Bangtan Boys Imagines

By jisoojosh

13.5K 123 0

Hellow, this is a book about BTS. I love jungkook, so back off people. More

Preference #1
Preference #2
Preference #3
Preference #4
Preference #5
Rap Monster/Namjoon
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Preference #6
Preference #7
Preference #8
Preference #9
Preference #10
Preference #11
Preference #12
Jeon {Not So Innocent} Jungkook
Preference #13
Preference #14
Preference #15
Preference #16
Preference #17
Preference #18
Preference #19
Namjoon/Rap Monster
Preference #20
IDEK >.<
Preference #21
Namjoon/Rap Monster
Min Yoongi/Suga
Min Yoongi/Suga
Preference #22
Kim Najmoon/Rap Monster
Preference #23
Kim Najmoon/Rap Monster
Preference #24
Preference #25
Preference #26
Preference #27
Preference #28


249 6 0
By jisoojosh

I did not want to be here. I wanted to spend my day off from school and work curled up on my couch with a good book and music playing softly in the background. I wanted to drink hot chocolate and eat junk food without worrying about the judgement of others. I wanted to wear sweaters three sizes too big and that practically fall off my waist no matter how tightly I pulled the drawstring. I wanted nothing more than a proper lazy day, reading and eating and napping without a care in the world. My plans, however, were completely shattered by the appearance of Min-Ho and Ji-Ae, who banged on my front door for a half hour before I caved in and answered.

"What the fuck do you two want?!" I said angrily, on the verge of slamming the door in my best friends' faces. Ji-Ae gave me a grin that was far too bright for nine in the morning, and let go of Min-Ho's hand to grab onto my own.

"We were gonna with an old friend of Min-Ho's from high school."

"So why are you here?" She rolled her eyes dramatically and sighed just as theatrically.

"Because he's a guy and you've been single since forever." My stiff shoulder fell and I pulled my wrist away from her tight grip and stepped back to close the door, Min-Ho stopping it with his hand and a slightly apologetic smile.

"Not interested. Go away." I said, unable to close the door so ducking behind it for cover instead. I've known Ji-Ae since we were children, and met Min-Ho last year when I started university. The two a few months ago, and as a result I became the ever present third wheel. I appreciated the effort, and understood the reasoning behind it, but I was just not interested in dating.

"Come on, Y/N, you can't be single forever." Ji-Ae scolded, sauntering on into my apartment like she lived here, which to be fair was pretty much true until she moved in with Min-Ho.

"Why not? Why do I have to have a boyfriend? Why do I have to get married?"

"Because there will come a time when me and Min-Ho can't take care of you anymore." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Take care of me, huh? It's always the other way around. Not that I was about to remind her of that fact.

"I can take perfectly good care of myself, thank you very much."

"I didn't want to have to do this, Y/N, but you leave me with no choice." Ji-Ae sang teasingly, batting her eyes at me and giving me that sickeningly saccharine smile of hers. "When we were kids and you broke the neighbor's window I took the blame and you promised to fulfill any favors I would ever ask of you."

"I hate you." I groaned, before begrudgingly stomping off to my bedroom and getting changed out of my comfortable clothes into a pair of black skinnies and a Nirvana tee. Ji-Ae scowled at my choice of outfit however lost the argument that started once I began slipping on a pair of combat boots. Min-Ho stood quietly in the doorway the entire time, observing us with an amused glint in his eyes. I will never understand how he and Ji-Ae get along so well, seeing their polar opposite personalities. We were still bickering as we left my apartment building, my arms covered with a soft leather jacket that I had owned since junior high and finally fit into.

And that was how I ended up tailing the happy couple at a local park, pouting and muttering to myself like the angry teenaged daughter who was unwillingly dragged to the family outing. The sun was too bright for my tastes and the air was thick with the scent of dew and freshly . I ignored the meaningless chatter of my two friends by focusing on the sound of my thick rubber soles hitting the pavement with slightly satisfying, rhythmic thumps. It was a steady beat that no one ever paid much attention to, like the bass hidden beneath the guitars and drums, a sound you can only hear if you go looking for it. I smiled to myself at the thought of a music that only I could hear, keeping my eyes on the cement below me, sparkling ever so faintly in the sunlight.

"Wake up!" I heard Ji-Ae say as she hit me on the back of the head, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to break my trance. I looked up and frowned at her, hands on her hips as she frowned back at me. "No guy is ever going to fall in love with a space case like you."

"I don't want a guy to fall in love with me." I said bluntly. Love is such a trivial, unnecessary aspect of our lives, and as such I don't have any intentions of partaking in such a pointless thing. I just wish Ji-Ae would understand that and stop stubbornly trying to change my mind.

"You are unbelievable sometimes, Y/N." She said with a sigh. I glanced over her shoulder and noticed that Min-Ho had left us, and was currently talking with a pair of boys in the shade of an . Ji-Ae followed my eyes and grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards the trio. "You need to stop being obdurate and just allow yourself to be happy once in awhile. I understand that the fact that you're hardworking and determined to succeed is part of your charm, but you should allow yourself some frivolous pleasure sometimes. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

"Just let me do my thing, Ji-Ae." I said coldly, making her open her mouth but stop herself before any words came out. She pursed her lips before turning away from me and towards the group of boys, pulling me behind her as she marched towards them.

"So yeah, I've been working on my engineering and-" Min-Ho, who was talking animatedly for once, stopped when he felt Ji-Ae's arms slip around his waist from behind, leaving me grateful that she was no longer squeezing my wrist. "Oh, this is my girlfriend, Ahn Ji-Ae, and our best friend Y/N. We happened to coincidentally see her on our way here and offered to let her tag along."

