Return of the Fallen Angel: B...

Par mountainlion2

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Best rank in Science Fiction #194. The continuation of Kita's adventures. She meets new friends, explores new... Plus



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Par mountainlion2

Get Clouds (book 2 of the Game of the Gods series) on Amazon

For the last hour Kita had bombed and flamed enemy positions along the front. She'd concentrated on areas away from the three attack groups. The plan was to keep them honest and make them think it was a preemptory attack for something else. In a way it was.

She'd crossed lines to visit her side a few times to check on the army and make sure the command groups had received the latest updates. To her surprise and satisfaction they had received the latest dispatches all bearing Commander Isa's seal.

Kita liked the seal. A red crescent moon centered on a pair of black and green scimitar stylized angel wings. She wondered how long Amber had this design sitting around just waiting. The wings had to be new, but the moon was definitely a symbol of Arabia.

Amber had devised a change in plans upon her arrival at the command tent. Once it was daylight the Army of the Roses men would attack through the holes created by the Black Watch and the Legion. They were to relieve both groups if they needed it. So far, it sounded like losses were light.

"Kita? Can you hear me?" Amber's voice came over the comm.

"Of course. What do you need?"

"We're getting reports from members of The Horde that the reinforcements to the southeast are moving north. I'm guessing they're going to counterattack. We don't have the manpower to stand up to them. I'm having our people pullback through the holes we made to our lines."

Kita grumbled.

"Then they're free to pursue or keeping up and around to attack the ridge. If they pursue and successfully punch through they can encircle the ridge."

"I know. I'm pulling all the recently relieved units from the ridge down to that area to bolster the line. I don't like it, but we don't have much of a choice. The nearest fresh units are miles away. They're on the move but it'll be hours before they get here." Amber replied worried and scared. She was enough of both that it came over the comm.

"What's wrong?" Kita asked.

"I...I didn't want my battle as your chief commander to be a total loss. I understand if you don't want me after this."

"The battles not over yet and it's not like you started with a lousy hand. You have a bloody awful hand. But don't worry, it's not over yet. As they say, this is why I get paid the big bucks. Give me a half hour before you issue any warning orders for order changes." Kita instructed gently, but firmly.

"What are you going to do?"

"What do you do when you want to get snakes out of the grass?"

"I have no idea."

"Watch and learn." Kita replied with a confident grin.

Kita streaked off toward the enemy location. The satellite images she'd pulled down showed the thermal signatures of the vehicles, but not the men. They were still in the forest, and Kita planned on keeping it that way.

Reaching the wood line of the dense pine forest, she turned on her flame. She increased her temperature until the trees burst into flame as she flew by. Making her way slowly through the trees the bows caught fire. The lit branches ignited the rest of the tree and quickly the trees around it. Within several minutes the fires built into a raging forest fire.

Kita continued to fly until she was passed the last of the enemy units. Making a lazy ninety degree turn, she started toward the enemy units. Checking the satellite images she could see the enemy begin to react to the fire. They broke off their advance and looked to be trying to find safety. Kita wasn't about to let them. Picking up her pace she slowly began encircle them in a lasso of burning forest.

"Amber how's it looking to you?"

Amber had been studying the newest pictures trying to figure out what was going on.

"What are you doing? The heat signature is...bizarre. Are...Are you burning the forest down?"

"Chasing out the snakes, or in this case trapping them like rats." Kita laughed wickedly while she flung fireballs into the forest.

Kita spent the next hour stoking the fire. Once an outside perimeter had been set, she went about transforming the forest fire into a firestorm. Lighting a forest on fire was easy, to turn it into a weather generating inferno quickly took deliberate action.

Kita pulled up next a stand of trees near the perimeter fire. Raising her hands, she began to pull the water out of the trees. Every tree within twenty feet had the majority of its free water sucked out onto the forest floor. Shooting a long tongue of flame from her hands, she slowly rotated in the air spraying fire at the highly flammable timber. The stand erupted into flame. The fire quickly climbed to the crowns of the trees and started to jump to the neighboring untouched trees. In a matter of minutes the twenty foot radius fire tripled in size. From previous experience Kita judged this fire would join with the perimeter fire in as little as ten minutes.

Heading to a new location to continue the fire starting process Kita spied some enemy soldiers trying to find a way out. Readying a large fireball, she flew low so she would have maximum impact on them and the trees. As she came into the canopy a glitter of gold caught her attention. Using her lens to investigate further she stopped when she saw what the glitter belong to.

Every Sturmtruppen division carried a flag like all military units. Unlike other units each carried a guidon. Each had wreath with a lightning bolt in the middle. A braid rope sat on top of the wreath, with an animal of some kind at the very top. From a second braid rope located underneath the wreath hung the black Sturmtruppen standard. The entire head piece was mounted on an ornately carved wooden pole.

This was only the second time she'd ever seen one. The guidon's were the heart and soul of the Sturmtruppen division. Every time before when she'd defeated a Sturmtruppen division the guidon had been destroyed by the time she got there. Now she had her chance to get one. A small group, presumably the command group, was trying to escape in the confusion. Flinging her fireball into a stand of trees in front of the escaping group, she used it as cover to drop low and encircle the group in flame.

As the flames grew she kept the flames from them. She wanted them trapped, not burnt. Nothing was going to hurt her new trophy. Once the flames reached inferno intensity, she landed outside the safe area.

Drawing Dusk and Dawn, she killed her flame as she stepped from the inferno into the safe area. Silhouetted by the flames she spread her wings wide and howled a wicked laugh that rang above the inferno's gale. The sound caused the six frantic men to freeze and slowly turn to face her.

The one who looked like he was in charge recovered first.

"Blasted winters frozen gale, it's one of them daemon angels. Cut it down, now!" The man roared.

The others quickly obeyed. Four of them wore exo-armour, but the guidon bearer was bare. The guidon was secured in a special harness that strapped it upright on his back. Kita wondered briefly how he managed to get through the trees.

The four exosoldiers opened fire with their mounted weapons. In a blur Kita destroyed or deflected the bullets back at the attackers. When they ran out of ammunition, she giggled manically.

"My turn," she announced merrily.

Throwing her swords into the air she grabbed stars from her thigh pads. Launching the spinning disks, she purposely missed. Catching her swords she phased behind them. Using Dusk and Dawn to redirect the eight stars, the first four embedded into the power packs of each suit. The following four cut the ammo feeder belts to each suits weapon. Each suit froze in place as each shut down.

