My Life is Messed Up

By SarcasticCountryWolf

901 61 14

Originally called "My Life is fucked Up" During a life in prison, a girl name Kayla Rocksand was stuck in jai... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
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Chapter 5

41 4 0
By SarcasticCountryWolf


We ended up in Colorado. There weren't many zombies here. So I think we are in another pack's territory.

"Where are we?", Wyatt asked. Steven, Caleb, Morgan, and Colden nodded there head to the question.

"Colorado, and I think we are in another pack's territory, since there is not many zombies", I responded.

"If we are in Colorado then we are in The Deep Claw Pack", Morgan said.

"Is that bad?", I asked.

"Well seeing as the alpha is cruel, then yes", he said. He added, "Also he abuses his own son and daughter, blaming them for their mother's death, everybody is scared to help them".

"We are gonna stop at their packhouse. So where is it?", I asked.

"Take a left", Colden sighed. They gave me directions as I drove. I started to see a big house, scratch that, a mansion. I stopped the truck and went up to the door. A guy that looked to be in his forties, answered the door.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing on my territory?", he growled. This must be the alpha.

"First of all, don't growl at me. Secondly, I can do whatever I want so go to hell", I said with my hands on my hip.

"Don't disrespect me, pathetic human", he demanded angrily.

"First of all, I'm not pathetic. And trust me when I say this. I can take you down within minutes", I responded.

"Again, what do you want?", he asked.

"I want your son and daughter", I replied.

"Why would you want a pathetic boy and girl? They are weak. Are you my son's slut?", he asked laughing.

"Call me a slut again and I will kill you", I said sternly.

"Slut", he said smugly. I shifted into my fox and started to circle him. I heard a gasp coming from people that surrounded us.

"Haha, my wolf can easily squish you", he laughed. I stood up taller, so now I was towering over his 6'3 body. I thought I heard him gulp. He then shifted into his wolf. His wolf was the same height as my fox but maybe 2 inches taller. My fox was a blue phase Arctic.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bruised and battered boy and girl that looked to be around my age, maybe older. My eyes focused back onto the grey wolf in front of me as it attacked me. I dodged the attack easily. Before he could turn around, I jumped on his back, which brung him down to the ground, and I took the scruff of his neck into my mouth. I bit down causing him to yelp, and tried to buck me off. I bit down harder and I caused him to stay laying on the ground.

'Grab the boy and the girl, and put them in the truck. I'll be there in a minute', I mind linked Colden. He nodded and told the others. They put the boy and girl in the truck while I held down their abusive father. I looked back down at there father and he whimpered in submission. I shifted back and held my knife to his throat. Yes, I do shift back with my clothes still on.

"Now, if I hear you abuse another person then I'm coming back to torture you. Do I make myself clear?", I commanded. His wolfie head bobbed up and down.

"Good", I smiled in satisfaction. I got off of him.

"Where's the beta?", I asked.

"Right here", a guy said, stepping out of the crowd.

"You are the alpha, now", I said. He nodded his head in respect as he told a couple of wolves to take the "alpha" down to the cellars.

"Thank you", everybody said while bowing. I nodded my head and got into the truck. The only thing that was on my mind was, what type of father does that to their kids?  

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