There Was No World For Her, I...

Od Lanabug1864

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This is the sequel to The New Salvatores: A Delena Story. If you haven't read the first one, I suggest doing... Více

Damon's Alive
The Wedding
Adrian Salvatore
The First Ritual
Baby Drama
Damon's Heartbreak
Jenna's Farewell
Baby Daddy Revealed?
Reactions And Old Friends
Paris, France
Home The Whole Time
Losing Faith
Klaus's Secret
Soul-Saving Memory
Finally A Family
Elijah's Demise
Arguments, Guilt, And A Bubble Bath
Moments Like These
12 Years Later
Return Of An Enemy
Secrets Unfold
The Second Ritual

Dinners, Drama, And Baby News

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Od Lanabug1864

Klaus's POV:

~A couple hours before the funeral~

"Why exactly are you planning on kidnapping the doctor?" Greta asked me while she stood in front of me crossing her arms. Why I was discussing my plan with her I don't know. She's always judgy about every little thing that I do and I can tell that she absolutely despises me.

"How else do you expect to figure out the cause of Rebekah's pregnancy?" I snapped at the chocolate skinned witch who seemed to be boring into my soul with her dark brown eyes.

"Feel free to continue speaking as if I'm not sitting right here," Rebekah growled from her spot on the couch where she was curled up with a blanket. She's been extra moody lately which is driving every single one of us up the blasted walls. I was actually starting to envy Elijah, but then again I wouldn't want to be housemates with the bloody Salvatores.

"Look, do what you want. I don't care. I don't work for you anymore so I expect you to tell me where my brother is," Greta was glaring at me now, but I could tell she was worried half to death about her younger brother.

"How about we make a trade. I believe you've been withholding some valuable information from me, Love," I gave a grin as her eyes widened and I could practically hear Rebekah's ears prick up. I knew Greta was hiding something. "Your information for mine."

"What information?"

"Now don't play stupid with me, Witch. What was it you and Elijah were discussing about when I happened up? I know it had nothing to do with Kol. So what was it?" My eyes blazed and for a second they turned wolf like startling the young witch who then regained her composure.

She hesitated before quietly spilling her guts to me and told me the greatest thing I've heard in my entire existence,"The girl, Damon's daughter, she's no regular dopplegänger. She's Tatia reincarnated. And if she's sacrificed on her eighteenth birthday under the full moon and her blood drained, you'll be able to be truly immortal. Meaning you can't be killed. Now can you please tell me where my brother is?"

Can't be killed? Is it possible?? Have I found the answer to all my problems? If I go through with this new ritual, I would be the most powerful supernatural being in existence! I must complete it! I must!

"There's been a change in plans, Love. You're not getting your brother's location until that reincarnated dopplegänger is dead on her eighteenth birthday under a full moon. I just love birthdays and this is going to be a most exciting one."

Greta looked bloody mad and it was obvious she was trying to hold back her powers,"And how exactly do you expect to get Stella Salvatore and sacrifice her under a full moon on her eighteenth birthday? Need I remind you that your brother is own their side now?"

"And need I remind you that I have many tricks up my sleeves? Damon Salvatore was vervain free when I compelled him to do everything I say. So I'm going to start having a little fun with that. Maybe even break his little Elena's unbeating heart. And when the time comes..he'll be the one to bring his little sacrificial lamb to the slaughter."

"You're a horrible, sick, twisted person!" She shrieked as I saw her hands twitch with the urge to use her powers against me, but still she fought against it.

I chuckled darkly,"And yet you still obey me, Witch, because you know your brother's life depends on it. Now if you excuse me, I have a phone call to make."

I heard Greta muttering several profanities under her breath as she picked up her bags and angrily stomped back upstairs to her room. I turned to check on Rebekah and found that she was asleep. I pulled the blanket to where it would cover her better then hesitated before pressing my lips to her forehead causing her to stir, but not wake.

I then pulled out my cell and began to scroll through my contact list. Why the bloody hell do I have Katerina's number?! Delete delete delete! Delete damn it! I continued to scroll and stopped when I got to the top and let my finger hover over Caroline's name. She probably hates me and I don't blame her for a second. I sighed then pressed the name directly under hers. Damon.

"Hello?" He sounded very ticked off and hostile as he answered.

"Bet you thought I forgot about you, eh, Mate?" I grinned through the silence coming from the other end. "Oh come now, Damon. Didn't you miss me?"

To my amusement, he suddenly snapped and growled into the phone,"I don't know how the hell you got my number, but let me make one thing perfectly clear: You lay a finger on my daughter again and I'll personally-"

"You'll what? Rip my heart out? Yes, yes, I've heard that one before. Just between you and me, Mate, you need to come up with a new threat."

