Raven x Apple Fanfiction!

By EAH_Trash

19.6K 358 197

A Raven x Apple fanfiction! Apple desperately tries to convert her friend, Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil... More

Chapter One - Apple's POV
Chapter Two - Raven's POV
Chapter Four - Raven's POV
Chapter Five - Apple's POV

Chapter Three - Apple POV

3.1K 58 28
By EAH_Trash

Who is she? She's Mira Shards, daughter of the magic mirror, evil queen.. Words echoed into Apple White's mind, stressing her mind. She opened her eyes, seeing Cedar Wood, Cerise Hood, and Raven Queen discussing Apple's attacker. She only recalled strawberry and purple hair, cackling, and Raven frozen in fear. 

"Maybe this girl needs help," Apple smiled, thinking optimistically about the minatory female. 

"She's not a girl, Apple, she's a woman. She's my mother, the Evil Queen. You mom's nemesis. The one who destroyed Wonderland and trapped most of its residents," Raven listed off her mom's evil doings.  

Apple didn't respond and Cerise spoke up. "Maybe we should report this to Headmaster Grimm, he can deal with her."

Cedar nodded, agreeing with Red Riding Hood's daughter. "We are students, we shouldn't tackle the Evil Queen."

"We should fight against her, Headmaster Grimm would just lock her up again. Or worse, he wouldn't believe us and think we are all mad, like Madeline," Raven disagreed. 

"Every person can be worked on," Apple said, narrowing her blue optics into slits.

Bickering started to break out between the four girls, some agreeing they should talk to Headmaster Grimm, Apple pleading that Mira can be worked on and cured, and Raven wanting to fight against the Evil Queen. 

"Maybe we should just not talk about it!" Madeline Hatter front flipped through the wall, appearing and making a dramatic entrance.

Silence filled the room, the four females stared at Maddie, considering her mad idea. "Agreed," Raven gave in, looking at Maddie gratefully.

"Agreed," Cedar and Cerise said in unison.

"Whatever," Apple exhaled. 

The four normal girls left while Madeline disappeared into the roof, her giggles echoing in the ceiling. None of them spoke a word as they went through the hallways, each of them heading towards the Castleteria. Once they walked in all the students turned their heads and smiled. "APPLE!" the Royals screeched.

"RAVEN!" the Rebels cheered.

"See ya later, Apple," Raven, Cedar, and Cerise headed towards their table. 

"APPLE!" Briar Beauty beckoned her best friend to the Royals table and Apple sauntered over towards her. 

The future Queen sat down next to Briar and Blondie was in front of her. "Why are you all here, I thought everyone was sent to their dorms?" Apple inquired.

"Well.." Briar took a deep breath, before slamming her head on the table, immediately asleep.

"I'll take over. Headmaster Grimm told the students to return to the Castleteria for him to report something, probably why they had all the students were sent to their dorms," Blondie explained, not giving much detail. She started fixing Apple's hair, wanting it to be perfect.

Apple was stunned and the flashbacks of Mira Shards returned like she was living that all over again. She started breathing heavily and the color purple started clouding her vision.

"Apple?" Blondie poked her best friend, a concerned look in her bright blue orbs.

Apple shook her head, the purple fading swiftly. She looked to her right, where Briar was supposed to be, instead, Mira Shards took her place. Apple didn't squeak or squeal in terror like she would've, but she listened to her words.

"I won't let my daughter be a Rebel. I want her to follow in my footsteps, not for her to ruin future Evil Queens. Do whatever you can, Apple White," Mira whispered and touched her pale cheek lightly, evaporating.

"Apple. White. Snap out of your trance!" Apple felt Briar's hands on her shoulders, violent shaking her back and forth. 

"W-What?" Apple stammered, Mira's words echoed in her ears.

"You have been just plain mad, are you secretly from Wonderland or something?" Briar asked, letting her hands release Apple's shoulders.

"N-No, I'm just... Stressing about being the future Queen. All the subjects I have to fret about and my kingdom's safety," Apple lied, she disliked lying to her best friends, but she wasn't ready to tell them.

"Oh Apple, it will come naturally!" Briar grinned. "You are already the perfect Queen! You are perfect, simply unsurpassable!" 

Apple grinned, a light blush became visible and Headmaster Grimm strutted into the Castleteria, scanning all the students. "I apologize greatly for the panic that I caused. It was simply a false alarm, there is no threat in this school, please attend regular classes," the headmaster announced and left the room without taking any questions.

The students got up and left the Castleteria, chatting away about Headmaster's skittish stare. Apple headed towards Prinncessology class with Briar at her side.


"Have you ever thought of becoming a Royal?" Apple sighed, laying down her beautiful bed, talking with Raven Queen.

"Haha, no," Raven replied, also laying on her bed.

Apple's recollected Mira Shard's words and sat up, looking at Raven. She was rolled over, curled up in her bed. She had to complete Mira's task, she had to convert Raven to a Rebel, no matter what. She would pull out tricks that she wouldn't expect. 

"You are awesome, at being a leader you know. Being Queen and you are able to control your group," Apple said, admiring Raven's ability to lead her Rebel group well.

"Yeah, well, you are a way better leader than I am. I'm just friendly to all of them and respect them," Raven responded, sounding groggy and tired.

Maybe I should lead like that. Apple thought and smiled, laying back down. 

Suddenly, the strawberry-colored hair and light purple streaks appeared again, her impactful violet optics reminded Apple of her roommate. "Do anything you can, Apple," Mira said, touching her cheek again before she receded from view. 

Suddenly beside Apple was a pointed, silver, sharp knife. Her breath quickened and she grabbed it. She felt powerful and strong, not like a damsel-in-distress anymore. Cruel thoughts swarmed Apple's head and she gradually got up from her bed. She crept over to Raven, who was sleeping soundly. "Shhh," Apple whispered, pressing the knife to her neck.


Apple White spun around and at the doorway stood a certain someone.

Daring Charming.

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