The Undiscovered Triplets {A...

By turnip51

19.1K 548 149

What if Harry Potter was actually a...triplet? Meet Gabby and Jason Potter, Harry Potter's triplets. They don... More

Chapter 1 ~Gabby~
Chapter 2 ~Jason~
Chapter 3 ~Gabby~
Chapter 4 ~Jason~
Chapter 5 ~Jason~
Chapter 6 ~Gabby~
Chapter 8 ~Harry~
Chapter 9 ~Gabby~
Chapter 10 ~Aria~
Chapter 11 ~Olivia~
Chapter 12 ~Coby~
Chapter 13 ~Gabby~
Chapter 14 ~Jason~
Chapter 15 ~Aria~
Chapter 16 ~Kelly~
Chapter 17 ~Harry~ END
You'll probably want to read this...

Chapter 7 ~Jason~

1K 33 10
By turnip51


After I had boarded the Hogwarts Express. I automatically went to look for my friends, then realised that was over. None of my friends were going to Hogwarts. For the first time in my life, I was a loner.

I wanted to sink down on my knees and beat the floor. But no- I had to be strong, so hopefully people will think I have friends as invite me into their compartment.

I consider looking for Gabby, but nah- that's kinda weird. And as for Harry, I don't even know what he looks like! No wait- there was this kid and my old school called Harry Potter. He had glasses, a scar on his forehead, and baggy clothes. Nah, that can't be him. As if I'd be related to someone that dorky!

I walk slowly along the corridor, hoping for someone to invite me into their compartment. My wish comes true!

"Hey!" says a boy, leaning out of his compartment. He had sandy hair and an Irish accent. "Do you want to come sit in my compartment?"

"Sure!" I say gratefully. I enter his compartment, and there is another boy sitting in there. He had dark skin and black hair.

"Hi," the boy said. "I'm Dean Thomas."

"I'm Seamus Finnigan," said the boy with the Irish accent.

"Oh, I'm Jason Potter," I say in turn. Both their eyes widen.

"Jason Potter?" says Seamus. "Brother of Harry and Gabrielle Potter?"

"Uh, yeah," I say, feeling uncomfortable.

"Wicked," said Dean and Seamus together, looking awestruck.

I could feel heat rising to my cheeks. I was angry at myself. I had never blushed before! "Blushing is a sign of weakness" is my personal motto. So I purposely banged my head on the back of the seat (inconspiciously, of course) to punish myself.

I learnt about Seamus and Dean. Seamus is a half-blood wizard.

"Me mam's a witch, me dad's a muggle. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out!" Seamus laughed.

"Both my parents are muggles," said Dean. "Bit surprised when I got accepted into Hogwarts. Almost didn't let me come! They thought it was a hoax!" he said, grinning broadly.

I wrinkle my forehead. "I'm pretty sure both my parents were muggles, because if they were magic, they would've defended themselves..."

Both Seamus and Dean stop laughing. "Mate, of course you're parents were magic. Some magical folk just panic when they're in trouble, and forget they're magic," says Seamus seriously.

I roll my eyes. "My parents were idiots, then. As if you could forget you were magic!"

"Mate, they died to save you. You should be grateful for their sacrifice," says Dean earnestly.

"Huh," I snorted. "As if! Look at the mess they left me in! Staying with the Ingalls, who won't let me upgrade my iPhone 3 to an iPhone 4, and won't let me get a black Wii to match my white one! I lived with the worse possible family ever!"

"I don't think so," says a quiet voice from the doorway. I look around, and Gabby is standing at the door. "The family Harry stayed with hated him and the boy beat him up."

"Mr Ingall hated me!" I argue hotly.

Gabby just shakes her head. "The family I stayed with used to stab me." She points to a long scar running down her cheek, pulls up her sleeve to reveal a jagged scar on her forearm, and lifts up her robes to reveal around ten different scars making their way up her leg.

 "Anyway, I just came to say hi, because I was trying to be nice to you, but you're so horrible insulting our parents. The reason we didn't escape was because you were hiding under the couch and Mum couldn't find you, so it's all your fault. I can't believe I'm related to scum like you!" With that she storms out of the compartment.

"Whoa!" I say. I turn back to Dean and Seamus, shaking my head. "Women," I mutter.

"Is that true? What she said? About you being the reason your family couldn't escape?" asks Seamus in a hushed voice.

"Yeah," I say indifferently. Dean and Seamus glare at me, and Dean whispers something to Seamus, who nods darkly.

For the rest of the train trip, they ignore me.

I feel hurt and humiliated as we exit the train, and Dean and Seamus hurry off without a backward glance. What's the bet they'll tell everyone they know, and I won't have any friends. I should know not to trust scumbags like them.

I sit in a boat with a couple of screaming girls who shriek and laugh the whole trip to the castle. When we arrive, I don't even bother to look to see what it looks like. I can hear people gasp in amazement, but I soldier on.

We are deposited in the 'Entrance Hall' when a stern looking teacher beckons to us.

"My name is Professor McGonogall, and in a moment you will all be sorted into a house. The houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin." As she says Slytherin, I can hear a boy whisper, "There wasn't a wizard who didn't go bad in Slytherin."

"I am Head of Gryffindor house. These houses become your family, you will sleep in your house's dormitory, you may do homework in your house common room and so on," McGonogall continues. We are led into the Great Hall, where an old hat sits on a stool.

Everyone watches it, and it starts to sing about the houses and all that crap. I tune out, and come back into focus as they call 'Finnigan, Seamus'

I watch with loathing as Seamus sat on the stool. A moment later, the hat called, "Gryffindor!" Seamus jumps off the stool and sits down at the Gryffindor table.

After a few more names, Professor McGonogall calls, "Potter, Gabrielle!" There is an outbreak of muttering as Gabby mounts the stairs and sits on the stool. As soon as the hat touches that curly hair it cries, "Gryffindor!" The Gryffindor table claps loudly as Gabby sits down next to Seamus.

"Potter, Harry!" There is more muttering at this. Ugh. I should've known. My brother Harry Potter is that dork from my old school. "Gryffindor!" the hat cries. Harry sits down next to Gabby.

"Potter, Jason!" I walk up the stairs, and sit on the stool, certain I will be in Gryffindor with Gabby and Harry.

As soon as the hat touches my gelled hair, the only thought I have is, "Eww. The hat must be making my hair so disgusting!"

Hmm. says a voice in my ear. The third Potter triplet? Nothing like your brother and sister. Spoilt, cunning, full of yourself...

I hold my breath...

And the hat calls:



So now we have the 7th chapter where Harry and Gabby are in Gryffindor and Jason is in Slytherin!


And Gabby tries to be nice to Jason but he is horrible!!!!


A picture of seamus and dean is on the side :D

from turnip51

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