"What the hell do you want, Dog Breath?"

"For starters, I want that beautiful little daughter of yours. But, I'll play nice and let her remain with you all for a few more months while I do a little renovation on my house. However, I'm bored and I want to test my compulsion. How's your relationship with dear Elena holding up?" He was quiet for a minute no doubt attempting to fight against the compulsion, but as always the compulsion won.

When he spoke I could tell he was compelled. It was working. "We had a really bad fight over her cheating on me with Stefan. I slept in the guest room and thought about it and decided that I don't give a damn anymore. I can't lose Elena again, so I'm fixing to go apologize to her."

I got an evil idea and knew it was just brilliant. Seeing as I was deathly bored I decided to have some fun with Salvatore. "Mm, bad idea, Mate. Take it from me. Women are nothing but trouble. I want you to crush little Miss Gilbert's heart in your hand. Be a total prick, turn it all off, bring the old Damon out to play. And to make it more entertaining, tell her you want a divorce. Better yet, tell her you want custody of your daughter too."

Elena's POV:

~Shortly after the funeral~

"Douchebag wants what?!" Caroline shrieked from where she was sitting cross legged on the bed in my old room at the Gilbert house.

"I told you he was a complete ass!" Bonnie exclaimed from her odd position on the bed beside Caroline. She was laying on her back with her legs resting against the wall.

After the fight Damon and I had in the graveyard, I needed some serious girl talk time with my two original best friends. Bonnie and Caroline didn't hesitate the minute I asked them if we could have one of our famous sleepovers. So here we were at Bonnie's house in my old bedroom in our favorite pajamas discussing the fact that the guy I was hopelessly in love with wanted to end things for good.

"It's all my fault. I knew I shouldn't have been drinking at the after party. I was so stupid!" I rambled as flashes of that night and the following morning went through my mind. Allowing Stefan to kiss me...Him taking it to the bedroom...Damon walking in on us the next morning...Lying about who I was...And the broken, hurt look on Damon's face...The look that I'll never be able to forget...A look of betrayal.

"What are you talking about?" Bonnie studied me curiously like she was trying to read my thoughts. With her, I wouldn't be surprised if she could. "What party? What happened?"

I bit my lip nervously as I wondered what they would say when I told them. Would they judge me, attack me for something that probably made me lose Damon forever because of the consequences? "It was at the wedding party. Damon left with Katherine to go rob The Grill for alcohol or something. They were pretty drunk so I wasn't sure. They left and I-I...I let Stefan kiss me.."

Caroline's baby blue eyes practically popped out of her head and I was actually concerned that her eyeballs would fall out and roll across the floor. Bonnie's jaw dropped, but she closed it only to have it drop again. This went on for a few short minutes until I dropped an even bigger bomb on them. "And then we kinda-"

"You didn't!" Caroline was practically in tears as she jumped up off of the bed. "Elena! Please tell me you didn't have sex with him! Please please please tell me you didn't screw Stefan's bunny drinking ass!"

"Care, you know he hasn't fed off of animals in years and..yeah...I did..." I admitted then looked up at the vampire and witch who were both giving me scary looking death glares.

"And you're pregnant too!" Bonnie began to put the puzzle pieces together as Caroline listened and I knew they'd figure it out. "Holy crap! Are you having Stefan's baby?!?! Elena!"

"No wonder Damon wants a divorce, Elena! You practically tore out his heart and then stomped on it with extra pointy whore heels!" Caroline was in her crazy overdramatic mode, which meant I was going to be hearing about this for the next couple of hours. "When Stefan disappeared who was it that stood by your side and protected you?! Who was it that saved your life the night you and your parents drove off of the bridge?! Who was it that never stopped loving you and endured the pain of watching you go gaga over his baby brother?! Who was it, Elena?!"

I felt the tears run down my face as I whispered the name of my soulmate and my soon to be ex husband,"Damon."

"Damon!" Caroline echoed my answer and continued with her rant or speech or whatever you want to call it. "If he didn't come to Bonnie, you wouldn't have Stella! Did you ever think about that?! Huh?! Damon has saved your sorry little ass countless times, most of the times because of your stupidity! And how do you repay him for that?! You screw his baby brother on yours and his wedding night!! What the hell, Elena?! That was supposed to be yours and Damon's night! Not yours and Stefan's! God, Elena!"

She fell silent as she saw the many tears that flooded my face and I could tell she regretted every word that she said. She nibbled on her bottom lip as she looked down at the floor.

"Way to make her feel guilty, Caroline," Bonnie hissed as she jumped up and wrapped me in a gentle bestie hug. "If I know Damon, Elena, he'll find it somewhere in that undead heart of his to forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves forgiveness. Look at Elijah. You forgave him when he kidnapped you."