Kita darted between each welding the release buckles shut. The four soldiers taken care of, she turned her attention to the guidon bearer. Grinning and giggling she stalked toward him, swords twirling lazily in her hands.

Sturmtruppen we're never supposed to show fear, but the sight of Kita broke him. He broke and ran trying to jump into the flames. Instead of jumping into the fire he bounced off of Kita. Reaching down she grabbed him by the front and brought him to her face.

"You have something I want," she whispered.

Snatching the guidon from his back, she planted it into the ground.

"Now don't go anywhere we have lots more to do."

Grabbing his arm with her free hand, she yanked his arm out of the socket. With two swift kicks she destroyed his knees. Dropping him to the ground she stepped on his good arm. The man whimpered as she slowly applied pressure until the bones snapped.

Turning to face the leader, he stood his ground. Kita studied him for a moment.

"I know you," She cooed hungrily. "Took a bit of a demotion didn't you General Federov? I'm no expert in Sturmtruppen rank and insignia, but I believe you're a senior Colonel."

The man spoke with a thick heavy accent.

"You! So the rumors are true, you're alive and they are your children."

"Well...I am alive, but I only claim one of the children. I have no idea where the others came from. They just kind of showed up. So Colonel has it been worth it? Being a traitor, I mean."

"They offered everything you and the Legion could not. Strength, honor, conviction, power, some things are worth more than rank to be a part of. The Sturmtruppen will be the new vanguard for this world. We'll grind your pathetic Legion under our boots as we march through your tubes destroying every last one of you. We'll do the same to anyone else who gets in our way."

"Really? Looks like your running into serious opposition." Kita smirked.

"You will all die in the end."

"Yes many will die, Colonel. Many more by my hand than yours."

Kita looked at him and grinned. Lunging forward, she smashed him in the throat. Kneeling next to him she grabbed him by what little hair he had and jerk his head upward. She spoke in a happy menacing voice.

"You know Colonel, I hate spies. They lie, steal, and always do it for personal gain, but they're up front about it. They're there to deceive you from day one. I'll just kill a spy. Sometimes it can be worth it to turn them, but assassins will be assassins. A dead spy is a good spy. Now traitors—I have a special place in my heart for people like you. Which leads to another special place one of pure ecstasy." Kita purred in a sultry and longing tone.

Federov's eyes conveyed the wonder and terror his face fought to hide.

"Don't think about that too hard, Colonel. It's much easier if I show you."

Kita's eyes lit like a child receiving an unexpected birthday present.

Sarin flew around the rapidly spreading forest fire. The fire's unpredictable updrafts made flying difficult. One second she went up, the next she was falling out of the sky. Searching for over twenty minutes she was beginning to worry.

She'd volunteered look for Kita after she hadn't checked-in in over an hour and a half. With her connection to Kita she thought it would be easy to locate her. Instead she felt nothing and was fighting awful wind shears and poor visibility.

"Amber? This is Sarin. The forest fire is intense and the flying conditions are worse than awful. I cannot feel her either."

"If we could find Nina I'd send her to help."

"What do you mean 'if we could find her'?"

"She's been missing from the casualty point for almost three hours."

"Neptune's rings! If we don't find her Kita's going to kill...someone."

"Let's find her first. The ridge is beginning to deteriorate. I may have to commit Death's Brigade for defense instead of offense."

"At least they're not getting reinforcements now."

"True. The counterattack you guys prepared is going to kick off in less than twenty minutes. I hope that'll take some of the pressure off, but it won't be right away—so we could still lose this."

"Don't worry I'll find her. At least we know she wouldn't have burned to death."

"She's tried that before."

"Right, I...hey, I see an oddity down there. I'm going to go check it out."

"Be careful. I'll keep this open in case something happens."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence."

"It's because I want to be able to save you if you needed it."

"Ahh, I didn't know you cared."

"Find her and I won't."

Sarin laughed as she carefully made her way toward the stand of untouched trees. Getting lower she sighed in relief when she saw a pair of black wings through a gap in the trees. Landing became falling as she couldn't find space enough for her wings. She landed gracefully on her feet and spied Kita sitting with her wings spread open. On either side were four men in exosuits with their arms and legs bent in unnatural ways.

Walking around Kita, she took in the scene. After a second she slapped a hand over her mouth. She took two steps before she fell to her knees and retched until well past the point of having anything left. Rolling over she lay in the pine needles trying to get the courage to go back. Finally she rolled back to her feet to go get an explanation. Then she changed her mind, Kita being Kita explained it all.

Slowly she walked around Kita's wings to take in the scene while biting her lip. Kita sat dangling a dagger in front of a man's eye. His face was missing most of its parts, lips, cheeks, nose, teeth, one, eye lids, tongue, and hair were gone. His arms had been savagely broken off just below the elbows. The lower arm bones were pinning the man to the ground through his shoulders. He'd been gutted, his vital organs laid out in an orderly fashion. For a second Sarin was worried Kita was eating them, but looking closer the heart was beating. How he was breathing she didn't know. The rest of the man's entrails were decoratively wrapped around a small tree nearby.

The tree looked like a cannibal's xmas tree. It was adored with fingers, toes, tongues, ears, eyes, and teeth. A heart and a set of lungs formed some kind of angelic tree topper. Counting the parts they must have come from the others. Looking behind the tree she found a bloody rib cage, skull, and a few bones with meat still on them. Sarin didn't want to know what happened to the fellow.

The men trapped in the exosuits were missing various body parts. She noticed Kita had left them all an eye and made sure they could look in no other direction that at her. Swallowing some bile she turned her attention to Kita.

"Come on General don't give up on me know. I promise I won't take that eye from you, at least not until I've cut your cornea out. One little piece at a time."

Even without lids or any other facial muscles to make a face Sarin could see the terror in the naked eyeball.

Slowly Kita lowered the blade until it just touched the surface of the eye. She left it there for a few seconds before pulling it away.

"You twitched General, that's part of the penalty agreement we made. How can I cut it out if you won't learn to keep it still? I'm almost out of body parts."

Kita's voice was higher than normal and made Sarin shiver.

From a ration tin Kita pulled out a tiny bag of salt and put a sprinkle into the other man's eye socket. He made a noise and tried to move, while Kita giggled humorously. Sarin got the feeling Kita had been at this for a long time.

"Ah, Kita, my Love," Sarin started with gentle trepidation.

Kita turned and looked up with one of the sickest grin's she'd ever seen. Naturally Kita was covered in blood. She had it on her face, clothes, and in her hair. Sarin could never get passed the idea of anyone liking the feeling of being covered in the stuff.

