Chapter one.

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Chapter one.

***Skylers POV***

It was 7 am, and I was already awake. Wide awake. I was already awake for two hours, to be exact. I was always early awake, but this time it was really early. Well, it was logic, I mean. It's my birthday. Finally I'll be 17. I tied my long blonde hair in a ponytail and grabbed my phone. Great. A lot of messages. Even my sister decided it was necessary to spam me.

I laughed when I opened Niall's messages. 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRAZY MOFO!' I read. Quickly I replayed an easy 'thank you', because there were like a lot of friends more to go. I just knew a lot of people.

I opened my Facebook and wrote a status update. A few minutes later, the happy-birthday messages and likes came. Wow, there were a lot. I smiled. Twitter was next. I was more obsessed with twitter, because it was easier to write stuff. You wouldn't get judged if you tweet weird things, or just a lot. My mentions weren't really dead, more the opposite. I smiled, reading mentions from some people could just cheer up my whole day.

I just talked a with Alexandra, like we always did. She'd prefer saying Alex, like I'd preferred that people called me Sky, instead of Skyler.

When it was around 8 am, I heard some rumblings in the house. I supposed it was my dad who woke up.

I was happy, because normally I was at 8 already at the stables, helping Harry with the horses. Whatever, he knew it was my birthday. Otherwise, he would see it anyway. He was like 24/7 online at Facebook, only when he was with the horses he was offline.

I heard my parents mumble. It wouldn't take long before they would come to my room. Quick I dropped my phone down and grabbed a book. The door opened softly, but when my mum saw I was awake, she came in very loud.

First, my dad came in. My dad's a big man, and a little fat, let's be honest. He's got that tummy you know, like a lot of dads. After him came my mum. She was more like my posture. Small and little. And she was still so pretty. After that, I spotted a blue pyjama. Well, that was my brother Joshua, he'd preferred Josh. His hair was messy and stood up in peaks.

I giggled, he looked funny. He mumbled a "shut up!"

After him came Vera, the best sissy in the world.

I smiled, when they all stood at my bed, ready to sing. I already mentally prepared myself a week for this moment. It was always so embarrassment. My dad sang false, like always. My brother, I don't know. He just sings weird. And my mum and my sister sang like two angels. Two angels in pyjamas.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Sky-ler. Happy birthday to you!"

Sang my family. I smiled, although it was awkward. But I still loved it when they sang, just for me. It made me feel special.

"Happy birthday sissy!" said Vera and she gave me a big hug. She softly rubbed my back, while she whispered: "You're already so old, gosh. Time flies." I smiled.

Josh just walked to me, trying to fix his hair. "Happy birthday little."He said, while he just gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm not little!" I defend myself, but he just laughed. "You are. You're 1.65 meters, you can call that little." I rolled my eyes.

"Happy birthday princess"' Spoke my dad while he almost killed me with his hug. I tried to gentle push him away.

"Dad, your hugs are still killing me." I tried to say serious, but I just burst into a laughter. It made me remind to the time when I was little. My dad used to hug me always really tight. But I liked it. It were just his special hugs.

Miracle.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora