Book 1: She's a Keeper | Augu...

By LivThaWriter

3.5M 103K 67.6K

What happens when you meet the one person you relate with the most? All rights reserved. No part of this pub... More

Not Your Average Story...
20 ~ Filler Chapter


67.8K 1.9K 465
By LivThaWriter

Kay in the Mm but it still fits lol

"Amaiya, your hot date is here!" Chandra yelled up the steps.

After his arrival back in town, August made sure to keep his promise he made a few months ago to his niece.

Just a few hours after landing, he was really sluggish, tired as hell. He managed to get a tux and make his way a few streets over to Chandra's place with a few minutes to spare. The last thing he wanted to witness was his niece upset because of him.

Leaning against the banister of the stairs, he waited patiently for Amaiya to come down.

"That's no hot date, mama. That's Uncle Aug!" She said stopping midway of the steps before continuing. August helped her down the last few before twirling her around.

"My, my, my. Have I been blessed tanight." He smiled at her before scooping her up and hugging her tightly.

"I knew you'd make it," she spoke hugging his neck. "Uncle Trav said you won't gonna show cause that's how bad ya dancing is."

"Uncle Aug don't break promises. And stop listenin' ta him," he chuckled placing her back down, he turned around to grab the large bouquet of roses.

"Fa my lady."

"Thank you!" She squeezed his legs before passing the roses to her mom who's been snapping away with pictures.

"Na c'mon, we'on wanna be late."


Finger combing her hair quickly before starting up again, Cydney sat at her kitchen table taking her midterm. Only thing left would be the few chapter assignments and a final exam. Typing the keys on the keyboard quickly, reviewing what was typed and hitting submit, she was finally done.

Sitting back in the chair, she pulled out her phone to text a certain someone before remembering that he was out for the night. She shot him a quick text, not itching for a reply.

Guess who's almost done with college? 😁😁😁

In the meantime, she made her way down the hallway of the apartment complex to Hazel.

"Hey bitch," She was greeted and walking in rolling her eyes.

"Hey whore." Cydney replied before engaging in conversation.

"How was Dubai?" Hazel asked engaging in conversation.

"Good, we did a lot of everything." She explained quickly before going into detail.

"Girl, if I was you, I woulda slapped tha hell outta that bitch. Poppin' up on y'all all the time? That's a no-no in my book." Hazel said reffering to Cristina. "But I can't believe you had the balls to say that to her face! I'm shook."

Cydney thought the same thing but wouldn't speak on it.

"It wasn't that serious," She spoke, "Plus August kept tryna reassure me he ain't stuck on her like she is him. Even though I already knew that."

"What he gotta explain himself for? Y'all ain't.." she paused, piecing together the clues. "Y'all a thing now? Well damn, might as well have gone off and got married, shit." She mumbled the last part earning another laugh from Cydney.

"We—" she stopped, feeling the vibration on her thigh.

Big Daddy Aug: I'm guessin you? Lol keep grindin' Cyd 🙇🏾

Thanks AugDog 😊😊

I replied quickly with a smile on my face.

"Y'all what?" Hazel asked bringing Cydney out of her trance. "Is that him making you smile like that?" She grinned sitting up. "You smiling like he laid the pipe."

Shaking her head at Hazel's comment, Cydney spoke through her smile, "We don't have a title yet. We're just seeing where this goes. Figuring each other out."

As much as her heart wanted to just be labeled his officially, her head was simply just glad they were starting off really slow. As for the same to him. He knew they would become something together but when was the question.

"So no title but y'all off limits to everyone else."

She nodded again. "That's basically how it is, now that I think about it."

"That's my bitch." She cheered.

Laughing, Cydney shook her head at her antics before receiving another text.

Big Daddy Aug: np. Lemme get back 2 Mya. She want a nigga 2 dance with her 😒
Big Daddy Aug: but after I drop her off can I stop by 2 talk 2 you bout sum?

Well it is a dance..😶 go dance witcho non dancin azz 🤗
and sure just lemme know when you otw

Big Daddy Aug: mane don't make me hurt you 😂😒

Placing down her phone, she devoted the rest of her time with Hazel. Watching their favorite movies, eating up everything and just talking about whatever like they used to back in grade school.

Soon enough, Hazel grew tired and Cydney made it her decision to leave since she also had somethings to do: clean house before August arrived.

Once she traveled back to her own space, she cleaned up making sure everything was neat. Stepping out of the shower minutes later, she grabbed two towels. One for the damp head of hair and another for her wet body.

Standing in front of the bathroom sink, she redid her hygiene routine and applied moisturizer to her face before drying off and lotioning her body.

Tossing her hair to one side, she slipped on a sports bra and a pair of boyshorts and finally threw on her favorite long sleeve to lounge around in.

Big Daddy Aug: omw up. Paps followed me from Cha place

Not bothering to reply she made her way to the front door just in time to answer August's rhythmic knocks.

She let him in, observing his attire closely. A slim fit tux, wingtip shoes, readers on his eyes and for once not his gold grill.

"Someone's looking very debonair." She played with the loose tie around his neck shortly before backing away to let him farther into the room.

"Imma just assume that mean sexy den a mu'fucka. Thank ya." He said feeling himself causing Cydney to roll her eyes.

"And you lookin' mighty.. comfy." He complimented back.

"That's exactly the look I was going for." She answered before walking to the kitchen. "You hungry or thirsty?"

"Nah, I was all up in that chocolate fountain tanight." He licked his lips, grinning.

After grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, they both walked towards her room, "How was the dance?"

He spoke highly of the night he had with his niece. Amaiya had him milly rocking and whipping to multiple songs. While he knew all the old dances, when things like the Cha Cha Slide came on, the tables turned. August had started showing her moves he did growing up. According to him, she loved it.

From his grins, Cydney could tell by how much he adored one niece, it was easy to distinguish that the love he had for all three of his brothers' kids was abundant.

"Yeah, and when I had ta leave, she almost started ta cry cause she thought I was gonna leave fa a while again.." He said with his excitement dying down. "But I tol' ha I'd be back befo' tha week was ova and she perked right back up." He added.

"That's good. I know you hate to see them unhappy," she answered as they continued talking about their day and night.

They'd both gotten laid up under each other above the covers. August quickly stripped himself of his suit jacket and dress shirt, leaving him in his slacks and a tucked in wife beater.

"So what did you wanna talk to me about?" Cydney reminded, almost forgetting herself.

"Oh yea, I wanna know if you was up ta comin' ta Nola wit me next month."

"Hmm.." She hummed, "what's happening over there?" She wondered not entirely sure if she should go.

"Mardi Gras weekend." She thought for a moment, as August continued to speak. "It's a family thang really." He ended.

"Oh, I don't wanna just show up if it's gonna—" "You ain't just gon' pop up, I'm bringin' ya."

"Don't you think it's a little soon for me to be meeting your family?" She questioned, unsure of going.

Her and August weren't even a title and yet he already wanted her to be everywhere with him.

"Well Travis like you, my moms wanna know who this girl I don't bring around ha at all is. Might as well meet tha family."

"I can't just drop everything for you, August." She said apologetically. "I've gotta make up the money I'm missing cause of my mom and stuff." Part of her wanted to go with him, the other part knew than she should stay, get herself and her money situated.

"You know I'ca give you tha money right?"

"I don't want your money. I want to do this on my own, I love being with the kids so picking up more days is no big deal." she shrugged it off.

"Aight," He mumbled noticeably upset, placing his hand behind his head. All he wanted was her to be wherever he was, but August knew he couldn't take her from the life she loved to live.

August, moving on the the next subject, spoke before being interrupted by Cydney's phone ringing.

"Oh, sorry, It's Andrea," Cydney spoke referring to her mom. He shrugged it off, playing on his phone as she answered it.


"Cydney, I need your help." Her fragile voice rang through Cydney's ears.

"What's going on?"

"I—I got into some trouble," She started as Cydney sighed gaining a stare from August. "Can you please come get me?"

"Come get you?" She narrowed her eyes as if she could be seen. Her next few words were interrupted by shouting on her mothers end of the line. "You're in rehab, I have no reason to 'come get you'. You are in rehab, right?" She questioned, receiving silence. "Andrea."

"I—I checked myself out this morning.." She mumbled.

"Really? You couldn't stay for just three more weeks?!" Cydney shouted angrily.

It was no joke that she'd been counting down the days until her mother was released. Not because she wanted her to be clean, but because after her completion of the program, she promised her that she'd be able to stay at her place until she could get on her feet.

No doubt, Cydney wanted her clean but what good would she do her anymore? She'd grown up under the care of her aunt, for all Cydney knew, she was as considered a independent woman in her book.

"Where are you?"

Cydney Michaels

Walking into the bathroom to change and right back out, I slid on my Uggs.

"Everything good?" He sat up in the bed, throwing his feet over the side.

"I have to go get my mother." I huffed.

"Whea she at? I thought she was in rehab." He questioned.

"I did too, but she checked herself out this morning."I slipped on jacket that hung over the back of my bedroom door, "She's out in Bankhead." I mumbled. "I don't even know how she got there."

I heard him sigh as the bed shifted, signaling that he'd stood up, "I ain't lettin' you go out thea this late.. not by yaself." He began putting his dress shirt back on.

"August, I don't nee—" "Yea, you do. Bankhead ain't a good place ta be this late." He started. "I'a drive." He said as he continued buttoning up his shirt before sliding on his dress shoes.

I sighed not really wanting to argue with him at the moment. As much as I wanted to do this one my own, I appreciated the fact that he'd accompany me tonight.

"Thanks for coming with me," I mumbled looking out the window of his truck.

He didn't reply, but from the corner of my eye, I could see him nod his head as he focused on the dark roads while the Nas' If I Ruled The World played lowly in the background. August occasionally mumbled the tune of the song, calming my nerves somewhat.

As he pulled onto the street I told him, we sat in silence before I pointed out my mother. She was standing on a corner around a few men that looked to be careless dealers, while the women looked like they were pimping themselves for chump change. I shuddered at the thought of them doing that because they had no other choice or were being forced to.

"That's her. I'll go get her," I reached for the door handle to climb out, but August locked the door on my side. I looked towards him, watching him read my face as I tried to read his.

He took his seatbelt off. "I'll get ha. Stay in here." he mumbled the last part before stepping out and looking back at me and closing the door.

I sighed, patiently waiting for his return. Although I could see him from where he parked, I still had my worries.

Watching him interact with some of the guys that were either posted against a building or close to the street gave me some security that they wouldn't harm him or try to. He looked so out of place dressed in a suit while everyone else was wearing baggy clothes.

Making his way to my mother, I could see her began to grow antsy with him, not knowing who he was. I watched closely at how she was acting. Unless my eyes were deceiving me, she was clean looking, dressing in the thin clothes she'd been given from the rehab facility, since she went in with nothing a while ago. She wasn't jumpy like she was on Thanksgiving and her hair was in a neat bun only a few strange falling over her face.

After a few moments of watching August put up a fight with her, he managed to grab ahold of her arm, bringing her to the truck and putting her in the backseat.

"Cydney?" she breathed out when she saw me. "I thought this man was lying about you really being in here. Why didn't you come to me?"

"He didn't want anything happening to me," I said briefly looking at him and then focusing myself on her. August pulled off onto the street.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do." I scolded before turning back around in my seat.

I turned up the radio a few notches as 2Pac's Dear Mama began to play. I rolled my eyes and turned the volume back down. August, noticing my irritation, rested his hand on my thigh rubbing it with his thumb.

Silence would do well enough for me.


"So what's your excuse now?" I said as I stopped my pacing in the living room.

Once August dropped us back off, me and my mother had barely spoke until now. August took it upon himself to leave, he didn't want to be mixed into business that wasn't his and I understood.

I made sure Andrea was fed, bathed and comfortable before I even thought about getting on her ass about this stunt she pulled.

"I didn't need to be there!" She tried to defend herself.

I shook my head, "You know how much money was spent on those three months for you to get better, and you just leave like I or Aunt Brenda can get a refund?"

She stayed silent while I crossed my arms.

"You know, I wish you'd realize how much shit you've been putting me though and still are.." I said as I started pacing again before hearing a knock on my front door.

I sighed and went to get it and there stood Hazel.

"Girl, is you good? I can hear you yellin' over myse— nevamind. You good?" She said looking over my shoulder.

I sighed, "I'm fine Haz—" "You don't sound like it. Be real with me." She crossed her arms.

I sighed again, "Andrea is here," I managed to get out.

"Ain't she supposed to be—" "Mhm," I spoke cutting her off. "I'm trying to figure out what to do with her."

"If I was you, she wouldn't even be in my place right now," She spoke quickly, something she did when she got heated.

I would be doing the same thing, but I didn't have it in me entirely. I could put her out and within the next hour, she'd be back here sleeping peacefully. If I didn't even allow her to stay here, she'd only go backwards to the things that got her in the state she's in now.

"I know, I know." I said hearing her, "I don't wanna be that person. Kicking her out just makes it worse." I explained to her and she understood.

After ridding my doorway of Hazel, I made my way back to Andrea and came across an agreement with her.

She would only be allowed to stay here as long as she worked. For the most part, she seemed as if throughout those two months, she'd kicked her habit or at least the urges.

I was proud of her for kicking it, but it would be the relapses that would make it really difficult to deal with, if she went through them.

I settled her into the guest room, giving her a few things she might need for the night and the next morning.

Once I was settled in myself, I noticed I had a few messages on my phone. Unlocking my phone, I tapped the Messages icon and began reading them.

Chantelle (Studio): Meeting tomorrow @ 2 at the studio. If you don't come, don't bother coming in for work 🙃
And Cydney, tell that friend of yours to call me. He still owes me a favor 🙄

Big Daddy Aug: Hope shit goes well with ya moms.
hml me before u go to bed

I didn't bother replying to Chantelle, the studio owner since it was a group chat with the other workers and others had replied, so I just responded to August with a FaceTime call.

"Sup?" He answered tiredly.

"Were you sleep?" I asked getting under my covers. From the settings I saw, he was downstairs in his living room laid out on the sofa.

"Almost," He mumbled again.

"Oh, well I'll let you sleep," I said, yawning myself. There was no doubt I was tired, but I wanted to talk to August, at least hear his voice, before I went to sleep.

"Nah, you good ma." His accent rolled off his tongue so much more when he was tired so just talking to him was easing my mind. "What happened witcha moms?"

I sighed before speaking on it, "She claims to call herself 'clean' and that she didn't need to be in the rehab center anymore. Honestly if she felt that way, she could've called me or my Aunt and we would've gotten her so should wouldn't have had to be on the streets even though it was a short period." I kept my voice low, remember she was only a room over from me.

"So what you gonna do now?" He asked while yawning.

"She's gonna stay with me I guess," I started. I'd yet to tell my Aunt about her being out, something I would do tomorrow. "but not for free," I added.

"I feel ya," He said yawning again.

"August, you should probably sleep." I giggled after his third yawn.

"Maybe," He replied after he stood up, taking me to where he was going.

After a minute or two, he ended up in his room, laid across his bed, not bothering to get under the covers. I kept quiet for the moment, watching him settling in and soon enough, he was in complete silence despite the small snores that left his lips.

"August," I said not receiving a reply. "Well that was fast.." I mumbled while shaking my head. "Goodnight, Aug." I said softly before hanging up the call.

I decided to follow his lead. A quick and easy slumber was creeping up on me making it easier.

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