In French


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When Rosanna is allowed to go to her first ball she's excited to show off her new shoes, little does she know... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter Twenty three
Chapter Twenty four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty six
Chapter Twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter Twenty nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty one
Chapter Thirty two
Chapter Thirty three
Chapter Thirty four
Chapter Thirty five
Chapter Thirty six

Chapter Seven

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The crossing-over ceremony. Traditional to the French. My belongings were packed up and along with me loaded into a royal carriage. I travelled with forty three other carriages in this gold and silk lined fleet. Josepha and I had exchanged a tearful farewell, Madre and I shared a somewhat less emotional goodbye but nevertheless I'd still miss her. She was part of my old world. Jeanne was glad to see the back of me and I her but Nikola was different, I felt more warmth for her than I did my own sibling. My brothers had wished me luck and congraulated me furiously.

I had been travelling for nearly two days and although it was not a particularly long journey to France it was long enough for me to become agitated, bored and uncomfortable. Eloise, Senor Vargas and one of my ladies in waiting travelled in the same carriage with me. The scenery didn't change that much. I played cards for the most part with my lady in waiting but we grew bored after a few hours.

We stopped twice during the second day so that the horses could rest and we could get out and stretch our legs. I paced back and forth with my hands on my hips, encased by a circle of footmen that refused to let me be alone. "How are you feeling?" Eloise pressed as she handed me some cake on the carriage.

"Nothing but boredom," I replied with my eyelids flickering drowsily. I was eating yet falling asleep at the same time. "How much longer?"

"Only a few hours, princess," Senor Vargas spoke from behind his notes. He had to learn a lot about the aristocracy of France as he would be living with me. He would be the only one meeting me on the other side of the cross-over. "Do not fear, we are making perfect time princess and we shall reach the point within a few hours and sleep for the night in the carriage."

I frowned, "Are you being serious? I cannot possibly sleep yet another night in this God forsaken carriage! My neck is already shot to pieces as it is!" I folded the rest of my slice of cake back up in the dainty looking napkin and thrust it forcefully back to Eloise. "I have lost my appetite."

"Now, now," she scolded, "Patience is a virtue, Rosanna, you must remember that. Do not let all of this nonsense go to your head; know who you are and where your manners are at. We have not the time or the energy to go over everything again. Now just rest and relax." I knew that she was right, she'd been a mother to me since the day I was born and reared me like her own. Eloise had been my wet nurse when I was a baby and continued to care for me up until the day I would be handed over. I would miss her much more than the Queen, my biological Madre. I allowed the bustling of the carriages and the sound of the many horses outside lull me into slumber.

When I awoke it was because Eloise was nudging me. Morning light prickled in around the blind that had been pulled down and it was a sharp cold morning that made my nose run. "Here," she handed me a handkerchief so I blew my nose. My lady in waiting, Lavonia started brushing and pampering my hair despite that being a lady maid's job.

"Whatever are you doing that for?" I frowned as I stifled a yawn.

"Do you not realise that this is the last morn that we spend together? I will miss you, my lady, this is my gesture of goodwill if you please." She paused then continued and after a moment's thought I let it slide and sat there patiently. Senor Vargas had gone off on his duties orgnaising everything, I felt guilty for he had so much on his shoulders. Eloise doused me in perfume and I felt my hair being twisted harshly on top of my head. It felt like my lady in waiting had not ever touched another person's hair before and her tugging caused my eyes to prick. Still, out of goodness I sat there silently and waited.

I changed into a pale gold dress and a smart light yellow woman's jacket which was a very tight fit and then I was finally allowed to get out of the carriage. I stood in amongst the trees stretching my legs and placing my hands on my hips, standing as tall as I could to stretch my spine. I was feeling as if I had been crumpled into a ball for the past few days and I ached.

Senor Vargas had his arms full of curling notes and was talking animatedly to one of the footmen but when he spotted me bowed his head striding over to us purposefully. "Elegant as ever," He beamed nervously. I saw that there was a large pure red tent set up not that far away, nodding my head toward it anxiously I asked what it was for. "That is where you will change into your new French clothes, where you end your reign as princess of Andorra and become the Dauphine of France." My hands began to tremble at my sides, nervous, fear and excitment filled me to the brim with anticipation. It had been such a long time since we had last met and I was scared that he would no longer like what he saw.