"I hate to interrupt so abruptly but we're needed."

"But I'm not done."

"He looks like he will be shortly." Sarin argued gently.

"I gave him enough stimulants to keep him moving even after he died."

"I know, but the more time you spend her torturing this one, the less of the others there are to kill."

"I know, but he so deserves it. He was one of my intelligence chiefs in my old army. He decided my brother's unit offered him more idealism."

"And now you've proven to him which side is better, idealism or pragmatism. Pragmatism always wins out in the end, right?"

Kita nodded.

"Come on then. Being a pragmatist you have to do the practical thing. Sitting her indulging yourself while your army's getting beaten up isn't a very practical thing to do." Sarin stated sternly.

"I...I guess you're right. Can I take my souvenir? I've always wanted one."

Kita waved at the guidon glittering in the firelight. Sarin studied the gaudy thing while her mind raced trying to think of ways to keep it out of their room.

"Please?" Kita whined. "Please, please, please?"

"Well, how can I deny that?" Sarin smiled reassuring, trying to think about the best way to handle the situation. It was becoming apparent that Snowy might not have been exaggerating about Kita. Unlike Snowy, she was better equipped to deal with Kita's psychosis and determined not to let it grind her down.

Smiling, she knelt down next to Kita.

"Alright Babe, we can take it, but you have to do me some favors, ok?"

"Ok. What do you want?" Kita responded with a happy grin.

"First you need to give me the knife."

"But, I'm done yet."

Gently Sarin reached out and put her hand on Kita's hand holding the knife.

"If you want your souvenir you have to give me the knife."

"Fine," Kita said sounding put out.

Carefully Sarin freed the knife and stabbed into the ground.

"Next we need to get you cleaned up."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Red isn't your color Babe. It clashes with your wonderful skin and beautiful eyes."

"Oh..." Kita stood and turned on her flame for a few seconds. When she turned it off she was spotless.

"Last thing," Sarin smiled.

"What's that?" Kita asked happily.

"Let me kill them."


"Kita if you want the souvenir I need to keep from surviving and telling your brother where we are."

"Ok. I'm done anyway." She huffed and sighed.

Sarin kissed her and drew his pistols. Five quick shots put the Sturmtruppen out of their misery. When she turned back around Kita stood there with the guidon.

"Ready?" Kita asked.

Sarin noticed her voice was back to normal and blew out a silent breath.

"Did I worry you?"

"A little bit. This is my first time dealing with Kita in one of her moods." Sarin admitted.

"You were never in any danger," Kita replied apologetically.

"Well, I didn't know that. The only authority on the subject is Snowy and I have to take that with a block of salt."

Kita chuckled at the entire image. She stepped forward and took Sarin's hands.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to upset you." Kita looked down at the ground between their hands. "If it means anything, that's the first time I've ever apologized for it."

"I...It means a lot." Sarin thought about it more for a second, and then threw her arms around Kita's neck. "Actually, it means a hell of a lot."

She hugged Kita close as a tear ran down her cheek.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scary you."

"I wasn't scared. I was worried for you. But that's not what I'm happy about..."

"Happy?" Kita asked curiously.

"Of course I am. I may sound a little pretentious, but you saying that makes me feel like I'm the most important person in your world, ever." Sarin beamed.

"You are," Kita replied, with a tone suggesting Sarin should never think she was anything less.

"I know, but, I never would have admitted it or thought I'd want to hear it until now."

"Well I can tell you every day, hour, minute...A second might be hard I don't think I can talk that fast. If you want me to, that is."

Sarin giggled, "I wonder how long you'd keep that up before giving it up."

"You might be surprised," Kita said seriously.

"I know, but we really have to be somewhere else."

"Ok, quantity over quality..." Kita playfully grumbled.

"One more thing and you're not going to like it."

"Hit me," Kita sighed.

"They cannot find Nina."

Kita smiled, "it took her long enough. I don't know where she's gone, but she'll show up, most likely at the least opportune time."

Sarin laughed as she jumped up through the trees to get airborne. With her guidon in hand Kita followed her.

The pair raced toward the ridge. In the early morning light they could see columns of smoke rising and mixing together as the wind's carried it away. Cresting the hill the surveyed the scene.

Tanks littered the area in front of the ridge, but more were coming. From the looks of it the Red Legion was determined to take the high ground. Her side was holding fast, but the infantry guarding the tanks at the base of the ridge were under heavy assault. It was hand to hand in a few places.

Kita decided to get a full update from Amber.

"Lady above, it's about time," she scolded. "It's not looking good. They're throwing everything they've got at us. It's not just Sturmtruppen--it's every unit in this area plus some.

I'm about ready to commit Death's Brigade, because I'm out of other units to push in. Even with our help Patton and Rommel are depleted. The tanks that are on the ridge are the last they've got. The counterattack just started and I'm afraid it's come too late to help. The reinforcement division from the other side is nearing our position. They're vanguard will be in the area in minutes."

"Don't do anything yet. Give me a chance to see if I can do anything."

"If you could drop a few bombs as a distraction it would give our side a chance to regroup."

Kita acknowledged with a grunt. She thought quickly on what to do and kept coming back to the one thing on the battlefield she was good at, pageantry and trickery.

"Ok Amber, I've got a plan. I'm going to need Sarin and Anthrax, and Death's Brigade."

"But, that's the last unit I've got." She protested.

"Don't worry I'll put them to good use against what's in front of us."

"Ok...This is the part about taking orders from the battlefield isn't it?"

"Yep, but don't worry your doing fine."

Kita couldn't see Amber hang her head and the few tears that fell. She didn't think she was doing fine.

"Just be prepared to go on the offense," Kita added trying to cheer Amber up.

"Ok. We'll be waiting for you to report the tactical situation when it changes. The battle's yours."

"It'll be alright I promise."

"If anyone but you told me that in this situation, I'd tell them to go the last layer of the frozen hole."

"Guess we'll find out where I end up in a bit. Take it easy baby doll, everything will be fine. Talk to you in a bit."

Kita motioned for Sarin to follow her. Together they raced over their infantry positions. Kita wanted them to see her now as a morale boost. Sarin had her pistols out and fired as she flew. Below them Kita spotted Snowy, Megan, the bears, and Zidin. They had blood, dirt, and mud all over. Kita swooped low to her target.

"Zidin," Kita yelled over the din of battle.

The robot turned his attention to her, but continued to fire his mazor cannons.

