The Forest (sequel to The Doc...

By Perfectshipper

31.6K 972 206

Sequel to The Docks: After father and daughter, Hook and Corey were reunited everything in Storybrooke began... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8


3.3K 113 6
By Perfectshipper

Ruby glanced at the clock. Corey was a half an hour late for work. Everyone kept telling her not to worry but Ruby knew it wasn't like Corey to just blow off work without giving Ruby some excuse. Ruby pulled her phone out and dialed Corey's number.

"This is Corey Jones. I'm not available to talk right now but please leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." Corey's voicemail said. Ruby sighed and hung up. She leaned against the counter. Business was slow and there was nothing to do to keep her from worrying. Ruby glanced out the window she saw Emma walking by. Ruby ran out the door of the dinner and went after Emma. Emma was sherif she might know where Corey is. Ruby dashed effortlessly around the corner and slowed down to Emma's pace.

"Hey Ruby!" Emma said. She was doing her regular morning patrol. She notice the concern on Ruby's face. "What's wrong?"

"Corey never showed up for work today." Ruby said anxiously. "Usually she would text me or something if she knew she was going to be late. I just have this awful feeling something's happened."

"I was just heading towards the docks. We can stop at Hook's" Emma told her. Ruby nodded. Emma watched Ruby fiddle with her hands. Ruby and Corey had become good friends after Corey started working at the diner. Emma never would have suspected that a pirate and a werewolf would have become such good friends. But then again it is Storybrooke and Emma knew better than anyone that in Storybrooke ANYTHING can happen. As they walked towards The Jolly Roger Ruby quickened her pace before she dashed up the ladder and across the deck of the ship and knocked on the door. Emma caught up and waited behind Ruby quietly. Finally after what felt for eternity for Ruby Hook finally opened the door.

"Good mornin, love" he said.

"Where's Corey!?" Ruby blurted out.

"She left for work about...." He glance at his watch "45 minutes ago" he said with a questioning look. Emma still couldn't believe how..... Normal? Hook looked with out his pirate clothes on. He was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans. Ruby began rambling on and neither Hook or Emma could understand what she was saying.

"What's going on?" Hook said as he turned to Emma. The concern evident in his eyes.

"Corey never showed up for work today" Emma told him. His eyes widened.

"Please... Not again" he pleaded as he grabbed a black leather jacket and closed the door behind him.


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