Bangtan Boys Imagines

By jisoojosh

13.5K 123 0

Hellow, this is a book about BTS. I love jungkook, so back off people. More

Preference #1
Preference #2
Preference #3
Preference #4
Preference #5
Rap Monster/Namjoon
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Preference #6
Preference #7
Preference #8
Preference #9
Preference #10
Preference #11
Preference #12
Jeon {Not So Innocent} Jungkook
Preference #13
Preference #14
Preference #15
Preference #16
Preference #17
Preference #18
Preference #19
Namjoon/Rap Monster
Preference #20
IDEK >.<
Preference #21
Namjoon/Rap Monster
Min Yoongi/Suga
Min Yoongi/Suga
Preference #22
Kim Najmoon/Rap Monster
Preference #23
Kim Najmoon/Rap Monster
Preference #24
Preference #25
Preference #26
Preference #27
Preference #28


294 2 0
By jisoojosh

The pitter pattern sound of the rain splattering onto the roof of Jungkook's dorm echoed around the empty living room, as you and Jungkook sat side by side browsing through his phone. Despite sitting on such a large couch, you and Jungkook always preferred to sit together, leaving little to no space between you two. Thus, you squished Jungkook to the edge of the couch where he laid his head on top of his arms that were spread across the armrest, his chest towards the couch and his back facing you. Your chest leaned onto his back with your chin poking out from his left shoulder as you rested your head on his. Your cheek was pressed up against Jungkook's cheek, while you two stared at the phone screen. Jungkook's legs were sprawled across the unoccupied side of the couch, tangled up with your legs. Your free arms hugged Jungkook tightly to you, as he laid on his chest with your arms crossed around it. It was an odd position now that you thought about it, but it was comfortable for you and Jungkook, it was natural.

"Yah, Y/N, isn't this funny?" Jungkook scrolled down to a short clip of him being his usual dorky self, imitating the rest of the members.You laughed along with him, taking one of your hands out from under his chest to slap his shoulder, only to return it to its original position.

"Actually, I think this is better," you reached one of your hands up once again and took his phone, searching for a certain video on Youtube. Jungkook looked up at you as you searched through his phone, he carefully observed every curve and aspect of your face. His eyes traced down from your eyelashes, to your nose, to your lips and across your jawline.

"Wait, hold on," Jungkook warned you as he quickly turned his body until he was lying on his back, with you ending up lying on top of his chest. Your face was within a few inches away from his, the only thing keeping your lips from falling onto his were your arms holding you up at the sides of his head. He looked into your eyes intently, as he silently reached one of his hands up to tuck a strand of hair behind your right ear. Shocked from the sudden intimate moment, your eyes widened and you turned your body so that your back was now against his chest and your head lied next to his. You heard Jungkook sigh as his chest rose up and down, your chest following along with his. His breath tickled your right ear, sending a shiver down your spine. Oddly, was pounding at a speed that you had never felt before around him, what was this? You felt your ears warming up, the starting to rush towards your cheeks too.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Jungkook asked in a nearly inaudible voice next to your ear.

You coughed and tightly held onto his phone, slowly losing the feeling in your hands, "n=nothing, nothing. Ah, I found it!"

You showed Jungkook a compilation video of him doing aegyo to his fans, squealing each time you saw the cute side of him. Jungkook looked at you with one of his eyebrows raised, "you never told me you liked this?"

"Well now I'm telling you! Jungkook-ah, why aren't you ever as cute as this to me?" you asked, pouting your lips and poking his cheeks.

You felt Jungkook reach his arms around your body, where his hands locked together, resting on top of your tummy. "I can be if you want me to," Jungkook smiled, the corner of his eyes slanted downwards.

"YAH get a room, you two!" you heard someone yell from the other side of the living room. Immediately, you sat up and looked towards the where the voice had come from. There, was Taehyung standing and glaring at you and Jungkook with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Ah hyuuung!" Jungkook whined, getting up only to give you a back hug and pulling you back down to lie down with him.

Embarrassed by Taehyung's remark, you quickly got back up, smacking Jungkook's chest before yelling back, "TAE! You know we're just friends!!!" You glanced back at Jungkook, expecting to see him agreeing with you. Jungkook just stared at you with a blank expression plastered on his face, his eyes were lifeless and his lips no longer formed a smile. You had always been able to read his mind, to know what he was thinking, but at that very moment you had no idea what was on his mind.

"Yeah I know, I know, I was just teasing... maybe," he gave you an evil smirk, one of his eyebrows raised as if he was still questioning the between you and Jungkook.

"YAH, COME HERE KIM TAEHYUNG!" you scolded as you got up to chase him around the house. Jungkook silently sat there on the couch the entire time, watching you run after Taehyung as he begged for mercy, running for his life.

After a few minutes of running around, Taehyung gave in, "okay, how about if I play some video games with you, then you'll forgive me?" He put his hands in front of him, guarding himself from any surprise attacks.

"Hmmm... which game?" you pretended to consider his offer, rubbing your chin.

"You know, the one you always play with me!" Taehyung smiled, wiggling his eyebrows up and down as if it was a tempting offer.