"Coincidental my ass." I hissed under my breath, earning a glare from Ji-Ae. Of the pair of unfamiliar boys, one of them didn't seem to notice my comment, while the smaller of the two had heard and was snickering to himself.

"Kim Seokjin." The taller boy who hadn't heard me said with a soft smile.

"Min Yoongi. I was also dragged here against my will." He said plainly, making me grin slightly. His comment earned him a sharp elbow in the side from Seokjin, who continued to smile kindly at me and Ji-Ae.

"He hasn't left the studio for a week, so I convinced him to come out and see the daylight again."

"I wasn't convinced so much as blackmailed."

"Same here." I said, pouting my lower lip and stifling laughter at the annoyance Ji-Ae was trying to hide underneath her strained smile. She wasn't hiding it well, of course. Ji-Ae is not exactly known for her subtlety. "I had a childhood promise used against me."

"He threatened to post weird pictures of me online." Me and Yoongi both chuckled as the two other boys began to look slightly sheepish, hiding it as well as Ji-Ae was hiding her frustration.

"Glad to see you two getting along." She said in a forced, happy tone, clutching tighter to her boyfriend. "So how about we go and get some breakfast together. I've craving Western food, if that's alright with you guys."

"Not hungry." Me and Min Yoongi said in unison, making us both grin and shake our heads.

"I'm hungry." Seokjin said, glancing at his shorter counterpart and sighing. "Seeing as these two don't want food, they can just wait here."

"But neither of them wanted to come in the first place so how can we know that they'll stay?" Ji-Ae said, ignoring me completely now. I frowned and poked her in the cheek repeatedly. "I mean, I don't trust Y/N a whole lot when it comes to doing what she's told. She's not very obedient."

"Can you not talk about me like I'm not here? I'm not your pet, by the way."

"I think she'll stay. She's not the type to abandon others."

"Thank you Min-Ho!" I said, pleased that at least one of my friends has some faith in me.

"Besides, she's pretty hopeless on her own so I doubt she could get home even if she wanted to." My smile evaporated as I hit him in the back of the head.

"I take it back, Min-Ho you are an asshole." I was once again ignored by everyone but Yoongi who chuckled softly.

"You have a valid point, babe. I suppose we can leave her under Yoongi's supervision. I trust him to stay." I glanced over at the brown haired boy with hands in his pockets, who shrugged.

"It's a thirty minute walk back to the studio and I don't have a ride. It seems like it would be more effort to leave." Seokjin gave a slightly exasperated sigh before grinning at the couple.

"I suppose we can leave and get breakfast then." He turned to Yoongi. "Just text me if you or Y/N want us to pick you up anything to go."

"'Kay hyung." I pouted and folded my arms across my chest as the three left me and Yoongi together underneath the tree.

"So I'm going home." I said as soon as they were out of sight, making Yoongi raise an eyebrow.

"But if you do that I'll get in trouble."


"I'm supposed to be supervising you."

"I don't need to be supervised. In case if you haven't noticed, I am an adult woman and can take care of myself." He just shrugged again and didn't do anything to stop me as I walked in the opposite direction, back where we had come from. I was less than ten meters away before I felt my ankle buckle and I fell onto the ground, my face heating up. After a moment, I felt a hand grab onto my forearm and pull me up. My eyes met with Min Yoongi's who was grinning from ear to ear and obviously holding back laughter.

"You okay?"

"Physically? Yes. I cannot say the same for my dignity, though." He chuckled as I brushed nonexistent dirt off of my jeans, praying to every god that's been written of that he couldn't tell how flustered I was underneath my attempted composure.

"You can take care of yourself, huh?" I frowned as he pat my head teasingly. "How did you even trip in the first place?"

"I tripped over the universe's cruel joke."

"You're funny." He said, patting my head again before putting his hands back in his pockets.

"I'm not trying to be." I said quietly, still embarrassed. He sighed and his smile softened.

"I know a guy who trips over nothing at least ten times a day, usually breaking things in the process. It's not big deal, you don't need to be so embarrassed."

"I'm not embarrassed." I said quickly, my voice just a little too defensive.

"You're not a good liar either." He teased. "And from what I see you lack any sort of femininity that a woman should naturally possess."


"It's not a bad thing. I personally dislike overly feminine girls who are all whiny and clingy and can't handle themselves. Independence is nice." I felt the right corner of my lips tug upwards however I quickly forced away the smile before it fully formed.

"I just wish everyone else in my life would understand that."

"Understand what?"

"That I don't like depending on others. Like a minute ago, when you helped me up. I didn't want you to do that. I wanted to get up on my own. Now I owe you."

"You don't owe me."

"I do though, and I don't like owing people things or favors. Take Ji-Ae for example. I'm only here right now because she's taking advantage of a situation that happened when we were like six. My parents too. I owe them my very existence. Owing people pisses me off."

"I don't think your parents really want you to repay everything, though."

"I know that they don't. They continue trying to dote on me, even now when I'm an adult and in university. They keep offering to pay for everything, from classes to books to housing. Of course, I've refused every time, but they won't stop insisting."

"I think that you're problem is that you're only seeing it from your perspective." He said, his words blunt but his voice kind. "You only see the fact that you dislike people doing favors for you, but that's not how they see it. I helped you up off the ground because I didn't want you to stay there, not because I thought you would do something for me in return. I wanted to help, so I did. If someone offers help, and you accept it, more often than not they'll have no ulterior motives Their intention is simply to assist."

