Look How Far We've Come

By reginamillsyeah

55K 1.7K 286

Swan Queen AU. The curse breaks and this is what happens to Emma and Regina after. PS this story is my baby a... More



4.1K 144 34
By reginamillsyeah


Emma first realized she loved Regina on a seemingly normal day. They had started what seemed to be a decent friendship. After the Graham problem had been resolved the two women had decided to get along for Henry's sake, and then they eventually bonded. They had more in common than they thought. It wasn't like they were best friends, but they had something. Something that Emma couldn't quite name. She liked the mystery and she loved the pull she seemed to have to Regina. She just couldn't explain what it was.

"Hey kid." Emma smiles walking into Granny's. Her son and Regina were sitting in a booth.

"Hi Emma." Henry replies, sleep still evident in his voice.

"We got you coffee." Regina tells the blonde as she slides across the booth. "Henry, sweetie, eat your breakfast, your bus will be here soon."

"I don't feel good." Henry murmurs.

'He's faking.' Emma thinks.

She usually knows it when people are lying, and she always loved to play hookey. She bets he wants out of that math test he'd been complaining about the night before. She waits for Regina to point this out, but to Emma's surprise she doesn't. Regina immediately places her hand on Henry's forehead to check for a fever. Emma is shocked that this hadn't been a prank. He was actually sick.

"What hurts?" Regina asks in a worried tone. "Is it your stomach?" Henry lays his head on her shoulder and nods.

Emma had never seen them so intimate. Henry must have really been sick to seek comfort from his mother. He'd been so cold to this woman, but it was clear that he wanted her to make him feel better, and she was jumping at the chance. It makes Emma's heart hurt for the mayor.

"Okay, my little prince, let's get you home." Regina is already moving to stand up and gather Henry. "Emma, are you coming?"

When they get back to the Mayoral Mansion, Regina sets Henry up on the couch. She gives him some tylenol and makes him some lemon tea. Emma watches as Regina tucks a blanket around him and makes sure that he's comfortable. Emma had never seen anyone so motherly and loving before. It makes her heart skip a beat. Regina never failed to amaze her or to get her heart pumping extra hard.

"Okay love, get some rest." Regina says quietly. Regina leans over and kisses her son on the forehead. "I love you."

That's the moment Emma knew. The moment she realized she was too far in and never wanted out. She was in love with Regina Mills. She just had no idea what that meant and no idea where she was supposed to go from here.


Henry still saw his grandparents often. They always asked about Emma and he always told them the same thing; she was fine. Regina hadn't pushed Emma to talk to her parents, she knew it was something Emma had to choose to do on her own. The couple was just thankful that the Charmings had seemed to have given up on breaking them up.

"I'm home!" Regina calls, entering the kitchen to where Emma is busy making popcorn.

"Hi!" Emma grins turning to give Regina soft peck on the lips. "How was work?"

"Lots of paperwork." Regina pouts. "I would much rather have stayed here with you." Regina pulls Emma back to her for a hug. Emma chuckles.

"I missed you too." Emma says. "Henry is having dinner with the Uncharmings tonight so I thought we could order takeout and watch one of those cheesy musicals you like so much."

"That sounds wonderful, dear." Regina smiles softly. "Thank you."

It still amazed Regina that Emma knew exactly how to make her day even when no words were spoken. Emma sometimes seemed to know Regina better than she knew herself and vice-versa. Regina had never opened to anyone this way before and neither had Emma.

After they had eaten dinner they snuggle on the sofa. Regina could never get enough of snuggling with Emma. It was still a little new to her, but she couldn't imagine ever growing tired of this feeling. Emma had put in Regina's all time favorite musical Rent. Even though Emma wasn't a big fan of movies that involved with a lot of singing, she knew how much Regina loved them. And she'd do anything to see her happy. Besides, Emma and Henry had forced Regina into watching every single one of The Fast and The Furious movies.

