The Tale Of The Uzumaki Twins

By Naomi_Uzumaki_

79.1K 1.6K 491

What if Naruto had a twin sister?What if he did it would it change the story?Well this is the story of the U... More

Chapter 1 :Enter Naruto and Naomi Uzumaki!
Chapter 2:Naomi and Sasuke:Friends Foes or Something else?
Naruto Uzumaki
Naomi Uzumaki
Chapter 3:Pass or Fail Survival Test
Chapter 4: You Failed! Kakashi Final Decision!
Chapter 5:A Dangerous Mission!Journey to the Land of the Waves!
Chapter 6:The Assassin of the Mist1
Chapter 7: The Forest of Chakra
Chapter 8:Battle on the Bridge! Zabuza Returns!!
Chapter 9:The Number One Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Joins the Fight!!
Valentines Special (Naomi)
Valentines Special (Naruto)
Chapter 10: A New Chapter Begins: The Chunin Exam!
Chapter 11: Chunin Challenge Rock Lee vs Sasuke!
Chapter 12: Genin Takedown! All Ten Rookies Face Off!
Chapter 13:Start Your Engines: The Chunin Exam Begins!
Chapter 14: Special Report: Live from the Forest of Death!
Chapter 15: The Chunin Exam Stage 2: The Forest of Death!
Chapter 16: Naruto's and Naomi's counterattack! Nevr give in!
Chapter 17: Bushy Brow's Pledge: Undying Love and Protection!
Chapter 18: Sakura Blossoms!
Chapter 19: The Scroll's Secret: No Peeking Allowed
Chapter 20: Surviving the Cut! The Rookie Ten Together Again!
Chapter 21: Showdown! Naomi Vs Kabuto!
Chapter 22: Kunoichi Rumble: The Rivals Get Serious! Sakura vs Ino!
Chapter 23:The ultimate Battle Naruto vs Kiba!
Chapter 24: Neji vs Hinata! Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold!
❤|50 Ways To Piss Off Sasuke| 200 Vote Special!❤
Chapter 25: Gaara vs Rock Lee: The Power of Youth Explodes
Chapter 26: Ebisu Returns: Naruto's Toughest Training Yet!
Chapter 27: Jiraiya Returns! Another legendary Sannin? Tsunade the Slug Queen!
🎄|A Christmas Special| 🎄
Chapter 28: The Summoning Jutsu: Wisdom of the Toad Sage
Chapter 29] Live Or Die: Risk It All To Win It All!


7.6K 141 22
By Naomi_Uzumaki_

  The sound of two crying babies echoed around the barrier that stood before the village and the nine tails. The only protection to stop the Ninetails from destroying anymore of what was left of the village, that had been heavily under attack.
Tears, sweat and blood streamed down the face of the afresh mother of two. Emotions spiraling around as she held back even more tears, not wanting to leave them alone in the world. A sick cruel world that had made her suffer enough as being the Jinchūriki of Ninetails, she'd do it all over again if she could. Just...just if her babies didn't have to, but there was nothing she could do now.

She shut her eyes tightly reminiscing the moments she was pregnant before any of this happened. The redhead would have never expected that all of this would have happened when she carried the twins in her stomach for nine months.
The red hair young women waited patiently for the doctor to return into the room. Her heart racing so fast, she felt like it was about to jump out of her chest and make a run. She roughly bit the inside of her cheek waiting to know why she all of sudden had started to feel sick, and nauseous for no reason and then in a snap of the finger she felt fine. Not to mention she had put on some weight, that hardly ever happened to her and that just added on to her worries. The doctor slowly appeared in the room, her face with a wide smiling slowly relieving Kushina of her worries.

"Congratulations, Kushina. Your having twins!" The doctor said gave a kind closed eye smile to her patient. A small gasped escaped the Uzumaki's lips having not expected to hear that of all news, a flabbergasted look resting on her features making the doctor chuckle softly. "Your due date is October 10th." Those few words would change her life, making her heart all warm and fuzzy.

"Nani? Twins?" Minato said with a light blush appearing on his cheeks as he held the bowl he was stirring close to him. Standing in the doorway of he kitchen looking over at his wife with wide eyes.

"I'm going to be a mother dattebane!" She exclaimed with a beaming look.

"And...I-I'm going to be a father...!"

"A mother!" Kushina squealed louder this time, making it clear to the neighbors that the Namikazes-Uzumakis were having a baby, or babies preferably to say.

"Another breathtaking Novel sensei, I expected none less from you." Minato said setting the book down as he gently smiled at his teacher.

"Really kid? Are you sure? I mean it's just a draft, I'm not completely done with it yet." The Sannin said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Even if that's true, it was still excellent. Above all, I've really grown fond of the main characters. I'd really like my children to grow up to be just like this. Outgoing, Kind-hearted, Brave, And of course care about others." Mianto said with a dreamy look before snapping himself out of it. "Which brings me to my next point. Kushina and I would like to name our children after them."

"Again, really kid? I mean..I was eating ramen when I came up with it...and the girl's name...I sort of just jumbled with the first name until I got that one....I mean what does Kushina think-"

"Naruto...Naomi...I love it." Kushina said standing in the doorway with a wide smile rubbing her stomach at the thought of the two would be coming soon.

"And master Jiraiya..." Kushina started before looking at Minato. "We'd like you to be the godfather." Minato said finishing before getting a very loud 'Yoo-hoo' from the older man.

Kushina bit her lip till it started bleeding unable to control the tears going down her face. Minato rubbed Kushina's back from behind her, knowing he'd see her in the afterlife. "It's almost time Kushina....tell them what you want too now before we pass." He whispered to his wife closing his eyes tightly letting her have her time with them. Kushina nodded taking a deep breath because of her crying before starting out in a shaky voice.

"Make sure you guys don't be too picky, alright? Eats lots and grow up strong so you can be the very best you possibly can. Also make sure you two bathe every day and stay warm. Don't stay up late, you both are going to need lots of sleep in order to get strong. Make friends, but not too many, okay? Only A few whom you are really close too. Please also remember everyone has strengths and weaknesses, So don't get too depressed if you can't do something well. Even if you do, you have each other to rely on. Another thing, you two will start dating once your old enough. I want you both to watch out for each other, and comfort each other when you have a broken heart. M...mommy also gives you both permission to beat up anyone who breaks the other one's heart." She explained to them even if they couldn't understand, making another piece of her heart snap in half. "W-Watch out for Jiraiya sensei, he can be a bit on the pervy side....." She sniffed before gaining a bit of happiness in her voice. "Have a dream and have the confidence to make that dream come true! Because I know...that if you really want that dream...then it could come true...."

The mother slowly started breaking down more feeling her time going by too fast before she could get another word in. "There's so much I want to pass on you both....b...but I don't have enough time! I wish I could stay longer!" The waterfall of tears going faster and faster by the second before saying the thing she really wanted to say and let them know.

"I...I Love you both so much..forever...always....and deeply....." She whispered before letting Minato take his turn, feeling selfish that she took up so much time to talk and left hardly any for her husband.
"What your mother means is, we love you both unconditionally and there's so many things we want to teach you...but there's just not enough time. I love you both, Naruto. Naomi."

" precious babies...." Kushina whispered before entering a eternal darkness leaving the world, with her husband hoping. Her twins grew up healthy and strong, in a safe place and to become the strongest they possibly could.
This is the faithful day the twins Naruto and Naomi Uzumaki were born. But this is just the beginning of their story.

Author's Note: Woo! First Part Down! Comment below and Tell me what you think!


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