13 - Yankees or Mets?

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"Is there anything you'd like me to bring you back from New York?" Ben's strong, warm arms pulled me close, enveloping me in his familiar woodsy scent; I closed my eyes momentarily and just breathed him in.

I didn't have to think much about that question. "How long is your flight?"

"Seven hours." He looked at me quizzically when I frowned. "Why? What have you got in mind?"

"I've always wanted to try an American hot dog," I said, "Or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but they wouldn't stay fresh after that long a flight, so don't worry about it."

"Cara, love...God, you're..."

"I've never known you at a loss for words before." I smiled into his eyes. "It's pretty darn cute, by the way, just so you know." I reached up and pressed my lips to his. And now he's blushing; oh my God he's adorable! "Ooh, I know! Would you see if you can get me a baseball cap - either the Yankees or the Mets, it doesn't matter; I like both teams."

"A baseball cap?" He sounded rather incredulous.

"Only if you get the chance, don't worry if you can't; you're going there for work, after all. You're going to be pretty busy with the premiere and interviews." Ben appearing at the New York premiere of Into Darkness had been a recent addition to his US trip; he'd originally thought he wouldn't make it because of filming the third season of Sherlock, but they were now scheduled to wrap the next day and he would fly to New York the day after. Well, time differences did something to help too, I just can't remember how; I've never been much good at adding hours on or taking them off. Whatever.

"That's really all you want?"

"Yes. No! See if you can persuade the others to come back here for an after-after-party; that would be loads of fun." He knew I was joking, but I had really enjoyed their company both at the after premiere party and the next night when they'd come to Bob's pub. We'd all gone on to Ben's flat after the gig; I'd been teased a lot, naturally, about the Pink song we ended with but they were also very flattering about my singing. There'd been plenty of whiskey, anecdotes, teasing and laughter and Alice and I had arranged to meet up next time she was back home for a few days.

"I'm going to miss you at the after-party this time around."

"Mmm, well just you behave yourself." I snuck another kiss. "Don't go falling in love with some blond, stick-thin New York model with legs up to her navel," I teased him. Hmm, maybe I was a little serious.

His arms tightened around me as he spoke in a low, husky voice. "Now why would I even look at someone else when I have the most adorable woman on the planet in my arms already?"

Awww. Goo; I am now a puddle of goo. He deserved the passionate kiss I gave him, didn't he? Yes, yes he did. Plus what came afterwards of course, if you'll pardon the pun.


We saw each other briefly the next day once he'd wrapped filming before I sent him home to get a few hours sleep; he had an early morning flight and a number of other interviews as well as Letterman lined up before the premiere. I received texts a number of times through his day and he sent a selfie he'd taken with Chris, Zach, Zoe and Alice all waving hello from somewhere on the red carpet. The one I sent back of me making a goofy face apparently made him laugh so hard just as a reporter was about to ask him some questions that she'd enquired what he was laughing at and he had to make up an excuse on the spot. Oops, my bad!

On Friday I was lunching with two friends, my thoughts distracted by what I was going to wear for the gig that night, when my attention was caught by something Annie said.

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