"I need your holo disks."

He's eyes lit and eight disks from his lower arms detached and floated to her. Kita didn't wait. She flew to them and scooped them up. As the pair made their way to Pestilence, Kita worked furiously to reprogram them for her needs.

Coming up behind the raging woman Kita yelled at her gently trying not to spook her.

"Hey beautiful girl, I need you."

Pestilence turned and looked the pair of angels. It took her a few seconds, but she changed back to Anthrax.

"With a compliment like that I'll follow you anywhere."

"We've got to find you someone," Sarin replied.

"Don't remind me. It's been to long already."

"Come on, no time to waste." Kita said urgently.

"Now where?" Sarin asked.

"Up," Kita pointed.


"So we can come back down."

"That's usually how it works," Anthrax said with a smile as they started to climb.

As they went skyward Kita called Delta Seven.

"Colonel, Kita."

"Yes, Commandant. We're waiting patiently for your orders."

"I know you are and now I've got them. We're still doing the original plan. I need you guys to get the top of the ridge and wait for my signal to start the attack. Are the Vampires with you?"

"Yes. Oddly they haven't been committed yet."

Oops, Kita kicked herself for not telling Amber about them.

"Alright, have them wait behind the ridge ready to go when the balloon goes up."

"What's the signal Commandant?"

"Wait until they start playing my song. You'll know it when you hear it."

"Very good Commandant. We will be waiting in position."

"Excellent Colonel. See you in a bit."

The trio continued to climb as Kita contacted Omega and Paladin. Once she was done talking to them she climbed another ten thousand feet and looked down at the continent.

"It looks so small from up here," Sarin commented.

"It's about to get a whole lot bigger in a second. Stay close to me as we descend. We're going to hit the ground with a lot of force. When I give you the signal I want you both to start pumping out your gas as fast as possible."

Both girls nodded.

"Ok then, here we go."

The trio rolled over and dove back toward the battlefield. Sarin and Anthrax tucked up tight behind Kita. Deploying her heat shield, the atmosphere caused the shield to glow brighter and brighter as the friction increased. Soon they were obscured by the light and fire.

As they got close to ground Kita produced the largest red sphere's she'd ever made. Heaving them toward the enemy's side of the battlefield, she hoped they'd attract a lot of attention and curiosity.

They slammed into the ground creating a tidal wave of rock and dirt. Before the dust settled Kita placed the hologram disks around the area. Standing in the middle of the disks the three waited for the dust to clear.

Just before the dust was gone Kita turned the disks on. Seventy five foot images of the three angels appeared. Kita stood with her roses visible and wearing her full midnight black Arconian kit. Sarin had changed from her uniform back to her school girl outfit, slightly modified with some Arconian accents. Anthrax stood behind her wings spread and smiling wickedly.

"Hear me Red Legionnaires and Sturmtruppen," Kita's voice boomed from the speakers from Omega's Bandits and Paladin's speaker system.

"I am Black Rose leader of the Arconian Nation."

She held up the guidon.

"I have annihilated the best among you. Look upon me and despair."

Using both hands she slammed the guidon into the ground. When the guidon struck the ground the red spheres exploded. The entire area in front of the ridge disappeared in great waves of fire. The shockwave's flipped tanks and destroyed men. When the explosions finished the bagpipes began to play Kita's song, Arcone the Brave.

From the top of the ridge Death's Brigade charged down into the field below firing as they went. The Vampires raced over head searching and destroying targets. Sarin and Anthrax flew toward the enemy laying down the gases of their namesakes.

Kita wasn't done yet, over the bagpipes she issued one final order.

"Warriors of Arcone this is the battle we live for! Let us join those who fought in the Great Retreat, the plains of the Confederacy, and the Battle of the Islands. We shall be remembered forever by all for the battle we fought today. Show them the might of the greatest warriors this planet has ever known! Let none stand before us, Arconians attack!"

The rest of the tanks and infantry roared and sprang from their positions charging toward the disrupted enemy formations. The Sturmtruppen reinforcement battalions were stopped and confused trying to understand what had just happened. Caught in their travel formations, the first rounds from Death's Brigade struck home adding to the confusion. The unseen attackers caused the Sturmtruppen tanks to bunch together while waiting for orders. They quickly became easy prey for the superior tanks of their former comrades in arms.

Those Arconians that hadn't already been engaged in hand-to-hand charged the stunned and confused enemy ranks. Kita joined the infantry on the ground and charged forward with them. Drawing her own swords the Arconian soldiers followed her lead.

To Kita it looked like a battle from when she first joined the Legion, a mass of soldiers slugging it out in close quarters. Unlike then one side was using rifles and discovering they were at a serious disadvantage. Not only from the Arconians superior skill with the sword, but the lack of utility a rifle, even mounted with a bayonet, had against a broadsword and shield. The Arconians were still required to carry their choice of a broadsword, axe, shield, or claymore. It was as much for tradition as it was for times like now.

Kita chopped her way through the Sturmtruppen infantry. All around her Arconians were doing the same. The Sturmtruppen and Red Legionaries were no masters of the bayonet and it showed. Those Arconians that did go down went down due to a bullet wound, not a bayonet or clubbing from a rifle.

Finding herself in the thick of the fight, Kita was having a lot fun and making the loud noise to prove it. She'd forgotten how much fun this kind of battle was. Even when she looked up and found herself surrounded on all sides. Spinning around she motioned for them to go ahead and attack her. As they did a serious of rapid pistol shots dropped over half. She dispatched the rest in the confusion. Even before they were down more enemy soldiers had taken their place. Laughing happily Sarin landed behind her.

"Hi Babe. It looks like you could use a hand."

"I thought I gave you something to do," Kita remarked in jesting tone.

"You did. I finished, unless you want me to start gassing our side to."

"They are inoculated."

"Do you really want to test it? That stuff is kind of like a flu shot, it usually works."

"How come I wasn't told that at the time?" Kita asked curiously.

"It's not something the medical community wants you to know."

Kita frowned.

"Remind me to have words with my medical community when I get back."

Sarin laughed as she rapidly shot down three more challengers. The pair fought back to back for several more minutes until the tide broke and the Arconians caught up to them. The fighting itself lasted only twenty more minutes until the last of the enemy broke and fled. Not wanting to lose the momentum gained Kita called Amber.

"How are things looking?" Kita asked.

"You're absolutely bloody amazing," Amber said breathlessly. "The Lady above couldn't have gotten better results if she showed up in person."

