
By Austine13

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Kira lived in a pound for the majority of her life, or at least the parts that she can remember, and a magic... More

Chapter One: Room six, floor one
Chapter Two: Marked
chapter five: that scrap of fabric
CHAPTER SIX: hackers
chapter seven: invisable man
chapter eight: the room
chapter nine: impromptu visits
Chapter ten: Well?
Chapter Eleven: Questions
chapter twelve: Answers
Chapter thrirteen: Poison Olives
Chapter Fourteen: Unfinished buisness
Chapter fifteen: The end of what we know this world to be
Chapter sixteen: Austine?
Chapter seventeen: The Abandoned Pound
Chapter eight teen: Mother?
chapter nineteen: Mourning in white
Chapter twenty: Some explaining to do
Chapter twenty-one: Explaining toast
Chapter twenty-two: Joker face
Chapter twenty-three: Wiggle your eyebrows
Chapter 24: Omg the house is on fire
chapter 25: Well her face is going to be bruised tommorow
I hate parties

Chapter three: Defying magicmakers

125 8 11
By Austine13

My owners had fallen asleep relatively early, so I slipped into the bathroom and crawled into the passageway, fell into my bed, and fell asleep.  I set my alarm for six o'clock so that I could be at least earlier than Flash, so that I could stretch and get ready before training.

My alarm beeped loudly and I slammed my hand down on it, as if my hand could tell it to shut up.  I brushed my straight brown hair and brushed by teeth, and put on my usual outfit.  When I was done, I think that I smelled bacon, eggs and pancakes.  It must have been Jake! He's the best cook ever! I am so glad that I live with him.

When they left we went outside and traveled though the streets and we went to Kristina's house, we got there a little bit early again, so like always do i started stretching.  i could touch my toes and i was good at it, i could also do the splits, all i did at the pound was stretch, that's all i ever did, that's all there was to do.

When my owners left, Jake and I went outside and ran over to Kristina's house.  We got there somewhat early, and like Jake and I normally do, I started stretching.  I was more fit than I had been when I started training, and I could easily beat Flash now most likely. Or at least I hoped that that was the case.

The person who I was supposed to be fighting today was Flory, a magic maker.  I frowned, but Flory smiled confidently, I was starting to real hate her. She was way too cocky.  She was never surrounded by people though, I think that they might have been frightened by her.  It could have been her appearance or her attitude, or both.

Flory looked bored "You have got to be kidding me, I could beat Kira with one kick, no offence, Kira!" she looked at me and smirked. 

I frowned, if she expected for me to not take offence, than she had more issues than I had previously thought.  He said that Flory could use magic, but little did she know, I knew how to use magic just as well as Flory, not better than her but I could use it.  This gave me the advantage over surprise, but she was seriously powerful.  I could tell what she was going to do first, she might as well had said it out loud.  A large beam shot out of the ring, but I dodged it and I kicked her in the stomach while there was steam to cover me up.  Until the steam went away, I could do the rest of the fight without magic, you can't do magic when you cant see, but sure enough  the thick blanket of steam cleared right up. Damn magic, so unpredictable.

I was right, she shot back a freezing beam through the steam; almost as fast as she shot it, I countered it, steam covering more of the room.  Flory was like a deer caught in the headlights, she didn't move, and for that matter, she probably couldn't.  She was frozen in place, shocked.  While she was thinking, I kicked her over and the match was over.

I sat down and the intercom blared as if annoyed "KIRA IS THE WINNER." It seemed that Kristina was annoyed too, because she called me and Jake, Flash, and Flory into the office.  I frowned and slowly trudged into the office, my footsteps feeling almost heavier than my heart, we were in trouble.  Flory turned to me "I'm sorry that I underestimated you, I'm the hardest of them all, and your a newcomer; I think you'll turn out to be a really good fighter someday." I smiled, Flory wasn't horrible. Unless she was just trying to be nice to make up for the fact that she was an complete and total butt head to me earlier.

When we got to her office, Kristina eyed us almost nervously.  "Sit down" she commanded strictly "I've called you here, because I have a mission.  It includes danger, so listen to what I have to say before you say yes." She looked nervous.   She started explaining what we were to do if we took the quest.

Christina sighed "Lately, a lot of warehouses have been robbed; the police are baffled, and it is likely that they will seem to disappear into thin air, or so the police say.  However, I was looking at the security films, and at the crime scene, there is always a man walking a dog.  The same dog, and the same person."  She paused, looking at us nervously, then she continued "The things that they took weren't valuable, just three or four parts, bolts, screwdrivers, things like that, and the amount varies.  I think it is a part of a bigger scheme.  I need you to find out what it is." She handed us some papers and added "These are passes that you will need if you accept the challenge." she stared at us, obviously expecting an answer.

Flash and Jake said yes first at the same time, as expected.  Flory nodded quickly, and after thinking about it a little bit, I said yes as well.  I didn't want to seem like a loser or anything, but the thing was, I was unsure. Why would she pick me, I was knew, I barley knew how to fight or do magic. 

Christina smiled, she stopped her nervous look, "Good, now you have your passes, give it to the person in charge of sparring, they will give you a signal that they know, if they go the secret code on the paper.  If not, tell them."  She told us quickly as we left the room.  She shut the heavy oak door behind us.

