Twisted Love Affair

By StephyBoo

327K 7.2K 491

Lexi Cortez's life hasn't been an easy one. The girlfriend of a biker gang leader, she lives the double life:... More

Twisted Love Affair
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 2

9.2K 208 13
By StephyBoo

{Picture of the side is Lexi's car :)}


"Yeah I know were supposed get a take from some of the shops but we gotta be careful". I said she looked at me "Yeah I know we don't want any ambushes going down. Alright I let you go well meet up at the club house?" she asked "Yeah hit me up before though" I said before turning & walking towards my car.

As I reached my car I heard the sound of a motorcycle I looked it was Jace on his bike he looked at me an gave me quick nod then sped off. He looked good on his bike though no lie.

Chapter 2

I needed to clear my head I couldn't afford to be distracted tonight. Here's the thing being Abels girlfriend or any of the Vipers ladies to be exact. We have our own group within the club were know as "The Vipers Vixens".

We help the club out by doing small jobs for them like going to get money from different shops. These shops are in Viper territory & in exchange for protection they have to give us a share of what they make no matter what.

We have our own business too with connections of gun running. We fight and defend our men all of us girls have each others back. Always looking out keeping our men in check from the pornstars or groupies. Were our own sisterhood within the Gang.

I got the nickname Havoc when I started dating Abel. I had to go through alot of girls to get him all the girls wanted him because of his title. I actually liked him for who he was & I would defend him getting into fight after fight.

When I went after Abel to actually dating him there was always someone trying to take my place. Im the jealous type plain and simple I would loose my cool and go ballistic. People said I caused Havoc cause I was so protective of Abel and that's how & when I got the nickname.

I'm the main girl of The Vipers Vixen one because of Abel being president & second because the girls put there trust in me to lead them. I have the tattoo to prove it. It's a Viper piercing a heart surrounded by a rose on each side and a ribbon going across the heart that's says "Vixen". I have it on my left hip side.

I have status yes but there's two sides of me Havoc & just being Lexi. I'm feared by girls because I've proven myself time after time not to be messed with & that I won't take shit from anyone. I also have enemies because of me always willing to take a challenge and never backing down.

I laid down on my bed just staring at my ceiling. All these thoughts were running through my mind. I slowly got up off the bed and started walking to the door when I phone began ringing. I reached in my back pocket looking at my iPhone screen to have the caller I'd show "MATT" calling.

Matt's my older brother who moved out as soon as he turned 18. He calls about maybe once a month just to keep in touch & he visits me about every 6 months. It had been a good 2 months since his last call though.

I picked up the phone "Hello?"

"Lexi it's your big bro Matt!"

"Yeah no kidding I figured that out by myself I have caller id." what a dork I thought to myself.

"Oh right haha well were coming into town for about a week I have some business meetings to take care of."

"Really? Oh yeah how is the business anyway? Well when do you plan on coming so we can have your room ready?"

"Yes really, its stressful but what isnt & for your last question Let's see how does right now sound?"

As if on que I heard a motorcycle coming closer I hung up the phone an ran down the stairs heading for the front door.

I loved my brother he wasn't there for alot of things but he's always watched out for me. He doesn't know about the Vipers Vixens or anything that involves me in a motorcycle club or about Abel for that matter.

Nobody outside the club even knows I'm with Abel because it could put me in danger & he won't take that chance with me as he's said to me over an over again. Its not that I didn't want to tell Matt but I didn't want to disappoint him he had standards always wanting the best for as any brother would.

I made it down the last step and was outside just as Matt was getting off his bike. "Matt!" I yelled why running I jumped into his arms and he caught me and twirled me around. "Hey kiddo" he said while putting me down.

"Why havent called me in 2 month!" I said while punching his arm. "Owww, I forgot how you can really pack a punch." he said with a stupid smirk. "Damn right I can I learned from the best" I said with a smile.

"Listen I'm sorry about that I got caught up in business & it was really time consuming why would I ever forget my lovely sister?" he said with a puppy dog face. I laughed "oh alright better not happen again now why don't we go inside.

"That's seems like a good idea" he said smiling while putting an arm around me as we made our way into the house. "Esmeralda look who came to visit." I yelled she came in the living room & a smile came on her face as she saw Matt.

We stayed there all talking really laughing while we helped her make dinner. We were making Matt & mines favorite food Enchilladas. We were there for an hour till we finally put them in the oven. Dinner would be ready in about 45 minutes.

Matt went to the guest room upstairs to take a shower and put away his things he had brought a duffel bag full of his stuff. While he went to do his things I went to my room closing the door behind me. I needed to make a phone call & change some plans.

I dialed the number then waited.




"Hello" His voice made my heart race.


"Look about what happened the other night I'm really Sorry you know I"

"Abel stop talking! I'm not mad at you Shelby had it coming to her."

"Your really not mad?"

"No I'm really not mad well atleast not anymore. I called because I have a little problem"

"A problem what is it babe? what's wrong?"

"It's not a big one don't worry it's just that my brother came to visit & he wants to talk & catch up so I don't think I can make the run to get the takes from the shops tonight."

"Oh you scared me I thought you were in trouble, how many shops did you have to do?

"It was just 2"

"Okay well we can do them later this week so you can spend time with your brother, just pass the message along to the other girls"

"Okay thanks Abel, I love you."

"I love you too" I hung up

Theres chapter 2 for you! What did you guys think yay or nay? Comment, Vote, Fan!! THANKS FOR READING

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