"I suppose that's a valid point." I said with a sigh. "I never thought to look at it from another perspective."

"Think about today. You said that your friend only got you to come because you owed her for something you did as kids. I bet she only said that because she knew you would agree to come, I doubt that at the time she planned to use it against you as adults, especially for something stupid like this. She probably just wanted you to come because she thought you could have fun." I kept silent, unable to admit that he was probably right. I don't think Ji-Ae has ever been that smart or calculating. "So, are you having fun?"

"More than I thought I would." I blurted out, feeling the temperature in my face rise at the statement. He gave me a friendly smile and pat my head for the third time.

"Well, how about we go get something to eat? I'm actually starving."

"You said you weren't hungry before." He shrugged, a sly smirk appearing on his face.

"I just didn't want to spend time with those guys, especially when you are infinitely more interesting. Now come on, let's find a place that sells a good, Korean breakfast." He gestured for me to follow and began walking away. I debated for a moment, before sighing and jogging to catch up with him, staying a few steps behind.

"I'll pay. To thank you for-" He cut me off by holding up a hand.

"We can split it. Usually, I would offer to pay for the entire meal, but I get the feeling you won't accept that." I nodded, and despite the fact that I was pouting, I could feel my heart beginning to flutter ever so faintly.


"It's been so long since we've had a girl's night." Ji-Ae said, laying on her stomach and taking up most of the sofa space. Our friend Se-Ri, who was the owner of the apartment we were at, was sat in the remaining space, holding a stack of DVD's and reading the backs to see which one we would pop in first. Seul-Gi came into the room, holding a plate of cookies in one hand, an oversized bowl of popcorn in the other, smiling and setting them both on the coffee table before flopping onto the floor beside me, both os us leaned against the couch.

"Gee, I wonder why." I said sarcastically. Our lack of 'girl time' was mostly the result of the other three all being in committed relationships. I was the only one without a love life, meaning that I was the only one who could regularly spend my Friday nights doing this rather than going out.

"Not our fault you're gonna die alone." Seul-Gi said sharply, eating a piece of popcorn from the bowl before tossing another in my general direction. I moved to catch it with my mouth and smiled victoriously at my success, earning a light smack on the top of my head from Ji-Ae.

"God you are such a boy. Maybe we have to stop inviting you."

"I wouldn't be hurt." It was true, that despite being the only one available for girls' night, I was also the one who was the most indifferent towards the idea. I didn't particularly care one way or the other, which always seemed to thoroughly upset Ji-Ae.

"Girl's night is sacred to our culture! How dare you mock such an important ritual!"

"Yes, Y/N." Se-Ri said in a dry tone. "How dare you commit such blasphemy?"

"Anarchist." Seul-Gi piped in, elbowing my side lightly and grinning.

"Blasphemy is religion, anarchy is politics." I pointed out coldly, pulling the popcorn bowl off of the table and into my lap and eating a few pieces.

"Why would that matter?" Ji-Ae asked, hitting me again.

"It doesn't, it's just fun to annoy you."

"Y/N is such a sadist."

"I won't argue with that." I said with a smile, making everyone laugh. We were all very different, but we were comfortable around each other.

"So I think we should watch-" Se-Ri was cut off by a loud buzz as my phone vibrated, the sound louder due to my cell's contact with the hardwood floor. I sighed as all three girls punished me by poking various facial features, my nose and each of my cheeks to be specific.

"You know the rules, Y/N!" I pouted as Ji-Ae grabbed a hold of my right cheek and pulled the skin. "Phones are off during Girl's night!"

"I never followed that rule. No one calls me, so I never had too." Se-Ri snatched my phone before I could grab it and read off the name.

"Yoon? Who the hell is Yoon?" Ji-Ae sat up and took the phone from Se-Ri.

"As the leader of this group-"

"Since when are you the leader?"

"-I give Y/N permission to answer this phone call."

"Then give it to me before it stops ringing, stupid." She handed me my phone and I answered, hearing the annoyed and lazy tone of Min Yoongi on the other side.

"What took you so long? It was the last ring."

"The official Girl's night committee had to decide whether or not I was allowed to answer."

"Girl's night committee?"

"Doesn't matter. What do you want?"

"Well I was gonna ask if you were busy, but obviously you are."

"I'm not busy at all." I felt a dull pain in the back of my head, although I didn't know whose hand it was. Why am I always getting hit, dammit?

"Well do you want to hang out? I'm completely stumped about the song I'm working on and talking to you usually helps."

"I'll have to ask the committee."

"What committee?" I put my hand over my phone and turned to look at the girls.

"He wants to hang out because he's stuck on his current song."

"Tell us who Yoon is!" Seul-Gi demanded.

"His name is Min Yoongi, and he's a friend of a friend of Min-Ho. He's Y/N's boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend, Ji-Ae! Stop saying stupid things!"

"You've been seeing him an awful lot lately."

"Not really."

"They've been hanging out every day after her lectures get out at this hole in the wall coffee place in Itaewon. Y/N has actually fallen in love with him."

"I just said to stop saying stupid things!"

"So you don't deny it?"

"I am not in love with anybody!"

"She sounds a little too defensive." I rolled my eyes and stood up, uncovering my phone and putting it to my ear.

"Where do you want to meet up?"

"You know how to get to my studio, right?"

"Yeah. Be there in thirty."

"Wait, are you walking?"

"I mean, how else am I supposed to get there?" He was quiet for a moment before sighing.

"Forget I called. It's dark out, you shouldn't be walking this late."