We left the room quickly, hearing whispers as we walked.  We kept hearing the dark whisperers until we got to my room.  I had decided that that was the best place to talk for now.  After all it seemed like it was a secret mission.

"So let's think about what she told us, and i think that we need to meet here every night and we day and we will train, separately, and at night we will snoop, i think that we will stay in town, but that doesn't mean that we will go out of town, but only for a little while.  and i think that we should have a captain, and i should be it."  Flory told us in a matter-o-fact tone.

I thought about what to say "Let's think about what she told us.  I think that we should meet here every night and we will train here separately, at night, we can meet here, then we will snoop.  I think that we should be able to stay in town, but it doesn't mean that I'm right for now.  I hope that we won't have to go out of town for a while." Flory spoke up quickly "Who should be the captain, I could be" she said confidently

Jake spoke up for me "What about Kira, she might be a good captain in this situation, she knows about the pounds and the streets more than you." said Jake as confidently as Flory.  I looked at Jake, half-way agreeing with him.  The other half of me said never argue with Flory! He did anyway, however.

"WHAT" she screamed looking fiery through her eyes.  Flash was staying quite during the whole thing, backing off towards the door. He silently opened it and left running down the hallway. I knew what she was going to do. her fingers were glowing, she was going to shoot at us with her magic.  I tried to stop her but I was to late, she already was raising her hands to shoot at Jake.  She shot at him, her fingers glowing orange, he was down on the floor, a pool of blood was continually growing, I hoped I wasn't going to be to late to save him.

Fury and fire grew in Flory's eyes, she lifted up her fingers angrily, they were glowing.  She was going to shoot at Jake with her magic again.  I yelled, but it was too late, she already shot at Jake once.  He was on the floor, a pool blood grew under him.  My anger and hatred for Flory, but I had to save Jake.

I grew more angry, and before I helped Jake, I had to stop her from shooting him again "No you will NOT" I screamed at Flory, she was being irrational.  I knew better than to attack her without a force field, so I silently cast a spell and ran at her, tackling her angrily and punching her.  She shot up like a dart and shot the force field, it shot back at her, and I was hurt to, but I got up quickly, because I had to help Jake.  

I punched Flory in the face as hard as I could, I heard a crushing sound, a combination of my knuckles and Flory's jaw cracking. She yowled and sunk to the floor, I glanced back at Jake, he looked dead, surrounded by a humongous pool of blood, his face was super pale. I ran up to him, he wasn't breathing, my magic said he had been dead for exactly 56 seconds.  I punched the ground, what's the matter with that girl.

I growled as I searched through my head for a solution, I stopped when I remembered a spell that would take you back to before something significant happened. It would take almost all of my magic, but just leave me with enough to deflect the shot at Jake, he would get very little of the actual hit.

I recited the spell in my head and the room started spinning, faster and faster. The room was turning black, I winced, and then white, and it did the same thing several times before it slowed down and then came to a stop.  

"Jake spoke up for me "What about Kira, she might be a good captain in this situation, she knows about the pounds and the streets more than you." said Jake as confidently as Flory.  I looked at Jake, and muttered a force field spell over him.  I prayed that it wouldn't go and then hit me.

WHAT" she screamed looking fiery through her eyes.  Flash was staying quite during the whole thing, backing off towards the door. He silently opened it and left running down the hallway. I knew what she was going to do. her fingers were glowing, she was going to shoot at us with her magic.  I tried to stop her but I was to late, she already was raising her hands to shoot at Jake,  her fingers started glowing, this time I looked over at Jake, he looked terrifying.

She shot at Jake with as much power as she could muster. It bounced off hitting the wall with a deafening smash, in the center of the wall separating Jake's room from mine was a huge hole, blackened at the edges. 

She gasped and glared at me, then lunged my way with her foot leading the way.  I quickly grabbed her foot and slammed her into the ground, she moaned. She was about to get up when I stamped on her chest, hearing a crack.  Her eyes rolled back.

Just in time Flash got back with Kristina, she gasped. She pointed at Flory and did several spells, healing her. 

"You did the right thing, she doesn't have control on her anger properly yet.  She doesn't know when to stop yet either.  Matter-o-fact I am surprised that no one was hurt more seriously than she was," She looked at Jake, who was just standing there grabbing his stomach.  It must have hurt a lot, I mean that was a death-shot if he didn't have the force field, "In fact, she hit Jake didn't she?" 

I nodded and almost whispered to her not to tell anyone, she nodded like she knew what I was going to say. 

"Young man, are you ok? Do you need a healing spell?  And you Kira?"  She looked at the both of us, I nodded, the lack of magic was getting to me. I was positively exhausted.  She did spells on the both of us, clearly not a healing spell on me, she just replenished my magic.

Flory's eyes slowly started to flutter open. I glared at her, she seemed to remember everything,  "Boy have I got some explaining to do..." She whispered hoarsely, trying to smile at the same time. I widened my eyes, how was she going to explain that!


Please comment and vote!!! Free cookies for the people who do!  Haha, I mostly fixed this chapter I think?  Well I will be fixing more of these chapters soon, and thank you all for your support(I know I have like two fans that read this lol) and I will try to be fixing more of these bad chapters soon! Thanks for your patience.

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