My Boyfriend's Brother

By allygrant_2020

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Jack Hemmings is my boyfriend. There is a three-year age gap between us. He has a brother named Luke. He's m... More



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By allygrant_2020

"Are you cheating on me, Jack?" I ask, terrified of knowing the answer.

Jack gives me a confused look and asks, "Who the hell gave you that idea?"

I glance at Luke and then back at Jack, but I don't say anything.

"Why would you listen to a word Luke tells you!? You're the one that told me how much you can't stand him, so why would you trust him!? Especially when it comes to our relationship!"

I shrug, "You haven't exactly answered the question."

He sighs, obviously frustrated. "No, I'm not cheating on you. We've been together for two years, why would I screw that up?"

I shrug again. "I don't know. Maybe you feel like I haven't given you enough, considering I'm not 18 yet."

"Leia, wait for me in my room while I talk to Luke alone, please," Jack says, and I oblige.

After a few minutes, Jack came back into his room.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly.

"No, I'm sorry that my brother put that thought into your head. I don't know what's gotten into him," he says.

"Yeah, but I'm the one who believed him. I doubted you, and I'm sorry for that," I say, and he smiles.

He walks over to me and takes my hands on his. "Let's just not talk about it, okay? I just want to spend some time with my beautiful and amazing girlfriend," he says, which causes me to giggle.

I get in my tiptoes and lean up to kiss him. He puts his hands on my hips and closes the gap for me.

"I love you," I say as we pull away.

He smiles, says, "I love you, too," and kisses me again.

How could I have believed Luke? Of course Jack wouldn't cheat on me! So why did I believe Luke? Maybe I wanted it to be true? I don't know, but for some reason, while I'm kissing my boyfriend, I can't help but think of his brother.


I stayed at Jack's until around 10:30 since my curfew is 11:00.

I get home with a few minutes to spare, and when I walk through the door, I'm greeted by my dad.

"Leia, is that you?"

"Yeah, Daddy, it's me! How was work?" I reply.

"It was work. How was your first day of school?" he asks as I walk into the living room where he's watching what looks to be Blue Bloods.

"It was alright. Unfortunately, I have almost every class with Luke, but I'm sure I'll manage," I say.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie. I know you don't really like him all that much."

"It's weird, though. Luke was extra touchy today. I mean, he almost kissed me when I was at Jack's, and when I stopped him, he made up this ridiculous lie about Jack cheating on me," I say, ranting to my father.

"He what!?"

"Yeah, and what's worse, I actually believed him! Jack talked some sense into me though. Luke probably only said that because I rejected him," I say, continuing my rant.

You see, my dad is my best friend. I can tell him anything, and whatever I try to tell him, he at least tries to understand. Besides, it's just been me and my dad for a long time, so I've always been able to confide in him.

"Wow, Luke must be really into you to go through all that trouble," he says, and my eyes widen.

"Into me? Oh, please, all Luke Hemmings wants is to get laid. Trust me, he's not into me. He's just trying to get into my pants," I say and he laughs.

"So, did you want to watch something, or did you just want to call it a night?" he asks.

I smile at him and say, "Let's watch a movie and then let's both call it a night."

"Sounds good to me. What movie?" he asks.

When we make eye contact, we both say, "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back!"

Our favorite Star Wars movie.


I wake up the next morning, determined that I wouldn't let Luke get to me.

After successfully driving myself to school, I go straight to my locker to get the things I would need for my first few classes.

When I'm at my locker, I'm approached by my friend Amber. She's short, blonde, beautiful, and we basically have all the same interests.

"Hey, Leia!" she says excitedly.

I look at her and smile. "Hey! You're in a good mood. Did Calum ask you out yet?"

She sighs, "No, but I think he might be. He drove me to school today, and he kissed me on the cheek before I got out of the car," she says cheerfully. Aw, she's so adorable when she talks about him.

Amber and Calum have been best friends since they were kids, and it's obvious that they're madly in love with each other. They just haven't really admitted it to each other.

I shut my locker and continue to listen to Amber talk about Calum. Then, I am approached by a tall, curly-haired boy. Ashton Irwin.

"Hey, Leia, Amber," he says with a cheeky grin. Amber smiled as well.

Ashton is also one of my best friends. We actually dated for a few months before I realized my feelings for Jack. Ash has always been there for me, though. Even after we broke up, he comforted me when I was down. We're not even awkward around each other like we used to be.

"Hey, Ash! How was your summer?" I ask, since I didn't get to talk to him yesterday.

"It was great, actually. I met a girl at the beach," he replies.

I raise an eyebrow. "You met a girl? You actually talked to a girl? A stranger?" I ask sarcastically.

"Shut up!" he giggles, "Yes, I actually talked to her. Her name was Ally. She had long dark brown hair, amazing blue eyes, beautiful smile," he just went on and on.

"Wow, she sounds really special, Ashton! Can we meet her?" Amber says.

He sighs, "Unfortunately, no."

"Why not?" I ask.

"She's American," he answers simply.

"Oh, so I guess she went back home already, huh?" I ask, and he nods sadly.

"Yeah, and I miss her like crazy. She's the first girl I've ever really loved," he says.

I smile at him sympathetically.

"I'm sure you'll see her again someday. If you guys are truly in love, you'll see each other again," Amber says.

Ashton smiles at Amber's words. "You know what? You're right. I will see her again. I'm determined to see her again."


So, this is more of a filler chapter, but I hope you all liked it! Chapter 4 will be up soon!

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