51 - The Calm before the Storm

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I woke before dawn from a nightmare; one of those dreams where someone you love is in danger and despite all your frantic efforts, you are unable to save them. I'd been screaming in the dream but hoped I hadn't been for real or my neighbours would be wondering what the hell was going on. The moment I awoke the idea for a song came into my head and, happy to avoid the possibility of the nightmare returning if I went back to sleep, I got up and headed into the lounge, picking up my guitar and notebook. I opened the curtains and settled on the couch, turning the words and tune over in my head before committing them to paper. As I created the sun rose weakly in the sky, rays of pink and lilac washing over me before changing to the washed out palette of a winter day. I loved when the creative process took me like this; within two hours I had a complete song written and had made notes on my vision of the video – but it would take a fair amount of persuading on my part to see that vision come true.

Just after eight my phone rang. "Hello handsome. How is Tokyo?" I put Ben on speakerphone as I turned the jug on to boil and got a cup down from the cupboard, dropping in a peppermint tea bag.

"Hello love. Tokyo is lonely without you. Why aren't you here?"

"Hmm, something to do with not being invited, I'm pretty sure," I teased. "Not to mention loads of work to do here."

He gave a low growl. "How about a quick Skype so I can see your beautiful face?"

"What, have you forgotten what I look like already? You only saw it three days ago."

"Three days far too long ago. Now get your computer out, woman."

I laughed, moving to open my laptop. "Goodness, someone is a little grumpy and demanding today!" As I waited for it to boot up, I said, "Just give me a minute to pour my cuppa while it warms up."


"Peppermint. It reminds me of your toothpaste." Ben's laugh rang out clearly and I smiled, pleased to have cheered him up. I logged on to Skype and in an instant his call came through, the video showing me he was in his hotel room, tie loosened and two buttons undone on his grey shirt. He'd been running his fingers through his hair, clearly, as it was mussed on top. I smiled at the sight. "Did they ask you lots of boring questions today, darling?" It was around five in the afternoon in Tokyo, so he would have had a busy day of interviews. When he raised a glass to his lips I could tell from the lemon and ice that it was a gin and tonic.

"They did. I've always thought I was fairly imaginative, but even I am running out of ways to answer the same question a million times."

"Poor famous movie star," I teased, pouting at him and doing a sad puppy dog face.

"Wench," he replied, laughing. "Do you expect me to believe you liked it when you were asked the same questions about your album over and over?" I laughed with him and conceded the point. "I see you had coffee with Tom yesterday," he commented.

"I did. He rang to ask for my pasta al forno recipe while I was out shopping, so I suggested we meet. Have you been speaking to him?"

"No love, someone kindly showed me pictures on the internet. Apparently we are now in a love triangle."

"Oh good grief! Seriously?" He nodded and took another sip of his drink. "I'm sorry, I had no idea a simple cup of coffee would stir up something like that..."

"It's all right, it's only a couple of the trashier sites. You're not actually leaving me for Tom are you?"

"No plans to do so at the moment, Cumbers, as long as you keep behaving yourself and dressing up as Mr Darcy for me occasionally." He groaned again and ran his hand through his hair while I just grinned at him.

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