World of Darkness

By elizabeth_moon42

58 2 0

Tori~ Life should've ended 10 years ago from man-kind. The only daughter of Dracula fights to survive. She ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Book 2

Chapter 20

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By elizabeth_moon42


I watched my mate get the mark I feared for so long since I knew about her curse. It was the Phoenix. She was almost here and Tori was going to use her. She was going to use her curse and destroy everything that will exist. I held back. As her knight I couldn't stop my queen. It wasn't my place. I silently prayed she wouldn't become the demon Phoenix.
Tori walked out in the front, the Nightmares squirmed, but they didn't move. They had to be under some kind of control like Tori has said. Tori's hair flowed in the wind softly. The fires raged on and the queen of this world of darkness stood waiting for an attack. Her sword almost dragged on the floor. The blade had a deadly glow to it. She walked as if in a daze. I shouted her name and she slightly turned around and smirked. I gulped as she turned around and snarled at the Nightmares. The first one moved and the rest stormed at the girl. I screamed Tori's name and then a burst of black feathers came out of her back. She flew into the air like Hawkgirl. I heard her scream a battle cry and gunfire came from the black angel. I blocked her out and grabbed for my pistols. I shot at the Nightmares that ran at me. The ooze rained down with no hesitation. I protected myself. I did the best I could for my squad, but the Nightmares raided. I watched the men and women get slaughtered with limbs, blood, and guts flying. My stomach heaved. The scent of burning blood and limbs flared in my nostrils. I felt the Hunger tearing at my stomach as saliva dripped from my mouth for the need of human blood. I knew I had to block this out. I reminded myself of Tori and how bad it would be if she died. This made me regain control.
I saw Kal run at me with his sword. I jumped back as it came to slash my chest,but missed by inches. He growled in frustration. I saw he was covered in red blood and black. His silver eyes seemed a deadly metallic. He was here to kill me to get Tori as his prize. Tori was busy fighting off the Nightmares. They all swarmed her. There was nothing I could do until Kalabar was gone. I raised my scythes. His smile disappeared. I started to go after him. He was the same size I was so speed and throwing his weight off wouldn't help. I needed to know his weakness so I could do some serious damage to his body. I can't kill him. I still have a human heart and can't kill Tori's friend from the past. That would be cruel and evil. Something he would do. Not me. He growled as my blade caught his cheek. The wound instantly healed. We were both panting. My eyes were hard. "Why are you doing this? What's the point? She's mine." I growled. He smirked "Because Tori was meant to be mine. I want another girl to be mine. If you're out of the way I can bring her to Historia and be crowned King of all vampires!" Kal laughed evilly leaving him wide open. I slashed his right hand. It flung off. The limb fell to the ground clutching the sword. The blood that was in the appendage dripped out. Kal screamed in agony. The dark liquid poured out from his body. He was slowly healing, but he needed more blood after that. I stood over him. Kal snarled at me. I growled and showed my fangs. He shrunk down in apology. I quickly remembered Kyle. Who the hell was helping him? I took one last look at Kal's bloody arm that laid on the ground with the sword.

It was a nice sword. For him anyways.

I walked over the battle raging, but no Nightmares seemed to notice me. I picked up the wet limp limb and pried the sword from the cold dead hand. The sword clattered to the ground. I kicked it over to him and stabbed a nearby Nightmare. Kal was surprised. I took out a few more. The black blood stained my face. "I'll let you live. Just stay away from my mate." I growled "or I'll actually kill you without a hesitation."
I went back to see Liv having a glorious time slicing up Nightmares with her scissors. Miki was gracefully taking out Nightmares. Faith was there doing this dance. Her eyes were white and the sky grew dark. She was summoning something. I saw my angel. Her wings gone slashing all the Nightmares in her path. Her eyes were a twisted color of icy blue that held hate and joy. She had blood from pervious Nightmares all over her body. I ran to her shooting a Nightmare that was behind her that came to close for comfort in my eyes. She smiled gratefully at me. I returned the smile. We stood back to back slicing through heads without a care. Guess it was like a honeymoon thing huh? I didn't care. I was with this beautiful girl who loved slicing the heads off these freakish creatures. I pulled her into a kiss and limbs along with blood exploded around us. Time slowed and I felt her blood rush under her skin. Toriś wings exploded out of her back. I looked at her and Tori smiled a very sad smile. ¨Run." I did and I got as many along with me. I knew what she was going to do.
Faith let her lightning go. The Nightmares screeched and shrieked in pain. I looked up to see Tori. Her wings covered in flames. Her eyes fiery blue. The Nightmare still came at is for the kill. Tori shouted something in a different language. Flames exploded out around her and the wall of flames slammed down on the Nightmares. The wasn't want over. Tori started to fall, her energy used up. I yelled her name to pull up but she kept falling, blinded by only fear I ran to the place she was falling. I yelled her name. A Nightmare got in my way, but I slashed it down. Tori's wings lost their color and went back to being black. I yelled trying to get her to wake up. I screamed louder and reached out to catch her. Her eyes were closed and it didn't look like she was alive. I shook her and her eyes opened slowly. "Oh Tori!" I hugged her then kissed her with passion. I felt my heart flutter. I held her bridal style in my arms. I carried over to where the squad was.

Faith smiled as she saw us and waved. Tori shouted in alarm as a Nightmare came up behind her. A roar of a chainsaw came up behind the Nightmare and the head flew off. Blood spirted out of where the neck should've been. I heard Tori growl. I looked down at her and she jumped out of my arms. Her sword was drawn and the hooded figure looked up. He didn't have any time to react. Tori has her sword to his throat. Faith yelled no! Tori looked up with a snarl. I jumped back knowing she could rip anyone's head off. "If you kill him, then you kill me Tori." Faith said quietly. Tori stiffened. "Y-you mated with this... This... This thing" Faith nodded sadly. Tori dropped her sword down to her side and walked away.
Faith looked sad and hugged the boy in the gray hood. He kind of looked like the guy from Assassin's Creed. Faith whispered soothing words into the boy's ear. He nodded and took off his hood. It revealed a blonde boy who seemed really nerdy. "Hello I'm Drew. Pleasure to make your acquiesce." I nodded a hello. He kissed Faith gently and hugged her.guess they haven't seen each other in awhile.
I looked over to see Tori stare at all the dead bodies. She knew that the humans and vamps that didn't fight were long gone and safe. I walked up and whistled for our bikes. They came up and rumbled quietly. Tori looked at the bike and pulled out a bloodbag. She drank it and stood on top of some rubble to look at the land. Her expression was emotionless. She locked herself out again. The fun light inside has finally flickered out. I wanted to walk over, but instead I tended to the wounded. She'd want to move out as soon as possible. I watched the queen look over her now fallen kingdom in shame and sorrow. I couldn't do anything.

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