When Darkness Falls >>f...

By _riverstyx_

188K 3.9K 790

In this story, Hermione has to cope with something she had never imagined. She wasn't a filthy mudblood anymo... More

Chapter One: The News.
Chapter Two: The Meeting.
Chapter Three: The Train and New Friends.
Chapter Five: A New Day.
Thank You!!
Chapter Six: An Odd Situation.
Chapter Seven: Gryffindors are Idiots.
Sorry! XD
Chapter Eight: Friend or Foe?
New stories!
Chapter Nine: The Gaunt Princess.
Le Art!
Chapter Ten: Death?
Chapter Eleven: Death's Master.
New Schedule!
Chapter Twelve: A Pull.
Chapter Thirteen: Realization.
Chapter Fourteen: Explaining to Do.
Chapter Fifteen: A Revelation.
A few changes!
Chapter Sixteen: A Change of Heart.
Chapter Seventeen: Confidence.
Name change!
Chapter Eighteen: Regrets.
Chapter Nineteen: Detention.
Chapter Twenty: Plans.

Chapter Four: School Again.

13.1K 316 123
By _riverstyx_

Next thing she knew, they were already at school. Her father told her to go straight to Dumbledore's office, so she did. She got there and Dumbledore didn't even glance at her. "I have been expecting you, Miss Riddle..." He said quietly, seeming pained to utter the surname. He pointed to the hat and said, "Put it on." Of course, the girl did.

"Ahhh, Hermione. I see you've changed. Same bravery, same brains, but different heart. Cold heart, cunning, deadly. I believe the only house that will suit you is SLYTHERIN!!"

She smirked slightly, albeit a bit shocked, and took it off. 'Thank the Gods,' she thought. She grabbed her newly made Slytherin uniform and just as Hermione was walking off, Dumbledore said, "Go to Professor Snape's private office." Hermione nodded and apparated there to avoid drama. Stupid first years, they sure love their fights... Snape looked up at her and said, "Hello, m'lady." in that weirdly smooth voice of his that also managed to sound like gravel at the same time. Wait...M'lady? Wow, she must be rather special to him. But why? Is it because he follows her father? They were right, he is a death eater... She tore herself from her thoughts to nod a bit and walk over to his desk. "Professor, what wo--"

"Please, call me Severus."

"Okay...Severus," she tried, testing the name on her tongue. "What would you like?"

"Well, I have prepared a special area for you to live here at Hogwarts." He pointed to a door. She blinked. "Sorry, Sir—" "Severus." "—Severus, I don't know why I'd need my own room. The dorms are perfectly fine." Snape looked up at her, dark eyes seeming thoughtful. "You are a special student. You're the new queen of Hogwarts—" "Queen?" "Figuratively speaking. You deserve your own room, private quarters fit for a queen." She frowned. She didn't think that was really necessary, but who was she to turn down a great offer? She simply nodded in response, heading towards a door the Professor has pointed at.

She walked into it and froze. It was...gorgeous. Dark green walls, a huge black bed with emerald green and silver sheets and the Slytherin emblem on the blanket with curtains hanging down the sides so she could shut out the light and everything else, silver carpet, cabinets... wait. There was another door.

She opened it and inside was a huge walk in closet. It was almost as nearly as big as the bedroom! There was a small cushioned seat in the middle. The walls were covered with dressers and cabinets. There was a remote with buttons. She pressed one to test it out. It opened up a door off to the side that opened into a small closet that held many beautiful dresses. Then, she pressed the others. They all opened drawers. Shirts, pants, skirts, jackets, sunglasses, gloves, jewelry, watches, everything a girl would want.

She smiled and walked into the bedroom again. There was another door that opened up to a bathroom with a fancy toilet, sink, bathtub, and shower. She walked out and looked at Snape. "...Thank you...Severus."

He nodded and said, "You're welcome, m'lady. Now, I believe it's time for your Herbology class. Go on, now."

She smiled and apparated outside the door. She walked in. "Hello, Miss Riddle!" The teacher said. Whispers spread across the room and for a moment, she was nervous. She just rolled her eyes though and walked over to Draco. "Hey," he whispered. "Hi," she whispered back. They did nothing that class, just stood and talked.

Before she knew it, the day was over. She went to Snape's office and said, "Good Night, Severus," she said tiredly.

"Good night, m'lady," he said in his usual emotionless tone. She walked into the bedroom, then into the closet, and put on a silky emerald green nightgown. She laid down in the soft, warm bed and went to sleep.

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