Her Most Valuable Possession...


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Evan Sophia Benson is Olivia's 14 year old daughter. What happens when a perp from the past decides to get re... More

Secrets Revealed
To Forget You
Plans put into Action
Words she Never Wanted to Hear
Missing: Day One
Emotions Running High
Lying is An Art Form
The Remains of Who She Was
What Justice?
No Turning Back
Coping Skills
Long Distance Fathers
Coming together/Apart

Not just Another Victim

207 7 7

A/N: I'm sorry it took so long to update. I was busy working. And life happened. Just consider every chapter to have TRIGGERS until it doesn't. Xx Lex

Chapter Nine

Olivia felt like she had been punched in the chest. She had helped a countless number of victims but she couldn't help her own daughter. She didn't know whether she was supposed to approach this as a cop or as a Mother. She didn't know what to do. "Evie, baby, you have to go to the hospital." She said softly.

Evan was still tucked into Amanda's chest. She wished she was miles away right now. She wished what happened didn't happen. She wished her Mother wasn't looking at her the way she was looking at her. She wished her Mother wasn't talking to her the way she was talking to her. None of this should be happening. "I'm not going!" She cried.

"Bunny..." Amanda started.

"No Aunt Manda! I'm NOT going!" Evan said. She pushed away from Amanda and wrapped the blanket closer around her. "NO!"

Olivia stepped towards Evan and felt her heart crack more when Evan turned away from her. "Hey? Why won't you look at me Sweetheart?" She asked.

"Because I don't want you to look at me!" Evan snapped.

Before Olivia could respond, Fin walked out with Lowell in cuffs. "You son of a bitch!" She yelled as she ran up to him and jumped on him. "I am gonna fucking kill you!" She screamed while landing punches to his face.

Fin and Amanda struggled to pull Olivia off of Lowell.

"Liv stop! You'll kill really kill him!" Amanda said.

"Liv this isn't going to help Evan if you go to jail for murder!" Fin said.

They finally got Olivia off of him and started  leading her to the ambulance Evan was in.

"Hey detective?! She was good too!" Lowell called after her.

Olivia stopped dead in her tracks, pulled her gun and spun around, aiming for his head. "If you open your damn mouth one more time, I will shut it for you! Forever!"

"Jesus! Liv!" Amanda said. She grabbed Olivia's wrist. "Put your gun down. C'mon Liv. Think this through!"

"Why?! I could just save everyone a trial and kill him right now. You could all say I went insane and lost it!" Olivia reasoned tightening her grip on her weapon.

"Baby girl, look at Sophie..." Fin said softly.

That got Olivia's attention real quick. She lowered her gun and holstered it. "I'm sorry baby." She said.

"I want to go home..." Evan said pulling her knees to her chest on the gurney.

"Hospital first, then I'll take you home." Olivia said. She knew Evan wasn't just another victim. And she couldn't treat her as such. Above all else she was her daughter.

"Why?!" Evan whined. She should have been embarrassed but she had already had the worst day of her life so she didn't find it in herself to care.

"Because we need to collect evidence and make sure you're...ok." Olivia said. All she wanted to do was reach out and hold her baby.

"Do I look ok to you?! I don't want to!" Evan said.

"Don't you want him to go to jail for what he did to you?" Olivia asked.

"I don't care!" Evan said.

"Evan, I'm sorry but since you're a minor, you don't get a say." Olivia said. She hated to force it. She really did. But she knew her stubborn child wasn't going to budge.

"I won't give you the rape kit!" Evan said narrowing her eyes. She smirked because she thought she had won.

"As your Mother I can sign off on it for you." Olivia said placing her hands on her hips.


Evan's mouth dropped open. She couldn't believe her Mother was making her do this. She was so amped up avoiding going to the hospital she forgot about how much pain she was in. She slumped against the gurney and curled up into a ball. All the fight was gone out of her. "Whatever." She mumbled.

Olivia looked over to the EMT. "Ok, take us to Mount Sinai since it's closest." She said.

"Sure thing Detective Benson." The EMT said. She moved forward and tapped on the window to give instructions to her partner.

"We'll meet you over there Liv." Amanda said before stepping out of the ambulance and closing the doors.

"What's your name kiddo?" The EMT asked Evan.

"Evan...I know it's a boys name so fuck off if that's what you're about to say!" Evan said.

"Actually I was going to say it's cute." The EMT said. "My name is Cali."

"Hi Cali..." Evan said. She didn't understand why the woman was talking to her. Why couldn't the EMT take the hint like her Mother and leave her alone.

"Evan I can't imagine what you've been through...and I can understand you not wanting to be near people or have anyone touch you. So I'm gonna ask you if it's ok to start an IV and get some fluids into you." Cali said.