"Moms!" Henry's voice calls just after the credits finish rolling.

"In here, kid!" Emma hollers back. She's absentmindedly running her fingers through Regina's raven locks.

Henry follows Emma's voice into the living room. When he enters, Snow and David are with him. Emma fights the urge to pull Regina closer to her. She was protective of the things she loved, and she didn't like to feel threatened. Even if they hadn't said anything, their presence made her uneasy. She wishes they'd just get over this.

"What's going on?" Emma asks. Regina sits up so her head is no longer laying in Emma's lap. Emma misses the contact.

"We....uh....well..." Snow stutters awkwardly.

"We want to invite the THREE of you to dinner at our house on Friday." David finishes for his nervous wife. Emma looks like she's about to protest so Regina jumps in. "We'd love to. What time?" Regina squeezes Emma's hand to reassure the blonde.

"F-Five t-thirty." Snow manages in shock. She had expected Regina to be the one to refuse.

"We'll be there." Regina states.

Emma is too surprised to speak. She hardly even notices when Henry shows her parents out. Was she really ready for this?

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Saturday night comes faster than Emma would have liked. She felt extremly nervous and unprepared. Having Regina by her said obviously made Emma happy, and she wouldn't change it for anything. But Emma knew that this dinner could be the final straw. If it went wrong, she could lose whatever relationship she had with her parents.

When the Swan-Mills family arrive at the loft, Henry busts in happily. He was seemingly optimistic about this dinner. Regina and Emma, however, trail behind a bit. They remain in very close proximity to each other. Emma's feels the pressure hit her like a tidal wave. Regina rubs her arm soothingly.

"It's going to be fine." She tells the blonde softly.

David and Snow come into view. David takes their coats and Snow offers them drinks. Emma feels more like a guest and less like their daughter, but at least they were trying.

"Dinner is almost done, shall we sit?" Snow gestures to the table and everyone takes a seat.

"What's for dinner, Grandma?" Henry asks.

"Chicken pot pie." Snow smiles. "I know how much Emma loves it."

Emma actually hated the dish, but she always pretended to enjoy it to please her mother. Snow was doing her best, and Emma was determined not to shake things up. So far things were going smoothly, but Emma had to remember that the night was still young.

"There's the timer!" Snow says, hurrying off to get it. "I hope you all are hungry."

When the food is served everyone is silent for a few minutes. Regina tries to keep a straight face as Emma forces herself to eat the meals. She even ate the peas, which Regina knew Emma absolutely detested. She claimed they were the worst vegetable around, even more so than brussel sprouts and cabbage.

"So, Emma, your father says things at the station are quiet." Snow says, breaking the silence.

"Aside from the occasional drunk Leroy, yeah." Emma replies.

"Well with no evil qu--villains--to chase," David catches his error but still earns himself a glare from Emma and Henry. "It's mostly boring paperwork."

"I for one am glad to get home at a decent time and to get the occasional day off." Emma comments, throwing Regina a smile.

"How are things at the Mayor's office, Regina?" David asks polietly.

"Quiet." The brunette replies, a little surprised that he'd engaged in conversation with her, especially after his Evil Queen comment. "Uhm, Snow how are things at the school?"

"You should know. You sign all the budgets." Emma's mother answers coldly.

Emma sighs. This was what she'd been worried about. She knew all this fake hospitality wasn't going to last long. She wasn't going to let her mother be rude to Regina when Regina was putting in so much effort.

"Mary Margaret." Emma scolds.

"No, Emma, enough with the formalities, I am your MOTHER!" The princess finally snaps. "And I hate not having any part in your life....and it's all HER fault!"

That did it for Emma. The pent up rage came bursting through the dam it had been pressing against for weeks.

"She's not the one who sent me through a portal into a world she knew nothing about!" Emma shouts, rising. "You don't get to play the innocent princess card with me." "Emma." Regina whispers in an attempt to calm the blonde down. "Em, honey it's alright."