"What, are you worried about me?" He didn't respond. "I'll be fine, Yoongi."

"That's what people say and then they get mugged or kidnapped or worse." Since when did he become so protective? It was annoying, but at the same time I couldn't help but smile.

"Have Seokjin pick me up if you're that worried. If it's to help with a song, I'm sure he would be willing to help."

"I don't really want to ask him."

"Why not?" Silence again. "Well I guess that-"

"I'll pick you up myself. I can drive too, you know."

"'Kay. I'll text you the address I'm at." I hung up and sent him the address, grabbing a cookie off the plate and taking a bite when I was done. The three girls all looked at me curiously and expectantly, waiting for a proper explanation. I just shrugged. "We're friends."

"Casual friends don't call you at ten o'clock and ask to hang out."

"He has a weird schedule. It's not that odd for him to call me this late."

"Oh my god, it's totally a booty call." Ji-Ae said, wide eyed as she looked up at me. I grabbed the pillow I had been sitting on and threw it at her face. "Y/N! I know you're not into dating and all, but I never thought you were the type to be part of a friends with benefits relationship!"

"There's no sex involved! Stop jumping to conclusions!"

"Have you met him, Ji-Ae?" Se-Ri asked, realizing she wasn't going to get any information out of me. Ji-Ae nodded. "Is he hot?"

"He's an idol, of course he's hot."

"Wait, what?!" Seul-Gi and Se-Ri both practically choked on the food they were eating. I just stood with disapproval as the three broke out a laptop and began searching up 'Min Yoongi' playing BTS songs. After what felt like forever, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, Yoongi telling me that he was here. I managed to slip out of the room and put my jacket on, leaving the apartment before any of the girls noticed. I inhaled the cold outdoor air deeply as soon as I left the building, and saw a vaguely familiar car parked, Yoongi leaning against it and shivering. The idiot was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt without a coat in late November. No wonder he was cold.

"Quick, before manager-hyung realized his car is gone."

"Did you steal it?!" He gave me that sly smirk I loved so much.

"More like I borrowed it without asking first." I rolled my eyes and got into the passenger seat. The streets weren't empty, but they weren't especially busy either. Most people were usually at their targeted location by this point, whether that be a club or a high end restaurant or their homes.

"I didn't know you could drive. How come you never drove yourself?"

"Just because I can drive doesn't mean I like doing it."

"So why did you offer tonight?" He wouldn't say a word, however I could see his face go slightly pink. He was really cute at moments like this.

"Because I wanted to see you but didn't want you to walk alone at night. There's a lot of creeps out there, you know."

"You're one of them." I teased in hopes of lessening the tension in the air.

"Shut up." He said, however all of his nerves dissipating. "So do you want to go anywhere?"

"I don't care. I didn't really want to go out in the first place, but I knew that my friends would never shut up if I didn't agree to come over." He chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"You always act like your friends are annoying and a burden, but you still always agree to do what they want. You don't owe them anything either, you just go and have fun but later pretend you didn't. It's funny." Now it was my turn to blush. "I've been told I'm a lot like that too. We act like we're too cool for our friend's nonsense, but we're always our happiest when we participate and spend time with them."

"Maybe you're like that but-"

"Stop trying too hard to be cold, Y/N. We're too alike for you to pretend around me."

"How are we alike?"

"We're both really warm underneath the layer of ice on the surface." We were quiet for the rest of the drive, however it wasn't an awkward, heavy quiet built like a wall between us. It was more like a comfortable blanket of silence, a warm blanket that you could snuggle up in on a chill winter morning.

"So how are we going to do this?" I asked once we had gotten out of his manager's car.

"What do you mean?"

"You snuck out, right?"

"Good point. How are we going to do this?"

"I already asked that." He sighed and began to think of a way. I was thinking too, until I noticed how much he was trembling. Why couldn't the idiot have just brought a jacket? Mine was too small to give to him, not that he would accept it anyways, so I just sighed. "We'll go in together and if anyone asks you just went outside to wait for me."

"Alright." He said, teeth chattering, unable to verbally admit that he was grateful to go inside, however giving me a smile and nod to say thanks. Our plan ended up going off without a hitch, the place was pretty much empty. We ended up bumping into his manager, who commented on Yoongi's cheeks which were pink from the cold, and we told him the story we had decided on. He had known me from a few other times that I had dropped by to see Yoongi, so he accepted our answer and reminded him to not stay up all night. As we passed by the practice room to the production studio, I could see Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook all working on choreography through a crack in the door, and smiled.

"They all work so hard."

"Hm?" I stopped in front of the door to the practice room, unconsciously bobbing my head and swaying to the music. He stopped as well, walking to my side to see what I was talking about.

"You guys are always working hard, aren't you?"

"Yeah. We have to work hard to be good enough." I understood that sentiment all too well. Growing up, I was always told of all the things I could never do. Things I would never have the brains or body or talent to achieve. While most people would be brought down by such comments, I just wanted to prove everyone wrong. I wanted to work hard to become good enough.

"I can really respect that." Yoongi smiled and pat my head, something he did so often that it no longer bothered me.

"I admire you, you know." He said quietly. "You work just as hard as us. You fit school and work and friends all into your own schedule. You work hard to take care of yourself, to not worry others. You live such a fulfilling life, and I really admire that."