"Really? DEAL!" You grabbed one of Taehyung's hand and dragged him to his room. As you crossed the living room, you suddenly remembered Jungkook's presence, as he sat there like a ghost watching you two.

"Where are you guys going?" Jungkook asked, his eyebrows furrowed and a frown apparent on his face.

"We're going to go play some video games, wanna join?" Taehyung asked.

"No, have fun..." Jungkook shook his head, looking back at you as he continued, "but-"

"-ah, I know I promised to go out with you today, but it's raining and you know how much I love this game!" You begged Jungkook, even though you felt slightly guilty for breaking your promise.

He turned his towards the other direction and crossed his arms against his chest before simply replying, "okay."

"THANK YOU JUNGKOOK-AH, I LOVE YOUUU, " you happily yelled, pulling Taehyung to his room without a trace of guilt in you after hearing Jungkook's approval. You figured it was fine since you go out with Jungkook nearly everyday, one day wouldn't make a difference right? Within a few minutes, your thoughts had traveled elsewhere, you were completely immersed into the game as you laughed and played with Taehyung.


After a few hours, the rain finally stopped when the sun had already set. You stretched your arms and hands as you got up, "I'm going to go out with Jungkook now, okay? I'll play with you again next time?"

"Mmk, have fun!" Taehyung hummed without even looking at you, already diverting his attention to another video game.

You walked outside, spotting Jungkook on the couch, where you last saw him, browsing on his phone. You skipped to him and tackled his body, clinging to his arm as you swayed it side to side, "Jungkookieee!"

"Don't call me that," he pulled his arm back away from you, avoiding eye contact. He continued to stare at his phone as silence pursued. Maybe he was still mad about earlier, you thought, so you took his hand and continued.

"Do you want to go out still? We can go now, the rain stopped," you offered, tilting your head to the side to get a closer view of Jungkook's eyes. But all was in vain when he sighed and stuffed his phone into his pocket, suddenly taking your hand and pulling you towards the door.

"Where are we going?" You asked, as Jungkook roughly pushed you outside, loudly slamming the door shut. He continued to drag you across the street, his footsteps heavy yet quick, as his grip tightened around your hand.

He walked silently, at times you could hear his huffs and puffs, until you couldn't take the silence any longer. In the middle of nowhere, you threw your arms to the side, detaching Jungkook's hands from yours.

"What're you doing?! What's wrong with you?!" You screamed, looking up at Jungkook, searching for an answer.

"What's wrong with me?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes before finally look at you right in the eyes, "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?!" He exploded, his eyes wider than ever, but he suddenly reclined when he saw you flinch, his eyes becoming softer once again.

It was scary seeing how angry Jungkook was, he never showed this side of him to you. He had shown you all sides of him before, whether it was cute, anger, frustration, sorrow, anything, but they were never directed towards you. From the sudden outburst, you felt tears welling up in your eyes, but you refused to look away.

Jungkook ruffled his hair, looking around before awkwardly looking back at you, "I mean, do you even know how I feel about you?"

"What? What're you saying Jungkook-ah?" You questioned, genuinely confused. Was he confessing right now? But you had never thought of him in that way, and you assumed he always thought of you as his sister.

"Do you know how it feels whenever you say 'I love you'? Or when you hang out with other boys?" His eyebrows furrowed in frustration, yet his eyes were filled with sorrow and pain, you could tell that he would start crying at any moment now.

"Jungkook, I didn't know-"

"-YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. You say you love me but you don't. You flirt with me but you go on to flirt with Taehyung. Am I some kind of toy to you, Y/N?" He yelled out loud, his hands clenched into fists.

", no, no it's not like that-"

"- I actually thought that you were the one. The last one. I always imagined spending the future with you... A little house on a hill, a life filled with children, a life with you," he confessed, tears flowed down his cheeks as he ironically smiled while imagining his dreams, a smile so filled with pain that it hurt you too. Your heart felt like it was shattering, each heartbeat sent a wave of pain across your chest, your hands holding onto it to keep your heart from bursting.

"You say I'm your closest friend, that no one will ever replace me... I was there for you at your lowest, but within a split second, Taehyung seems to have taken my place?" He ruffled his hair, breaking into sobs as he lost control of his emotions. He was right though, Jungkook had been there when you wanted to die, to give up. He was there when you laughed, cried, ranted, he was right there beside you all the time. Seeing him cry because of you made you feel guilty, but it somehow hurt you immensely. It wasn't you with a broken heart, yet why did it feel like it?

"Only fools fall for you," Jungkook whispered, looking right into your eyes. He stared at you with a sort of frustration and hatred, "only fools do what I do..."

He tightened his fists, causing them to go pale, before continuing, "and I guess I was a fool for you." He chuckled, running his hand through his hair, giving you a helpless smile, scoffing at his own foolishness. Jungkook turned his back towards you as he slowly walked away, each of his steps making a pang on your heart.

You wanted to tell him to stop, to tell him how much he really meant to you, but you couldn't find the courage to do so. Instead, you let him go, hopefully to someone more deserving than you.

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