
By unwingedangel_

380 8 6

When Skyler becomes 17, her dream comes true. She gets a horse called Miracle. Miracle becomes a miracle in h... More

Chapter one.
Chapter two.
Chapter four.

Chapter three.

39 1 0
By unwingedangel_

Chapter 3

Skylers P.O.V


I walked with Louis to the canteen, busy talking, while we walked to the couch. "Do you want a drink?" I asked and Louis nodded. "What do you want?" Louis pulled up his shoulders. "Something without alcohol please." I walked away to get the drinks. Why wouldn't het drink alcohol? On principle? Or just because he didn't like it? I decided to ask it later.

I bow down to open the little fridge and I felt that someone was staring at me. I looked up and looked in big brown eyes. "Uhm, do you want also a drink?" I asked. "Yeah, I'd love to." He says. He scared me a bit. "What do you want?" "Whatever you take babe." I gave him a bottle coke, and took two for Louis and me. "Want to sit with us?" I gave a nod in the direction where Louis was waiting. "Yeah, sure." I walked with the guy to the couch and tossed the bottle to Louis.

"Who are you?" asked the guy. "I'm Skyler, but call me Sky, like everybody does. And you?" "I'm Zayn." He said. I knew that name. Wasn't het Louis's rival?

"I'm Louis. Nice to meet you." Said Louis to Zayn. "Weren't you both riding the match today?" I asked, hoping for a conversation. "Yep." Said Louis, and Zayn nodded.

"Do you ride too?" asked Zayn. "Yeah, since I was seven or something." I said. "What class do you ride then?" he asked, interested. "M2. But I only need one more point to go to the next class." I said. "Good for you!" said Louis. "Yeah, I'm sure you're better then Louis is." Said Zayn. I didn't understood if it was a joke or meant to be mean. But nobody laughed, so I didn't gave a reaction to it.

Zayn stood up. "I'm going to talk to some other people, and he nodded with his head to Celine. "She's my friend," I said. "don't get her mad." Zayn laughed.

"I don't like him at all." Said Louis and I agreed with him. "Yeah, to perky."

"But, you're getting a horse?" he asked. I took a nip of my coke and nodded. "Yes, we bought it yesterday, I don't know yet when I'll get the horse here, I the stables."

I looked up, and saw Celine, flirting with Zayn.

"That two are so going to make it our tonight." I smirked. Louis nodded. "Yeah, exactly." I shacked my head. "Celine is such a flirt, geesh." Louis laughed.

"And you are not?" "Are you daring me?" I asked, while I put up big, innocent eyes and flickered exaggerated with my eyelashes. "What's your number, cutie?" asked Louis, while he played the game with me. I whispered in his ear the answer, with a sweet, flirty voice. "Give me your phone, honey. I'll put it in there."


After a late night, the snifter, dinner with some people who were also around, and chilling I was still broke when I opened my locker. I guessed that last beer was one too much, and I had to deal with an hangover today. One hour to go, and then I was free to leave this boring building, what adults call school. I preferred to call it 'hell with friends'.

I tried to put all my books in the locker, but it was impossible. Why do I have such a messy locker? I looked next to me, where Alex stood. Her locker was the opposite of mine. Her books stood perfect in place, and her other stuff also.

"Shit!" I said, when all my books fell out again. I was so done with this day. I kneeled down to get my books and stuff. I saw a shadow and looked up. Alex stood there. "Need some help?" "Yes please." I said and Alex took everything out my locker. "I have a free hour now, go to your class and I'll clean it up for you." Says Alex. "Alex, thank you so much!" I say, sincere grateful.

I grab my bag, English book and walk away. "After school were going to the Square, and I'll pay!" I say. Alex does the thumb-up thing, what we always do when you have to scream in the school corridor, and if you do that, you'll get punished.

I walk to my classroom, and prepare myself mentally on a boring hour, full of Shakespeare, and other poets. "Hello Mrs. Hallway" I say and go to my place, next to Celine.

"How was your evening?" I asked. Celine blushed. "We talked, flirted, kissed and that's it." "Oh my gosh, Celine! You're such a flirt!" Now Celine's cheeks were tomato-red.