"Your life is fulfilling as well. Even more so than mine." He didn't say anything, however stepped away from the door and headed down the hall. I followed closely behind him as we entered the empty studio. He took his place at the desk, while I flopped down onto the sofa, laying on my back, my legs hanging over the arm of the couch as I looked up at the ceiling. After a few minutes of comfortable silence between us, I heard the sounds of a piano, and glanced over to see Yoongi hunched over an electric keyboard. The notes were hesitant, but he played smoothly. "Since when can you do that?"

"I've been learning lately. I'm not very good yet."

"You sound good to me."

"Not really."

"You're better than I am. I love music, but I can't perform it to save my life." He chuckled and gestured for me to come over to him. I lay there pouting for a moment before sighing and deciding I might as well. He got out of his seat, allowing me to take his place, and instructed me where to put my hands for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. He stood at my side, hands in his pockets, instructing me how to play the song step-by-step, calmly and patiently. Whenever I messed up he just told me to keep going without getting annoyed, occasionally commenting that my hands were in the wrong place and correcting me.

"See, you're not that bad." He said with a smile as I managed to successfully go through the simple version of the song. He moved my hands towards a set of higher notes, and put his own hands on the lower end of the keyboard. "Now do that again."

"Okay." I nervously played through the song, messing up occasionally without his guidance. He was quiet as I played through.

"Again." I started again, however this time, he too began to play, a different melody. It wasn't from the 'real' version of the song, nor was it anything I had heard before. It sounded as though he had made it up himself, yet it still flowed with the uncertain song I was playing. After a moment of him playing, I found myself stopping just to listen to his song. When he noticed I was still, my hands in my lap instead of on the keys, he stopped as well, his cheeks slightly pink.

"You're amazing." The color in his face darkened. I hadn't noticed until now how close his body was to mine, and how fast my heart was pounding in my chest.

"Not really."

"Saying that only makes it more amazing." He chuckled and put his hand on the top of my head. "I can tell you work really hard."

"Thank you, Y/N. I think I have an idea for that song I was working on." I nodded and stood up, returning to the couch. The room was quiet as he put headphones on and completely focused on his music. I found myself smiling as I slowly drifted off to sleep, truly impressed by how amazing Min Yoongi really was.


Today it was Jimin who let me into the office for my weekly piano lesson with Mr. Min. Ever since that night two months ago, he had been teaching me every Friday after I got out of work, his reasoning being that by teaching me he was able to memorize scores easier. He greeted me with a bow and a smile, telling me that Yoongi was in the studio, as usual. The rest of the boys all liked me well enough, however what they really liked is the fact that Yoongi had a friend other than themselves. Namjoon had once told me that Yoongi was the type who kept to himself most of the time, and even in school his social circle was rather small.

"Ah Y/N." He said when I entered the room, lazily glancing over at me, hunched over a notebook, lyrics scribbled messily on the visible page. He swirled around in his chair and smiled at me as I pulled another chair up to the keyboard he had already set up. He got up and stood at my side, a pair of fake, thin-rimmed glasses sliding down his nose. He took the teacher role far too seriously, if you ask me. He opened the score book to a random page and decided that was my lesson for the day. I had already known how to read music, which he was thankful for, however he still always instructed me how to play, from each movement of my fingers to what keys I was supposed to press. Yoongi was a gentle teacher, which really surprised me. I always thought he would be more strict, but he was always patient. "No, you put your hand here."

"Thanks." I said, my face heated as he held his hand over my own for a moment to move it to the proper position. His hands were so soft and his face was only centimeters away from mine and he smelled faintly sweet. I mentally cursed myself for thinking about that instead of focusing on the music and the scoresheet. I managed to get through the song successfully after only a few tries, and Yoongi smiled, patting my head like he always did when I managed to not fail.

"You're getting better, Y/N."

"You think?"

"Yeah. It took you a couple dozen tries to get Twinkle Twinkle Little Star right, but you did this one in only three and it's much more complicated." I smiled, slightly embarrassed when I think about how truly horrible I was a few months ago.

"I've definitely improved."

"Yeah. You're a pretty good student. Or perhaps I'm just an amazing teacher."

"Shut up." I said, playfully hitting his arm. He pretended to be in legitimate pain, wincing and backing up dramatically until he fell onto the sofa. I rolled my eyes and stood up to sit down beside him.

"I'm seriously injured now because of you!"

"If it hurts that bad I think we'll need to amputate." He rolled his eyes and gave up the act, nudging my shoulder with his own.

"You've hurt my feelings more."

"Oh is that so?"

"Yeah, I think you need to make it up to me." I shook my head but was grinning as his lips curled in that sly smirk that made an appearance at least once every time I saw him.

"Whatever you want."

"Whatever I want, huh?" He bit the inside of his cheek and mimicked 'deep thought' for a moment before he smiled. "I think I know what you can do."

"What?" Without warning, he leaned towards me, putting a hand on my cheek and holding my face in place as he kissed me. I was surprised, my entire body stiffening and freezing, however after a moment I felt my eyelids flickering closed, my shoulders falling and my hands somehow finding their way around his neck, pulling him even closer. His lips were soft but the kiss rough, not that I really minded. It deepened until I felt his teeth graze my bottom lip, which is when he pulled away, seemingly surprised with himself.

"So uh, I meant to kiss you on the cheek."

"Mm?" I was unable to make proper words. I was completely breathless, unable to figure out if my heart was racing or if it had stopped beating completely, butterflies fluttering around madly in my stomach.

"That's what I thought I was gonna do but then you're lips were just kind of there and they looked really pretty and I just kissed you there instead and I'm sorry." His ears were bright red and he refused to look at me. I've seen Min Yoongi slightly embarrassed, but I've never seen him look so thoroughly shy and nervous. I noticed that my hands were still loosely around his shoulders, and gripped tighter to swing my body so that I was on his lap.