"Well, I really don't consider myself a god—yet." Kita replied.

Amber chuckled and laughed. "I'd put you up for nomination after this one."

Sarin cut into the transmission.

"That's all she needs, one more thing to swell that big head of hers. Did you see the size of it when she finally revealed it? It was seventy five feet tall."

"Excuse me Amber. I need to go smack someone with something else that's seventy five feet tall." Kita replied.

"I've seen you naked more than a couple of times, so is there something you're turning invisible and not telling me about?" Sarin teased.

Kita grumbled loudly about how Sarin was going to start having body parts go invisible on her.

Amber coughed suggestively to get Kita's attention back.

"Anyway," Kita began again, "I wanted to know what the plan is?"

"Well the reports have been sketchy, and we're not totally sure what's happened. I don't think anyone does, we do know the force directly attacking the ridge has been annihilated. Where reports are less than helpful are those from units battling the Sturmtruppen reinforcements. They all say it's going well, they just don't say how well or who's all there. I've got reports from the same unit at both engagements. The satellite pictures haven't been much good either. The last one still had a good chunk of the battlefield covered in smoke."

"Now that I've caused chaos you want me to put order to it. Is that what you're telling me?" Kita sighed mockingly.

"I don't think she knows how to do that Amber. I think you're screwed." Sarin chimed in.

Kita glare at her partner changed to amusement, while Amber answered.

"That's true, but our Deputy Commandant and her outstanding logistical skills has a proven record of turning chaos into order."

"Nope, sorry, not my show. The Arconian won't listen to me anyway. I'm only Arconian because I'm getting Black Rose off every night." Sarin countered.

Kita looked at Sarin deeply hurt and left to catch up with her men.

"Wait, Kita...Give me a minute, Amber. Until then, do your best to get your information stream sorted out. Start by calling your division and brigade commanders for reports. If they don't have them make them get you one. Don't wait for them to feed you, be out front and get what you need."

Amber grumbled.

"Fine, but undo whatever it is you did quickly."

"It was only teasing, I swear."

"Ok my turn to tell you something you already know. She's like me. Her cultural and regional identity is burned into us. Arconian isn't just what she is, but who. I hate a lot of things about Arabia, but I still bristle when someone slanders it or its people."

Sarin sighed. She didn't know that Kita's Arconianism was more than skin and title deep. She'd never noticed signs of it before.

"All get her back on track as quickly as I can." Sarin promised.

"Good I'll go get ahead of my reports." Amber replied closing the connection.

"Now they're both mad at me," Sarin commented to and Sturmtruppen soldier who lay at her feet wounded. She shot her as a punctuation mark.

Looking around for Kita, Sarin didn't see her. Drifting upward Kita was nowhere in sight. She tried calling Kita over the comm. She'd much rather settle this face to face, but time was of the essence.

"Kita? Babe? Where are you? Can I please talk to you?"

She received an answer in the form of a large explosion.

"A simple yes or no would have been fine." She commented.

Sarin flew toward the explosion trying to overtake Kita. She grumbled over the idea of ethnic identity as she realized the battle was moving faster than she was. Kicking it into high gear, she opened her wings wide and flew faster.

The explosion turned out to be Kita clearing out a hasty reinforced bunker. Not all of the enemy forces had completely given up it appeared. It was now a hole and a scorch mark. Ahead she could see Kita on the ground leading the chase.

Off in the distance she could see a tank battle raging between Death's Brigade and the Sturmtruppen reinforcements. From the number of smoke columns rising into the air, it was completely lopsided. Death's Brigade looked completely untouched.

Sarin chased them for the better part of a mile until they reached a large stream. The Sturmtruppen and Red Legion were bunched up against it trying to cross. On the far side a wall of flame kept those who did cross from going anywhere. The trapped enemy tried to turn and fight, but were overrun by the Arconian forces. Sarin helped with the mop up and she was inevitably asked what to do with the prisoners.

"Well, Colonel..." She had no idea and the logistics of getting them secured would be a nightmare. The Army was used to handling small numbers, not the remnants of divisions.

"Shoot anything in a black uniform. The Red Legion guys I have a plan for. Round them up and keep everyone under the rank of sergeant and captain."

"Yes, Commandant Sarin." The Colonel saluted and headed off.

"Guess they were right," Sarin grumbled under breath.

"Of course we were right," Kita snarled from behind her.

"Hey, listen—and calm down. It's not like I didn't say the truth. It's just a little crass is all."

"For as many similar and derogatory comparisons I can come up with for you, I'll be respectful and not delve into them. I don't care if it is true in some crass way. Black Rose is not just me, Black Rose is Arcone."

Sarin tried to keep from rolling her eyes. She knew that and didn't need reminding.

"You knew what I meant. I definitely didn't mean anything derogatory by it. Come on Kita you know me, I'd never say anything nasty about you or Arcone."

Kita's glare couldn't hide the hurt in her eyes.

"You earned your place among us in battle. You're the second greatest warrior we have, only half a step behind me. It's insulting to me that you say you're not one of us. It's even more insulting when you say you're only one of us because of me. And it's personally insulting when you say you only have what you have because you're sleeping with me."

"Alright—Alright I'm sorry. I know what I am and I know what you are. I don't think I did anything wrong. If you don't know by now when I'm being silly, then maybe we need to reexamine each other's sense of humor."

"Then you should know what things are acceptable and what are not."

"Fine, but my point still stands. I'm not here to relive my glory days of running logistics for the army. There are no Legion troops here so I don't need to be in command of anyone. I just came to shoot."

A warning shot nearby stopped the argument. A Red Legion soldier had a grenade in his hand with a finger in the pin ring. Sarin and Kita responded instantly. Before the soldier could finish pulling the pin a throwing star and a round struck his hand. The star clipped the ring from the pin, while the bullet severed the finger. The soldier fell over dead from the projectiles while the grenade dropped and rolled safely away.

Sarin fumed as she stuck her pistol back in her holster. Forgetting the argument she went over to the group of prisoner. First she had a word with the senior Arconian who was in charge of the detail about not watching the prisoners closer. She then addressed the roughly two hundred Red Legionaries and handful of Confederates.

"I suppose you all think our dead friend here is an exemplary figure for continuing the fight. Let me be the first to tell you, he's not. You should all be very thankful he had the wisdom to do it in front of Black Rose and myself. If he'd actually succeeded in wounding or killing our soldiers the punishment would be much more severe."

