Chapter three.

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Chapter 3

Skylers P.O.V


I walked with Louis to the canteen, busy talking, while we walked to the couch. "Do you want a drink?" I asked and Louis nodded. "What do you want?" Louis pulled up his shoulders. "Something without alcohol please." I walked away to get the drinks. Why wouldn't het drink alcohol? On principle? Or just because he didn't like it? I decided to ask it later.

I bow down to open the little fridge and I felt that someone was staring at me. I looked up and looked in big brown eyes. "Uhm, do you want also a drink?" I asked. "Yeah, I'd love to." He says. He scared me a bit. "What do you want?" "Whatever you take babe." I gave him a bottle coke, and took two for Louis and me. "Want to sit with us?" I gave a nod in the direction where Louis was waiting. "Yeah, sure." I walked with the guy to the couch and tossed the bottle to Louis.

"Who are you?" asked the guy. "I'm Skyler, but call me Sky, like everybody does. And you?" "I'm Zayn." He said. I knew that name. Wasn't het Louis's rival?

"I'm Louis. Nice to meet you." Said Louis to Zayn. "Weren't you both riding the match today?" I asked, hoping for a conversation. "Yep." Said Louis, and Zayn nodded.

"Do you ride too?" asked Zayn. "Yeah, since I was seven or something." I said. "What class do you ride then?" he asked, interested. "M2. But I only need one more point to go to the next class." I said. "Good for you!" said Louis. "Yeah, I'm sure you're better then Louis is." Said Zayn. I didn't understood if it was a joke or meant to be mean. But nobody laughed, so I didn't gave a reaction to it.

Zayn stood up. "I'm going to talk to some other people, and he nodded with his head to Celine. "She's my friend," I said. "don't get her mad." Zayn laughed.

"I don't like him at all." Said Louis and I agreed with him. "Yeah, to perky."

"But, you're getting a horse?" he asked. I took a nip of my coke and nodded. "Yes, we bought it yesterday, I don't know yet when I'll get the horse here, I the stables."

I looked up, and saw Celine, flirting with Zayn.

"That two are so going to make it our tonight." I smirked. Louis nodded. "Yeah, exactly." I shacked my head. "Celine is such a flirt, geesh." Louis laughed.

"And you are not?" "Are you daring me?" I asked, while I put up big, innocent eyes and flickered exaggerated with my eyelashes. "What's your number, cutie?" asked Louis, while he played the game with me. I whispered in his ear the answer, with a sweet, flirty voice. "Give me your phone, honey. I'll put it in there."


After a late night, the snifter, dinner with some people who were also around, and chilling I was still broke when I opened my locker. I guessed that last beer was one too much, and I had to deal with an hangover today. One hour to go, and then I was free to leave this boring building, what adults call school. I preferred to call it 'hell with friends'.

I tried to put all my books in the locker, but it was impossible. Why do I have such a messy locker? I looked next to me, where Alex stood. Her locker was the opposite of mine. Her books stood perfect in place, and her other stuff also.

"Shit!" I said, when all my books fell out again. I was so done with this day. I kneeled down to get my books and stuff. I saw a shadow and looked up. Alex stood there. "Need some help?" "Yes please." I said and Alex took everything out my locker. "I have a free hour now, go to your class and I'll clean it up for you." Says Alex. "Alex, thank you so much!" I say, sincere grateful.

Miracle.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