"I didn't mind a whole lot, to be honest."

"Well that's good because I kind of want to do it again." I smiled and lowered my face to be level with his own as be kissed me again, his touch much gentler this time, however my heart had the same reaction as before, still and pounding all at once. When we broke apart, his kept my face close to his own by placing a hand on the back of my head the other falling to my waist.

"Trivial." I said softly, making him furrow his eyebrows.


"Love, dating, boyfriends. It's all so trivial and pointless. I don't want to be taken care of, I don't want someone to worry about me. I don't particularly care about falling in love or getting married or any of that. To me, things like that serve no purpose to my life. Romance is just a way to kill time, so I never bothered. I always decided that I had better things to do with my limited time in this world."


"Min Yoongi, I don't know if I can ever change that perspective. I've lived believing in that for as long as I can remember. I've always been a success-driven cynic. I may never stop thinking about love that way, but let me tell you something. I really wouldn't mind wasting time with you."

"So we're on the same page, then?" I bit my lower lip and nodded. "Good because I didn't know how much longer I could hold back."

"How much longer...?" He moved both of his hands to my hips and pushed me down onto the couch, hovering over me. I felt nervous, but at the same time excited as he kissed me deeply, his tongue exploring my mouth for the first time. He tasted so sweet, felt so good, his hands slipping underneath my loose t-shirt, his fingers cold against the hot skin of my stomach.

"Well, well, well, Yoongi-hyung." At the sound of the voice, Yoongi quickly scrambled off of me, both of us panting and trying to hide it as we looked wide-eyed at a smirking Park Jimin, holding up a camera phone.

"Jimin don't you dare." Yoongi said in a low, cold voice that sent shivers down my spine.

"This," He said, showing us a picture that made my already warm cheeks even hotter. "Is revenge for the closet incident."

"Closet?" I asked, completely confused as Yoongi sprang up and chased Jimin who ran down the hall, shouting for help. After a few minutes of me sitting there, completely clueless about the current situation, the yelling died out and Yoongi came back into the room, breathing heavily.

"I got him to delete the picture, but kid's got a big mouth so he's gonna talk." He sat down next to me and pulled me onto his lap again, one hand on my hip, the other pressed against the small of my back. "Which means we might as well carry on what we were doing."

"But-" He cut me off with a hot kiss.

"Don't worry, I locked the door this time."


"You eat like a pig." Yoongi said, scowling at me from across the table. I had been invited by Yoongi to go out to dinner with the rest of the members before he would inevitably invite himself to my apartment.

"You are a pig."

"No, I'm much sexier than a pig."

"Since when?"

"I've always been sexier than a pig."

"I dunno about that."

"Stop saying things like that, we both know who's the visual here."

"Yeah, it's definitely me."

"Not when you eat like that."

"Are you sure you two are a couple?" Seokjin asked with raised eyebrows, voicing the question that all the members were obviously thinking as they watched us bicker.

"Yes, of course." Yoongi said nonchalantly, taking a bite of his fried rice.

"And we're madly in love."

"You two are weird." Jungkook said, shaking his head as he turned to his plate, losing interest in us.

"It's called banter. I wouldn't expect a child like you to understand." I said sassily. "We're not that weird."

"You're really weird." Namjoon said, the rest of the members agreeing. I glanced over at Yoongi for back up, who shrugged.

"We are kind of weird."

"Yeah, I guess you have a point." I said, watching as he took an especially large bite of his food. "It's weird because I'm dating a pig."

"Oink oink."

"You guys are so fucking weird."


"I wanna big house, big car, and big ringz." I said mockingly, poking Yoongi in the cheek and giggling when he turned to glare at me. Reason #364 that me and Min Yoongi are a perfect couple: we both absolutely adore lazy days in. I hadn't even bothered to put on makeup, was dressed head to two in his clothes, and had been cuddling with him on my couch since we had woken up. He had made it a habit of sleeping here rather than the dorm because it was quieter here.

"I hate you." He said, pouting slightly and refusing to meet my eyes. I grinned innocently and kissed his cheek where I had just poked him.

"You love me."

"I don't."

"You looooove me. Like a lot. I know you do." He sighed and finally looked at me, his lips immediately meeting my own.

"Goddamnit, you're so cute."

"You love me." His cheeks were brushed with a pale pink, which only made me smile wider.

"If I agree will you stop?" I thought for a moment before nodding. "Fine. I do."

"You have to say it." He rolled his eyes, muttering something inaudible to himself.

"I love you."

"I know." He poked my stomach, making me flinch slightly.

"You're such a brat, how do I put up with you?"

"Because you-"

"If you say it's because I love you you're going to be punished." I pouted.

"What kind of punishment?"

"Not a sexy one, you dirty perv." He said, flicking me between my eyes and making me pout even more. "I won't kiss you for an entire week."

"I don't know if you can do that though."

"Point taken. That wouldn't be fun for me either." His face softened and I brushed the mint bangs away from his eyes, which he closed.

"I love you, Yoongi."

"Yeah, I know." We were quiet for a little while as I combed my fingers through his hair. The only sounds I could hear were the rhythmic beating of my heart and Yoongi's steady breaths. Finally, he opened his eyes and kissed my forehead, my hands falling away from his hair. "Do you really want that?"

"Want what?" His lips brushed against my temple before he rested his forehead in the crook of my neck, his breath hot against my skin and giving me goosebumps.

"A big house, a big car, and big rings?" I laughed and shrugged.

