Walk. (A Sequel To Run... A M...

By Dottie14

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Description updated later... Sequel to Run... More

Hey Guys
So Jin...
The creepy male on the other end
Ross is saved BUT at what cost?
Where's Dottie?
um... opps
Man. I got tagged...
Allison character
Allison's past
Allison's past Part 2
I forgot how old Jin is... 23?ok anyways Skylar did what?!?!
why were you doing that
My Yandere Simulator Fanfiction
hWhat to do now
On Call away
First's tag
Stand By you
Hello Again
Tag book
Happy Valentine's day
LOONG chapter
Hypnosis is strange...
Jin and Allison
Okay let me get something clear
Skylar's pov
A Make-up is a Break up...
Houston, We have a problem!
Houston We Have Ross!
The two cat's
the fight
So... Yeah...
The two cats
Ending for Skylar
Go check it out
The Rundown

Allison's past part 3

585 17 13
By Dottie14

(Allison's POW)
I woke up in a alleyway I ate a sandwich and continued walking. Then I remembered I turn 13 today. Yay! I got up and kept walking. I walked I walked all day then I found an another alleyway and when to lay down. Before I fell asleep.I.heard someone say, "Excuse me miss where are your parents?"
"Dead and probably in jail." Basically he put me in his car and took me to the orphanage he handed th lady the file. She yelled at me to go find a bed. I found one and I saw some little girls playing with dolls and the ones over eleven were cleaning.
"I recommend grabbing a broom." A girl the same age as me said.
"Why?" Then I saw a flame in the corner of the room. It literally engulfed the wall in seconds. Everyone evacuated but a little girl and the lady from the desk. She was holding her back yelling things like "If I.die.your dieing with me!" I grabbed the little girl from her.
"You sick monster!" I told the little girl to.run. She ran out the building. I shield was around me. It was really hot but the shield was fire proof. I know I wasn't doing it. I looked at the door way and see the girl. She takes it down and I run out the door. The door collapsed behind me and the woman burned to death. We transferred to another orphanage. The woman was way nicer. I never got adopted. So when I got.kicked.out. my aunt Alesa said I could stay with her. She was 15 when my mom died she was her sister. Since we're like the same age I consider her a sister. Hi I'm Allison. But called me Alli. My friend always called me that. I'm going to meet Alesa an see Dottie Today

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