Bangtan Boys Imagines

By jisoojosh

13.5K 123 0

Hellow, this is a book about BTS. I love jungkook, so back off people. More

Preference #1
Preference #2
Preference #3
Preference #4
Preference #5
Rap Monster/Namjoon
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Preference #6
Preference #7
Preference #8
Preference #9
Preference #10
Preference #11
Preference #12
Jeon {Not So Innocent} Jungkook
Preference #13
Preference #14
Preference #15
Preference #16
Preference #17
Preference #18
Preference #19
Namjoon/Rap Monster
Preference #20
IDEK >.<
Preference #21
Namjoon/Rap Monster
Min Yoongi/Suga
Min Yoongi/Suga
Preference #22
Kim Najmoon/Rap Monster
Preference #23
Kim Najmoon/Rap Monster
Preference #24
Preference #25
Preference #26
Preference #27
Preference #28


210 4 0
By jisoojosh

There are three rules about Min Yoongi.

High school is a hell of survival and in its noisy corridors of papers flying, guys jeering and girls giggling, the silent whispers of the golden rules are exchanged like a worldwide fact. Everybody knows better than to mess with Min Yoongi if they wanted to live to see the next day.

Everyone that is, except you.

Rule 1 : Min Yoongi never smiles (like, ever).

Spending Friday afternoon at the school library hours after school has been out sorting through just about a thousand library books was not how you had thought your weekend would be starting off.

Yet here you were, stamp in one hand, gigantic pile of books stacked next to you haphazardly as you tried to log, categorize and number them all. You had thought volunteering at the library would mean hours of silent haven, flipping through books and doing basically nothing.

Not running back and forth trying to put books in all the right places and realizing you really were too short for the top shelf besides the fact that it had been hours since you had last seen a bed and probably looked very much like hell.

And it didn't help that Min Yoongi was staring.

"You know," you said at last, trying to carry a pile of books way too heavy for you all at once. "It's rude to stare at people failing at life."

Yoongi drops what he has been pretending to read for the past twenty minutes (Basketball Through The Ages : A History) and there is tug of the edge of his lips that begins to resemble something of a smile.

But that's impossible. Min Yoongi never smiles.

"Watching you try to put things in the top shelf you're a foot too short for seemed like better entertainment," he says, tugging at his dark bangs that almost fell past his eyes. You blush a little, pouting.

"There was a time chivalry was alive and people would help if they saw someone lacking," you mumble, standing on your toes to put the encyclopedias in to the upper sections.

"Maybe," he says, but he gets up anyway, walking over to you and taking the hefty books from your grasp. He's not too tall himself but even then, he's able to place all of the books up without any trouble at all and you curse genetics for you being way too small for your own good.

"I guess chivalry isn't so dead after all," you say, placing books on the shelves you could actually reach.

"So what do I get for that?" Yoongi asks, hint of playfulness in his voice and you blink at him in surprise. You look around in desperation.

"Here," you say at last, taking a gold star sticker from the drawer and reaching out to his cheek, lightly sticking it there and smoothing it out with your thumb.

He's quiet for a moment and you feel like you've been too forward too soon. You're rooted to the spot, blushing so hard, it's difficult to look anywhere except your feet.

"I'm sorry I -"

And then he's laughing and it's a beautiful sound; soft and high pitched and carefree, the kind that makes you feel something in your chest, warm and glorious all at once. Your cheeks tint pinker when he ruffles your hair.

"Do you give gold stars to everyone that helps you out?"

"Only the chivalrous semi-tall kind that help out a damsel in distress," you smirk.

You both spend the rest of the afternoon sorting through about a hundred more books, Yoongi holding you up by your waist every time a book was too high to reach and you smacking his arm and telling him you could manage on your own as you got redder with every time he picked you up.

He laughs at your reddening cheeks and pinches them lightly and you wonder who the hell said Min Yoongi doesn't smile.

It may be rare, but Min Yoongi smiles like tangible iridescent sunshine.

Rule 2 : Min Yoongi never shares food (like, ever).

The cafeteria is so packed, you can barely find place to give yourself walking leeway, forget about finding a seat when about ten people are sharing one table. You sigh, eyes scanning every corner of the room even though you've lost all hopes of finding anywhere to sit.

Until you see an entire empty table. With only Min Yoongi on it.

"Saving my life again," you tell him as you slip into the seat next to him. He looks up from his fries and raises an eyebrow.

"Always at hand for the damsel in distress," he says at last, downing fries with water.

"How the hell did you manage fries and I got eight year old meat?" You say, wrinkling your nose at what the cafeteria lady had plopped onto your tray five minutes ago.

"What can I say? I have a way with the ladies." You choke, rolling your eyes.

"If only I had some fries right now," you say, leaning over his shoulder with a dramatic sigh. Yoongi groans.

"Okay, look. If you can catch a fry with your mouth on the first try, you can have all of it."

You perk up, grinning.

"You're on."

Yoongi picks up a fry, aiming carefully at your face. He throws it in slow motion and you catch it in your mouth just a second before it falls to the table, beaming like crazy. He raises his eyebrows again in surprise and pushes his fries to you and it is only then that you realize the whole cafeteria has gone silent. The staring towards the two of you is so blatant, even Yoongi seems to notice as he shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

"Um, Yoongi, I think we should -"

"Yeah," he says, and you both walk out awkwardly amidst hushed whispering.

Rule 3 : Min Yoongi doesn't fall in love (like, ever).

It's the third week in a row Min Yoongi has stayed back after school to help you with library duty and you're getting more than a little suspicious.

Lucky you don't mind having him around too much to overlook this fact.

Of course in your dictionary, 'not minding' having Yoongi around meant blushing every time he was anywhere near you, stuttering whenever he gave you the rare compliment, and trying to control the butterflies you felt whenever he so much as looked in your general direction.

Not that you were going to tell him this.

"I'm going home," you say, finishing up with the last of the sorting as Yoongi let you down from his shoulders at last. "Thanks for helping out again, Yoongi-ah."

"About that," he says, as you zip your bag and sling it over your shoulder. "I don't think I can help you out with the library anymore." You freeze, looking into his eyes with desperation, heart sinking.


He takes a second to phrase his reason. "There was a change of plan." But you weren't going to let go that easily.

"Like what?"

"Like the fact that I wasn't supposed to fall in love with this dorky girl who spends more time in the library than she does with actual people not to mention the fact that she ruins my reputation on a twenty four by seven basis which is getting pretty damn hard to ignore," he says, smiling so wide, his gums show.

"I thought Min Yoongi doesn't fall in love," you say, blushing hard. He shakes his head slowly.

"Like I said, there may have been a slight change in plans," he says, reaching down and finding your lips which he presses lightly against his own. You close your eyes, hands finding his shirt and tugging him closer. When you pull away, he's flushed and grinning.

"This is what I meant by ruining my reputation."

But Yoongi doesn't mind too much because he gets about ten gold stars for that kiss that day


I GOT A NEW PHONE, BUT THIS FUCKING PHONE HAD TO DELETE EVERY SINGLE SHIT I HAD. I'll be able to upload occasionally but not that recent.

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