"I think I prefer small apartments and motorcycles and your old t-shirts." I could feel him smile. "But even more than those things, I prefer your voice and your touch and your kisses."

"Hey Y/N..." His voice was low, husky, and soothing. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of his shampoo and lavender air freshener. "I want to buy you lots of things someday. I know you don't like being taken care of, so I just want to tell you know that it's not like that. I want to do it, okay?"

"You're silly." I said, kissing the top of his head. "I've learned that there's a difference between dependence and allowing others to assist you. I was taught about it some time ago by this guy...although I don't remember what his name was."

"You're cute when you try to be funny and fail."

"I don't think I failed." I said with a smile as he picked his head up and kissed my cheek. "But I would like that, you know. Living in a nice house with you someday."

"That would make you happy?"


"Then I promise you that someday we will live together in a nice house." He kissed my lips softly to solidify his declaration. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine and I was just starting to get lost before he suddenly stood up and rushed towards the kitchen.

"What now?" I groaned, thinking that something interesting might have happened had he just stayed where he was.

"I just got an idea for some lyrics. Have to write them down before I forget." I sighed and rolled my eyes, but smiled. His passion for music often pops up at the most inconvenient times, but I can't ever be truly annoyed with him. After all, it's one of the many things about him that made me fall so deeply in love. After ten minutes, he came back into the room and pat my head, kissing me on the temple from behind. "Thank you, Y/N. All of my best lyrics are because of you."

"You are such a sap." I said, making him chuckle and kiss me again. He walked around the sofa and lay down beside me before pulling me on top of him.

"Don't tell anyone, okay?" He whispered, his voice deep and oh so attractive.

"Of course not." I said, pressing my lips to his. "This side of Min Yoongi is for only me to see."

"Quite possesive, aren't you?" I rolled my eyes and kissed him again. "Then again, I don't want you to ever show that face to anyone other than me."

"What face?" He pushed the hair that was falling on either side of my face back, tucking it behind my ears.

"After we kiss, you always get this small little smile and your eyes sparkle. You look so happy and adorable and it makes me want to devour you." I felt my cheeks go slightly warm. I didn't know I looked like that when we kissed. "Which means that no one else is ever allowed to see it, okay?"


"Now that that's been said..." He smirked, forcing my body against his, pressing his lips to my neck.

"I thought we were going to just cuddle all day."

"Change of plans." I just nodded and go to work taking off our clothes as he kissed any and all of my exposed skin.


I sat down onto the grass underneath the large oak tree, happy to escape the sunlight and enter the shade. Yoongi, who insisted on carrying the basket, was slower than me, however equally as grateful for the shadow cast by the tree. We had spent the morning looking at houses, and because none of them appealed to us, we were to spend the remaining hours of the afternoon house hunting as well. We had decided to take a break, and since we were nearby, slipped into my apartment to make sandwiches for lunch. I don't remember whose idea the picnic was, or who decided we come to this specific park, but we ended up here, leaned against the oak tree that was a witness to our first meeting, taking sloppily made sandwiches out of the basket and splitting them.

"I haven't been here in five years." He said. It made sense that he hadn't been back here since then. He's never lived near this park, and our dates were very rarely to public places. I had been here because I've always lived in the area, so I had multiple opportunities to feel nostalgic.

"A lot changed because of that day."


"I really didn't want to go."

"Neither did I." We looked at each other and chuckled. "But I'm glad I did."

"I am too." I never thought that in my entire life I would ever be thankful for one of Ji-Ae's schemes, but here I was. If it hadn't been for her annoying persistence, I would have never met the love of my life.

"You know, Y/N, I've been thinking a lot about the future lately."

"What about the future?"

"Us, of course. I mean, we're getting a house together. Shouldn't we, you know..." I poked his pink cheeks and smiled.

"Get married?"

"Y-yeah." He looked down at his sandwich with such an intensity that one would think the meaning of life was hidden in the turkey meat. "I've been thinking about it a lot ever since Ji-Ae and Min-Ho's wedding."

"I have too. Mostly because when you were in the bathroom, Ji-Ae kept asking me when we were sending out invitations."

"She's annoying."

"True, but if it weren't for her we would have never met." Ahead of us we saw a young couple walking with a small child between them, and I felt myself smile at the sight, my eyes drifting away from the happy family to face Yoongi. "If you're asking me, Yoongi, I would absolutely love to marry you."


"Yeah. But the wedding would have to be really small. And we would have to keep it a secret so that no one crashed it."

"So you actually want to marry me?" He asked, in a state of disbelief. I laughed and kissed him gently.

"Of course." He stood up and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to his side and making me almost drop my half finished food. "Yoongi!"

"We can look for a house tomorrow, for now, let's go find you a ring."


"So we should unpack necessities first." I said, picking up a box that had 'bedding' written on the side. Yoongi, with the help of Jungkook and Jimin, had the bed frame built and the mattress set up, so I got to work making the bed. He followed me into the master bedroom with a box labeled 'music' and I rolled my eyes. "I said necessities."

"This is a necessity." I sighed and passed him the box cutters.

"If we don't get coffee in the morning because you unpacked your hip hop cds before the coffee maker, I'm not going to be pleased with you."

"You can unpack that, I don't care."

"You're so mean." He groaned as he saw my pouting face. I batted my eyelashes at him and he sighed.

"Fine." He stood up before even opening the box and head back out into the living room where the rest of the boxes were. When I finished making the bed, I made my way out of the bedroom. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get rid of the ever growing smile on my face. I've known him for over five years, but it felt as though our life together was just about to start. "Yah, stop grinning to yourself and get to work."

