Her Royal Highness

Par unrealismbooks

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Charlotte has everything any girl could ever want. She's beautiful, rich, and famous. But she's also sullen... Plus



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Par unrealismbooks

"You look lovely," she smiled, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Freedom certainly becomes you."

Right off the starting block, I see.

"I assume it does," I replied, keeping my tone even.

She didn't look amused.

"Well, I must say, I am rather impressed."

"How so?"

"At how well you seemed to have charmed your way out of trouble yet again," she said flatly. "I mean, how else would it be that my Tyler ends up in rehab, for doing all the same misdemeanors as yourself, and yet you have no sentencing at all? Must be quite lovely having such influence on how the courts are run."

I felt my jaw tense, but was careful to control my anger.

"I must disagree," I said evenly. "I was not driving the car, Mrs Shaffer. It was not my idea to go for a joy ride. Yes, I take full responsibility for my attendance, but it was not of my influence that it occurred. That rests with Tyler."

Her dark eyes blazed angrily.

"How dare you," she growled. "You walk around here as though everyone is below you, as though you have no consequences. It is you who makes the headlines, my Tyler dragged down by your name. And yet, when you finally make a mistake that should ruin you, it is him who ends up the worst off."

"I have nothing to do with the sentencing that Tyler received. Just as I had no control over my own punishment."

She laughed a merciless laugh. "Punishment? What punishment? Other than the fact that you haven't been out gallivanting and disgracing your poor grandfather, what other concessions were you forced to make?"

I felt myself go cold, the vitriol in her voice feeling like a slap to my face. She had never once cared for my presence in Tylers life one way or another. She was never even around enough to know who Tylers friends were. I knew this had nothing to do with Tyler, and everything to do with her own political image. His sentencing, his involvement in that night surely could not have been positive for her. And now, she was taking it out on me.

"Mrs Shaffer," I said calmly through gritted teeth. "With all due respect, you seemed to have no issue with my friendship with Tyler when it got your name in the headlines."

Her eyes widened, before narrowing angrily. "How dare you, you..."

"Is everything alright?" a deep, raspy voice sounded at my side. I turned with a start to find Harry looking at me intently, his green eyes burning. He turned to Tylers mother, his gaze staring her down.

Her mouth shut with a snap as she took him in. She literally scanned him from head to toe, as if appraising whether he was someone she did not want to overhear this side of her. Once she had assessed the fact he was not of importance to her career, she turned back to me, ignoring him completely.

"One day, you will fall from the pedestal you sit on," she spat. "And I hope I'm there to see it."

She gave me no chance to respond, before she turned on her heel and stomped off quickly. The moment she was several paces away, I exhaled, the heavy, weighted breath I had been holding finally releasing. In that same moment, Harry was in front of me, his hands on my arms.

"Charlie?" he said gently. "You okay?"

I took several deep breathes, my face flushed and my eyes burning. I hadnt expected a confrontation like that. I had never considered her hatred for me based on my presence on a night that her son put in to motion. I took responsibility for my participation, but it was not of my doing.


His voice brought me out of my thoughts, my eyes finding his. There was a little crease between his eyebrows, his worried expression making the pressure in my eyes increase. Like hell I would cry over this.

"Im fine," I said sharply, stepping back from his grasp. I shook my head gently as if to shake off her attack, before raising my head to him. "I'm fine."

He looked skeptical.

"Are you sure?"

From over his shoulder, I watched as a white suited waiter passed by, a glistening tray of champagne in his hand. Snatching one quickly, I brought it to my lips, taking a long drink. I relished the feeling of the bubbles, the slightly bitter taste. It was familiar and comforting.

Harrys hand grasped the glass just as I began to lower it.

"Alcohol wont solve your problems." He told me flatly.

"Neither will water," I snorted, moving to take another drink.

Harrys hand tightened, stopping my movement. I moved to pull from him, but he wouldn't let me go.

"Let go, Harry." I snapped.

"No," he refused. "Charlotte, you now the rules."

"Fuck the rules!" I shouted. "Fuck always being in control and doing the right thing. For once, cant you let me just have what I want?"

His eyes narrowed, his jaw tightening. His hand didn't relent, however, before his other hand came up and pulled mine from the glass. I called out in objection as he set it on a nearby table, gripping my hand hard.

He said nothing to me as he pulled me through the crowd, the length of his stride difficult to keep up with in the height of my heels.

"Harry slow down!" I cried as we stormed towards the exit. My eyes found Ford, looking at as curiously, as Harry waved him off.

"We're going to have a talk," he said with an air of authority that stopped Ford in his tracks. My own eyes widened as I was pulled from the busy room in to the quiet hall.

The noise of the music and chatter from the dinner faded in to a gentle background as Harry lead me down the hall, and around a corner. We walked and walked, my eyes scanning our surroundings. I had no idea where we were going, until he paused outside a small door, pushing it open roughly, and shoving me inside.

I stumbled inside, righting myself with the use of a small table. I only had a moment of brightness to glance around, finding that we were in a small storage room. It was no bigger than a closest, with a table, some chairs, and a few linens piled around.

Harry slammed the door behind him, the room falling in to darkness.

Turning my attention to him, or at least where I thought he was, I narrowed my eyes.

"Harry, what the hell..."

And he was on me. His lips found mine, his hands clasping my face roughly. I had no time to respond or react beyond a gasp, as he pushed me back, my thighs hitting the small table behind me.