Eloise took my hand in hers and when I turned to face her she pulled me into an unexpected hug that did not last long. "You will be absolutely fine, Anna," She soothed as she let go.

Surrounding the tent were footmen and guards wearing different colours to that of the men that I had been accustomed to for the whole of my life. There were five women standing tall and regal looking as they observed the scene with hostile eyes. A shockingly thin lady with brown hair plaited on top of her head and wearing a small hooped dress stepped forwards holding her hands neatly in front of her. It appeared to be time.

I started walking forward with my lady in waiting, Ambassador and Eloise and she took two steps forward. When we came to a stop in front of her she took our faces in disapprovingly then bent very low performing a perfect curtsy. I bowed my head at her assuming the others did too. "Princess Rosanna Marchal of Andorra."

I gave a tentative smile that she did not return and thus did very little to ease my nerves, "Yes."

"I am Comtesse DeGeneres and I am the mistress of the house, please would you say farewell to your party and follow me," She stared pointedly so I bobbed my head and turned to face the lady in waiting.

"Look after everyone at home, especially Nikola and Josepha." I addressed her in Catalan rather than French. She nodded, I felt my eyes prick with tears all over again as I threw my arms rather unladylike around her neck. I pulled away spinning to face my lovely Eloise. "You have been my dearest friend and the best counsellor, I truly treasure you close to my breast," my voice came out thick with emotion.

"Oh you silly girl," Eloise blubbered taking me into her arms but it was a quick lived hug for we let go and straightened up, wiping away tears that should never have spilled.

"Ready?" Senor Vargas raised his eyebrows and gestured towards the guarded entrance to the tent. I nodded, refusing to look behind me as I followed Madame DeGeneres's lead into the luxurious interior. It was amazing just like a portable chamber. Senor Vargas had to take the scenic route for he was not permitted to be in the tent whilst I was changing. There were even more ladies and maids inside and all eyes were heavily focused upon me. I did not know which way to look nor what was expected of me.

I took in the lavish surroundings and chandeliers as I stood still, changed by strangers. Not feeling comfortable standing there as the object of judgment by so many people I had no choice in the matter. I tried to focus myself on thinking about Philip and the new life we would be starting together. A new kind of hoop was slid over me, a new dress with a lot more bows and a harsher corset that was shaped differently than the one I was accustomed to. It caused me to gasp slightly as it was heaved around my ribs. I wore at least three underskirts and they were heavy, my green sleeves which ended at my elbows were so covered in frills that my arms could not properly touch my sides.

My hair was undone and restyled and makeup put on. Then after what felt like centuries two of the more powerful looking lady's left the tent through the back exit and I was ordered into new shoes. "There, now you look decent enough to pass off French," the Comtesse smiled sternly.

I was told to lead out through the curtain which had now been fully drawn back. I walked along a thick blue carpet and as I passed all the ladies curtsied and kept their heads bowed. I recalled all of the hours I had spent practicing walking with books on my head and stood straight and proudly. The guards who were already standing to attention seemed to freeze apart from the two either side of the exit that moved symmetrically as they moved their staffs slightly.

Walking off the carpet and onto the woodland floor where the twigs and leaves crackled and snapped lightly under my feet, I heard a bird whistle something astoundingly beautiful not far away and it gave me confidence knowing that I wasn't the only thing making a sound in the woods. I came to a stop, not wanting to walk too far. I was loaded into yet another carriage that was decorated so very expensively with gold lining everything just positively boasting about the French's taste and riches. The wallpaper was pale pastel colours with actual velvet on them and it was just Senor Vargas and me. He told me how grown up I looked and how he had no doubt that the King and Dauphin would be impressed.

It was a relatively short carriage ride compared to that of the one I had endured in traveling there in the first place. I stared out the window with a pain in my stomach that made me wonder if it would ever go away. I missed home so dearly.

When the carriage came to a stop the door was opened and out climbed Senor Vargas who then held his hand out to me. Taking it graciously I allowed him to help me out. I stepped onto the soft, crunchy ground of the forest floor, my eyes raising I was gob smacked by how many people were there. All of the ladies that had been in the tent where I was undressed and redressed and perhaps fifty or so more and there were so many guards around that it was unbelievable. And everyone looked so majestic and yet so exotic, it made me realise just how laid back and relaxed my kingdom had been.