"Sorry." I said, Yoongi kissing me on the cheek as I passed him to find another box to unpack.

"Y/N..." I felt his arms wrap tightly around my waist from behind as he rested his chin on my head. "I'm really happy too."

"I know." I felt his hands lower to my hips, his fingers creeping inside of my shirt. "We have to unpack Yoongi."

"We have the coffee maker. What more do we need?" He whisper against my neck.


"You're already wearing too much." I sighed and nodded, allowing him to pull me back towards the mostly empty bedroom we would now share.


"I suppose we're lucky the real estate agent was so persistent." I said as I dipped the paint roller in the tray, coating the foam with sky blue. Yoongi was to my right, stretching as much as he could to reach the top of the wall, claiming he totally didn't need the step ladder.

"It was kind of annoying at the time, but I guess she had a point." Our real estate agent when we had found the house insisted that we get a place with multiple bedrooms for the 'future Min's'. We didn't particularly care at the time, but now that I was six months pregnant, we were thankful for the extra space.

"Although I still don't see why we have to paint the walls blue."

"Boys like blue."

"Some boys like pink or yellow or green best."

"I like blue."

"This isn't your bedroom."

"A baby is too young to have a favorite color anyways." I rolled my eyes and poked his cheek with a paint covered finger. He stopped what he was doing and turned to frown at me.

"What? You said you liked blue." He grabbed one of the thick brushes that was resting in the tray and flicked it in my direction before I got the chance to get out of dodge. I shrieked and glared at him for a moment before looking down at the splatters of light blue on my clothes. Well, they were his clothes anyways and the floor was covered with plastic, so I decided the best course of action was to declare war and grab a paintbrush of my own. He ran away but didn't make it to the door before there was a large splatter pattern on his back.

"Your pregnant..." He said sharply, turning around slowly. "So I'll let that one slide."

"What about this one?" I asked, flicking the brush again in his direction, paint splattering his shirt and face, making me laugh.

"Oh no, you're getting punished for that one." He ducked past me and dipped his brush in the paint bucket and covered my back in blue before I had the chance to react.

"No fair! I'm pregnant and you're a fucking ninja!"

"Should have thought about that before." He said, painting my arm and laughing. I spun around and got some revenge, making sure to get paint on his previously spotless skinny jeans. "Yah! I liked those jeans!"

"Should have thought about that before!"

"You're in for it now." He said grabbing my wrists and forcing me to drop my weapon. I yelled as he freely splashed paint all over my body and I no longer had the ability to do the same. Doused in blue, both of us laughing, he eventually let go of the paintbrush and brought me into a hug, not caring that I was covered in significantly more paint than he was. "I love you."

"I love you too." We were just about to kiss when the door to the room flung open and we saw the all too familiar maknae line, carrying the bucket of paint we had left in the living room.

"What the hell happened in here?" Taehyung asked, although all of them grinning and holding back laughter at how blue we were.

"None of your business, now get to work." Yoongi said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room, all three boys jumping back to avoid getting paint on them. He brought me into the bathroom attached to the master bedroom and smiled, giving me the kiss that had been interrupted. "We should shower."

"Yeah." He began to lift my shirt over my head, making me swat his hand away.


"Not together!"

"Why not?"

"Because I know where that leads."

"And?" He asked with a mischievous smirk.

"I'm pregnant."

"So? We can still-"

"Not everything is about sex, Yoongi." I scolded, smacking the top of his head lightly. "Besides, they would hear us."

"Alright look, when I was living at the dorms there were many times where I had heard those three and their girlfriends going at it. I was the only one polite enough to control myself there." He slowly started pulling my shirt off again. "But this is my house, so I don't have to control myself."

"Yoongi..." I was now topless and he was getting to work on my jeans. "We can shower."


"No sex."

"You're no fun." He kissed the top of my head. "But okay."

"Later. When they're gone."

"Now you're talking."


I sleepily held onto the small boy in my arms, Yoongi looking at him in awe. His face was almost buried in the pale blue blanket, and both me and Yoongi couldn't take our eyes off of him. We had thought of names before, but now that we've actually seen the baby we had decided that none of the names matched and were struggling to come up with another one. For now, we just called him 'Little Min', a nickname that had Jungkook had come up with when the members came to congratulate us. I hadn't had a proper night of sleep since I went into labor, but I didn't feel particularly tired whenever I saw my child.

"I'm gonna teach him how to play basketball and we'll listen to hip hop together and I'll buy a piano so that we can give him lessons." I chuckled softly at Yoongi's declaration.

"What if he doesn't like those things?"

"Of course he will, he's my son." I rolled my eyes as Yoongi leaned in closer to me and Little Min. "But if he really doesn't, I won't force him. Whatever makes him happiest."

"You'll be such a good daddy."

"I'll be terrible. You'll have to do most of the work."

"I don't mind." He sighed and kissed my temple, stroking our son's face with his finger.

"Y/N...I really owe you a lot."

"For what?"

"For giving me this moment. Right now. This is the happiest I have ever been in my entire life."

"Well I'm glad, but you really don't owe me." I said softly. "Because I'm just as happy as you are."

"So cute."

"Me or the baby?"

"Both." He whispered, giving me another soft kiss on my cheek. "I love you."

"I know." He pouted for a moment and I laughed. "I love you too, of course."

"Good. Than let's all be happy forever, 'kay?"



I had my school dance yesterday and I died. I lost my voice also.

i'm the ugly one in this picture cx

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