I reached up, my hands covering his on my face. He kissed me fiercely, completely uncontrolled. It was a side of him I had never seen before. He was always so careful, so in control. And now, he was frantic. And I loved it.

I kissed him back, parting my lips to allow him to consume me. He growled into my mouth, his body pressing against mine hard. He continued to urge me, to have me craving him, until he pulled back.

Breathing heavily, his breath fanned my face.

"I told you no drinking," he said firmly. "That is the rules. But, if you are so desperate for some tension relief or distraction, there are other means."

My eyes widened as his lips covered my own again. He pushed me back further, the edge of the table digging in to my legs painfully. My hands linked around his neck, pulling on his hair as his hips shifted forward against me.

My God, what he did to me. He controlled me, while at the same time allowing me to rebel. He took away my coping mechanism, and replaced it with something far greater. He left me breathless and eager and spinning, and I never wanted to stop.

His fingers, teased my leg where the slit in my dress allowed, before they pushed the soft fabric aside, coming to my middle. He trailed a finger over me, testing me, and I felt his lips curve.

"I can feel you already," he commented as he dipped down to place a kiss at the hollow in my throat. "Even through your knickers you're soaked."

I sighed, his filthy words so fucking sexy I felt weak. Coming back to my lips, he slipped his hand into my panties at the same time. He didn't tease me, he didn't give me time, before he slipped two thick fingers inside me. I gasped, pulling away from his lips, my hips shifting away from his hand in reaction. He followed, still connected to me, his hand coming to the back of my neck to control me.

"You cant run, princess," he murmured, moving to kiss below my ear.

His fingers pumped in me steadily, curling forward and hitting a soft spot that made my knees buckle. Harry used his body against my own to keep me steady, but didn't stop his torture of me. I was panting, but it wasn't enough air. The room was dark, and yet I kept my eyes closed. All I could feel was him, all I could hear was my breath, and I was coming close.

Harrys hand slowed, and I groaned in frustration.

"Will you disobey me again?" he growled, his lips barely touching mine.


"I said, will you disobey me again?" he repeated, giving me a particularly harsh thrust of his fingers.

I cried out, biting my lip to silence myself.

"You know there are rules, Charlotte. And you know I'm not a fan of how you love to disregard them. I may not be able to reprimand you in public, but I think I can come up with some interesting ways to coerce your agreement."

"Harry..."I breathed, my stomach tensing.

"Tell me you wont act out like that again, no matter the reason, and I will take you," he said calmly, completely unaffected, as though he was doing nothing more than suggesting a place for lunch. "Agree to stay within your limits, and I will make it worth your while."

"Ugh!" I felt myself waver, but Harrys hand stilled, leaving me hovering on my edge.

"Yes!" I called out, begging. "Yes, I promise."

I didn't need the light to know he was grinning. Placing a chaste kiss on my lips, he released me.

"Good girl," he praised, before I heard the distinct sound of a foil packet in the darkness.

The sound of clothing, the clink of a buckle, and suddenly he was against me again. His hand snaked under my dress, gripping my thin thong. He said nothing as he pulled sharply, ripping my panties from me in one swift movement. The edge cut in to my skin, but it wasn't painful. If anything, it aroused me more.

Harry lifted me up, placing me on the table behind me, moving my dress to the side. He wrapped my legs around his waist, lining himself up with me in the dark.

His hands came to my hips, as he sharply and painfully thrust forward, forcing himself inside me. I cried out, my hand falling behind me to steady the impact.

"Shhh," he whispered, leaning forward to kiss me. "Be quiet."

I wanted to tell him off, to tell him I would be as loud as I wanted, but I didn't want him to stop. I didn't want to disobey him incase this feeling left.

He took me hard, relentlessly. It wasn't the slow, gentle love making of our first time. This time, it was urgent and passionate and everything you would associate with a hard fuck in a closet at a benefit dinner.

And it was mind blowing.

My breath was lost with each thrust, as Harry placed a hand on my shoulder, laying me back on the table. Once I was flat, his hand came to my middle, rubbing hard and fast circles over my clit that made me see stars.

"Oh God," I cried, biting down on the back of my head to quiet myself. But Harry didn't scold me, he didn't stop. If anything, he took me harder, forcing my end in a flurry of sighs, moans and a long groan from him. He buried himself deep inside me, stilling as he came, until the only sound in the room was our breath.

After a few moments, Harry stepped back, disengaging from me painfully. I heard him move, again the sound of clothes, the clink of a belt, before his hands found me in the dark. He pulled me upright, gentle and careful with me as though I were made of glass. It was a complete contrast from only minutes before.

Pulling me from the table, he set me on my weak legs, before pulling me against him. Kissing my lips gently, his hand rested on my cheek.

"I expect you to keep your promises," he murmured against my lips.

I giggled, my hands placing on his chest.

"And I expect you to buy me new panties," I returned, as he slowly opened the door, allowing a sliver of light to enter. He peered out, looking around to ensure no one was present to catch us, before leading me back out in to the hall.

Once in the light, we took a moment to tame our hair, resettle our clothes. We both held wide grins, and flushed cheeks. As we turned to return to the hall, Harry stopped me.

Holding up my torn thong, he grinned. "I will just keep this," he said, slipping it in to his pocket. "So I know what to replace it with."

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