"No it's not!" Emma exclaims. "They're never going to accept us. This whole dinner was a waste of time. She is such a hypocrite! The only thing she cares about is her happy ending! That's why she told Cora about Daniel and started this whole mess in the first place!"

"Emma enough!" David yells as he too rises. "Stop talking about things you know nothing about."

"I know more than you do. I've heard both sides of the story." Emma argues defensively. "I'm done here. Regina, Henry, I'm sorry but I need to get the Hell out of here."

"No, we are going to talk this through! We are your parents and you need to start treating us with more respect!" Snow demands.

"Oh my...stop patronizing me! I am an adult!" Emma reminds her.

"Then start acting like one! Stop making childish choices!" Snow tells her. Emma didn't have to read to hard between the lines to know those 'choices' meant Regina.

What happens next shocks everyone. Light shoots from Emma's finger tips and heads right at Snow. Before it can do any damage, however, a cloud of purple smoke stops it. No one speaks and no one moves for what seems like forever.

"Woah." Henry whispers, breaking the silence. Emma and Regina share a shocked glance.

"D-did you use magic?" Snow manages to ask.

"I didn't mean to. Emma cries. "I-I'm sorry. I-I almost hurt you and-Regina thank you for stopping it."

"Your welcome, but I didn't even mean to do it." Regina admits. "I couldn't have reacted that fast...it was like our magic connected."

"C-Can that happen?" Emma asks, slowly sitting back down.

"In special circumstances." Regina's answer is vague.

"What kind of circumstances?" David asks. Regina looks at the Charming family who are all staring intently at her. Eager for her knowledge.

"Soulmates....but that's not possible." Regina is still in shock. "Emma....can't be...."

"Why not!?" Emma asks defensively. "Don't you love me?

"You know I do, Emma, but many years ago I was shown a man whom fate had destined me to be with. He was my soulmate and as far as I know you can only have one." Regina explains.

"We need to talk to Gold." Emma says, already moving to the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Emma is silent the whole was to Gold's shop. She was beyond pissed that Regina had never told her about Mr. Soulmate. Regina, on the other hand, tried to explain it more to Emma. The blonde had simply waved her off and claimed that she didn't want to hear about it. Not now anyway.

When they enter the pawn shop, Belle and Gold look shocked to see them. Gold figured it must be important if they'd come here. After the recent events he'd played a role in, he figured they hated him.

"What do you know about soulmates?" Emma demands.

"They're extremly rare." Belle offers. "Why, what's going on?"

"I am destined to be with 'The Guy With The Lion Tattoo'." Regina fills in. "But...I think and Emma and my magic is connected. About twenty minutes ago my magic reacted impulsively when Emma's went off." Gold looks at her for a moment.

"When did you meet this man?" Gold asks.

"I didn't. Tinkerbelle led me to a tavern back when I was still married to Leopold." Regina avoids Snow's eyes. "She used pixie dust. I never saw his face....but, I did see his tattoo."

"So...this happened before Miss. Swan's birth." Gold says. He grabs Emma by the arm. "Tell me, what kind of flower is this?" He gestures to the faded tattoo on Emma's wrist.

"I don't know." Emma admits. "I just liked the design."

"This...is a lyon flower." He tells them. "Regina, your soulmate had not yet been born so you were led to someone with similar qualities. Brave, honorable, blonde....and with a lyon tattoo."

"So....Emma is my soulmate." It's not a question. Regina is so happy she could cry. She turns and shares a watery smile with Emma who in turn hugs Regina tightly.

"I love you." Emma whispers tearfully. "I know there had to be some mistake,"

"Oh, Emma, I love you so much." Regina gushes. "And that wouldn't change, even if you weren't my soulmate."

"Do you know what this means?" Gold asks. They all shake their heads. "It means that combined your magic is unstoppable . Combined you two are the most powerful force in all the realms."

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