Drawing her pistols, she shot ten more prisoners. She deliberately chose Confederates. They were as good as dead when Anthrax arrived.

"His grenade just killed ten of you. The body count will go up if you try again and even more if any of our people are wounded or killed. Now, I want the five senior officers and ten senior sergeants up here, right now. Don't make me wait."

There was some sorting out of who outranked who, in the end she had seven officers and eighteen sergeants. With a smile she transformed herself into War.

"Now," Sarin's normally sweet voice dropped to a low gravelly and menacing harmonic tone, "You're tasked with maintaining order and discipline of these men. If one of them misbehaves in any way I will hold all of you responsible. Don't worry I won't kill you. You won't be that lucky. When you are brought together with the other groups of prisoners you are in charge. You may use whatever measures to thwart challenges to the authority I have given you."

As she spoke a she released her yellow mind control fog.

"I won't have any more problems will I?"

The group snapped to attention and in one voice answered with a strong, "No, Ma'am."

"It's Commandant by the way," War replied.

"No, Commandant," the group replied again.

"Good. Dismissed."

The group saluted, held a quick meeting, and broke up to bark orders at the rest of the prisoners. War changed back to Sarin. She turned to go back to Kita, who stood behind her waiting.

"That wasn't a very heartfelt apology." Kita picked up where she left off.

"What more do you want? I don't feel I did anything wrong and you're being overly sensitive. I just totally proved myself wrong and if you keep it up I'll make sure I prove the entire thing wrong." Sarin returned.

"Oh please. You couldn't if you tried."

"Neither could you."

"Are you looking for a battle of wills?" Kita was nearly yelling.

"I'm not that stupid. I'm looking for a little give and take here and I'm not getting any. All I want is you to acknowledge that I meant no harm by it. I already said I was sorry, physically proved what I said was inaccurate. That's all I want." Sarin pleaded.

"Give me this. Everything you said about me is true. I'm not denying it. I never would. It just makes what I said ring even more hollow."

"Now this is a first," Megan's commented walking up to the pair with Snowy and the Bears.

"I don't think I've ever seen a lover's quarrel during the middle of a raging battle. Finding out being her partner isn't all fun and games, hey Sarin?"

Snowy snickered behind the blood angel.

"It's nothing I wouldn't have expected. I am not naïve to what partner life is like," She replied coldly. "I'm committed to it and will do whatever it takes to make sure I and she don't end up like my parents."

She looked at Snowy harshly over Megan's wing, "or like Kita's previous partnership."

The fur on Snowy's back stood up and she snarled angrily. Sarin responded by taking out her frustration with Kita on her.

"Oh, go put your tail into a disposal unit. You know what I said is true. If you don't like it you shouldn't have been such a bitch. She gave you every chance in this world and three others. It's not my fault you're too stupid to do see the signs. All you had to do was not be you."

Snowy snarled and sprang over Megan's wing before Megan had a chance to stop her. Before Sarin could get her pistol out of her holster, Snowy flew sideways. Lifted up into the air, she was hurled back to the ground. She hit the ground and bounced. As she started to pick herself up off the ground she looked up to see Kita standing in front of her.

"If you want to strike back at her do it with your words. If you try to lay a hand on her, you will tangle with me and you will lose. I will put you down brutally, so choose your actions very carefully."

Kita spoke softly, but in a tone that said she meant it.

"You never did that for me when she went after me." Snowy countered.

"That's because she was never intent on doing you any serious or permanent harm."

Snowy spat in Kita's face. Kita didn't wipe it away, instead she walked away.

"Alright, that's enough Snowy. You don't want to end up in the ward for three weeks," cautioned Megan.

"You ungrateful little snot-nosed bitch," Snowy yelled after Kita. "I cannot believe I wasted all those years waiting for you, and then wasted even more trying to help you become better. Without me you'd just be some stupid kid trying to fake her way through life as Legion Commander. I made you better and stronger. If I hadn't been there to push you, you wouldn't be what you are today.

And this is the thanks I get? I get dumped for some two bit whore who doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. Who has already cheated on you with your own sister, plus random strangers. She obviously doesn't like you as much as you think she does and as much as she says she does. I don't remember you being this stupid Kita, or maybe you are and that's why you turned out to be such a failure.

No one really loves you. They're all here because of what you can do for them. No one in their right mind would stick around otherwise. You're too bloody insane."

The sound of air being sucked in and held came from several places, including Anthrax who'd arrived during Snowy's rant.

Kita stopped and hung her head for several long moments. When she looked up the tears were so large she couldn't see out of her eyes. Sarin rushed over to hold her as Kita began to sob loudly. The sound of her sobs traveled over the entire area attracting the attention of everyone.

Anthrax arrived and hugged Kita from the rear. Together she and Sarin started the almost impossible task of calming Kita down. After several minutes of having no luck, Anthrax looked at Sarin.

"Jane, I'll be right back."

Sarin nodded and went back to Kita.

Anthrax could hear Megan talking, almost yelling, at Snowy. When she was in range she opened up at a volume she rarely used.

"You mangy vindictive rutting flea ridden alley cat! What the hell's the matter with you?"

She watched Snowy's lips curls to bare her fangs. Snowy wasn't the only one who knew how to get under someone else's skin.

"She's been fair, nice, and has gone out of her way to make the process as civil as it can be. All she did was tell you what she did for you for years, stand by her partner. Or did you forget everything she put herself through for you? If you cannot stand the idea of her being with someone else, than I suggest you go back to your mountains and bitch to your cats."

Snowy let out a long snarl as her ears flattened and the hair along her back stood up.

"Are you going to be the one to throw me out? Go ahead and try," Snowy snapped her claws out as arcs of electricity jumped between them. "Last I checked your lacking any weapons or combat skills."

Without warning Anthrax lunged at Snowy. Snowy launched herself at Anthrax slamming both sets of claws into her middle. Using her paw she pushed Anthrax off her claws. The angel fell to the ground in a heap.

"Pathetic," Snowy hissed.

Anthrax rolled over and raised a hand to show her barb.

"You'll be dead before I am."

She smiled a shark tooth smile, before setting her head on the ground and looked up at the sky blankly. Snowy suddenly dropped her knees, her insides on fire from the toxin.

"No!" Kita screamed from Sarin's arms.

"Nell!" Sarin yelled a moment after Kita.

The pair split apart and raced to the stricken angel. Blood was pouring out of Anthrax faster than it could be absorbed by the bandages Megan was using.

"Out of the way!" Sarin yelled while drawing Dusk from Kita's back.