As my stinging hot tears fell from my eyes onto her purple nightshirt I prayed that she was right. I couldn't lose Damon. I couldn't. "There's a chance, a slim chance, that Damon could still be the father. I..slept with him earlier that day...I'm a total slut aren't I?"

"Very much so," Caroline gave a small grin to show that she was only teasing and I was glad she was backing off. "I must say you have extraordinary taste in men. Both specimens you've decided to swap spit with happen to be quite lustful and drop dead sexy."

Bonnie looked at Caroline like she was an alien with two heads or something. I had to cover my mouth to smother my laughter which was starting to make my chest and sides hurt. "Holy crap, Caroline! You sound like Klaus!!"

As soon as Caroline and Bonnie busted out laughing, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I too was overcome by a case of the extreme giggles. Hand in hand, we fell back onto the bed still laughing like teenage girls which two of us were and the other was an adult who looked very young for her age. Bonnie had figured out the spell Gloria used to slow her aging and performed it on herself.

"Can you believe he 'fancies me'??" Caroline said the last part with an over exaggerated British accent obviously mocking Klaus's accent. It was pretty funny. "I mean the man is obsessed with me. He had a table full of drawings of me which in my opinion can be categorized as both creepy and romantic."

"I wonder how an ancient one thousand year old vampire is in bed..."

"Bonnie!" Caroline and I turned our heads so she was in view and we looked at her like she was insane.

"What? I'm just saying Klaus is bound to have plenty of experience in that department and probably has a few moves none of us have ever seen," Bonnie defended herself quickly obviously feeling ganged up on. Now this was what I was needing, girl talk. Although I would rather not talk about how good Klaus might be in bed. Ick.

Rebekah's POV:

I had thought about this and thought about this for a while, but I figured that I should let Stefan know I was pregnant. Nik wasn't too happy with the idea, but didn't object when I left the house.
It's kind of odd to have him actually care about me and to see him with a sweet side. He was kind of like Damon. Mean and spiteful on the outside, but underneath a genuinely caring person. It was actually...rather enjoyable, having Nik fuss over me. Weird, but nice.

I slowly made my way up to the Salvatore's front door trying desperately to procrastinate as much as possible. I took in a deep breath then knocked on the door loudly and listened to the approaching footsteps. The person who answered the door wasn't the one I was expecting.

"Katherine. Wish I could say it was a pleasure seeing you again..but then I'd be lying," I gave her a smug grin even though underneath I was as nervous as hell.

"What the hell are you doing here, Rebekah?" Katherine sighed obviously not in the mood for starting any drama. "If you're here to see Elijah, you're out of luck. I don't think he wants to talk to you. Any of you."

"I'm not here for that idiot. I came to speak with Stefan. It's...rather important," I glanced up at her and saw that her tan face was hard, angry and cold. She looked like she was ready to rip me apart.

"There is absolutely no way in the deepest darkest pits of hell that-"

"Katherine," I heard Stefan's loving voice scold her just before she completely lost her temper. I was rather thankful because I was beginning to get a little concerned that she would attack me.

Grumbling and muttering profanities under her breath, Katherine turned and disappeared into the house leaving Stefan to lean against the door frame with crossed arms. I didn't realize how much I had missed him and I found myself staring at his soft lips that pulled up into a crooked half smile.

"Yeah, I suggest getting the thoughts of kissing me out of your head because that's never going to happen again," He said in a low voice I presume was so Katherine didn't hear him. "So did you come here just to antagonize my wife or did Klaus send you to try and seduce me again?"

"Cocky much?" I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at him. "What happened to you? You're turning into Damon and I don't like it. The arrogance doesn't suit you, Stefan."

"Quit screwing around with me, Rebekah. What are you doing here?" Stefan growled, all signs of his arrogance disappearing from his face as it filled with anger. His forest green eyes seemed dark and I caught glimpse of his veins peeking out from under his eyes.

"Right to the point. I like it," I gave a failed attempt at another smug smile as I tried to swallow the forming lump in my throat. Stefan lifted an eyebrow at my sudden nervousness and I could tell he was wondering what was going on. "Stefan, when Nik brought me back..something happened.."

Seeing the fear in my eyes and probably on my face too, his face slowly lost its hardness and he now had a gentle expression as he studied me curiously. "What happened and what does it have to do with me?"

Before anyone knew what was happening, I burst into a sudden fit of tears which scared the hell out of both me and Stefan. Stefan pulled me into a quick hug and I sensed he felt just as awkward as I did. I hated myself for crying and making myself look weak and highly emotional which, according to my brothers, I was.

