28 - Curiosity Killed The Cat

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"I thought you couldn't afford to come?" I was stunned that Jake was here.

He gave a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. "I'll find the money somehow." His eyes weren't meeting mine, but that was standard lately so I thought no more of it.

Quickly whipping the strap over my head, I put my guitar down and stepped forward to give him a hug. "Thank you."

"No worries." His arm was around me for perhaps a second too long but I ignored it, grateful that he was here and willing to help.

Once he had his instruments ready we got started and had a solid four hours practice in before I had to call it a night, completely worn out by lack of sleep and emotional turmoil. As we were packing up Jake offered me a ride home and when I hesitated he pointed out, "You can fill me in on what the other songs are and where you want any backing vocals." It was a good idea but as I opened my mouth to respond, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

"Tony, what's wrong?" My brother wouldn't be ringing me at this time of night for a social chitchat.

"Matteo's had a seizure; I need to get to the hospital. Can you come here to be with Gaby and Carlo?"

"Of course - I'm only a few blocks from you, I'll be there as soon as I can." I quickly explained to the guys and as Tony's house was directly on Marcus's way home, he offered to drop me. Without another word we left, my heart thumping hard at the thought of my tiny nephew in distress and how Tony and Maria must be feeling. "Can you go any faster Marcus?"


I slept on the couch - slept being a relative term; I didn't actually get much sleep at all. Fretting over both Matteo and Ben wasn't exactly conducive to rest, no matter how weary I had been to start with. Although I'd ignored his initial calls and texts, I had hoped Ben would keep trying and the more time that went by without hearing from him, the more I was convinced my fears about his lack of trust were correct. Our conversation of Monday kept replaying over and over in my head.

At six I got up and showered, putting the same clothes back on - I'm only a size 10 but Maria is a tiny thing and nothing of hers would fit me - then checked out the fridge for breakfast supplies. When Carlo padded out in his Spiderman pyjamas I was chopping fruit.

"Buongiorno Carlo. Come stai?" (Good morning Carlo. How are you?)

"Aunty Cara? Where's papà?"

I lifted him up for a hug and told him his dad had gone to the hospital, but not details of why. He nodded, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Can I have Cheerios for breakfast?"

"Si." I sat him down and poured him a bowl, added milk and fruit and left him to it while I went to check on Gaby.

"Buongiorno mia dolce piccolo unicorno." Seeing she was awake, I tickled her belly as I called her a sweet little unicorn - Gaby loved unicorns. She giggled in that way that is so adorable in little girls, her brown curls bouncing around her head as she squirmed about. "Are you hungry for breakfast?"

Once we'd all eaten I helped Gaby dress then oversaw the two of them washing and brushing their teeth. My plans for going outdoors were scuppered when it began raining heavily, so instead we built a blanket fort, coloured in and watched cartoons. I was reading them a story when Tony rang with the good news that Matteo had stabilized, his temperature was down and he was beginning to respond to the medication. A few minutes later nonna rang to say she could care for the children while I taught my lessons this afternoon and that Marco would look after them tonight if Tony wasn't back by then.

As I was clearing the dishes after lunch a text arrived; it was Jake, saying he needed to talk to me about something. I assumed it was about the songs and left it - I'd see him tonight at Donoghues anyway.

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