The Consequences Of Love

By Mclennon1960

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Paul is a member of the biggest group in the 1960's. But Paul..Is also the most queer in the most biggest gro... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Another authors note..

Chapter Six

950 40 15
By Mclennon1960

Authors note: sorry it took so long to update. I think I'll try to update this story every Wednesday. If you want a story that updates once or twice a day, look at my story "Along Came Paul"! :)) ENJOY ALL OF YOU!!! thanks for being patient!

John's POV

I wish Cyn wouldn't of acted like that, but I also understand. She was in love with someone she couldn't have. 'Cause I was Paul's and his alone.

Paul was a princess and I was his prince to rescue him from the hateful dragon. My love. His beautiful facial features and brown eyes. I placed a kiss on his nose.

It felt amazing that Paul loved me the same, for that moment I actually comfortable in my own skin. I felt fresh and not disgusting. I didn't have to pretend anymore.

Paul let his lips perk up into a smile at me. He had a lovely smile with his cherry baby lips. He looked so delicate and fragile right now. His rounded cheeks were covered in tear stains from earlier. He was basically glass to me, like if he was hugged to hard he'd break. Or even the simplest touch would cause him to shatter completely and become a pile of dust.

I was over joyed, I didn't care it was illegal and wrong. I didn't care it was bad. I couldn't control it. Love was love after all, it didn't matter because feelings can't be controlled.

I was torn from my thoughts, as Paul flicked my nose.

"Johnny?" He asked, he sounded like a small child. So timid, so scared and so innocent.

I blinked and let a smirk play at my thin lips.

"Yes, princess? " I asked softly. He looked at his feet and twiddled his thumbs. He was nervous, about what? I frowned and reached down, wrapping our fingers together like a bow on a Christmas present.

"Please don't be scared. What is it?"

"Does this mean.. We're lovers? Boyfriends?"

He said quickly, his voice shook as it rang out into the empty room.

"Yes, yes we are."

He giggled in response and hugged me tightly. I buried my face into his neck and wrapped my arms around him. He smelt lovely, like strawberries. I hid my nose into his soft hair. Reaching one hand up and twisting a strand in my fingers.

"My princess Paulie.. "

I murmured gently into his ear. He let out a small happy sigh and I felt the corner of my lips perk up into a smile.

Nothing was better then this.

George's POV

I peeked around the corner, my eyes landing on the two. Lennon-McCartney finally together, took them long enough.

I had been waiting for months, no more like years! And it finally worked out, took them long enough.

Ringo owned me five pounds along with Brian. I smirked at the thought that I had won the bet. I raised my eyebrows and finally turned and walked down the hall. Cynthia had left not long ago. Don't get me wrong.. I felt horrible for the last but what I heard her say to Paul.

It wasn't right. Paul was like my brother! No one hurt him. No one at all, I made sure to protect him and make him feel safe. After all, after his mother's death Paul had became soft and sensitive. He was easily hurt unlike he used to be.

I shook my head and stopped at Ringo's bedroom door. Smirking, I turned the knob and threw the door open.

"Cough it up, Starrkey! I won the bet! Lennon-McCartney is a go!"

Ringo groaned and glared at me,
"Bloody wanker. Hold on."

I smirked. I was proud because I had won and seeing the defeat on Ringo's face was pure gold!

Harrison, one,
Starr, zero!

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