"Rebekah, what the hell is going on?" He pulled back to look at my tear stained face and I saw that he was genuinely concerned now. My glistening blue eyes looked up into his worry filled beautiful green eyes and I felt the urge to plant one on him, but I knew he wouldn't like that.

Once I got control of myself and the waterworks ceased, I knew it was now or never. I had to tell him. I had to tell him even if it meant he would be extremely upset with me. "Stefan, I-I...I'm pregnant, Stefan."

Stefan's face instantly paled as his head began to shake back and forth,"What? No. No, that's not possible. You're lying. Only dopplegängers can procreate."

I grabbed his wrist when he tried to flee back into the house then grabbed his other wrist and pulled him back. "If you don't believe me, close your eyes and listen." He looked at me like I was some insane person and looked like he was about to protest. "Stefan, please just do it."

He sighed deeply then closed his eyes at the same time I did. We took in the sounds surrounding us as we listened intently. I could hear mine and Stefan's heavy breathing, I could hear the two kids playing upstairs, I could hear a shower running, and then I heard the sound I was waiting for. It was soft and barely audible, but it was there. I felt Stefan tense and knew he had heard it too.

I opened my eyes and found that he was staring at me still as deathly pale as I don't know what. I slowly released his wrists and he ran his hands through his hair. "This is impossible."

"Obviously nothing in Mystic Falls is impossible anymore," I turned to leave then paused and decided to let my humanity out for only a minute. "Nik is after the dopplegänger again, so I would keep a close eye on her if I were you. And he mentioned something about using compulsion on Damon too. Nik's up to something and this time it might mean death for all of us."

Elijah's POV:

~1 hour later~

"Has anyone heard from Meredith?" Stefan asked as he walked into the living room with his cell phone in hand while several worry lines appeared on his forehead. "I called her cell to try and schedule an appointment for Kath and Elena, but she didn't pick up."

"I can make my own appointments, Stefan!" Elena snapped from the kitchen where she and Katerina were preparing supper which was starting to smell divine. "Stay the hell out of my business!"

"Who cares about the sexy psycho doctor?" Scoffed Damon as he slunk over to the table where many bourbon, whiskey, scotch, etc. bottles were kept and poured himself a drink without bothering to offer any to anyone else in the room.

"Sexy?!" Came Elena's obviously jealous voice followed by a loud crash and then some swearing.

"Damon, have you forgotten that Meredith saved both Elena's and Stella's lives?" Stefan lifted an eyebrow at his brother who downed his glass in one sitting and was steadily pouring a second.

"Yes, I'm very much aware of that, Baby Bro," He smirked then downed that glass too before abandoning it and drinking straight from the bottle. And all this was happening in front of his young daughter too. I would think he would display better control in front of her, but obviously not. "I'm thinking Kol might've eaten her."

I sat up abruptly at the sound of my brother's name and shot Damon a very unpleasant look as he threw himself onto a sofa then glanced down at Stella, Scarlett, and Miranda who were playing on the floor. "Excuse me, I know my brother better than you do and last I heard he's got a thing for Niklaus's witch. Typical I must say."

"Thank you. You one thousand year old dick. What are you even still doing here?" Damon growled sarcastically before taking a long swig from the bottle then let it rest on his chest.

"Hey," Alaric warned as he glared at the overly arrogant vampire who was guzzling the bottle again. I saw his daughter gaze worriedly at him from the corner of my eye as he threw the now empty bottle into the fireplace causing the flames to roar for a second then die down. "He's a dick, but with nice hair."

"Guys, I really think Meredith might be in trouble," Stefan looked honestly worried as he began to pace around the couch Damon was lounging on. "Ouch! Damn it!" He hissed then I saw him bend down and return to his standing position with a piece of the broken bottle in his hand. He must have stepped on it. I watched as he glared at Damon then threw the glass into the fireplace and continue pacing. "I'm going to go-"

"No one is going anywhere!" Katerina interrupted with her hands on her hips. "Elena and I just finished supper so I suggest you all behave or so help me god I'll stake every single one of your asses to the wall!"

Stefan's POV:

I think Katherine pretty much scared everyone into silence, especially the kids, because no one said a word as we ate. Right as I was picking up my fork, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket signaling to me that I received a text. I quickly dug my phone from my pocket and unlocked it to see that it was from the person I was least expecting.

'Rippah, my mate! Why don't you come join my family and a special guest for dinner tonight? I'm sure you'll find her...delicious (; -Klaus'

Dear god! Aside from that sounding creepily sounds like he may have Meredith! I responded with: 'Uh...anything you want to tell me? O.o And did you kidnap Meredith?!'

Klaus: What are you talking about? And do you think I would actually do something like that?

Me: Uh..Nevermind. And yes, believe it or not, I would.