He was dressed in the finest of outfits with a three pointed hat rimmed with gold and his hair tied back. He looked how I remembered him except now I could see all of his features rather than just his wondrous eyes. He even appeared taller than my memory but was so grown up and handsome and manly that it made me blush to think that I was marrying him very shortly. His father stood beside him with a portly belly and greying hair but otherwise they were identical -Philip didn't have as many wrinkles as his father either- but it made my heart stop. I did a very low graceful curtsy as I dropped my head as well, submissively. I straightened up and both the King and the Dauphin bowed from the waist at the same time. It made me smile, I had to bite my lip to stop myself from sending up a nervous giggle.

"Your Majesty," the Comtesse spoke with total adoration from just behind me, "May I present the princess of Andorra: Rosanna Maria Antonia Marchal."

"Your Highnesses," I greeted dipping my head once again talking in fluent French.


The next two days I was only to be alone at night when I slept in a heavily decorated room with gorgeous little ornaments that I was petrified of breaking. Even then I still felt like there was someone lurking around making sure that it was me and only me in my bed. They didn't trust me to be alone and I hoped it was because of the dilemma that they had faced with princess Myrtle.

As soon as I arrived at the extravagant and massive palace and had taken a days rest to just simply absorb the grand and exquisite beauty of the place I then wrote a letter home. You hadn't seen frills or gold or extravagance until you'd been to Versailles. The word extravagance was invented to solely describe the palace. That's the only word that would do it any justice. Everything was expensive and everything was magnificently gorgeously beautiful. It would reach my old palace merely a few days after Eloise reached home. It made my stomach ache thinking about her. Especially Josepha as I had become incredibly close to her over the past year since Katherine had left.

I quickly learned that the way Padre ruled was incredibly different to the way in which the French ruled. I was not to lift a finger here whereas I was at least expected to put my own shift on back home. There was so much more that was expected of me and so many rules that I had to now abide by. I loathed how when I woke up in the morning not only Comtesse DeGeneres was standing over me but all twenty something of my new lady's in waiting and my soon to be sister in laws. The worst thing was that they were the ones that had to dress me. I tried asking to dress myself but Madame DeGeneres gasped in pure horror and began ranting about such rudeness and that the soon-to-be-Dauphine could not dress herself, it was a ludicrous idea. I felt awful for merely suggesting it by the time she'd been through with me.

I wasn't allowed to see Philip at all until the wedding day so I ate in a different room to him which was surrounded by so many noblemen just observing me. Two days into my new life I met the Queen for the first time. She was a stern woman with a surprisingly sweet smile and she complimented my eyes. I tended to stick to Senor Vargas as much as possible as when I was with him Comtesse DeGeneres didn't usually bother me as much. He pointed people out and tried to focus me on the job at hand. He was also the one to inform me that the King had a mistress rather like Senorita Dulcinia. "Now it is a well known truth that you and Senorita Dulcinia never really saw eye to eye, princess," he had explained to me. "And your Padre was extremely lenient and generous with that but you cannot voice your disapproval of Madame DuBois in such a way. Nor can you speak to her as you spoke to Senorita."

I sniffed brushing some hair out of my face disinterestedly, "That is fine with me Senor, for I do not intend on speaking to such a woman." He gave me steely eyes, "What is the French court's opinion on the mistress?"

He paused as he chose his words very carefully, "They are polite enough to her face."

They were a bunch of gossipers that much I knew already. Everywhere I went all eyes followed me and whispers and mutters began. From what I could tell they thought that I shouldn't become the Dauphine and that I was stealing princess Myrtle's position. I jutted my chin out continuing walking forward trying to be proud and ignoring what they were muttering. "Well, there is no dire need to address Madame DuBois therefore I see no need to do so as of yet." I answered giving him a sweet smile.

I found that I was to stay to only one small portion of the palace where I could be kept securely out of the way of the Dauphin before the wedding day. Every time I thought about it my stomach knotted and my hands started to perspire. In the two days that I had already lived in France I had sent five letters addressed to Eloise and Josepha already. I was fifteen and homesick not entirely certain that I could deal with what was expected of me. And yet in the time that I had been here I had not seen nor heard once of the Duchesse de Toures.

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