Where Do I Belong?

By AilynYuki16

3.2K 40 15

Talia Summers is a 9 year old who wants to have friends, but is too sad to make any. She lives with an uncle... More

Turning Things Around
3 Yo-kai Watch Wearers
Talia's Secret
6 Yo-kai Watch Wearers
Parent's Day Yo-kai
Terror Time & Bad News
Turn For The Worst
Yo-kai Watch Type-0

D'wanna & Insomni

160 2 0
By AilynYuki16

My Pov

I walked into class and looked around. None of them were here yet. I went to everyone's desk and placed their envelope on the desk. Soon, everyone arrived and each took notice of the envelope. They didn't have time to ask me about them, because we had to set the class up for woodshop. We were making wooden stools. It actually wasn't that hard.

Me: "How's this look?"

Lucas: "Really good. Here, I'll hold the seat while you hammer the last leg." I hammered the last leg onto the stool and my hand accidently brushed against Lucas's. That's when a scene flashed through my mind. Both me and Lucas, as kids, were running around in a flower field, laughing and playing. We pulled our hands away and looked at each other. Suddenly, I felt another presence and it seemed Lucas could too. We looked at Bear.

Bear: "Bear's out!" He threw his hammer and the last leg of his school in the air and walked away.

Nate: "Dude, you've got 1 last thing to put on!" Later, we had gym class outside, as we would run and be timed. Casey, Mark, Lucas and Nate were up first and Eddie was timing them. They ran and just as they got to the end. Eddie's expression changed.

Eddie: "I'm so over this!" Later, as lunch and recess drew near, Katie was erasing the board. Suddenly, just like with Bear and Eddie her expression turned sour.

Katie: "This is so boring!" She stopped midway of erasing the board and walked off. I followed her out into the hall and pointed my watch toward her. I saw a Yo-kai floating over her head.

Nate: "Whisper who is that?" Before Whisper could look it up, Alloo answered.

Alloo: "His name is D'wanna. He makes all those he Inspirits stop what they're doing midway, even if they're almost done."

Whisper: "It's my job as a Yo-kai Butler to inform!"

Alloo: "When it's a Mysterious Tribe Yo-kai we deal with, I can answer right away without looking up the information!" While they argued, I ran after Katie. D'wanna kept Inspiriting Katie. I decided to Babblong.

Me: "Come on out my friend. Calling; Babble! Yo-kai Medal, do your thing!"

Summoning: Slippery

Slippery! Dippery! Slimey limey doo, Slippery!


"Babble, stop D'wanna!" The boys came out to the battle between them. In the end, Babble won and the 6 of us received D'wanna's medal.


Next day


I was sitting in class, listening to the explanation of what a solar eclipse was and how it happened. Suddenly, Mr. Johnson started talking about éclairs for some reason. That's when I looked around and noticed everyone kept bobbing their heads up and down, trying to stay awake, and they all had huge bags under their eyes. I started shaking Katie and Lucas.

Me: "Guys, wake up!" Both of them looked at me.

Katie: "What's wrong?" I stood up and took out a small mirror I carried with me.

Me: "Look at yourselves!" They were both shocked to see the bags under their eyes and smack themselves awake. Sweety, Alloo and Rhyth woke Eddie, Nate and Bear up. We each pointed our watches around the room.

Lucas: "There!" We looked and saw the Yo-kai.

Whisper: "She is the Yo-kai, Insomni. When she Inspirits people, they stay up all night and become extremely tried in the morning."

Me: "If that's the case, I know just the 2 Yo-kai to help us. Lucas, take out Violet." Violet was the nickname I gave Baku.

Lucas: "Come on out my friend. Calling; Baku! Yo-kai Medal, do your thing!"

Summoning: Charming!

Alarming! Boom Boom! Walla Walla Dance Dance! Charming!


Me: "Come on out my friend. Calling; Cream! Yo-kai Medal, do your thing!"

Summoning: Charming!

Alarming! Boom Boom! Walla Walla Dance Dance! Charming!


"Cream, Violet, knock Insomni out!" Both of them blew their sleep smog and Insomni tried to counter it, but it didn't last. We were able to see her dream, whereas she defeat Cream and Violet.

Bear: "Weird how she got knocked out right away."

Insomni: "It was just a powernap, but I feel so refreshed I want to thank you all." She glowed and we all received her medal. Soon everyone, but me, fell to the floor, fast asleep. I suddenly felt sick. I hurried to the bathroom and just barely made before I threw up into the toilet. I looked to see I had puked blood. It was getting worse. I needed to hurry. Before I was scared, but now knowing about Yo-kai, I knew that even though I more than likely won't leave the surgery room, I could come back as a Yo-kai. So really, I'd seen my friends again either way. I went to the nurse, who called my grandmother. I went back, left the note for Mr. Johnson, gather Sweety and my stuff and left as soon as Grandma got there.


Talia's Yo-kai: Shmoopie, Komasan, Komajiro, Fidgephant, Hidabat, Robonyan, Cheeksqueek, Buhu, Shogunyan, Signibble, Spenp, Chatalie, Rhyth, Steppa, Wiglin, Illoo, Dazzabel, Dimmy, Babblong, Pepillon, Mirapo, Rockabelly, Betterfly, Cadable, Baku, Dandoodle, Whapir, D'wanna and Insomni.

Lucas's Yo-kai: Alloo, Komasan, Komajiro, Fidgephant, Hidabat, Noway, Robonyan, Duchoo, Shogunyan, Signibble, Spenp, Chatalie, Rhyth, Steppa, Wiglin, Illoo, Dazzabel, Dimmy, Babblong, Pepillon, Mirapo, Rockabelly, Cadable, Cynake, Baku, Dandoodle, D'wanna and Insomni.

Nate's Yo-kai: Whisper, Jibanyan, Komasan, Fidgephant, Hidabat, Cadin, Robonyan, Buhu, Shogunyan, Spenp, Noway, Chatalie, Rhyth, Steppa, Wiglin, Illoo, Dazzabel, Dimmy, Babblong, Pepillon, Mirapo, Rockabelly, Cynake, Cadable, Baku, Dandoodle, D'wanna and Insomni.

Katie's Yo-kai: Rhyth, Komasan, Fidgephant, Hidabat, Cadin, Robonyan, Cupistol, Buhu, Shogunyan, Spenp, Noway, Chatalie, Pandle, Snotsolong, Negatibuzz, Illoo, Dazzabel, Dimmy, Babblong, Pepillon, Mirapo, Rockabelly, Cadable, Cynake, Baku, Dandoodle, D'wanna and Insomni.

Eddie's Yo-kai: Mynimo, Komasan, Fidgephant, Hidabat, Signibble, Roughraff, Robonyan, Buhu, Shogunyan, Spenp, Noway, Chatalie, Rhyth, Steppa, Wiglin, Illoo, Dazzabel, Dimmy, Babblong, Pepillon, Mirapo, Rockabelly, Cadable, Cynake, Baku, Dandoodle, D'wanna and Insomni.

Bear's Yo-kai: Dulluma, Komasan, Fidgephant, Hidabat, Cadin, Robonyan, Wantston, Buhu, Shogunyan, Spenp, Noway, Chatalie, Rhyth, Steppa, Wiglin, Illoo, Dazzabel, Dimmy, Armsman, Babblong, Pepillon, Mirapo, Rockabelly, Cadable, Cynake, Baku, Dandoodle, D'wanna and Insomni.


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