Klaus: Ouch. Well why don't you come to dinner and find out for yourself (;

Me: Are you..flirting with me??? O.O

Klaus: You're kidding, right? Do you honestly take me for being gay?

Me: Thought did cross my mind to be honest...

Klaus: -.- I'm not bloody gay, Stefan..

Me: My mistake. So do you or do you not have Meredith?

Klaus: You can ask Katerina. I'm sure she'd love telling you just how much fun I am in the bedroom. Maybe she showed you some of our old tricks(;

Me: Ok, how long has it been since you last got some? Because I'm starting to think it's been a while...

Klaus: Got some? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

Me: You're avoiding the question, Klaus -.-

Klaus: you are coming to dinner, right? I'm sure Rebekah will be delighted to hear that.

Me: Katherine was the last woman you had sex with wasn't she? And that was what? Almost five hundred years ago? Wow.

Klaus: Oh sod off! It's been kind of...slow in that department. I've had things to do, dopplegängers to sacrifice. The usual.

Me: Ahaha! Busted!

I started laughing then realized that everyone had stopped eating and was looking at me like I had lost my mind. Then again, I guess laughing at your crotch was pretty weird.. You could practically hear the crickets chirping in the room.

"Having fun there, Stef-Stef?" Damon smirked at me before taking another bite of his baked chicken. Oh, what'd I'd give for him to choke on that chicken.

"I was just texting Klaus. We were discussing his love life. Apparently he hasn't had sex in over five hundred years," I gladly passed the information along and was highly amused by everyone's reactions. Elijah started coughing uncontrollably, Katherine turned as red as a tomato, Alaric and Damon were both roaring with laughter, and Elena was covering Stella's ears all the while death glaring me.

"No wonder Klaus is so 'AWRAWRAR!'," Damon snickered earning a very irritated look from Elena who looked like she wanted to strangle him. "Maybe we should send Caroline over there to His Grumpiness and-"

"Damon, just shut the hell up already!" Elena snapped as her eyes flashed angrily in his direction. "And Caroline is so not hooking up with Klaus! Also, Stefan? Too much information."

Her tone didn't phase Damon in the slightest, rather it egged him on even more,"Mm..sounds like someone else is having sex withdrawals too. Hey, Elena. Wanna squeeze in a quicky before I leave for The Grill?"

"Damon, you should stop.." Alaric said as he gazed at the extremely pissed off look on his adopted daughter's face.

After Elijah calmed down from almost choking to death he turned his attention to me which was rather nerve racking. "And why exactly are you conversing with my younger brother through that pointless socializing thing called 'texting'?"

"Because he asked me to dinner which I'm greatly considering because-"

"Whoa, hold on!" Damon interrupted which really made me want to slip some vervain into his alcohol stash. "Klaus asked you to dinner?! As in a date?! Is he gay?!"

"No, Damon. Klaus isn't gay and you're an idiot," I retorted then turned back to Elijah. "What I was saying was that I think he took Meredith. I'm going over there to find out. I'll be back soon. Ric? Keep an eye on Mr. Lushy Pants over there."

Everyone nodded except Damon who was drunker than Charlie Sheen and Elena who looked unsure about me traipsing into the lions den. I didn't blame her. I mean who wouldn't? If Elena wasn't worried then that's when I was. It wasn't her fault. She was born with a heart of gold and pure humanity. It was who she was and I respected her for it even though it could've killed her on several different occasions.

I got up from the table and felt Elena's gaze on me until I was out of sight, but I still knew she was listening for me and listening to my footsteps as I got closer to the front door. I stepped outside then used my vampire speed to get to Mikaelson Manor which held the memory of my brother being brutally murdered. Sometimes I wonder if things would've been better if he stayed dead..

Before I had the chance to knock the silver door knocker against the white wood, the large front door swung open and revealed Klaus's evil grinning face. "Hello, Rippah. Care to join me, my family, and our special guest for dinner?"

"Not in the slightest, but I'm sensing I have no choice," I replied as I stepped past him into the entry way then followed him into a large dining room. In the center of the room was a massive oak wood table with what looked like a silk covering. There was a huge glittering chandelier hanging above it and to the side built into the wall was a large fireplace similar to the one at the boarding house. At the table already eating was Rebekah, Finn, Kol, and Bonnie's cousin, Greta. Also at the table trying to hide her terror was none other than Meredith.

Meredith looked over at me as I sat down at the large table and I watched Klaus do the same. Meredith's brown eyes were wide and I could see the artery in her neck pulsing like crazy. The poor thing must have been terrified.

I slowly started in on the pork roast as Klaus immediately began with the table talk. "I assume Rebekah has told you the news?"

Rebekah's face paled slightly as she stabbed a carrot and popped it into her mouth without giving me so much as a glance. "That she's pregnant? Yeah, she dropped that bomb on me earlier. I told her it isn't possible, but she won't believe me. Is that why you dragged Dr. Fell here? Are you forcing her to be your live in doctor or something?"

"That wasn't too difficult, now was it? I'm impressed. You're catching on pretty quickly," Klaus grinned before stuffing a roasted potato in his mouth then took a sip from his wine glass.

"You know, kidnapping her wasn't necessary. I'm sure she wouldn't mind being Rebekah's doctor, but she's got other patients to tend to also."

"How is Katherine?" Rebekah piped up then looked like she regretted it as she gazed down at her plate. "I heard the heartbeat when she answered the door. Congratulations."

"Katerina's pregnant again? Well, you sure do get around don't you, Stefan?" Klaus chuckled as I glared at him. I was so not drunk enough to be having this conversation with him. "So how's your brother?"

"I got an anonymous tip that you may have compelled him. That would explain a lot. Is it true?" I glanced at Meredith to see that she had relaxed somewhat, but still wasn't eating. Kol and Greta were in their own little world and Finn seemed irritated at the both of them.

Klaus cut his eyes at Rebekah who quickly began to sip at her water,"Seems like someone has a conundrum keeping secrets. I'll tell you this, Rippah. Your brother gave in a lot easier than you did."

"What?" My eyes widened as Klaus grinned wider and Rebekah looked close to tears. She had laid her fork down and was staring at the half eaten food on her plate. "What did you do to Damon?! What the hell did you do to my brother?!"

"I fixed him. He was writhing in too much humanity and it just wasn't Damon-like, Mate. You should be thanking me. I did you a favor by fixing your brother. How's Elena liking him?"

"Go to hell, Klaus," I growled through clenched teeth and was fighting against my veins that were trying to take over my face, but I wasn't going to give Klaus the satisfaction. "Just so you know, she's confiding in Elijah. Better hope he doesn't make her your sister-in-law."

"If Elijah's stupid enough to do so, he'll never be welcome in this house again," Klaus retorted and was close to breaking his wine glass as he took a very long sip. "And Finn, you and that Sage woman wouldn't have worked out. So stop feeling sorry for yourself because this bloke murdered her."

Finn looked crushed, but didn't say anything and instead continued to eat slowly as if in a trance after the mention of his dead girlfriend. Rebekah suddenly stood up nearly knocking the table over and was glaring at Klaus through her tears.

"You ruined our family, Nik! You say you want us all together as one, but you treat us all like garbage and then expect us to worship you! No wonder Elijah aligned with them! They know what family means! The Salvatores may fight like dogs, but in the end they would die for each other. But who would be willing to die for you?"

Klaus was gravely silent after his sister's outburst and was gazing off at nothing with a glassy eyed stare. Kol and Greta had stopped chatting and were now watching the scene with interest while Finn pushed a carrot around his plate.

"I know we swore to stick together no matter what and that it was family before anything, but I'm leaving you, Nik. I loved you through everything and you don't even care. Come on, Stefan. Let's get out of here," Rebekah had tears streaming down her face and Klaus looked like he had been slapped in the face. I quickly stood up then picked Meredith up bridal style because she didn't look like she could walk by herself and I began to follow Rebekah towards the door when she paused. "I still love you, but I'm not coming back until you know the true meaning of family. Goodbye, Nik."

Elena's POV:

~5 months later~

"Elijah, can I ask you a really big favor?" I looked up at the Original who was dressed in his usual dark suit and was standing in my room.

"Of course, Elena."

"Well..Katherine and I have an appointment with Meredith and Stefan's coming with us. I don't really want to do this alone and I know for a fact that my ass-hat of a husband, who seems to be having a crappy time finding a divorce lawyer I might add, has made it clear he doesn't want anything to do with my baby unless he knows for certain it's his and-"

"I'll gladly accompany you, Elena," Elijah cut me off with a smile which I gladly returned. I was relieved that I didn't have to sit there and feel bad for myself when Katherine was getting her ultra sound and Stefan was right there beside her.

For four straight months, Damon hasn't said a word to me that wasn't rude, arrogant or plain out cocky. All he ever does is spend his time drinking at The Grill, drinking at home, or on occasion, playing with Stella. I can see it in her eyes that she's genuinely afraid of him and what he might do and I don't want her to have to live like that, but right now I don't have much of a choice. Every time I try to bring up moving, Stefan quickly shuts me down obviously not wanting me to leave.

