and my glasses sat skew-whiff. Righting myself, I peered at my watch to find it was almost two in the morning. Then I heard them again – the sounds that had woken me - muffled laughter, subdued masculine voices and the unmistakeable titter of Ben's giggles. Smiling to myself, I walked towards the door, fairly certain of what I was going to find on the other side.

"Cara! Oh gosh, I'm so sorry we've disturbed you; we were trying to get this chap in without making too much noise. I know it's late, sorry." Tom the Apologiser looked mortified; I merely shook my head and smiled.

"Hellooooooo my darling wench!" my apparently inebriated fiancé crooned, lurching towards me out of Adam's grip and suddenly it felt like I was being hugged by an excited octopus – arms seemed to be everywhere. When he stumbled slightly we were in very real danger of falling and had it not been for both Tom and Adam grabbing his jacket, would have ended up in a tangled heap on the entrance floor.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Tom apologised again, making me chuckle.

"Come on mate!" Adam took Ben in a firmer hold, manhandling him through the doorway.

"Let me go!" Ben resisted, arms still swinging wildly in my direction. "Want my wench!" It reminded me so much of the 'I know ash!' scene that it was all I could do not to burst out laughing; I settled for sharing a broad grin with his two friends instead.

"He's a little feisty," Adam laughed.

"So it appears," I agreed.

"Sorry!" Tom said.

I took Ben's hands in mine, holding his arms down so he didn't swipe me inadvertently but before I could ask him if he wanted coffee or water, they wound around me, pulling me tight against him as his mouth came down on mine in a kiss that was explosively potent – and not just from the alcohol on his breath. By the time I could come up for air my knees felt as if I'd been at the bar with them.

"Okay, if you're going to do that, it's time we left," Adam observed and started towards the door, a blushing Tom going with him, muttering "Sorry!" again.

Laughing, I tried to release myself to see them out, but Ben wasn't having any of it so I thanked and farewelled them from where I was, hearing the door close quietly after them.

"Ben, I think..." but I got no further before being crushed once again to his form as warm lips found mine. Fingers fumbled with my clothing while at the same time he attempted to toe his shoes off.

So drunk Benedict is an amorous Benedict. Good to know.

"I love you, Cara," he whispered before his mouth laid siege to my throat, earlobes and the sensitive spot at the back of my neck. He'd turned into an octopus again, hands roaming everywhere, squeezing and caressing until coherent thought was becoming difficult.

"Ben, you're drunk," I tried again to give him the option to stop.

"Drunk on your beauty," was his response and I gave up, returning his kisses with equal fervour and helping with the clothing problem while pulling him towards the couch, fairly certain we'd never make it all the way to the bedroom.


Waking a few hours later, I wriggled out from under a Ben dead to the world, covering him with a blanket before going to shower and dress. Quietly I snuck out of the flat to meet Rick downstairs; he was delivering Ben's birthday gift for me. We wheeled it into the garage and after thanking him for his help I explained why I couldn't invite him up for coffee.

"That's okay, I can't stay anyway – we're rehearsing the new band members." We'd taken on three – John, a bass guitarist, Callie, a back up singer and Tyrone, who could play violin and cello. "Everything all set for Saturday? Is there anything I can help with?"

"Thanks Rick, I think Jessica's got everything pretty much in hand, but I'll let you know if there is. Do you need me there today?"

"Callie's working on the songs for Cambridge from recordings and as soon as you get back from your honeymoon we'll get you together, so don't worry about that. The others will be fine with just Marcus and I. You enjoy the day with Ben."

As I climbed the stairs after he'd gone I thought about how different Ben's birthday had been last year. We'd both been under a huge misapprehension about the other's intentions and spent the day apart and miserable until Ben had come knocking on my door to sort it out. Thank God he did, I thought, or my stubborn-headedness could have kept us apart permanently. Finding him still sound asleep, I pulled suitcases out from the hall closet and began packing for our honeymoon.



"In the bedroom." Ben appeared, hair looking like he'd been dragged through a hedgerow backwards, eyes half open and bleary, hands holding the sides of his head as if it were in danger of falling off, and still buck naked. I stifled a giggle. "How are you feeling, love?"

"Pretty 'Nnngg' if I'm honest."

Smiling, I indicated the ensuite. "Have a shower while I make coffee." Before I left I gently touched his face and left a light kiss on his lips. "Happy birthday by the way."

"Thank you darling." His voice sounded pretty rough.

Ten minutes later he took the paracetamol and Alka-Seltzer I had put out then reached for his coffee mug with one hand and me with the other as he settled on the same stool as yesterday.

"What time did I get in?" he asked, sipping the strong black liquid. I'd added an extra sugar to his usual two, figuring the sweetness might help revive his energy.

"Around two." I smoothed his damp curls, being mindful of how much his head would be hurting. "Tom and Adam brought you home."

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry, love," he frowned.

"It's okay," I assured him, "I'd fallen asleep on the couch anyway, so I heard you all outside the door."

"How did I end up naked there this morning? Was I in such a terrible state you didn't want me in bed with you?"

"Um, no, not exactly." I blushed, looking down and fiddling with his shirt button. "You don't remember anything about when you got home?"

"No," he frowned again, clearly searching his memory. "Not a thing. But you've got me worried now – what did I do?"

"Well, me, basically."

I counted the seconds until that sunk in – seventeen – then grinned at the astonished look on his face as he gazed at me, then the couch, then back to me again. " night?"

"Well, this morning technically. An early birthday present," I smiled.

He looked aghast. "Darling that's terrible! I'm so, so sorry – will you forgive me?"

"For making love to me on the couch? Ben, we've done it there plenty of times before." I wasn't sure why he was so upset.

"No, love, for doing it while I was drunk and not remembering a thing about it. Fuck! That is not how a gentleman behaves. I feel terrible, sweetheart – I'm so sorry."

He looked so upset I put a hand on either cheek, held his head firmly and made him look me right in the eyes. "There is nothing to be sorry for, Ben – it's not like I wasn't a willing participant and besides, you were extremely amorous and rather...creative." Wanting to lighten the mood as well as reassure him, I winked and grinned, holding my breath until I saw the edges of his lips turn up.

Quickly changing the subject to distract him, I asked if he was feeling up to receiving his birthday present, so he downed the rest of his coffee and I took him down to the garage. "Close your eyes," I instructed before opening the door and guiding him in a few steps. "Stop. Okay, you can!" Whisking off the tarpaulin cover, I watched his face as he opened his eyes and stared at the machine before him.

"Cara...oh God, she's beautiful...I can't believe..."

"It's an original 1950 Triumph 6T Thunderbird, the bike ridden by Brando in The Wild One," I told him proudly, thrilled when he ran his hand lovingly over the seat and tank then down over all the mechanical bits I didn't know the names of. "Do you like it?" It was a silly question really – the joy and wonder on his face told me the answer before I even asked.

" just doesn't begin to cover it." Once again I was thoroughly kissed until my knees felt weak. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

He went back to inspecting the bike. "Where did you find her? She's in such great condition."

"Rick knows a guy," I told him simply. "Why don't you take her for a ride?"

"You'll come too?"

I shook my head. "Just you the first time; I'll come next time." With two brothers, I understood all about 'boys and their toys'.

Needing no further encouragement, he grabbed his jacket and helmet from the hook and gave me another kiss before putting them on. "You are incredible. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"We could ride her around to my parents' tonight; dad will love her." He would too; Tim loved bikes as much as Ben.

"It's a date," I told him, then waved him off, smiling.

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