In French


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When Rosanna is allowed to go to her first ball she's excited to show off her new shoes, little does she know... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter Twenty three
Chapter Twenty four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty six
Chapter Twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter Twenty nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty one
Chapter Thirty two
Chapter Thirty three
Chapter Thirty four
Chapter Thirty five
Chapter Thirty six

Chapter Five

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    “What are you doing?” Senorita Dulcinia asked as she glided stealthily into the room resting her hand on the back of my chair as she peered rudely over my shoulder. I recalled the page number quickly then slammed the book shut, setting it on the table top.

    “Right now? Nothing,” I craned my neck round to look at her distastefully.

    Senorita Dulcinia glanced about the room before leaning in and hissing, “You are making a foe with the wrong lady little princess.”

    I could not help myself, I was too liberal for my own good at times. I snorted, “Lady? I would hardly class someone such as yourself as a lady. And I would know,” I added cocking an eyebrow at her fast reddening cheeks, “For I am royalty and you are not.”

    She straightened up and brushed her dress down. “Your tongue is tainted child,” she hissed glowering at me with pure dislike.

    I got to my feet so that she could not stand over me and sucked a great breath of defiance into my lungs, “And so is your reputation, Senorita.”

    She gasped, downright outraged and appalled. “How can you say such a thing to the woman that makes your Padre so happy?”

    “He could have any woman in the land,” I snapped dismissively. “You just happen to be the easiest to get hold of. She raised her hand to slap me and my eyes widened, I took a step backwards banging loudly into the table. “You dare raise a hand to me!” I gasped.

    She turned her hand into a pointing finger, “You have no idea how much power I hold, do you? I behold more power than the Queen and I can make the King think anything I want him to think.” Her teeth grounded together. “It would be a much easier life for you to at least try and get along with me. For instance,” she mused giving me a smirk. “I want you to persuade your siblings to speak to me more.”

    My heart scolded under my chest, out of all my siblings I disliked Senorita Dulcinia the most. “In what way would that benefit you in the slightest?”

    She smiled, “It would get me into your Padre’s good books and give me even more power and freedom if he sees that his children welcome me.”

    I frowned annoyed and perplexed by her reason, “But we do not and I refuse to sway them otherwise.” I crossed my arms defiantly over my chest to try and physically prove a point.

    “Do not make me do things the hard way, princess Anna-”

    “Rosanna.” I cut in.

    “But everyone here calls you Anna,” She pulled a face of mock hurt. Then her top lip curled up again, “This is precisely what I am referring to. You need to just accept that I am here and I am here to stay for good-”

    “Until Padre dies.” I added.

    “It is awfully rude to keep interjecting yourself over the top of other people and you would do well to remember your manners from now on.” Senorita Dulcinia spoke tartly in one long breath. “Now I will bid you good day until we dine later on.” She bowed her head and half curtsied, I begrudgingly bowed and she left the room with a secure and self righteous strut about her. She was like a peacock. I decided right there that I know longer liked peacocks.

    I told Nikola and Josepha everything that had been exchanged between Senorita Dulcinia and me to which Josepha gave me a scolding look and Nikola managed to look concerned. She had been able to pick out the seriousness of the conversation at least. “I cannot believe you said those things Anna.” Josepha hissed once I had finished.

    I had to admit that the good feeling that sticking up for myself and just arguing with Senorita Dulcinia had done was fast fading, “Do you think she will tell on me?”

    Josepha considered it, “Not in her nature.” She concluded. “But blackmailing is something that I would not hold against her. Oh, Anna, you must go and apologise and ask to let bygones be bygones.”

    Something flared up indignantly inside of me, “I do not think it is in my nature.”

    “Well,” Josepha shrugged irritably, “You have to do something that will defuse the situation. I have a terrible feeling that she is right and that she can manipulate Padre to do as she pleases.”

    “Senorita no good,” Nikola nodded sternly at me and patted my shoulder.

    I smiled softly at Nikola, she was sweet and caring. “She’s a bit like Jeanne then.” We all laughed.

    “And you talked about Padre dying?” Josepha suddenly burst out. My heart sank like a flailing ship as I gave one weak nod. She sighed again, all traces of humour gone from her features. “You need to start seriously thinking things through before you open this-” She tapped my lips, “-Otherwise you shall get yourself in big trouble.”

    “Yes, yes,” I waved off, “I understand.”


    As the weeks passed nothing of much importance truly happened. Josepha, Jeanne, Nikola and I travelled around attending balls and making new acquaintances but mainly Madre was focusing tirelessly on finding us husbands –apart from Nikola-. Three months after Agate’s visit it became pretty much a new custom for us to learn new European languages. Josepha was not particularly interested and took to gazing listlessly out of the window instead of listening to our tutor. Jeanne and I were constantly winding one another up and having squabbles. As for Nikola, Madre had become annoyed that she could not obtain a sufficient conversation with her and insisted to Dion that she be taught how to speak Catalan. He accepted and so Nikola spent hour upon hour with a teacher as she learned our language.