Using the sword, she sliced a deep gash into her hand. Balling her hand into a fist she aimed her blood into the wounds. She quickly discovered that Anthrax's own rapid bleed was keeping hers from reaching into the wound. She looked up at Megan.

"What do we do?"

Megan gave her a look of how-was-she-supposed-to-know, but seeing a medic using an IV bag gave her an idea.

"MEDIC!" She screamed it as an order.

The Red Legionnaire medic jumped to his feet and hurried over.

"Get out another IV bag out and cut off the top."

The medic did as he was told and gave the bag to her.

"Get ready to apply a tourniquet. Do you have any of that liquid skin?"

The medic nodded.

"Good start plugging those holes."

She turned to Sarin, "slit your wrist and fill the bag. I'll use the hose to get the blood down where it needs to go."

The medic fitted the tourniquet and nodded to her. Sarin gulped and winced as she drew the blade across her wrist. The blood poured into the bag. Even before it was full she began to feel lightheaded. After what seemed like forever Megan told the medic to apply the tourniquet.

Kita watched them work feeling helpless. She looked at Snowy and saw her withering quickly. Seeing some place she could help, she phased over to the big cat. Stabbing Snowy with her own barb she took a blood sample.

She felt the toxin race through her own blood. It was a nasty custom mixture. Kita noticed this one's potency had been reduced. It could kill a lot faster if Nell wanted it to. She must have wanted Snowy to suffer. After thirty seconds she felt clean again.

Giving herself a few seconds to produce the antidote, she injected it into Snowy. After a long minute Snowy began to stir, after a bit she coughed.

Speaking with her eyes closed she addressed her rescuer.

"I knew you couldn't kill me. You don't have it in you."

"Are you sure about that?" Kita replied. "Your sight will be one of the last things to come back."

Kita watched as the blood drained out of Snowy's face. The cat tried to speak, but Kita didn't give her a chance.

"Goodbye Snowy."

Kita phased back to the others.

"Wait!" Snowy cried. "I'm sorry."

The apology landed on deaf ears. Kita knelt next to Sarin and held her while the medic bandaged the slit wrist. After the Red Legionnaire finished, Kita pulled Sarin to her and closed her wings around them. Her wings didn't totally muffle her sobs.

When Snowy's eyes finally opened didn't like what she saw. Around her stood half a dozen of the largest Arconians outside of the Commandoes she'd ever seen. She debated if she should stay on the ground, but as far as she knew she wasn't in trouble. Maybe they were here for everyone else's protection. Without any for warning she sprang to her feet.

"Can I help you soldiers?" She asked calmly.

"You're being detained." A sergeant replied sternly.

"On whose authority?" Snowy demanded.

"Mine, Commander." Amber's answered sternly.

She was trailed by several staff officers carrying maps, radios, and notes.

"I really don't like having to drag my headquarters around because you're causing trouble."

"I'm not doing anything of the like." Snowy replied coldly.

"Imagine my horror when I found out our leader has been disabled by your vindictiveness. Anthrax is potentially dying due two six through and through stab wounds from your claws. And Sarin is down because she slit her wrist to save her. That's the top three fighters our army has wiped out because you cannot keep your mouth shut until the appropriate time."

"What about me? I was nearly killed to." Snowy shot back.

Amber replied crossing her arms and floating up to be eye to eye with Snowy.

"And Kita had the good sense to save you while putting aside her own grief. It's hard to claim victim when you're the only one standing."

"I didn't start it. I only finished it." Snowy said proudly.

"You think I care who started? Kita and Sarin were arguing well before you got involved. All I care about is finding the one who's responsible. You escalated a lover's argument into physical confrontation. And this is the result. So I blame you."

Snowy started to protest, but Amber cut her off.

"I don't care how legitimate your claim is or how valid your reasons. You did this in the middle of a battle, one that's still going on I might add. It's bad enough I've got to come here and sort it out. If you want to blow up at them, do it in the rear on your time, not mine. Until I say otherwise you're going to have six bodyguards. And don't give me that look that says you can kill them all easily. Don't forget some of us can punch your ticket without having to touch you or be anywhere near you."

Amber nodded to the sergeant and went to go check on the other girls.

"How are they?" She asked trying to make sure her agitation didn't come out in her voice. She wasn't agitated at them, just at the situation and Snowy.

"Well, I believe they're all going to live. Though I'm pretty sure all three of them wish they were dead. Anthrax will be out a few days. Snowy tore her insides up pretty good. Sarin should be fine in eight to twelve hours. It's a deep gash on her wrist and she probably lost three pints of blood." Replied Megan.

"And Kita?" Amber asked with trepidation.

"That's the hard one. She hasn't stopped since she started and it hasn't even ebbed once. Sarin's going to be sopping wet when she finally runs out of tears."

"No one told me what she said." Amber formally hinted.

"I'm not about to repeat verbatim. Snowy knows exactly what to say and how to say it to break Kita. And she did. I'm sure once Sarin is feeling better she'll put Kita back together. Until then...Well, we'll have to help her when she allows us."

"Great," Amber breathed.

"Well Commander while you put the pieces together, I'm going to go have a talk with our agitator." Megan smiled.

With a look Amber's command group split like the sea to let her through. Megan split Snowy's guards with the same ease.

"Well, this is a fine mess you girls have made, isn't?" Megan chuckled.

"I only spoke the truth."

"We all have a version of the truth. Want to her one more?" Megan grinned.

"Why when mine's the truth."

"You're the religious type, right?"

"Catholic if that's what you asking," Snowy replied with a frown. She wasn't sure if she liked where this was going.

"Fitting..." Megan commented under her breath.

"What?" Snowy demanded.

Megan ignored her.

"Tell me in the book how does the devil come to its victims?"

Snowy thought it was an odd question.

"He's a deal maker. Smooth talking, yet humble. He usually comes in the time of need or crisis. He always lets the person think they're the one in charge or getting the better deal until it's too late."

"Think about that for a few moments." Megan advised.


"Why? Because you child have just been played a golden fiddle. In everyone's eyes you are the villain and she and Sarin are the victims. No matter what actually happened everything is now your fault."

"She's as much to blame as me," Snowy countered angrily.

"That may be the truth, but it is no longer the perceived truth. You should know Kita and what she's capable. Manipulation is her specialty and you're her latest victim."

"I know Kita and I know when she's manipulating people. This is as real as it gets."

Megan sighed.

"The truth is the best thing, but believe what you want. But if you want my help, you've got to be willing to help yourself. That starts by not being so jaded and admitting it's over and she's not coming back."

