I Bullied Harry Styles? *Narr...

By Oh_How_Original

231K 6.6K 1.3K

I bullied the nerd that was known as 'Freak boy' and other various names, little did I know that that would b... More

I Bullied Harry Styles? *Narry Storan*
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Final Chapter

Chapter 5

10.5K 347 105
By Oh_How_Original

Chapter 5

 This is hopefully longer than the others! It was more words and characters and stuff so it had better be! 

Anyways, enjoy chapter 5! 

Vote, comment and fan please! 

It would mean the world to me :))

Thank you for reading! 

Harry’s POV

At that moment when the obviously hurting blonde had broken down in front of me for the second time within a small period of time I decided that I needed to put the past behind me. It was quite obvious that he was a changed man; I just needed to trust him. I couldn’t be a dick about it, he was hurting so badly and it was killing me inside seeing him like this. I had a funny feeling that I was the only person who knew about his sexuality, apart from himself of course. His mother just passed away and his dad and brother live in a different country from him. Things must be tougher for him than he lets on.

I pulled him into my embrace, trying to stop him from sobbing and to calm down a bit. I continued to whisper words of encouragement in his ears but I don’t think he could hear me over his sobs. I couldn’t help but feel sympathetic towards him, no matter how hard I tried not to.

He needed me and I wasn’t going to be cruel and not give him a shoulder to cry on. I believe in second chances and he seems like a decent enough person to deserve one, even if it is because of sympathy.

We ended up sitting in the corner of my living room, me sat with my legs crossed with Niall’s head lied on my thigh with his tears dampening my jeans.  My fingers found my way through his blonde dyed locks to calm him down, it always calms me down when I’m upset and somebody plays with my curls and it seemed to be working on Niall also.

Once his sobbing had stopped his breathing had slowed down a great deal, he had fallen asleep on my knee. I couldn’t help but think how cute this was. I found it adorable, even though he was older than me

I gently lifted him up into my arms and carried him across the room and laid him on the sofa, draping a blanket over his now damp body because of his tears.

I stood in awe for a moment, just thinking how cute he was asleep and how his hair was in desperate need of a cut as it flopped over his deep, blue eyes slightly.

It was easy to say that I found him attractive. He was incredibly attractive.

I left him on the sofa in my apartment while I popped to the Tesco on the corner of my road. As gay and camp as this sounded, we needed ice cream. Well, Niall needed to drown his sorrows in the creamy dessert whereas I just wanted to indulge myself in Ben and Jerry’s. What? It’s a guilty pleasure.

I powerwalked to the store and walked inside, making my way directly to the freezer section. Rooting through the ice cream freezer, I finally found what I was searching for. Ben and Jerry’s chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, large tubs of course. I grabbed four tubs from the freezer and paid for them at the self-service till. We had two tubs each; I hoped it would be enough.  It probably was though, since it was February and we should be drinking eggnog and eating mince pies rather than Ben and Jerry’s. Oh well, you’re only young once. Live life while you can.

I quickly walked out of the store after paying; I didn’t want to be spotted by anybody at work. I phoned in sick this morning and I didn’t want anyone to know about my skiving tactics and get fired from the job that I desperately needed.

I walked back down the road and into my apartment building, using the now fixed lift which actually worked. I give it a week before it breaks again with some poor soul trapped inside it.

I got out at the 16th floor and opened my apartment door, walking straight to the kitchen to put the frozen dairy produce back into a freezer where it belonged.

After throwing away the carrier bag, I slipped off my Vans and made my way back into the living room to check on Niall. I hoped he was still asleep so he didn’t think that I’d left him on his own in such a fragile state. I would never do that, but he didn’t know that.

He was sat up on the couch, staring directly at the blank cream wall ahead of him. The blanket was draped over his shoulders and he looked like he had been crying once again. I wished there was a way to help him stop crying and make him feel better. I didn’t like it when he was upset.

I stayed stood up, not wanting to surprise him by taking a seat next to him since I wasn’t sure whether or not he knew I entered the room.

“I thought you’d left me” He muttered, biting on his thumb nail which was wrapped around the blanket.

“I wouldn’t ever leave you, especially when you need someone to talk to” I replied, taking a seat next to him and putting my arm around his shoulder, brushing it gently to show I was harmless and to give him sympathy.

“Thanks” He mumbled, giving me a small, forced smile.

“It’s okay, wanna watch a movie? I went to Tesco and bought some Ben and Jerry’s?” I asked, hoping he would agree.

“Sure, what movie?” He asked me. Score. I get to eat as much ice cream as I want and not seem fat, since he will eat just as much as me.

“You pick” I pointed to my movie collection on the left wall of the room.

I had a couple of movies to say the least. 

I walked back into the kitchen and got out two tubs of the creamy goodness and two spoons from the draws and walked back in the living room, flopping myself down on the sofa as Niall placed a disk in the DVD player.

“What did you pick?” I asked, taking the lid off of my ice cream tub and handing Niall his along with a spoon.

“You’ll see” He winked.

Around five minutes later, the trailers had finished and the movie started.

“Finding Nemo? Really Niall?” I asked, amused by his childishness.

“Leave me alone” He giggled, shoving a spoonful of his ice-cream in his mouth.

Three movies, two tubs of ice cream and a bowl of popcorn later it was safe to say we felt like shit.

“Ugh” Niall groaned, lying on his back on the sofa.

“We shouldn’t have eaten so much” I moaned.

“I feel like shit” He mumbled.

“Please don’t puke on my floor” I said seriously, I didn’t want a huge orange stain on the cream carpet next to his head.

“No promises” He mumbled, turning over so his face was squished into the couch cushions.

“Ugh” I got out of my comfortable position and got the mop bucket out of the closet and walked back into the room with it, Niall giving me a confused look.

“Better safe than sorry” I mumbled and sat on the recliner chair, hoping to God that my stomach ache went away soon otherwise I might have just screamed.

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