"Celine and Skyler, please get your attention to the class, you can talk about horses after this lesson." Said mrs. Hallway annoyed.

I rolled with my eyes when she turned around again to the board.

I took a paper, and wrote something to Celine.

Have you made out too?

Yeah, obvious, I did.

What do you mean?

Well, after the kiss, he brought me home and-

"What is this?" asks Mrs. Hallway, and gets the paper and quick reads it.

"Go to the principal, both of you! Now!" I sigh, get my bag and walk away with Celine.

"I'm not going to the principal." Says Celine. "Me neither.. They won't find out anyway-" "-because they don't believe her anyway!" we say at the same time and started laughing.

"Shall we go to Alex?" I ask after ten minutes of laughter. "She has a free hour and she's cleaning up my locker." Celine looks up. "You use your friends for that?" "Hey, she offered it by herself!" "Okay, okay."

When were at the lockers. I look around, but don't see Alex. "Maybe she's at the canteen?" suggests Celine, and she already walks in the direction of the canteen.

"Hey, wait on me!" I called after her, but she only turned around saying I should walk faster.

I followed Celine, but I was too lazy to walk quicker, just for her.

"Alex, are you here?" Celine screamed trough the canteen, but then she shut up, and took me back the wall. "What the hell are you doing?" but Celine mentioned me to be quit and pointed at the window.

Alex stood there, with a good-looking bloke. My mouth fell open, and my eyes couldn't believe what they saw. Alex, was a quit, modest girl, not a flirty type, even a bit shy. She worked at the supermarket, and that was her only interaction, next to Celine, me, some other friends and school to talk with other people. If she was home, she just read books, or watched television. She didn't liked social media at all, but me and Celine made her a Twitter and Facebook account, even though she never uses it. And now she was flirting with a guy, and not a nerd, and even hugged him! "We got to ask her about this when she's with us." Said Celine and I agreed. She was so going to tell us what happened there.

The bell rang and that meant freedom for us, but Alex had one hour left. I walked to my locker and Celine and me acted casual as always.

"Hey Alex, did it worked out with cleaning up my locker?" I asked. "Yeah. I didn't knew you could hide so much in one locker, but it's much tidier now!" she threw my keys to me and I opened my locker. Wow, Alex really cleaned it up! All my books fitted perfect on one shelf, my gymnastic cloths and coat on the other, and my laptop on the least shelf. "Thanks Alex! I'll wait outside for you, and if you're also done with this boring stuff we'll go to The Square." I looked at Celine and back to Alex. "See you in a hour!" I said, and I grabbed my laptop and coat and went outside.

"You've got to tell me everything that she told you!" said Celine when Alex was gone and I nodded. "Yeah, dhu-uh, we need to know what's going on between her and that bloke." "I have to go now, or my mom will go mad.." said Celine, a little disappointed. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, and I'll text you even sooner!" Celine hugged me and she walked away.


Whilst I was waiting on Alex, I decided to work on my essay. It was for English, and really boring, so yeah, I had to do it someway and this seemed to be the perfect moment.

I opened Word and started typing. A boring story about Shakespeare, because I was the unlucky one who got that topic. I dreamt away a little, because it was so boring, so I tried to keep my mind with it to play some music. I grabbed my bag, and start searching for my headphones. I plugged them in and went on Spotify. I saw that Josh made a new playlist, and because my taste of music was so horrible, I decided to listen to his. I heard a old number, from the Beatles I taught and smiled. This was a song I knew.


[A/N: It's written in Skyler's view, when she's seven, so it can be a little childish (;]

"Are you excited?" asks Josh and he gives me a riding pants. "A little" I admit.

I'd never ride a horse in my whole live, even when I was at the stables since I could remember. It was a week since I turned seven, and as tradition, I was going to get my first lesson in how to ride a horse. Josh already rode for three years now, and he helped me.

Mom dropped us in the car, and I heard some music, played by Beyoncé told Josh me. I think Josh is the best brother in the world. He learns me everything I could wish for. He's the one who learned me how to read and how to play twinkle twinkle little star on the piano. He even learned me this was Beyoncé singing. He knew a lot about music and about horses.