Rebekah's living with us now too, which I don't think Elijah's too thrilled about, but he doesn't show it. Katherine and Damon were both pissed and Katherine actually told Stefan that this was the last Original we were allowing to stay at the house. Apparently she's pregnant with Stefan's baby too, although I don't see how it's possible, but her stomach is growing right along with mine and Katherine's, so I guess she wasn't lying. Stefan's convinced that the baby Rebekah's carrying isn't his, but hasn't told Rebekah that. Damon began calling Stefan 'Stefan Salvawhore' which really pisses Stefan off.

They don't think I've noticed, but I've seen that Meredith and Alaric have been growing closer and Meredith's become a kind of mother figure to Miranda who just turned eight last week. I'm happy for Alaric and I think Jenna would be too and she would want him to move on, maybe even find someone else. Deep down I know Alaric will never be able to love anyone as much as he loved Jenna and I know Meredith knows that too, but she doesn't mind.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" I asked softly over my shoulder to the overly arrogant immortal asshole who was lounging lazily on the sofa with his usual bottle of bourbon resting on his bare muscular chest.

"Hmm..let me think. Do I want to go with Stefan Salvawhore, his two sluts, Barbie Klaus, and the Original who is bunking with my slut wife to see pointless black and white images of my brother's little abominations? Uh..that'll be a no." Damon said as he pointed his bottle at me then took a swig. "I'm going to hang here with my daughter."

"No, Daddy," Stella retorted as she got up from where she was playing with her doll on the floor. "I want to go with Mommy and Uncle Eli."

Damon grabbed her roughly by the arm before she had the chance to step toward us. His blue eyes flashed dangerously and Stella yelped as his hold on her grew tighter. "How many times have I told you not to call him that?! Rebekah and Elijah are not friends and definitely not family! And I'm not letting you go anywhere with them! You're staying here!"

Stella was crying when he released her causing her to fall on the floor. I gasped when I saw the forming black and blue bruise on my daughter's arm. I was quickly next to her then picked her up and hugged her to my chest to comfort her. I took her arm gently in my hand so I could examine it and to my horror I saw that the bruise was in the shape of a hand. Damon's hand.

I whipped around to face him and found him guzzling his bottle without a care in the world. To his surprise I snatched the bottle away from him and chucked it into the fireplace causing the flames to flicker violently then die down.

"What the hell!" Exclaimed Damon.

I handed Stella off to Elijah who, like the others, was looking quite concerned. I then turned back and got all up in Damon's face. "Do you even know how bad you've gotten?! This isn't you, Damon! Not even the Damon I first met was this bad! What's happened to you?! It's like I don't even know who you are anymore!"

Damon was suddenly standing in front of me looking very intimidating as the beginnings of his veins became visible on his face. "What's happened to me?! Where the hell should I even start?! I went through hell for almost three years seeing you with my bunny drinking brother hearing you go on and on about how he was the one! Every time I attempted to talk to you about how I felt about you, you told me to go to hell! Then Stefan turned Ripper and I thought I had finally won you over only to realize now that I was just being used! You never loved me, did you?! You were just manipulating me like Vampire Slut over there until you got your Saint Stefan back! And you wonder what happened to me?! Screw you all! You can all go to hell!"

I shook my head as the tears fell silently down my face,"No, Damon. You can go to hell. Come on. Let's get out of here."

No one said anything as we went outside and got in separate cars. Stefan, Katherine, and Scarlett in one and me, Elijah, Rebekah, and Stella in the other. Even thought the car was pretty large, it still felt like a clown car.

We got to the hospital where we usually met Meredith. At our last appointment she had told us that at our next appointment is when we'll most likely find out the sexes of our babies.

"Who's first?" Meredith gave a shy smile as she met eyes with a nervous Rebekah. This was actually Rebekah's first ultrasound and it was obvious she was a little scared.

"Me!" Katherine practically knocked Stefan over to get to the table Meredith had set up. She got on the table and yanked her shirt up almost flashing the entire room. If Elijah's heart was beating, he probably would've had a heart attack.

Meredith rubbed the usual blue gunk on Katherine's small bump and started exploring with her trusty wand. When I saw Stefan grab Katherine's hand in both of his, I felt a pang of longing and I remembered when that was once me and Damon. I felt a single tear fall from my eye.

"Congratulations, you're having another girl!"

Scarlett's little face filled up with happiness as Meredith wiped the goo from Katherine's belly. "I have a baby sister! I wanna call her Tiana!"

"Tiana?" Stefan lifted an eyebrow at his hyperactive daughter who was rubbing her mother's small bump excitedly.

"Yeah! Tiana! From The Princess and the Frog! You watched it with me last week!"

Everyone started snickering as Stefan's ears turned pink,"Oh..yeah...I remember now.."

"Do you want to go next?" I asked Rebekah softly while Katherine hopped down from the table causing her shirt to fly up and she flashed the entire room for only a brief second. Elijah would've died from shock had he not been dead already. The sound of a printer filled the room as Meredith printed out a picture for Scarlett.