    Within another month she could just about understand some of the things that we said and could sort of reply so long as we spoke slowly and repeated ourselves. Madre was delighted with her progress and Nikola found that she was less bored now that she had a lot of her time occupied.

    I enjoyed practicing cards with Josepha and listening to her play the harpsichord. Padre allowed us to attend an opera with some chaperones once a month which we adored. It was like a breath of fresh air being allowed out of the palace grounds. It also made Padre look good as his daughters were out being the perfect socialites. Before I’d really known it it had already been nearly six whole months since I’d talked to the Duchess de Toures.


    Madre came into the room with a shaking hand over her mouth. My eyes went wide with shock as I exchanged a worried glance with Josepha. “Whatever is the matter, Madre?” Josepha begged quietly.

    “I-I have a letter,” Madre answered weakly glancing at one of the footmen who sprang forward with a chair which he timed to perfection as she sat down.

    “Is it bad news?” I spoke into the silence. I was eager to know what her news was. “What is it Madre?”

    “Yes, pray tell,” Jeanne scratched her nose and snuggled down comfortably on her futon.

    “I have some-some news for Rosanna.” She cleared her hoarse voice and I felt my stomach twist in a bad way. What had I done?

    “Have I done something wrong?”

   Jeanne laughed without humour, losing her interest immediately, “Of course you have, when have you not done something troublesome?”

    I opened my mouth to retort but Madre intervened. “I shall read to you all what this letter says.” She blinked and ruffled the paper. “It is to my delight that I have learned of you accepting our proposal and agree completely to the arrangement. All that is left to decide upon is the date upon which princess Rosanna Maria Antonia Marchal shall wed the Dauphin, prince Philip of France… You my sweet charming daughter will marry the Dauphin of France!” She squealed in pure delight losing all trace of manners for a moment. “I wish to hang this on the wall! Oh, you have no idea how proud I am of you.” She leaned forward smiling at me.

    Jeanne went ashen and stony faced but Josepha squeezed my shoulder joyfully. “That is terrific news, sister.”

    “Madre, you are not fooling me?” I checked not allowing myself to take her seriously until she was completely sure.

    “Not one bit my darling, I am only serious.” She nodded happily. “I have already informed your Padre and Senorita Dulcinia.” My mouth went hard yet my body was swimming in joy. I could not have been more ecstatic. “There is so much to plan. I have discussed a date with your Padre and will write a reply letter straight away.” She launched to her feet flipping out her fan and wafting it vigorously in front of her face. “Oh there is much to do.” And she practically pranced out of the room.

    I turned to face Josepha who took my hands in hers, “this will be the becoming of you, Anna.” She told me with bright magnificent eyes.

    “Yes, well done sister, how did you manage to do that when he was engaged to the princess of Denmark, Rosanna?” I peered around Josepha to meet eyes with a suspicious looking Jeanne.

    “What are you suggesting?” I demanded.

    “Nothing, it just intrigues me how you meet him at the ball-”

    I felt myself flush, “that was two years ago.”

    She raised her shoulder as she pushed herself up the futon, “even so…”

    “Oh do be quiet, Jeanne,” Josepha interrupted. “For once in your life just be happy for someone other than yourself.”

    Jeanne stared aghast at Josepha and then pushed off from her futon and stormed out of the room. I glanced at Josepha wearily, “I am glad to be leaving that behind!”


    As the final arrangements for the crossing-over ceremony and actual date of the marriage was organised between Andorra and France I began spending an awful lot of time with my Ambassador: Senor Vargas who would be the only person accompanying me to my new life in France. He was younger than Padre and wore fine clothes but had watery grey eyes and had ink on his hands constantly from scrawling down everything so often. He was kind and knowledgeable and liked to keep me up to speed with everything. “There will be a lot to learn about your new lifestyle in France, princess.” He explained on my fourth visit to his office. I was twiddling with an old quill, twisting it in my hands. “I am afraid that I do not know the finer details but there will women there that will teach you the etiquette and skills that you will be needing.”

    I frowned, mostly disinterested, “is it really that different from here? Our countries touch after all.”

    He nodded slowly, “at least you know some geography, princess. I am afraid that a lot of the life over there is different to here. France has the eyes of the world on them whereas Andorra does not. You will become one of the most famous women in the world.”

    My eyes flickered up, a spark igniting in them, “in the world?” He nodded eagerly, thankful that he had captured my unwavering attention at last. “That is interesting news.”

    “Very much so, it is vital that you listen to all the advice I heed you otherwise you could quite easily make a laughing stock out of not only yourself but of Andorra as well.”

    My face went ashen, “you do not have faith in me Senor Vargas?”

    He flinched back in his seat, uncomfortable and shocked, “not at all princess, I have complete faith in you it is only my job to make everything as easy as possible for you.”

    I lent back in my chair, relaxing as I returned to fiddling with the quill. “I feel that you and I will get along just fine Senor Vargas,” I smirked up at him.

    “That is very pleasing to hear, princess.” He replied sorting out his documents.

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