When we finally were at the stables I walked with a cap under my arms to the driving instructor, who was already waiting.

"Look who we have here! The new rider from the family. Are you excited?" he asked. I nodded. "Who will I ride?" I asked, because that was the thing that mattered to me. "You have two choices: Sultan or Unique." My eyes started twinkling when I heard the name Sultan. It was my favourite horse to take care of, so I supposed riding that horse would be amazing too. "Okay. I guess your brother didn't came for nothing so he can help you with saddle the horse up." He winked at Josh.

Josh walked with me to the tack room and I searched for Sultan's saddle while he took the bit and we walked to Sultan's stable. We cleaned him up a little and Josh helped me with getting the saddle on Sultan's back, because he was quite big.

Sultan was a beautiful white horse, with black eyes who looked like berries, only then the berries were black. And he smiled at you when you smiled at him. And when he made a sound, it was hard, and deep but also cute.

We walked to the arena, where the man who introduced himself as James already stood waiting.

"Do you like the horse?" he asked and I nodded. "I've drew Sultan many times at school, and the mrs. Davis always said I drew him perfect when she saw a picture" I told him proud. "Wow, that's amazing! Shall we start the lesson?" he asks and turns the radio a little down.

"So, remember: always keep your heals down, and look over Sultan's head, because then you can see what the horse sees, a sort of then." I tried to keep the information in my mind, while I also needed to try to stay in the saddle.


After a half hour I was going to galloping. Josh encouraged me and James told me how to do this. It seemed hard, but I wasn't afraid, because he got the horse on a rope, and he hold that.

"Okay, start trotting." I did and tried not to flop back in the saddle, like James explained. Riding was harder then I taught, because you had to keep in mind so many things at the same time! "Now, go with your right foot, and poke him a little in his tummy." I did but it didn't worked. "Try again, but poke a little harder!" encouraged James me. I tried again, totally focused on the poking that I forgot I was trotting and Sultan started to step again. "Eh, missy, maybe you have to trot!" said James, jokingly. I putted him back in trot and then I started poking him with my right feet again. Sultan started trotting quicker and quicker, but it wasn't really galloping. "Go on, you're almost there!" said James and I poked Sultan one more time. I heard a song in the background playing and Josh was humming along with it.

"With a love like that, you know you should be glad"

That came back all the time, and I loved the song. It was a happy song and I liked happy songs. Happy songs made the world better.

I enjoyed how I the wind went through my hair, and I felt Sultan galloping under my feet. I didn't want to stop. Never. This was amazing! I already reached out to next week, and to tell my friends about this new experience.

***End of the flashback***

"Sky!" I looked up. "What?" "The classes end, shall we go to The Square?" said Alex. I nodded and put my laptop in my bag. I stood up, and quick checked how I looked in my phone.

We walked away, but we heard someone running behind us. I turned around and looked in Niall's face. "Niall!" "Sky!" imitated Niall me, with an extremely high voice. I rolled my eyes and hugged him. "How are you?" I asked and Niall sighted. He mentioned to Alex how annoyed he was. "I just had an hour biologics, and I'm not sent away. I'm so tired of why plants are green and flowers have colours." Alex and me started laughing. "So what did you two planned for this midday?" asked Niall. "We're going to The Square, and Sky pays!" said Alex, played over-excited. "Can I join you?" asked Niall but Alex and me shaked our heads. "We're going to shop afterwards, and we have to talk about girly things." Niall laughed. "Then I'd better leave you alone. Have fun girls!" we thanked Niall, hugged and Niall walked to the other direction, to his house probably. We went in the street and went to The Square.


Hey pretty people :]

How are y'all? I hope good, and else you always can talk to me about it!

I'm in LOVE with the summer, I never want it to get over :'(

But aaannywaayy. I hope you all liked the chapter!

What about 4 votes and 1 comment and I'll post the next chapter?

The reason I want votes and comments is because else no one votes, and yeah, I'd loved it to get a little higher in rates haha.

Byee, I love you all, and thanks for reading! :D


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