Rebekah shook her head slowly then looked at me with her frightened baby blue eyes,"No, I-I..Would you go ahead of me?"

I smiled and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before getting up and heading for the table. Elijah followed behind me with Stella who was holding tightly to his hand and rubbing her bruise with her other hand.

I got up on the table then raised my shirt up so my small tan bump was visible. The goo was cold and I jumped a little when Meredith was rubbing it on. The wand then began its second exploration.

"Damon still a no show?" Meredith asked softly and I nodded as I was blinded by tears. "The jackass would rather be home getting drunk then come find out the sex of his child, huh?"

"It's Damon's?!" I practically yelled making everyone in the room jump. I could feel the hope flooding back then I saw Meredith's face.

"No, I'm sorry. I have no way of telling until after the baby's born. You can try and see if Bonnie can cook something up as long as it's safe."

My face fell and I could tell Meredith felt guilty for getting me hopeful. I felt Elijah take my hand and felt his thumb rub gentle circles on top of it.

"You're having a boy! Congratulations!"

My eyes traveled to the monitor where a fuzzy black and white picture of my unborn son was. Meredith pointed to part of the picture grinning. "I could tell because that's definitely not an extra finger."

"Congratulations," I heard Elijah whisper in my ear right before Stella practically attacked me with a huge hug. I felt more tears prick my eyes as I saw how happy she was even though her father had attacked her no more than thirty minutes ago. Meredith wiped off my stomach then printed out a sonogram for Stella to have as I pulled my shirt back down.

"Look, Scarlett!" Stella ran over to her cousin giggling and they awed over the sonograms of their unborn siblings.

Rebekah stood up, but paused and turned back to Elijah with a very fretful look on her delicate features. "Come with me, 'Lijah?"

"Of course, Bekah," Elijah stood back up and followed Rebekah to the table he had followed me to. She slowly got up on it and raised her shirt so her pale baby bump was visible.

"I promise this won't hurt a bit," Meredith gave a smile as she proceeded to rub the blue goo over Rebekah's stomach. The wand then started on its third and final exploration as Meredith moved it around Rebekah's stomach.

"Congratulations! You're having a little boy too!"

Rebekah grabbed Elijah's hand and looked up at him with glistening eyes,"I want to name him Henrick. After our little Henri."

"It's perfect, Rebekah," Elijah gave his sister a huge smile causing her to smile back through her tears.

Once we arrived back home, Stella rushed through the front door and straight for Damon completely forgetting what had happened earlier. "Look, Daddy! Look! Aunt Mer gave me a picture of the baby!"

"Let me see that," Damon said as he snatched the sonogram from her tiny hands at the same time taking a sip out of another bottle of bourbon that was half way full. "Wanna know what I think?" He then ripped the sonogram in half and handed it back to Stella who looked destroyed by what just happened.

"Why, Daddy?" She whispered through her tears as she looked up at him with her bright crystal blue eyes.

Damon ignored her and plopped down onto the sofa with his bourbon sloshing out everywhere. Oh hell no. I flashed on top of him, snatched the bottle from his hand, then smashed it against his face. With his face all cut up and bloody he grabbed me by the neck and threw me into the wall. Then with vamp speed he grabbed me again and flung me across the floor causing my head to crack against the edge of one of the bookcases.

White spots flashed in front of my eyes and I could feel the warm blood dripping down the back of my head. I could hear Stella screaming at Damon, but I couldn't tell what she was saying. Once I got my vision back I was quickly back on my feet, but still slightly dizzy. Damon was once again in front of me grabbing my throat and then vamp sped us to the piano bench that he was now pinning me against. He was practically straddling me except his left foot was firmly planted on the floor and his right knee was by my left side.

I grabbed his wrist as his face got closer to mine and he looked livid,"Wrong move, Bitch. It's a hell of a good thing I'm leaving this hellhole for good. I won't have you to deal with anymore."

"What?" I whispered as I looked up into the eyes that were once filled with love and emotion. "You're leaving Mystic Falls?"

"Yep," Damon grinned as he popped the P. "I decided to hell with the damn divorce lawyers. It's better I leave anyways. You'll have Salvawhore all to yourself."

"What about Stella? She's your daughter, Damon! You can't just abandon her!"

"I'm not, Elena. She's coming with me."

My eyes widened and before I could do anything Damon was suddenly gone and so was my Stella Rose. I watched as the two halves of the sonogram fluttered to the ground atop the shattered glass..., poor Elena. Klaus is a total douche! But yay, Rebekah switched sides! Hmm...I wonder if Damon will be a immortal asshole forever..don't forget to vote and comment comment comment! -Lanabug1864~

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