"Why don't you ask my Mom since no matter what I say, she'll override it anyway." Evan sassed.

"Cut it out Evan!" Olivia was trying not to lose her patience with her daughter, given what she had been through but she was getting to the end of her rope.

Evan huffed. "Do I have to have the IV?" She asked.

"If I do it, you won't have to get one later when they check you in." Cali said.

"Ok." Evan said.

Cali explained to her step by step what she was doing and immediately backed off.

Thankfully it had already been called in and everyone had been given instructions to proceed with extreme care and not bombard Evan when they got to the hospital.

"Hi Evan, I'm Azalea. I'll be your nurse today."

They got Evan a private room and waited for Amanda to come take her statement after the rape kit was done.

"I'm not saying anything in front of my Mom!" Evan said.

"Bunny, you know you're gonna have to talk to her at some point right?" Amanda said.

"I...I can't!" Evan said breaking into sobs. Finally after the last few days she allowed herself to cry.

"Your Mom loves you more than anything in the world. There's nothing you can say that she probably hasn't heard on the job before." Amanda said.

"It was my fault! It wasn't supposed to happen to me!" Evan snapped.

Amanda wrapped her arms around Evan and held her loosely. "Honey, your Mother would never blame you. It wasn't your fault."

"She doesn't have to! I blame myself enough for everyone!" Evan said as she shoved Amanda away from her.

"Ok, time out. Let's just take a breath. You don't want your Mom in here, fine." Amanda said. She really didn't know how to offer the compassion Olivia does for the victims. But she would try her best for her niece. She sat down in the chair next to the bed and pulled out her notepad and pen. "Start from the day you were taken Bunny."

"I went to the café to get me and Mom something to eat. When I came outside I bumped into a man. When I looked up I recognized the man that came up to Mom a couple weeks ago. I tried to get away but he pressed a gun into my stomach and then he grabbed me and shoved me into the van. I remembered I had my phone with me so I snuck it out of my pocket to send Mom a text but the man driving saw me in the rearview mirror saw me. The man who put me in the van reached around and snatched it from me and threw it out the window. I cried myself to sleep and when I woke up I was being yanked out of the van and up the stairs. When they opened the door, the first man asked what they were gonna do with me now and the one who drove said to put me in the room. When the guy brought me in there, he pushed me on the bed and chained my ankle with the cuff and lock... Can we stop now? Please...I'm tired." Evan said. Even though she had paused a few times it was still too much. It was getting closer and closer to talking about what happened that morning and she wasn't ready. She would rather die first.

"Sure sweetie, but the sooner we get this over with while it's fresh in your mind, the better." Amanda said.

"While it's fresh in my mind?" Evan repeated softly. "While. It's. Fresh. In. My. Mind?!" She said raising her voice. "How the fuck am I EVER supposed to forget it?!" She yelled.

"That's not what I meant." Amanda said.

"Get out! Just get the fuck out!" Evan yelled.

Amanda didn't want to upset her further so she left without another word. She leaned against the wall and wiped the tears that had leaked out.

"How is she?" Olivia asked as she walked up to Amanda.

"She's angry at herself and hurting. God, Liv she's like a different person!" Amanda said.

"Does she hate me?" Olivia asked her voice thick with unshed tears. "Cause I don't...how would...if my baby hates me..." She finally burst into tears.

Amanda pulled Olivia into a hug. "Honey, she doesn't hate you. Talk to your daughter! Be there for her even when she acts like she doesn't want you."

Olivia wiped her tears up and nodded. "I will. I'm gonna go in there now."

"I'll be in to get the rest of her statement later." Amanda said.

Olivia nodded before stepping into the room. "Evie?" She called.

"Mom?! Get out! Go away!" Evan shouted from the bathroom.

"Not a chance." Olivia said standing by the door.

"Please just leave me...ouch! Fuck! Leave me alone!" Evan said. She was done. After Amanda left she went into the bathroom and broke the mirror and started cutting herself with one of the larger pieces. She was manic. She couldn't stop. She didn't want to.

"What are you doing in there?" Olivia asked. After a few moments of silence, she was done being patient. "I'm coming in..." She said. She turned the door handle and the first thing she saw was the broken mirror and broken glass on the floor. Then she saw her daughter huddled in the corner with blood pooling around her. "Evan?! What the hell have you done?!" She cries. She falls to her knees to apply pressure to the gashes on her daughters wrists, ignoring broken glass shards digging into her knees. She reaches up and pulls the emergency cord in the bathroom and pulls Evan into her lap. "I have you baby, I have you. Stay with me."

A/N: Because of the fact I didn't want to trigger myself, I left out Evan's rape kit and the collection of evidence. Hopefully no one is too upset about that.

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