The Tale of Three Tails (sequ...

By hotshot813

38.2K 1.5K 847


The Tale of Three Tails (sequel to The Tale of a Tail)
The Trap is Set
The Date
The Breakout
The Day Has Finally Came!

Close Encounters

4.2K 214 37
By hotshot813

Shai's POV


"Shai! Shai! Wake up! You fell asleep right after Lily's hospital visit!" Lagoona shook me until I woke up. Thank god I wasn't pregnant.

"Oh, oh sorry," I groaned getting off the couch of the royal palace. We were planning a baby shower for Lily's baby. We figured this would be the right time considering she almost had it today.

"Okay Orabel you need to buy the babies clothes. Get clothes that would work for both a boy and a girl. Lots. Emily you get all the toys. Markers, stuffed animals, teething toys, blankies, pacifiers. Every toy suitable for a baby. Okay Shai you get diapers and strictly diapers. Oh and wipes. Diapers and wipes. I will be getting everything that you guys are getting so she will have just enough. This is our game plan we have to move it! Oh and Mark you go with Shai," Lagoona was belting out orders like crazy. We all swam out to find a crowd of paparazzi swimming at our doorstep.

"Is Queen Lily having her baby? Is she okay? How's the baby? How is King Morgan reacting to all of this?" They all blabbered. We quickly and silently pushed through. I glared at the guards who weren't trying that hard to maintain the crowd. We all pulled out the costumes Lagoona had given us earlier and put them on in an ally. Then we split up.

Lagoona's POV


I swam to a baby supply store in search of the most expensive baby toys out there. The future prince or princess needed the best. The thought kept coming into my head. 'Shouldn't you be married and have a family already? Your niece has already tied the knot and is pregnant! I did have a boyfriend but I kept him under wraps. I didn't want him the have his reputation ruined by gossip. We had talked about having kids but never really gotten serious. I bumped into another customer, knocking off my blue wig exposing my almost albino blonde hair.

"Hey watch... QUEEN LAGOONA!" She screamed she pulled out her phone and took a picture of me. I did this by instincts, not meaning to at all, but I lifted up the woman with water and chucked her across the room. She landed in a crib of stuffed animals.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, I didn't mean to and it just happened!" I apologized.

"It's fine it's fine," The lady said climbing out of the crib. Just as she was leaving the store I saw her jacket slip down. The suit under it showed a small logo. The logo belonged to one of the biggest celebrity gossip teams!

"Oh no oh no oh no!" I whispered. I pulled the wig back on and covered it with my hoodie. I paid and then quickly swam out.

Lily's POV


I woke up patting my belly softly. Morgan had left. Probably taking care of that fish problem. I felt a few soft kicks and pulled down my blanket just exposing the belly. What looked like a little foot shape was sticking out slightly. I smiled and patted it gently.

"Oh, I see you are awake your royalty," A nurse smiled. She walked in. She looked to be part seahorse. She had tiny bumps sticking out of her head like a seahorse. They were yellow with slightly brown specks. She looked at the clip board. "It looks like your good to go!" She then left. I stood up and put my dress back on, I immediately felt pressure down there. I groaned and slowly waked out.

"Queen Lily is the baby okay? " Asked one of the reporters.

"Yes, now please leav me alone!" I yelled transforming into my tail and swimming back to the castle. I sat on the couch and took a nap. I was ready to have this baby.

Emily's POV


I was running from store to store buying up every baby toy I could find. Part of the costumes Lagoona had given us were tail covers. A stretchy fabric that covered your tail. It made it so much harder to swim. I had fell flat on my face while swimming to the arts and crafts section!

I checked out all of the items. 1,409 pearls! Oh well, it was for the upcoming ruler of the kingdom anyway. Trying to swim with the bags was even worse. I kept tripping and falling. I fell right in the middle of the Plaza which was followed by thousands of paparazzi swarming me.

"Do you know Lily is having her baby right this minute?"

"How does it feel being the queens sister?"

I swam through laughing at all the false information they had. One had even said that Lily had another secret sister. Trust me, we've been through that once.

I kept thinking about something. What if Lily had felt rushed? Like she had to have a family right away. Lagoona had been queen for around 9,000 years and she hadn't even gotten married! I definitely don't think Lily should be having a baby. She's only 18 for pete sake! I knew that I would not have a baby anytime soon. Maybe when I was around 150?

While I was shopping I got Lily a birthday present. My birthday was in 3 months so there for Shai and Lily's were too. I got Lily a gift basket from a candy store. It was full of saltwater taffy (because you can't have normal taffy under the sea), chocolate, licorice, and any other candy imaginable.

I was swimming around looking for good items for Shai. Something with more of a Tomboy flare. Then I saw her. Lily was walking around the Plaza with no disguise whatsoever. I transported the items I had bought quickly away planning to summon them back later.

"Lily! What are you doing? The paparazzi have been chasing everyone down. Lagoona, Shai, and me!" I whispered.

"Don't worry! I only tell them unimportant info! TAXI!" She yelled. A dolphin quickly swam up and she climbed on. "Take me to the Coral Spa. Why are you guys out around town anyway?" She asked. Then the dolphin quickly zoomed away. Phew that was close.

Unknown POV


"We need to get that baby!" Shouted the cold raspy voice that haunted me and made me cringe, made every hair on my body stand up.

"Yes I know! It's not even born yet! What can we do?" I asked.

"You need to keep your eyes peeled. The second that thing comes out of it's awful mother steal it. We need it more than she does," he said again.

"Okay. I accept all the fates and duties that may come by this journey," I promised. Fire rose up around me from the cave. It burned every bit of me. I felt like I was melting to the bone. I rose up scared and burned leaving me looking scarier than my master had already made me look. I was ready.


Hoped you guys liked it! If you haven't read the first book. It's called The Tale of a Tail. This book will make much more sense if you do! The first chapters are boring because I wrote them when I wasn't as skilled at writing but fight through them! Check out my sister too! Narwhalz123! -K.

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