Megan spun on her heal and walked back to the others. She detoured over Amber, who had excused herself to give instructions back to the main headquarters.

"...Tell him I don't care. They're both to send ninety percent of their maintenance people back to the ridge to help in the recovery...He doesn't need that many. I'm staring at ninety percent of his tanks. Those people need to be here so we can get them back to him...Tell him Delta Seven is sending me fifty percent of his people and they don't have any tanks here...Tell them a shuttle will be there in twenty minutes and he better have all his people at the pickup site...Yes get the people from Leadings up here and as many parts as we can. I only want to have to send the worst back. For the enemy tanks we can repair what we can and cannibalize the rest for parts...Tell all the corps and division commanders we're going to have a briefing as soon as we're set up. I want to formally introduce myself so they know who is grinding on them...You can laugh at that image as much as you want now General as long as you back me up later...And tell Patton to quit worrying about the rest of the front. The southern front has been encircled and destroyed. The northern infantry is pursing the retreating enemy there. I want the tanks to keep pressure on the retreating enemy, but they've got to stop and rearm and repair. If the other side knew how badly they mauled our tank corps they wouldn't be running away so fast...Yes most of the captured tanks are on their way here. Tell Leadings to send as many upgrade kits as possible. I want them upgraded before we send them out again. Next I want all the senior prisoners sent her for interrogation. I want to know what else lurks out in the wilderness...Right, I doubt it'll be girls selling cookies. I'll be in touch General. Isa out."

Amber handed the handset back to her staffer while she turned to Megan.

"Fine mess you allowed to happen, mother hen." Amber commented with a sigh.

"Don't look at me. I just live here. I don't get paid enough to babysit this crew." Megan growled.

"Could have fooled me."

Megan glared, but changed the topic.

"So it sounds like you've settled in to your new role."

"Yes. There's a whole lot more to it than the last commander ever did. So I'm having to learn as I go."

"Sounds like you're doing fine."

"A fine job of faking what I don't know, which is a lot."

"That's how all young commanders feel. You'll learn quick enough." Megan gave her a reassuring smile.

Amber nodded.

"I need to know what we're going to do about Kita. Waiting for Sarin to recover will take too long. I cannot leave her there crying. It's bad for moral. People cannot decide if Sarin's dead and no one else cares or Kita's just lost it."

"What do you want me to do? I can go try and talk to her, but I doubt I'm someone who'll she'll really listen to."

"Who else then? Zidin? Lady above I wish Tina was here."

"I doubt Zidin would be as effective as he used to be. He's totally disconnected from her."

Amber made a growling noise as she tried to figure out a solution. A dead Sturmtruppen was carried by her as she thought. Two things hit her at once.

"You!" She yelled at the pair carrying the body.

The pair stopped and braced.

"Tell who's ever killing all the prisoners to stop until he comes and talks to me. We might be bleeding out valuable intelligence. Leave that body and go find the person in charge. Then come back and carry on."

The pair did as they were instructed and headed back the way they came.

Amber looked at Megan.

"I thought of someone who can help. I want you to get Doctor Mengele down here. He's looked after her before and she's someone she really trusts."

"It'll take a while."

Amber huffed. "The guy is a bloody hologram. Grab one of Zidin's disks and beam Mengele down."

Megan sneered, but didn't say anything. Instead, she stalked off looking for Zidin.

Amber sighed and looked at her staff.

"Set up the command tent here and the radio antenna's up on the ridge."

She looked at Kita and frowned.

"Find a tent or something to cover them, but don't disturb her. Lady above I don't need her going ballistic or comatose."

The group saluted and scattered like bugs to light.

Amber looked for the next item on her to-do list.

"Rusty!" She yelled at the pair of bears slumbering in the shade.

An eye opened on the big grizzly. He yawned, stretched, and stretch some more before lumbering to her and changing over to being a man. With great precision he placed his cowboy hat on his head.

"What can I do for you Jewel?"

Amber never could decide if she should be flattered or angry about the nickname.

"In the scouts you were taught some interrogation techniques, right?"

"You mean the Kita kind or the Tina kind?"

"I'd prefer Tina's methods."

"I know a few or more. Didn't use them much. Arconians don't have anything to say, no matter whose techniques you use." He chuckled to himself.

Amber ticked off her list of wants.

"Well you're in charge of interrogating the high rollers when they come in. I want to know everything I don't know. Locations, supply dumps and routes, locations of higher headquarters, troop strengths, and their stats."

"I'll see what I can do...Are you going to give me a quiet place to do this or do I get to have an audience?"

"Which would be more effective?"

"Depends on whose techniques I use."

"We'll find you an isolated place on the ridge."

"That'll work. Any problem with me taking Frosty to help?"

"Take him. We're not going into combat for a while. He might as well do something besides sleep. The first batch has already been culled so you can go observe them. I'll send a staffer to you to get you setup."

"Will do, Jewel." He touched the brim of his hat and moseyed over to the prisoner area singing a song about young cows and something called branding.

Halfway through setting up the new command area Paladin arrived to report in. He looked around trying to gauge the situation. Not finding Megan or Kita he settled on Amber, who was flying around giving orders while studying a map. Folding himself into his travel configuration he moved over to Amber.

"It looks like you have settled in well Commander."

"Hey Paladin, I'm trying. I've had a few unexpected challenges, as if running the army wasn't hard enough."

"So far you're doing exceptionally well. What are the unexpected challenges? The reinforcements we destroyed?"

"No," Amber motioned to where a group of soldiers were carefully putting up a tent around Kita.

"Oh dear. Is there something wrong with Sarin?"

"A slit wrist and missing more than a couple pints of blood. Kita's more upset over something Snowy said and Anthrax is out with half a dozen stab wounds for going after Snowy because of it."

"Poor girls. What did Snowy say?"

"I don't know, Megan wouldn't tell me. I just get the aftermath."

"Well remember to show some humanity and compassion. It's probably good someone that wasn't present is presiding over the situation."

"I'm trying. How are you with tanks?"

He chuckled.

"First you want them blown apart and now you want me to put them back together. I can't do much like this, but I can do some heavy lifting."

"I'm sure they'd be grateful. It might allow them to do more repairs here instead of shipping them back to Leadings."

"I'll go get started. If you see Megan can you send her my way when she has a chance?"

"No problem."

Amber watched him go. She let her mind drift for a few moments, only to be brought back rudely by a call from the radio.   

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